Now Shipping! – The EyeLink 3; combined head and eye tracking at up to 1000 Hz.

Experiment Builder Templates: Table of Contents
Eye tracking templates:

Project Name Keywords Description
Gaze Boundary CrossingGaze Contingent; ReadingShifts display from one image to another once participant's gaze crosses a defined boundary area on the screen. Shows calculation of time delays, including time between Boundary trigger and actual display change.
Synchronizing Eye Movements and Audio Recorded by Experiment BuilderSound; Audio; VoiceShows how to record and save participant voice data while displaying a stimulus, and how to synchronize eye movements and recorded audio.
TextLine with Comprehension QuestionsText; ComprehensionModified version of the TextLine example that comes with Experiment Builder. Participants press a button after reading the presented text. On some trials (defined in the Data Source) there will be a follow up question for the participant to respond to. On others, there will be no question and the next reading trial will begin.
Visual World Paradigm ("Move ...")Visual World; Drag; Mouse ContingentParticipant moves on-screen items (from a four-item display) with the mouse in response to audio cues presented simultaneously with the visual display.
Visual World Paradigm ("Click On ...")Visual World; Click; Mouse ContingentParticipant clicks on-screen items (from a four-item display) with the mouse in response to audio cues presented simultaneously with the visual display.
Collecting Participant InformationParticipant; DemographicsShows how to add demographic data collection / logging at the beginning of an experiment.
Accumulated Looking Paradigm (from Webinar)Infant; Gaze ContingentShows how to the time a participant's gaze is on a stimulus. Once the participant has looked at the stimulus for 10 seconds the trial will end.
Invisible Boundary Crossing Paradigm (from Webinar)Reading, Gaze ContingentParadigm often used in reading research. When the participant's gaze crosses an invisible boundary (for example just to the left of an altered word in a left-to-right reading paradigm), the altered component will change to its unaltered form.
Button / Keyboard Response and RT CalculationReaction Time; Keyboard Response; Mouse ResponseShows how to determine key / button presses, relay feedback to the participant based on the key / button pressed, calculate response time, and report results to a file.
Habituation ParadigmInfant; Gaze ContingentModified from Cohen and Cashon (2001). Look-time habituation paradigm, particularly useful for infant study. Uses animated video clips as calibration screen targets. Trials last until the participant has looked for 20 seconds or looked away for at least 1 second. Contains pre-test, habituation, and test phases. Further shows use of the Data Source to control block / trial content, performance-based flow (habituation phase continues until look time decreases to 50% for at least 4 trials), counterbalancing.
Prosaccade and Antisaccade ParadigmReaction Time; SaccadeAn example of prosaccade and antisaccade tasks. Options include drawing place holders, randomizing initial fixation duration, and gap manipulation before target presentation.
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) ParadigmAttentional BlinkBased on Experiments 1 and 2 of Raymond, Shapiro, and Arnell (1992). Shows rapid presentation of screen changes; use of timing variables, UpdateAttribute actions, and Timer triggers to note and schedule the time of screen shifts; how to incorporate a results file; how to randomize lists; how to use multiple Data Source files.
Visual Search ParadigmSearch; Custom ClassTwo visual search paradigm examples using Custom Class (Python) to determine the target / distractor positions for a given trial. The second example shows expanded Data Viewer integration for ease of later results analysis.
SOA Manipulation in an EyeLink ParadigmTiming; AsynchronyShows the use of Timer triggers (in either milliseconds or frames) to schedule visual events in a trial.
Variable MultiPage MultiLine Text with QuestionsReading; ParagraphShows how to present a variable number of multi-line text reading screens, followed by a variable number of question screens referring to the text screen(s) just displayed.
Variable MultiPage / MultiLine Text with Questions Alternate VersionReading; ParagraphShows how to present a variable number of multi-line text reading screens, followed by a variable number of question screens referring to the text screen(s) just displayed.
Moving TargetSaccadeExample showing a target starting at the center of the screen, then after a set delay updating its location to one direction in 5 degree increments, up to a maximum of 15 degrees. The target then moves in the opposite direction back to center, 15 more degrees in the other direction, then changes direction again to head back to center.
Up / Down MethodStaircaseShows one method of implementing an up-down / staircase difficulty titration to determine participant performance threshold in a task (here, discrimination of arrow direction).
Different Instructions at the Beginning of Each BlockInstructionsShows how to display different instructions for each block, using Conditional triggers. Further shows how to require eye gaze to be at a specific point to begin a trial, and how to use sounds to give correct / incorrect feedback to the participant.
