Now Shipping! – The EyeLink 3; combined head and eye tracking at up to 1000 Hz.

Template: Simple Text Entry
Simple Text Entry

Required Experiment Builder Version: 1.3.1 or higher
EyeLink Required: Yes
Type: Concept Example
Difficulty Level: Easy

This example demonstrates:
  • How to collect a multi-character keyboard response
  • How to show and update the collected response to a Display Screen

This example demonstrates how to collect a multi-character response from a participant using a series of Keyboard and Conditional triggers.

**Additional detailed information about the project is given in the notes section for most nodes. To see notes for a given node, either mouse over that node or click on it to display the notes window. If the notes window is not visible, go to the "View" drop down menu in Experiment Builder, select "Properties", and check "Note".

For other Keyboard Response options, please see these templates: Instructions:
  1. Download the Simple_Text_Entry.ebz example from this message.
  2. Launch the Experiment Builder application.
  3. Unpack the Simple_Text_Entry.ebz file to a location on your Experiment Builder PC with "File menu -> Unpack".
  4. Open the project in Experiment Builder.
  5. Deploy the project to a new folder.
  6. Run the Simple_Text_Entry.exe from the deployed directory.

.ebz   Simple_Text_Entry.ebz (Size: 17.09 KB / Downloads: 128)