Now Shipping! – The EyeLink 3; combined head and eye tracking at up to 1000 Hz.

Template: Invisible Boundary Crossing Paradigm
Invisible Boundary Crossing Paradigm

Required Experiment Builder Version: 2.3.1 or higher
EyeLink Required: Yes
Type: Complete Example
Difficulty Level: Easy

This example demonstrates:
  • How to use Invisible Boundary trigger to detect changes in participant's gaze
  • How to use Custom Class to create Interest Areas

This example comes from the Implementing the Invisible Boundary Crossing Paradigm in Experiment Builder and demonstrates how to use eye position data in real-time to detect when a participant's gaze crosses an invisible boundary in a reading task. Upon crossing the boundary, a component of the text will change to a different state (akin to its unaltered form in a reading experiment).

Implementing the Invisible Boundary Crossing Paradigm in Experiment Builder