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2018 |
Nora A. Herweg; Tobias Sommer; Nico Bunzeck Retrieval demands adaptively change striatal old/new signals and boost subsequent long-term memory Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 745–754, 2018. @article{Herweg2018, The striatum is a central part of the dopaminergic mesolimbic system and contributes both to the encoding and retrieval of long-term memories. In this regard, the co-occurrence of striatal novelty and retrieval success effects in independent studies underlines the structure's double duty and suggests dynamic contextual adaptation. To test this hypothesis and further investigate the underlying mechanisms ofencoding and retrieval dynamics, human subjects viewed pre-familiarized scene images intermixed with new scenes and classified them as indoor versus outdoor (encoding task) or old versus new (retrieval task), while fMRI and eye tracking data were recorded. Subsequently, subjects performed a final recognition task. As hypothesized, striatal activity and pupil size reflected task- conditional salience ofold and new stimuli, but, unexpectedly, this effect was not reflected in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area (SN/VTA), medial temporal lobe, or subsequent memory performance. Instead, subsequent memory generally benefitted from retrieval, an effect possibly driven by task difficulty and activity in a network including different parts ofthe striatum and SN/VTA. Our findings extend memory models of encoding and retrieval dynamics by pinpointing a specific contextual factor that differentially modulates the functional properties ofthe mesolimbic system. |
Michael Jigo; Mengyuan Gong; Taosheng Liu Neural determinants of task performance during feature-based attention in human cortex Journal Article In: eNeuro, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1–15, 2018. @article{Jigo2018, Studies of feature-based attention have associated activity in a dorsal frontoparietal network with putative attentional priority signals. Yet, how this neural activity mediates attentional selection and whether it guides behavior are fundamental questions that require investigation. We reasoned that endogenous fluctuations in the quality of attentional priority should influence task performance. Human subjects detected a speed increment while viewing clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW) motion (baseline task) or while attending to either direction amid distracters (attention task). In an fMRI experiment, direction-specific neural pattern similarity between the baseline task and the attention task revealed a higher level of similarity for correct than incorrect trials in frontoparietal regions. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we disrupted posterior parietal cortex (PPC) and found a selective deficit in the attention task, but not in the baseline task, demonstrating the necessity of this cortical area during feature-based attention. These results reveal that frontoparietal areas maintain attentional priority that facilitates successful behavioral selection. |
Janne Kauttonen; Yevhen Hlushchuk; Iiro P. Jääskeläinen; Pia Tikka Brain mechanisms underlying cue-based memorizing during free viewing of movie Memento Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 172, pp. 313–325, 2018. @article{Kauttonen2018, How does the human brain recall and connect relevant memories with unfolding events? To study this, we presented 25 healthy subjects, during functional magnetic resonance imaging, the movie ‘Memento' (director C. Nolan). In this movie, scenes are presented in chronologically reverse order with certain scenes briefly overlapping previously presented scenes. Such overlapping “key-frames” serve as effective memory cues for the viewers, prompting recall of relevant memories of the previously seen scene and connecting them with the concurrent scene. We hypothesized that these repeating key-frames serve as immediate recall cues and would facilitate reconstruction of the story piece-by-piece. The chronological version of Memento, shown in a separate experiment for another group of subjects, served as a control condition. Using multivariate event-related pattern analysis method and representational similarity analysis, focal fingerprint patterns of hemodynamic activity were found to emerge during presentation of key-frame scenes. This effect was present in higher-order cortical network with regions including precuneus, angular gyrus, cingulate gyrus, as well as lateral, superior, and middle frontal gyri within frontal poles. This network was right hemispheric dominant. These distributed patterns of brain activity appear to underlie ability to recall relevant memories and connect them with ongoing events, i.e., “what goes with what” in a complex story. Given the real-life likeness of cinematic experience, these results provide new insight into how the human brain recalls, given proper cues, relevant memories to facilitate understanding and prediction of everyday life events. |
