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Webinar: Data Source Randomization in Experiment Builder
Data Source Randomization in Experiment Builder
Delivered -April 1, 2020, 11am EST

This webinar covers randomization options for Data Sources in Experiment Builder including:
  • Randomizing Trials Within Blocks
  • Randomizing Block Ordering
  • Applying Pseudo-Randomization Constraints
  • Repeating Randomization For Each Block
  • Counterbalancing Trials Across Participants
  • Implementing Counterbalances and List Designs
  • Randomizing Data Source Columns Independently
Having basic knowledge of Experiment Builder functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Experiment Builder please see the Experiment Builder Video Tutorials.

You can get to a video of the Data Source Randomization in Experiment Builder Webinar from the following links: The PowerPoint and Experiment Builder scripts used in the webinar can be downloaded from the links below. You can use the File -> Unpack command in Experiment Builder to unzip the EBZ file.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at!

PowerPoint / Experiment Builder Scripts

.ppt   DataSourceRandomizationEB.ppt (Size: 416.5 KB / Downloads: 86)

.ebz   NestedDataSources.ebz (Size: 2.23 MB / Downloads: 36)

.ebz   SimpleRandomizationSettings.ebz (Size: 31.4 KB / Downloads: 25)