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Webinar: Visual World Paradigm
Implementing Visual World Paradigm in Experiment Builder
Delivered - Friday, June 26 2020, 1pm ET

This post covers how to implement the Visual World Paradigm in Experiment Builder, see the post below for how to analyze the data in Data Viewer.

The Visual World Paradigm provides insight into the time-course of processing spoken language comprehension. On each trial of a typical Visual World experiment, the participant will see two or more images and hear some instructions about how to interact with the images. For example, the participant may see an image of some grapes, an image of a grill, an image of an apple, and an image of an umbrella and then hear instructions telling them to click on the grapes. The looking pattern to the various images as the utterance unfolds tells us about the time-course of comprehending different aspects of the utterance, as looks to the grill indicate phonological interference and looks to the apple indicate semantic interference before the participant eventually identifies the true target (the grapes).

This webinar will cover how to implement a typical version of the Visual World Paradigm in Experiment Builder. The discussion will cover:
  • How to Implement an Auto Drift Check
  • How to Present Image Resources and Balance Stimulus Types Across Trials
  • How to Present Audio Playback and Mark Critical Auditory Time Points
  • How to Collect Behavioral Responses From Participants
Having basic knowledge of Experiment Builder functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Experiment Builder see the Experiment Builder Video Tutorials.

You can get to a video of the Implementing the Visual World Paradigm in Experiment Builder Webinar from the following links: The PowerPoint used in the webinar and the Experiment Builder script that is discussed in the webinar can be downloaded from the links below. You can use the File -> Unpack command in Experiment Builder to unzip the EBZ file.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at!

PowerPoint / Experiment Builder Script

.ppt   VisualWorldInEB.ppt (Size: 1.48 MB / Downloads: 280)

.ebz   SimpleVisualWorld.ebz (Size: 144.99 KB / Downloads: 296)

Data Analysis for the Visual World Paradigm Using Data Viewer
Delivered - Friday, July 10 2020, 1pm EST

This post covers how to analyze the data in Data Viewer from the Visual World Paradigm, see the post above for how to implement the paradigm in Experiment Builder.

The Visual World Paradigm provides insight into the time-course of processing spoken language comprehension. On each trial of a typical Visual World experiment, the participant will see two or more images and hear some instructions about how to interact with the images. For example, the participant may see an image of some grapes, an image of a grill, an image of an apple, and an image of an umbrella and then hear instructions telling them to click on the grapes. The looking pattern to the various images as the utterance unfolds tells us about the time-course of comprehending different aspects of the utterance, as looks to the grill indicate phonological interference and looks to the apple indicate semantic interference before the participant eventually identifies the true target (the grapes).

This webinar will cover how to analyze data for a typical version of the visual world paradigm in Data Viewer. The discussion will use example data from an Experiment Builder project covered in the previous webinar (see above), and will cover:
  • Different Data Visualization Views in Data Viewer
  • Setting Interest Period in Data Viewer Around the Critical Word Onset
  • Adjusting and Resizing Interest Areas Around Target and Distractors
  • Generating Interest Area Report for Each Image
  • Generating Time Course (Binning) Analysis Report for Changes Gaze Position Over Time
Having basic knowledge of Data Viewer functionality will help in understanding the concepts discussed in this webinar, but it is not required. For an introduction to the basic functionality of Data Viewer see the following: Data Viewer Video Tutorials.

You can get to a video of the Data Analysis for the Visual World Paradigm Using Data Viewer Webinar from the following links: The PowerPoint and Data Viewer viewing session are linked below. You can use the File -> Unpack command in Data Viewer to unzip the DVZ file.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch at!

PowerPoint / Data Viewer Session

.ppt   VisualWorldInDV.ppt (Size: 1.23 MB / Downloads: 149)

.dvz   ExampleVisualWorldViewingSession.dvz (Size: 1.86 MB / Downloads: 94)