Derek Kellar; Sharlene Newman; Franco Pestilli; Hu Cheng; Nicholas L. Port Comparing fMRI activation during smooth pursuit eye movements among contact sport athletes, non-contact sport athletes, and non-athletes Journal Article In: NeuroImage: Clinical, vol. 18, pp. 413–424, 2018. @article{Kellar2018, Objectives: Though sub-concussive impacts are common during contact sports, there is little consensus whether repeat blows affect brain function. Using a “lifetime exposure” rather than acute exposure approach, we examined oculomotor performance and brain activation among collegiate football players and two control groups. Our analysis examined whether there are group differences in eye movement behavioral performance and in brain activation during smooth pursuit. Methods: Data from 21 off-season Division I football “starters” were compared with a) 19 collegiate cross-country runners, and b) 11 non-athlete college students who were SES matched to the football player group (total N = 51). Visual smooth pursuit was performed while undergoing fMRI imaging via a 3 Tesla scanner. Smooth pursuit eye movements to three stimulus difficulty levels were measured with regard to RMS error, gain, and lag. Results: No meaningful differences were found for any of the standard analyses used to assess smooth pursuit eye movements. For fMRI, greater activation was seen in the oculomotor region of the cerebellar vermis and areas of the FEF for football players as compared to either control group, who did not differ on any measure. Conclusion: Greater cerebellar activity among football players while performing an oculomotor task could indicate that they are working harder to compensate for some subtle, long-term subconcussive deficits. Alternatively, top athletes in a sport requiring high visual motor skill could have more of their cerebellum and FEF devoted to oculomotor task performance regardless of subconcussive history. Overall, these results provide little firm support for an effect of accumulated subconcussion exposure on brain function. |
Hyojin Park; Robin A. A. Ince; Philippe G. Schyns; Gregor Thut; Joachim Gross In: PLoS Biology, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. e2006558, 2018. @article{Park2018, Integration of multimodal sensory information is fundamental to many aspects of human behavior, but the neural mechanisms underlying these processes remain mysterious. For example, during face-to-face communication, we know that the brain integrates dynamic auditory and visual inputs, but we do not yet understand where and how such integration mechanisms support speech comprehension. Here, we quantify representational interactions between dynamic audio and visual speech signals and show that different brain regions exhibit different types of representational interaction. With a novel information theoretic measure, we found that theta (3-7 Hz) oscillations in the posterior superior temporal gyrus/sulcus (pSTG/S) represent auditory and visual inputs redundantly (i.e., represent common features of the two), whereas the same oscillations in left motor and inferior temporal cortex represent the inputs synergistically (i.e., the instantaneous relationship between audio and visual inputs is also represented). Importantly, redundant coding in the left pSTG/S and synergistic coding in the left motor cortex predict behavior-i.e., speech comprehension performance. Our findings therefore demonstrate that processes classically described as integration can have different statistical properties and may reflect distinct mechanisms that occur in different brain regions to support audiovisual speech comprehension. |
Tobias Staudigl; Marcin Leszczynski; Joshua Jacobs; Sameer A. Sheth; Charles E. Schroeder; Ole Jensen; Christian F. Doeller Hexadirectional modulation of high-frequency electrophysiological activity in the human anterior medial temporal lobe maps visual space Journal Article In: Current Biology, vol. 28, pp. 1–5, 2018. @article{Staudigl2018, Grid cells are one of the core building blocks of spatial navigation [1]. Single-cell recordings of grid cells in the rodent entorhinal cortex revealed hexagonal coding of the local environment during spatial navigation [1]. Grid-like activity has also been identified in human single-cell recordings during virtual navigation [2]. Human fMRI studies further provide evidence that grid-like signals are also accessible on a macroscopic level [3–7]. Studies in both nonhuman primates [8] and humans [9, 10] suggest that grid-like coding in the entorhinal cortex generalizes beyond spatial navigation during locomotion, providing evidence for grid-like mapping of visual space during visual exploration—akin to the grid cell positional code in rodents during spatial