Mock Web BrowsingInternetAn example showing how to set up a mock web browsing / navigation experiment, with mouse-clickable link regions. Static pages / screenshots must be prepared in advance.
Simple Invisible BoundaryGaze ContingentShows how to set up an Invisible Boundary trigger such that the initial display changes when the participant's gaze position falls within a specific location.
Getting Participant Response from Sliding Scale Survey QuestionsSurvey; LikertShows how to collect responses on a sliding scale. Response position on the scale is selected via mouse by clicking/dragging with an on-screen pointer.
Manual Reaction Time CalculationReaction TimeDemonstrates collecting and displaying manual reaction times. Shows a screen, waits for a keyboard button press, then displays the reaction time of the response in milliseconds.
Maintained FixationFixation; Ignore DistractorsDemonstrates how to monitor whether the participant maintains fixation in the presence of distractor cues.
Mouse TriggerMouse Response; Mouse ContingentShows how to create a mouse cursor object that tracks mouse movement, how to use a Mouse trigger to end a sequence when a mouse button is pressed while the mouse cursor is within the bounds of a location / object.
Using ListsShuffle; InsertModifications of the "Simple" experiment showing how to use and shuffle lists, with or without replacement. Examples include shuffling at the start of each trial, or shuffling once at the beginning of the experiment.
Online Drift Correction on Mouse ClickDrift; PointerShows how to use a fixation screen as a drift correct check. Drops into camera setup and recycles the current trial for any trial with two failed drift checks or any trial with no response at the fixation screen for over 5000 ms.
Mouse Drag and DropClick; ReleaseDemonstrates how to create a mouse cursor object that tracks and moves with all mouse movement, as well as a screen object that moves with the mouse if the button is pressed and held down while the cursor is within the area of the object (basic drag and drop capability, with a cursor object).
Using MRI sync pulses (TTL) to Trigger Stimulus OnsetTTL; EventsShows how to use MRI TTL sync pulses to trigger stimulus onset, as well as ensure that each trial spans the same number of scanner TRs.
Variable Number of Multiple Responses in Each TrialVariousShows how to record a variable number of participant responses. Records however many mouse click responses are given, ending the current trial when a keyboard button is pressed.
Repeated Invisible BoundariesGaze ContingentShows how to set up invisible boundaries such that looking outside of the boundary has one screen displayed, and looking inside the boundary has another screen displayed.
Variable FixationFixation, RandomisationShows how to set a variable fixation screen across trials, and how to generate random variables.
Study and Test TrialsBlocking; Instruction Shows use of Conditional triggers, displaying different instructions for a given block, collecting and manipulating participant responses to record response, calculate response time, and determine accuracy.
Setting a Fixed Inter-Trial IntervalITI; TimingShows how to set a fixed inter-trial interval (ITI).
Tracking Key / Button Pressing Down Time for Behavior StudiesKeyboard Response; Mouse Response; TimingShows how to track and record how long a key / button press lasts, as well as tally the amount of time with a button pressed across multiple presses.
Generate a Random NumberRandomisationModifications of the "Simple" experiment showing how to generate random numbers. These set the duration of a stimulus display to a random value between 1000 to 10000 ms.
Button Responses from Parallel Port Button BoxesPrinter Port; LPT; DB-25Three different projects showing the use of a parallel port button box with non-eye tracking experiments.
Basic Custom Class Variable UseCustom ClassShows the basics of sending, manipulating, and retrieving variables to / from a Custom Class Python script.
Up / Down Method using Custom ClassStaircase; Custom ClassExample of using Custom Class Python code to handle an up-down / staircase / pseudo-PEST difficulty titration based on participant performance (accuracy).
Variable Fixation Screen Duration and Reporting the Duration OnlineFixation, RandomisationShows how to set a variable fixation screen across trials (and how to generate random variables), as well as how to write the desired and actual durations of the fixation screens to the EDF file.
Question Every X Trials (Keyboard and / or Mouse Response)Keyboard Response; Mouse ResponseModification of the built-in TextLine example that associates a question and answer choices with every possible trial, randomizes trial order, and displays the question only for specific trial iterations (based on number of trials run, not a Data Source setting).
Paced Auditory Serial Addition TaskNumeracy; AuditoryAn example of the PASAT task originally developed by Gronwall (1977). This experiment auditorily presents 4 sets of 61 numbers from 1 to 9. The participant is to add each new number to the number presented immediately before it and speak the answer. Participant responses are recorded.
Manipulating Variables with Python Functions without Custom ClassCustom Class Shows the use of the Python functions .append() and .remove() (as well as random.shuffle() as seen in other examples) within Update Attribute nodes to alter list items.
