Now Shipping! – The EyeLink 3; combined head and eye tracking at up to 1000 Hz.

FAQ: What video formats are supported in Experiment Builder?
Experiment Builder supports video files as AVI, MP4, MOV, and XVD formats. If the Display PC is running Windows, it is important to install the ffdshow and XVID codecs that are provided with Experiment Builder prior to importing any video files. These codecs can be found in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\SR Research\3rdparty\" folder.


Install the XVID codec, and either the 32bit or 64bit ffdshow codecs, whichever is appropriate for your operating system.

Once installed, the videos files can be imported into the project library (Edit menu -> Library Manager -> Video tab -> + button). If the video is one that Experiment Builder can play, selecting the video should show the first frame in the lower panel.


Since formats like AVI and MP4 are simply containers and the video information within can be encoded in various ways with different codecs, some AVI and MP4 videos may not be playable. If Experiment Builder cannot import the video please use third-party software, such as Pazera, to recode it to a compatible format. You can also follow this guide on how to to convert videos to different formats using FFMPEG

It's important to note that adding a video resource to a display screen node will play only the video, but not the embedded audio. In order to preserve timing precision, Experiment Builder treats audio and video separately. To play the accompanying audio please use Experiment Builder's companion app, SplitAVI (Windows: Start menu > SR Research > SplitAVI; Mac: Applications > Experiment Builder > splitAVI > SplitAVI) to first extract the audio and save it as a separate WAV file (View > Options to change the save directory of the WAV files).


Then import the WAV file into the Sound tab of the project library (Edit menu -> Library Manager -> Sound tab). The Playing Sound section of the Experiment Builder User Manual (Help menu > Contents > Experiment Graph and Components > Components > Actions > Play Sound) contains detailed instructions on how to synchronize audio and video playback.