navigation. However, electrophysiological correlates of the grid code in humans remain unknown. Here, we provide evidence for grid-like, hexadirectional coding of visual space by human high-frequency activity, based on two independent datasets: non-invasive magnetoencephalography (MEG) in healthy subjects and entorhinal intracranial electroencephalography (EEG) recordings in an epileptic patient. Both datasets consistently show a hexadirectional modulation of broadband high-frequency activity (60–120 Hz). Our findings provide first evidence for a grid-like MEG signal, indicating that the human entorhinal cortex codes visual space in a grid-like manner [8–10], and support the view that grid coding generalizes beyond environmental mapping during locomotion [4–6, 11]. Due to their millisecond accuracy, MEG recordings allow linking of grid-like activity to epochs during relevant behavior, thereby opening up the possibility for new MEG-based investigations of grid coding at high temporal resolution. |
Eline R. Kupers; Helena X. Wang; Kaoru Amano; Kendrick N. Kay; David J. Heeger; Jonathan Winawer A non-invasive, quantitative study of broadband spectral responses in human visual cortex Journal Article In: PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. e0193107, 2018. @article{Kupers2018, Currently, non-invasive methods for studying the human brain do not routinely and reliably measure spike-rate-dependent signals, independent of responses such as hemodynamic coupling (fMRI) and subthreshold neuronal synchrony (oscillations and event-related potentials). In contrast, invasive methods-microelectrode recordings and electrocorticography (ECoG)-have recently measured broadband power elevation in field potentials (~50-200 Hz) as a proxy for locally averaged spike rates. Here, we sought to detect and quantify stimulus-related broadband responses using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Extracranial measurements like MEG and EEG have multiple global noise sources and relatively low signal-to-noise ratios; moreover high frequency artifacts from eye movements can be confounded with stimulus design and mistaken for signals originating from brain activity. For these reasons, we developed an automated denoising technique that helps reveal the broadband signal of interest. Subjects viewed 12-Hz contrast-reversing patterns in the left, right, or bilateral visual field. Sensor time series were separated into evoked (12-Hz amplitude) and broadband components (60-150 Hz). In all subjects, denoised broadband responses were reliably measured in sensors over occipital cortex, even in trials without microsaccades. The broadband pattern was stimulus-dependent, with greater power contralateral to the stimulus. Because we obtain reliable broadband estimates with short experiments (~20 minutes), and with sufficient signal-to-noise to distinguish responses to different stimuli, we conclude that MEG broadband signals, denoised with our method, offer a practical, non-invasive means for characterizing spike-rate-dependent neural activity for addressing scientific questions about human brain function. |
Rodolfo Solís-Vivanco; Ole Jensen; Mathilde Bonnefond Top–down control of alpha phase adjustment in anticipation of temporally predictable visual stimuli Journal Article In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 1157–1169, 2018. @article{SolisVivanco2018, Alpha oscillations (8–14 Hz) are proposed to represent an active mechanism of functional inhibition of neuronal processing. Specifically, alpha oscillations are associated with pulses of inhibition repeating every ∼100 msec. Whether alpha phase, similar to alpha power, is under top–down control remains unclear. Moreover, the sources of such putative top–down phase control are unknown. We designed a cross-modal (visual/auditory) attention study in which we used magnetoencephalography to record the brain activity from 34 healthy participants. In each trial, a somatosensory cue indicated whether to attend to either the visual or auditory domain. The timing of the stimulus onset was predictable across trials. We found that, when visual information was attended, anticipatory alpha power was reduced in visual areas, whereas the phase adjusted just before the stimulus onset. Performance in each modality was predicted by the phase of the alpha oscillations previous to stimulus onset. Alpha oscillations in the left pFC appeared to lead the adjustment of alpha phase in visual areas. Finally, alpha phase modulated stimulus-induced gamma activity. Our results confirm that alpha phase can be top–down adjusted in anticipation of predictable stimuli and improve performance. Phase adjustment of the alpha rhythm might serve as a neurophysiological resource for optimizing visual processing when temporal predictions are possible and there is considerable competition between target and distracting stimuli. |
