08-27-2020, 04:13 PM
The EyeLink 1000 Plus is the world's most precise and accurate video-based eye tracker, sampling binocularly at up to 2000 Hz. It is also the most flexible and customizable, with multiple mounting options, interchangeable lenses, and multiple head free-to-move remote configurations.
- System Installation
You can find videos showing how to install the system in its various mounting options at the following page: You can also find Quick Start and the Installation Guides for setting up the system in the following thread: - Display PC Configuration
You can find more information about setting up a Display PC (i.e., the computer that presents the experimental stimuli to the participants) at the following page: - Participant Setup
The EyeLink 1000 Plus Setup and Usage Videos, mentioned above, also discuss how to set up a participant in each of the mounting options. You can also check out Chapter 3 of the EyeLink 1000 Plus User Manual for more information about participant setup.
- Usage
A handy PDF guide to using the EyeLink 1000 Plus in head-fixed mode is also attached to this post - it is only a few pages and covers all the key steps to ensuring optimal data quality. Perfect for printing and pinning to a wall in your lab.
eyelink-1000-plus-headfixed-user-guide-v1.2.pdf (Size: 1.07 MB / Downloads: 458)