Now Shipping! – The EyeLink 3; combined head and eye tracking at up to 1000 Hz.

Template: Text Generate Images and IAS
Text Generate Images and IAS
  • Required Experiment Builder Version: 2.3 or higher
  • EyeLink Required: No
  • Type: Complete Example
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
This example illustrates:
• How to generate images and interest area set files from text resources for use in subsequent gaze-contingent moving window / boundary crossing tasks

This "helper script" will generate image files and interest area set (.ias) files from text entered into the data source - for subsequent use in gaze-contingent reading tasks (such as moving window / boundary crossing), which require image resources.

NOTE: Please see our Implementing Text / Reading Experiments in Experiment Builder Webinar for more details of displaying text and creating Interest Areas for reading experiments.


1. Download the Text_Generate_Images_And_IAS.ebz example from this message.
2. Launch the Experiment Builder application.
3. Unpack the TextLine_Question.ebz file to a location on your Experiment Builder PC with "File -> Unpack".
4. Open the project in Experiment Builder.
5. Update the datasource attached to the TRIAL sequence with the relevant text.
6. Test run the project, and wait for the project to finish.
7. The images and .ias files will be found in the myfiles subfolder of the predeployed project.

Attached Files
.ebz   Text_Generate_Images_And_IAS_Custom_Filenames.ebz (Size: 41.84 KB / Downloads: 13)