Mariya E. Manahova; Pim Mostert; Peter Kok; Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen; Floris P. Lange Stimulus familiarity and expectation jointly modulate neural activity in the visual ventral stream Journal Article In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1366–1377, 2018. @article{Manahova2018, Prior knowledge about the visual world can change how a visual stimulus is processed. Two forms of prior knowledge are often distinguished: stimulus familiarity (i.e., whether a stimulus has been seen before) and stimulus expectation (i.e., whether a stimulus is expected to occur, based on the context). Neurophysiological studies in monkeys have shown suppression of spiking activity both for expected and for familiar items in object-selective inferotemporal cortex. It is an open question, however, if and how these types of knowledge interact in their modulatory effects on the sensory response. To address this issue and to examine whether previous findings generalize to noninvasively measured neural activity in humans, we separately manipulated stimulus familiarity and expectation while noninvasively recording human brain activity using magnetoencephalography. We observed independent suppression of neural activity by familiarity and expectation, specifically in the lateral occipital complex, the putative human homologue of monkey inferotemporal cortex. Familiarity also led to sharpened response dynamics, which was predominantly observed in early visual cortex. Together, these results show that distinct types of sensory knowledge jointly determine the amount of neural resources dedicated to object processing in the visual ventral stream. |
K. Seeliger; Matthias Fritsche; U. Güçlü; S. Schoenmakers; J. M. Schoffelen; S. E. Bosch; Marcel A. J. Gerven Convolutional neural network-based encoding and decoding of visual object recognition in space and time Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 180, pp. 253–266, 2018. @article{Seeliger2018, Representations learned by deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for object recognition are a widely investigated model of the processing hierarchy in the human visual system. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, CNN representations of visual stimuli have previously been shown to correspond to processing stages in the ventral and dorsal streams of the visual system. Whether this correspondence between models and brain signals also holds for activity acquired at high temporal resolution has been explored less exhaustively. Here, we addressed this question by combining CNN-based encoding models with magnetoencephalography (MEG). Human participants passively viewed 1,000 images of objects while MEG signals were acquired. We modelled their high temporal resolution source-reconstructed cortical activity with CNNs, and observed a feed-forward sweep across the visual hierarchy between 75 and 200 ms after stimulus onset. This spatiotemporal cascade was captured by the network layer representations, where the increasingly abstract stimulus representation in the hierarchical network model was reflected in different parts of the visual cortex, following the visual ventral stream. We further validated the accuracy of our encoding model by decoding stimulus identity in a left-out validation set of viewed objects, achieving state-of-the-art decoding accuracy. |
Carina Kelbsch; Archana Jalligampala; Torsten Strasser; Paul Richter; Katarina Stingl; Christoph Braun; Daniel L. Rathbun; Eberhart Zrenner; Helmut Wilhelm; Barbara Wilhelm; Tobias Peters; Krunoslav Stingl Phosphene perception and pupillary responses to sinusoidal electrostimulation - For an objective measurement of retinal function Journal Article In: Experimental Eye Research, vol. 176, pp. 210–218, 2018. @article{Kelbsch2018, The purpose was to evaluate retinal function by measuring pupillary responses to sinusoidal transcorneal electrostimulation in healthy young human subjects. This work also translates data from analogous in vitro experiments and connects it to the pupillary responses obtained in human experiments. 14 healthy human subjects participated (4 males, 10 females); for the in vitro experiments, two male healthy mouse retinas (adult wild-type C57B/6J) were used. Pupillary responses to sinusoidal transcorneal electrostimulation of varying stimulus carrier frequencies (10, 20 Hz; envelope frequency constantly kept at 1.2 Hz) and intensities (10, 20, 50 μA) were recorded and compared with those obtained with light stimulation (1.2 Hz sinusoidal blue, red light). A strong correlation between the sinusoidal stimulation (electrical as well as light) and the pupillary sinusoidal response was found. The difference between the lag of electrical and light stimulation allowed the estimation of an intensity threshold for pupillary responses to transcorneal electrostimulation (mean ± SD: 30 ± 10 μA (10 Hz); 38 ± 