Listen to WAV File and Type ResponseAuditoryShows how to present auditory stimuli followed by a user input prompt.
Recycling Trials with Incorrect ResponsesIncorrect; Redo Shows how to recycle trials in which a participant responds incorrectly or fails to respond before the end of the trial.
Terminate Block when All Trials are CorrectPerformance; CriteriaShows how to recycle incorrect trials and only end a block when all trials have been answered correctly.
Getting Participant Response from a Likert ScaleLikert; Mouse ResponseShows how to collect responses to 7-point Likert scale survey questions. Uses mouse click responses.
Multiple Responses Per TrialKeyboard Response; QuantityRequires the participant to provide multiple spacebar presses / responses on each trial. Number of presses can vary by trial, and is set in the Data Source. Number of presses required / remaining, as well as current trial number, are displayed to the participant and automatically updated.
Terminate Block when Average RT is Below ThresholdPerformance; CriteriaShows how to end a block when average response time reaches a specific threshold.
Random Duration TimerTimingShows how to create a timer with a randomly generated integer.
Text Entry with Special CharactersKeyboard Response; Custom ClassShows how to use Custom Class to collect and store or delete non-ASCII characters.
Circular Gaze Contingent WindowGaze Contingent; Custom ClassShows how to create a moving gaze contingent circular window. A mask is use to create the circle, which can be changed to any shape desired.
Multi-Line Text Entry with Word WrappingKeyboard Response; Custom ClassShows how to create a Custom Class to display wrapped multi-line response from participants.
On-Screen DrawingMouse Contingent; Custom ClassShows how to create a Custom Class to draw lines using the mouse cursor position.
Display Pupil Size Measures on Host PCPupil; Custom ClassShows how to create a Custom Class to send the real-time pupil size to the Host PC message.
Simple Text EntryKeyboard ResponseShows how to collect and display a multi-character Keyboard response from the participant.
Self-Paced ReadingReading; Keyboard ResponseShows how to allow for backtracking of multiple display reading text.
Page TurningReading; Flip; PagesShows how to navigate forward and backward through text pages with a keypress.
Simple Visual World Paradigm (from Webinar)Visual World; Click; Mouse ContingentParticipant clicks on-screen items (from a four-item display) with the mouse in response to audio cues presented simultaneously with the visual display. Example includes an auto Drift Check.
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) Paradigm (from Webinar)RSVP; Custom Class; TTL Shows rapid presentation of screen changes using Nested Sequences; How to send TTL signs to external devices; How to continuously collect behavioral response via Custom Class via Callback
Performing Different Types of Trials (from Webinar)Block DesignHow to perform multiple tasks within a single experiment.
Gaze Contingent Character-Based Text/Mask Moving WindowMoving Window; Custom Class; Gaze ContingentHow to implement a gaze contingent text moving window paradigm where the boundaries of the window are based on characters in the text.
HTML Text ExampleText; Reading; HTMLShows how to use HTML/CSS tags to do line spacing, font selection, font size, margins, bold, font color
Saccadic AdaptationSaccades; Saccadic AdaptationA basic saccade adaptation task illustrating how to use the Sample Velocity Trigger to shift a target inwards or outwards by a specified number of degrees of visual angle
Save Mouse PositionMouse position; Data ViewerA demo which saves the mouse cursor position trace over time for Data Viewer
Pro/anti saccade taskSaccades; Data ViewerA tutorial on how to create a basic pro/anti-saccade task, how to visualise the data and output some useful analysis metrics via Data Viewer
Non-eye tracking templates

Project Name Keywords Description
Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST):WCST; Trial Performance Example of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task from Berg (1948).
Mental Rotation Paradigm:Reaction Time; Participant Response Based on Cooper and Shepard (1973). Displays a normal or mirrored 'R' or '2' character in different orientations. Participants must indicate whether the character is normal or mirrored.
Operation Span Paradigm:OSPAN; Text input Adapted from Conway and Engle (1996). A task where participants see math problems along with words, and are to determine whether the math problem is correct and speak the word for each trial. After each word list is completed, the participant is to type in the recalled list words in order of presentation.
Dual Task Interference Paradigm:Participant Feedback; Dual Task Based on Experiment 1 from Pashler (1984). Presents single- and dual-task blocks with an initial practice block. The practice block provides feedback to the participant but does not log data. The experiment blocks do not provide participant feedback but do log results.
Simon Task:Audio Presentation Implementation of the Simon Effect (Simon, 1969). For each trial, a ready tone is played, then a second tone. The participant is to respond either AWAY or TOWARD the second tone (e.g. press left or right depending on if the tone was presented to the left or right ear). Provides performance feedback after each trial, and a performance summary by condition at the end of the session.
