08-28-2020, 08:25 AM
EyeLink Data Viewer Integration Messaging Protocol
Delivered - March 27 2020, 10am EST
EyeLink Data Viewer is used for viewing, filtering, and processing gaze data recorded with EyeLink eye trackers. By utilizing its messaging protocol, experiments programmed in environments such as Psychtoolbox for Matlab, E-Prime, PsychoPy, NBS Presentation, Open Sesame, C / C++, C#, Python, and more, can result in EyeLink Data Files (EDF files) that can take advantage of all of Data Viewer's visualization and analysis features.
The webinar will discuss how to utilize Data Viewer's Messaging Protocol by sending simple messages to the EDF to convey to Data Viewer:
Having basic knowledge of Data Viewer functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Data Viewer please see the Data Viewer Video Tutorials.
You can get to a video of the EyeLink Data Viewer Integration Messaging Protocol Webinar from the following links: The PowerPoint used in the webinar can be downloaded from the link below.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at support@sr-research.com!
DataViewerIntegrationMessagingProtocol.ppt (Size: 2.5 MB / Downloads: 328)
Delivered - March 27 2020, 10am EST
EyeLink Data Viewer is used for viewing, filtering, and processing gaze data recorded with EyeLink eye trackers. By utilizing its messaging protocol, experiments programmed in environments such as Psychtoolbox for Matlab, E-Prime, PsychoPy, NBS Presentation, Open Sesame, C / C++, C#, Python, and more, can result in EyeLink Data Files (EDF files) that can take advantage of all of Data Viewer's visualization and analysis features.
The webinar will discuss how to utilize Data Viewer's Messaging Protocol by sending simple messages to the EDF to convey to Data Viewer:
- Overview of Data Viewer and EyeLink API
- Messing Protocol Overview
- Display Size and Start Trial Messages
- Trial Event Messages (To Mark Critical Event Onset)
- Image Load and Video Frame Messages (Integrate Images and Videos into Data Viewer)
- Drawing Simple Shape Messages
- Target Position Messages (Useful in Smooth Pursuit Studies for Dynamic Stimuli)
- Interest Area Messages (To Mark Critical Parts of Stimuli for Data Analysis)
- Trial Variables Messages (Store Independent / Condition Variables and Dependent Behavioral Variables)
- Trial Offset Message
- Message Offset Values (Useful for Messages that Cannot be Sent at the Time of an Event)
Having basic knowledge of Data Viewer functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Data Viewer please see the Data Viewer Video Tutorials.
You can get to a video of the EyeLink Data Viewer Integration Messaging Protocol Webinar from the following links: The PowerPoint used in the webinar can be downloaded from the link below.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at support@sr-research.com!