10 μA (20 Hz)). A comparison between the results of the two stimulation frequencies showed a not statistically significant smaller lag for 10 Hz (10 Hz: 633 ± 90 ms; 20 Hz: 725 ± 178 ms; 50 μA intensity). Analogous in vitro experiments on murine retinas indicated a selective stimulation of photoreceptors and bipolar cells (lower frequencies) and retinal ganglion cells (higher frequencies) and lower stimulation thresholds for the retinal network with sinusoidal compared to pulsatile stimulation – emphasizing that sinu- soidal waveforms are well-suited to our purposes. We demonstrate that pupillary responses to sinusoidal transcorneal electrostimulation are measurable as an objective marker in healthy young subjects, even at very low stimulus intensities. By using this unique approach, we unveil the potential for an estimation of the in- dividual intensity threshold and a selective activation of different retinal cell types in humans by varying the stimulation frequency. This technique may have broad clinical utility as well as specific relevance in the monitoring of patients with hereditary retinal disorders, especially as implemented in study protocols for novel therapies, e.g. retinal prostheses or gene therapies. |
Thomas Pfeffer; Arthur Ervin Avramiea; Guido Nolte; Andreas K. Engel; Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen; Tobias H. Donner Catecholamines alter the intrinsic variability of cortical population activity and perception Journal Article In: PLoS Biology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. e2003453, 2018. @article{Pfeffer2018, The ascending modulatory systems of the brain stem are powerful regulators of global brain state. Disturbances of these systems are implicated in several major neuropsychiatric disorders. Yet, how these systems interact with specific neural computations in the cerebral cortex to shape perception, cognition, and behavior remains poorly understood. Here, we probed into the effect of two such systems, the catecholaminergic (dopaminergic and noradrenergic) and cholinergic systems, on an important aspect of cortical computation: its intrinsic variability. To this end, we combined placebo-controlled pharmacological intervention in humans, recordings of cortical population activity using magnetoencephalography (MEG), and psychophysical measurements of the perception of ambiguous visual input. A low-dose catecholaminergic, but not cholinergic, manipulation altered the rate of spontaneous perceptual fluctuations as well as the temporal structure of “scale-free” population activity of large swaths of the visual and parietal cortices. Computational analyses indicate that both effects were consistent with an increase in excitatory relative to inhibitory activity in the cortical areas underlying visual perceptual inference. We propose that catecholamines regulate the variability of perception and cognition through dynamically changing the cortical excitation–inhibition ratio. The combined readout of fluctuations in perception and cortical activity we established here may prove useful as an efficient and easily accessible marker of altered cortical computation in neuropsychiatric disorders. |
2017 |
Grace Edwards; Petra Vetter; Fiona McGruer; Lucy S. Petro; Lars Muckli Predictive feedback to V1 dynamically updates with sensory input Journal Article In: Scientific Reports, vol. 7, pp. 16538, 2017. @article{Edwards2017a, Predictive coding theories propose that the brain creates internal models of the environment to predict upcoming sensory input. Hierarchical predictive coding models of vision postulate that higher visual areas generate predictions of sensory inputs and feed them back to early visual cortex. In V1, sensory inputs that do not match the predictions lead to amplified brain activation, but does this amplification process dynamically update to new retinotopic locations with eye-movements? We investigated the effect of eye-movements in predictive feedback using functional brain imaging and eye-tracking whilst presenting an apparent motion illusion. Apparent motion induces an internal model of motion, during which sensory predictions of the illusory motion feed back to V1. We observed attenuated BOLD responses to predicted stimuli at the new post-saccadic location in V1. Therefore, pre-saccadic predictions update their retinotopic location in time for post-saccadic input, validating dynamic predictive coding theories in V1. |
