09-01-2020, 02:16 PM
The requirements for the Display PC depend greatly on the type of experimental paradigms that the eye tracker will be used for. For example, gaze-contingent paradigms generally require more computing power and may require higher-end video hardware than simple cognitive paradigms because the computer display needs to be updated at higher refresh rates. Similarly, video and audio intensive experiments may need faster hard disks to support the transfer of large video file data to the computer in a timely manner.
The following requirements are suggestions for a Display PC configuration that should be able to handle most experimental requirements:
Compatibility Limitations:
Windows on ARM is not recommended as there are driver compatibility issues, which currently prevent important drivers from being installed, such as: the driver for a USB license key and the optional ASIO sound card.
Experiment Builder 2.3.x adds support for recent versions of macOS. Please note that inconsistency in visual stimulus presentation timing / delayed stimulus onset has been observed in recent macOS releases. While macOS can be used to develop and debug experiments, it is not recommended for actual data collection when display timing is critical.
The following requirements are suggestions for a Display PC configuration that should be able to handle most experimental requirements:
- 64-bit Windows 10/11; or Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher (note see footnote about Compatibility Limitations).
- Recent CPU. If using Windows, a recent Intel CPU is recommended.
- 250GB or larger hard drive. For graphics-intensive tasks consider a fast solid state drive or a hard drive with 7,200 or higher rpm.
- For graphics-intensive tasks and / or high screen refresh rates consider a recent discrete graphics card with high refresh rate support and 1GB or more of dedicated video memory.
- At least 4 GB RAM but more is recommended.
- A dedicated ethernet port or a USB-to-Ethernet adapter for connecting the Display PC to the Host PC via ethernet.
- At least one free USB port for a USB Experiment Builder license key if required.
- Optional - secondary ethernet card or built-in Wifi / Wifi dongle for local network or internet access. It is recommended that it is disabled if not strictly required while running an EyeLink experiment.
- Optional - ASIO compatible sound card for audio recording and/or precise audio playback timing in Windows. For more information see this post.
- Optional - Parallel Port for sending / receiving synchronization pulses to / from EEG, MEG, MRI, or other third party devices (only an option to consider if syncing is required with these other devices).
- Optional high refresh rate, low latency display/monitor (especially useful with gaze-contingent studies). Please click here for a list of monitors we have tested and found to have good timing.
Compatibility Limitations:
Windows on ARM is not recommended as there are driver compatibility issues, which currently prevent important drivers from being installed, such as: the driver for a USB license key and the optional ASIO sound card.
Experiment Builder 2.3.x adds support for recent versions of macOS. Please note that inconsistency in visual stimulus presentation timing / delayed stimulus onset has been observed in recent macOS releases. While macOS can be used to develop and debug experiments, it is not recommended for actual data collection when display timing is critical.