08-27-2020, 02:40 PM
Data Viewer Basics FAQs
Export Data from Data Viewer FAQs
Data Processing FAQs
Interest Areas and Interest Periods FAQs
Pupillometry FAQs
- How can I get started with Data Viewer?
- I can't open Data Viewer on macOS
- Why is my license key not recognized or showing as expired?
- Why is my NON-ASCII text corrupted in my reports?
- What messages do I need to send to Data Viewer if I'm not using Experiment Builder?
- How can I take advantage of the timing offset in sending messages if not using Experiment Builder?
- How can I group / separate my trials?
- How can I merge multiple Viewing Sessions?
- How can I cite the EyeLink Data Viewer software?
- How can I manage my data when moving it from the original data collection location?
- Why are my stimuli or interest areas not visible in Data Viewer?
Export Data from Data Viewer FAQs
- How can I export data from Data Viewer?
- How can I extract Reading Measures from Data Viewer?
- How can I calculate time relative to the onset of a specific Interest Period?
- How can I make a "difference" Heat Map?
- Why are the AVERAGE_* variables in the sample report blank?
- Why can't I see any pupil size data in my Trial Report or Sample Report?
- How do I implement a pro/anti saccade task?
Data Processing FAQs
- How can I add messages in Data Viewer?
- How can I manually create / edit events?
- How can I reparse the data with different event parsing parameters?
- How can I filter and / or merge fixations?
- How can I add / edit my Trial Variables after my data collection has finished?
- How can I correct drift / calibration issues in my gaze data?
- What is Four-Stage Fixation Cleaning and should I use it?
Interest Areas and Interest Periods FAQs
- How can I analyze data within a specific time window (setting interest periods)?
- How do I know if a fixation is in a specific Interest Area?
- How do events get assigned to Interest Area if there are multiple Interest Areas?
- How can I resize and / or move a rectangular or elliptical Interest Area?
- How can I adjust a freehand Interest Area?
- How can I apply the same set of Interest Areas to trials within and across subjects?
- How can I group Interest Areas together for analysis?
- Why am I seeing Interest Areas from displays outside my Interest Period?
- What happens when my Interest Period boundary falls in the middle of a gaze event?
- How can I make individual Interest Areas for text trials in my experiment?
Pupillometry FAQs
- How can I visualize pupil size data?
- How can I filter blink events?
- How can I convert pupil size to mm?
- Why can't I see any pupil size data in my Trial Report or Sample Report?