Carolyn McGettigan; Kyle Jasmin; Frank Eisner; Zarinah K. Agnew; Oliver J. Josephs; Andrew J. Calder; Rosemary Jessop; Rebecca P. Lawson; Mona Spielmann; Sophie K. Scott You talkin' to me? Communicative talker gaze activates left-lateralized superior temporal cortex during perception of degraded speech Journal Article In: Neuropsychologia, vol. 100, pp. 51–63, 2017. @article{McGettigan2017, Neuroimaging studies of speech perception have consistently indicated a left-hemisphere dominance in the temporal lobes' responses to intelligible auditory speech signals (McGettigan and Scott, 2012). However, there are important communicative cues that cannot be extracted from auditory signals alone, including the direction of the talker's gaze. Previous work has implicated the superior temporal cortices in processing gaze direction, with evidence for predominantly right-lateralized responses (Carlin & Calder, 2013). The aim of the current study was to investigate whether the lateralization of responses to talker gaze differs in an auditory communicative context. Participants in a functional MRI experiment watched and listened to videos of spoken sentences in which the auditory intelligibility and talker gaze direction were manipulated factorially. We observed a left-dominant temporal lobe sensitivity to the talker's gaze direction, in which the left anterior superior temporal sulcus/gyrus and temporal pole showed an enhanced response to direct gaze – further investigation revealed that this pattern of lateralization was modulated by auditory intelligibility. Our results suggest flexibility in the distribution of neural responses to social cues in the face within the context of a challenging speech perception task. |
Anna B. Kuhns; Pascasie L. Dombert; Paola Mengotti; Gereon R. Fink; Simone Vossel Spatial attention, motor intention, and Bayesian cue predictability in the human brain Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 21, pp. 5334–5344, 2017. @article{Kuhns2017, Predictions about upcoming events influence how we perceive and respond to our environment. There is increasing evidence that predictions may be generated based upon previous observations following Bayesian principles, but little is known about the underlying corticalmechanismsandtheir specificity for different cognitive subsystems.Thepresent studyaimedat identifyingcommonanddistinct neural signatures of predictive processing in the spatial attentional and motor intentional system. Twenty-three female and male healthy human volunteers performed two probabilistic cueing tasks with either spatial or motor cues while lying in the fMRI scanner. In these tasks, the percentage of cue validity changed unpredictably over time. Trialwise estimates of cue predictability were derived from a Bayesian observer model of behavioral responses. These estimates were included as parametric regressors for analyzing the BOLD time series. Parametric effects of cue predictability in valid and invalid trials were considered to reflect belief updating by precision-weighted prediction errors. The brain areas exhibiting predictability-dependent effects dissociated between the spatial attention and motor inten- tion task, with the right temporoparietal cortex being involved during spatial attention and the left angular gyrus and anterior cingulate cortex during motor intention. Connectivity analyses revealed that all three areas showed predictability-dependent coupling with the right hippocampus. These results suggest that precision-weighted prediction errors of stimulus locations and motor responses are encoded in distinct brain regions, but that crosstalk with the hippocampusmaybe necessary to integrate new trialwise outcomes in both cognitive systems. |
Jeongmi Lee; Joy J. Geng Idiosyncratic patterns of representational similarity in prefrontal cortex predict attentional performance Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1257–1268, 2017. @article{Lee2017a, The efficiency of finding an object in a crowded environment depends largely on the similarity of nontargets to the search target. Models of attention theorize that the similarity is determined by representations stored within an "attentional template" held in working memory. However, the degree to which the contents of the attentional template are individually unique and where those idiosyncratic representations are encoded in the brain are unknown. We investigated this problem using representational similarity analysis of human fMRI data to measure the common and idiosyncratic representations of famous face morphs during an identity categorization task; data from the categorization task were then used to predict performance on a separate identity search task. We hypothesized that the idiosyncratic categorical representations of the continuous face morphs would predict their distractability when searching for each target identity. The results identified that patterns of activation in the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) as well as in face-selective areas in the ventral temporal cortex were highly correlated with the patterns of behavioral categorization of face morphs and search performance that were common across subjects. However, the individually unique components of the categorization behavior were reliably decoded only in right LPFC. Moreover, the neural pattern in right LPFC successfully predicted idiosyncratic variability in search performance, such that reaction times were longer when distractors had a higher probability of being categorized as the target identity. These results suggest that the prefrontal cortex encodes individually unique components of categorical representations that are also present in attentional tem-plates for target search. |
