08-28-2020, 08:33 AM
Performing Different Types of Trials In the Same Experiment in Experiment Builder
Delivered - April 17 2020, 11am EST
This webinar will cover how to perform different trial types (e.g., study / test) within the same experiment in Experiment Builder. Many experimental paradigms require that the experimental procedure be different for different trials of a given experimental run. This webinar will cover best practices for how to tackle such experimental designs.
Having basic knowledge of Experiment Builder functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Experiment Builder see the Experiment Builder Video Tutorial Series.
You can get to a video of the Performing Different Types of Trials in the Same Experiment in Experiment Builder Webinar from the following links: The Experiment Builder script that is discussed in the webinar can be downloaded from the link below. You can use the File -> Unpack command in Experiment Builder to unzip the EBZ file.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at support@sr-research.com!
Experiment Builder Script
MultipleTrialTypesEB.ppt (Size: 1.51 MB / Downloads: 86)
StudyTest.ebz (Size: 18.36 MB / Downloads: 85)
Delivered - April 17 2020, 11am EST
This webinar will cover how to perform different trial types (e.g., study / test) within the same experiment in Experiment Builder. Many experimental paradigms require that the experimental procedure be different for different trials of a given experimental run. This webinar will cover best practices for how to tackle such experimental designs.
Having basic knowledge of Experiment Builder functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Experiment Builder see the Experiment Builder Video Tutorial Series.
You can get to a video of the Performing Different Types of Trials in the Same Experiment in Experiment Builder Webinar from the following links: The Experiment Builder script that is discussed in the webinar can be downloaded from the link below. You can use the File -> Unpack command in Experiment Builder to unzip the EBZ file.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at support@sr-research.com!
Experiment Builder Script