Reversed SNARC and Simon Task:Results File; Participant Response Based on Experiment 1 of Notebaert, Gevers, Verguts, and Fias (2006). Condition selection (1, 2, 3, or 4) at start of experiment.
Stroop Paradigm with Feedback:Stroop; Participant Feedback Extends the Stroop example that comes with Experiment Builder. Adds participant performance feedback after each trial and averaged data after each block.
Subliminal Perception Paradigm:SOA Manipulation; Task Breaks Based on Experiment 1A (Parallels in Stroop Priming) from Merikle and Joordens (1997). Shows how to select between different experiment versions (here, long or short SOA). Shows how to incorporate set rest breaks.
Implicit Association Test:IAT; Participant Response; Performance Feedback Implementation of the IAT Experiments described in Greenwald, McGhee, and Schwarz (1998). Displays sets of words to categorize via button press, based on rules presented at the beginning of each block. Reports average response time and error rate on-screen at the end of each session.
Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) Paradigm:RSVP; RVIP; Results File; List Randomization Based on Experiments 1 and 2 of Raymond, Shapiro, and Arnell (1992). Shows rapid presentation of screen changes; use of timing variables, UpdateAttribute actions, and Timer triggers to note and schedule the time of screen shifts; how to incorporate a results file; how to randomize lists; how to use multiple Data Source files.
Creating False Memories Paradigm:DRM Task; Memory Adaptation of the second Experiment in Roediger and McDermott (1995). Participants study a list of words, are given a free-recall test, then a recognition test.
Temporal Order and Spatial Memory Paradigms:Memory; Participant Feedbac Four experiments (spatial recall, temporal recall, temporo-spatial recall, and temporo-spatial recognition) based on Dreher, Banquet, Allilaire, Paillere-Martinot, Dubois, and Burond (1995).
Sternberg Search Paradigm:Randomization; DelayTiming; Participant Feedback Based on Sternberg (1966). Shows randomized design, specific time delays, and participant feedback. Displays a series of digits one at a time with a 1.2 second delay between them, ending with a beep and a test digit. The participant responds whether the digit was in the sequence, and receives feedback based on the provided answer.
Semantic Category Paradigm:Custom Class; Text Input Shows how to include multiple text box inputs. Limits keypresses available for said input to 1 through 7, delete, and enter. Uses Custom Class Python code. Based on Experiment 1 from Rosch (1975). Shows a large list of words for a given category and asks participants to rank each item as to how well it represents the category.
Visual Lexical Paradigm:Audio Recording; Task Selection Based on Experiment 2 of Lukatela and Turvey (1994). 6 blocks (1 practice). Condition selection (1, 2, or 3) at start of experiment. Records participant auditory responses for each trial.
Lexical Decision Paradigm:Results File; Participant Feedback Based on Experiment 1 of Meyer and Schvaneveldt (1971). Participants see two words and must respond as to whether both words are real or not. Outputs two results files -- one with full trial-by-trial data, and one with data summarized by block.
Gender-Neutral Pronoun Use Paradigm:Participant Feedback Based on Experiment 1 of Foertsch and Gernsbacher (1972). Participants respond to the validity of a series of short statements, broken into three parts (one displayed for each display), with either masculine, feminine, or neutral pronouns used in conjunction with gender stereotyped and other antecedents.
Sentence Picture Verification Paradigm:Combined Words and Images; Participant Feedback Based on Experiment 1 of Clark and Chase (1972). Displays a sentence describing a spatial arrangement between two objects. These objects are displayed as a picture to the right of the sentence. Participants respond as to whether the words and images match. Provides accuracy feedback to the participant.
Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART):BART; Decision Making Based on Lejuez et al. (2002). Participants click a button on the screen to inflate on-screen balloons. Each inflation click earns 5 virtual cents, but each balloon will pop at some point. Participants can choose how many times to press inflate and when to 'cash in' their balloon (via clicking another button), but a popped balloon earns nothing. Keeps track of the total amount earned across balloons.
Tower of Hanoi Paradigm:Custom Class; Mouse Triggers An Experiment Builder version of the classic Tower of Hanoi task (allowing between 1 and 6 disks to be used).
Fitts' Law Paradigm:Results File; Conditionals Based on Experiments by Fitts (1954). Each trial begins when the participant presses the left mouse button while viewing a fixation cross on the right side of the screen. After this, a blue bar of variable width appears somewhere to the left of fixation. The participant must move the mouse cursor to the blue bar and click on it to end the trial.