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Webinar: Building Non-Eye Tracking Experiments in Experiment Builder
How to Build Non-Eye Tracking Experiments in Experiment Builder
Delivered April 24 2020, 11am EST

Experiment Builder is not just for eye-tracking experiments! This webinar will cover how to build non-eye tracking experiments in Experiment Builder. It will cover:
  • How to Ensure Optimal Timing
  • How to Log Behavioral Data For Your Study (e.g., Reaction Times, Accuracies)
  • Walkthrough of Data Output Files
  • How to Convert Eye-Tracking Experiments into Non-Eye Tracking Experiments
Having basic knowledge of Experiment Builder functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Experiment Builder see the Experiment Builder Video Tutorials.

You can get to a video of the How To Build Non-Eye Tracking Experiments in Experiment Builder Webinar from the following links: The PowerPoint used in the webinar and the Experiment Builder scripts that are discussed in the webinar can be downloaded from the links below. You can use the File -> Unpack command in Experiment Builder to unzip the EBZ file.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at!

PowerPoint / Experiment Builder Scripts

.ppt   NonEyeTrackingExperimentsEB.ppt (Size: 500 KB / Downloads: 37)

.ebz   NonEyeTrackingPictureResponse.ebz (Size: 4.19 MB / Downloads: 10)

.ebz   PictureResponse.ebz (Size: 4.18 MB / Downloads: 7)