09-03-2020, 07:32 AM
Interest Areas (IAs) can be manually created or edited in Data Viewer and saved as an Interest Area Set. This allows users to apply the same interest areas to other similar trials, eliminating the need to recreate the same interest areas manually. Follow these steps:
a) Re-group all trials of all participants by the variable/s which code for the unique stimuli presented. For example, let's say that the task showed two images on the screen (left/right images) and it saved the image file names for each trial as variables "left_image" and "right_image". Click on Edit > Trial Grouping (from the top menu bar in Data Viewer) and re-group all trials by the "left_image" and "right_image" variables as shown in the image below.
b) Click on a trial from the first grouping node, draw the interest areas (and/or edit existing ones) in the "Spatial Overlay" view and label them appropriately. Each IA has an editable "Label" and "ID" field. Then save the IA set to disk. While saving, give the Interest Area file a name which reminds you of the trial group e.g., flowers_leaves and save it somewhere local, such as your Desktop. When asked if you want to "...add the interest area file to the Interest Area Template list", choose "Yes". Doing so will import the flowers_leaves.ias file you just created back into Data Viewer. Previously-saved Interest Area Sets can also be imported (File menu > Import Data ... > Interest Area Template ...).
c) Repeat step (b) above for the other grouping nodes so you save one Interest Area file per grouping node.
d) Click on each grouping node and in the bottom panel of the Inspector select the relevant Interest Area Set file from the drop-down menu beside "Default Interest Area Set:". For example, if you select the flowers_leaves.ias, all the trials within the grouping node "flowers.jpg: leaves.jpg" will now have the flowers_leaves.ias applied (see image below). Note that applying a default Interest Area Set will replace any existing Interest Areas on the selected trials.
a) Re-group all trials of all participants by the variable/s which code for the unique stimuli presented. For example, let's say that the task showed two images on the screen (left/right images) and it saved the image file names for each trial as variables "left_image" and "right_image". Click on Edit > Trial Grouping (from the top menu bar in Data Viewer) and re-group all trials by the "left_image" and "right_image" variables as shown in the image below.
b) Click on a trial from the first grouping node, draw the interest areas (and/or edit existing ones) in the "Spatial Overlay" view and label them appropriately. Each IA has an editable "Label" and "ID" field. Then save the IA set to disk. While saving, give the Interest Area file a name which reminds you of the trial group e.g., flowers_leaves and save it somewhere local, such as your Desktop. When asked if you want to "...add the interest area file to the Interest Area Template list", choose "Yes". Doing so will import the flowers_leaves.ias file you just created back into Data Viewer. Previously-saved Interest Area Sets can also be imported (File menu > Import Data ... > Interest Area Template ...).
c) Repeat step (b) above for the other grouping nodes so you save one Interest Area file per grouping node.
d) Click on each grouping node and in the bottom panel of the Inspector select the relevant Interest Area Set file from the drop-down menu beside "Default Interest Area Set:". For example, if you select the flowers_leaves.ias, all the trials within the grouping node "flowers.jpg: leaves.jpg" will now have the flowers_leaves.ias applied (see image below). Note that applying a default Interest Area Set will replace any existing Interest Areas on the selected trials.