Laura Leuchs; Max Schneider; Michael Czisch; Victor I. Spoormaker Neural correlates of pupil dilation during human fear learning Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 147, pp. 186–197, 2017. @article{Leuchs2017, Background: Fear conditioning and extinction are prevailing experimental and etiological models for normal and pathological anxiety. Pupil dilations in response to conditioned stimuli are increasingly used as a robust psychophysiological readout of fear learning, but their neural correlates remain unknown. We aimed at identifying the neural correlates of pupil responses to threat and safety cues during a fear learning task. Methods: Thirty-four healthy subjects underwent a fear conditioning and extinction paradigm with simultaneous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and pupillometry. After a stringent preprocessing and artifact rejection procedure, trial-wise pupil responses to threat and safety cues were entered as parametric modulations to the fMRI general linear models. Results: Trial-wise magnitude of pupil responses to both conditioned and safety stimuli correlated positively with activity in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), thalamus, supramarginal gyrus and insula for the entire fear learning task, and with activity in the dACC during the fear conditioning phase in particular. Phasic pupil responses did not show habituation, but were negatively correlated with tonic baseline pupil diameter, which decreased during the task. Correcting phasic pupil responses for the tonic baseline pupil diameter revealed thalamic activity, which was also observed in an analysis employing a linear (declining) time modulation. Conclusion: Pupil dilations during fear conditioning and extinction provide useful readouts to track fear learning on a trial-by-trial level, particularly with simultaneous fMRI. Whereas phasic pupil responses reflect activity in brain regions involved in fear learning and threat appraisal, most prominently in dACC, tonic changes in pupil diameter may reflect changes in general arousal. |
Liu D. Liu; Christopher C. Pack The contribution of area MT to visual motion perception depends on training Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 436–446.e3, 2017. @article{Liu2017, Perceptual decisions require the transformation of raw sensory inputs into cortical representations suitable for stimulus discrimination. One of the best-known examples of this transformation involves the middle temporal area (MT) of the primate visual cortex. Area MT provides a robust representation of stimulus motion, and previous work has shown that it contributes causally to performance on motion discrimination tasks. Here we report that the strength of this contribution can be highly plastic: depending on the recent training history, pharmacological inactivation of MT can severely impair motion discrimination, or it can have little detectable influence. Further analysis of neural and behavioral data suggests that training moves the readout of motion information between MT and lower-level cortical areas. These results show that the contribution of individual brain regions to conscious perception can shift flexibly depending on sensory experience. |
Zhong-Xu Liu; Kelly Shen; Rosanna K. Olsen; Jennifer D. Ryan Visual sampling predicts hippocampal activity Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 599–609, 2017. @article{Liu2017c, Eye movements serve to accumulate information from the visual world, contributing to the formation of coherent memory representations that support cognition and behavior. The hippocampus and the oculomotor network are well connected anatomically through an extensive set of polysynaptic pathways. However, the extent to which visual sampling behavior is related to functional responses in the hippocampus during encoding has not been studied directly in human neuroimaging. In the current study, participants engaged in a face processing task while brain responses were recorded with fMRI and eye movements were monitored simultaneously. The number of gaze fixations that a participant made on a given trial was correlated significantly with hippocampal activation such that more fixations were associated with stronger hippocampal activation. Similar results were also found in the fusiform face area, a face-selective perceptual processing region. Notably, the number of fixations was associated with stronger hippocampal activation when the presented faces were novel, but not when the faces were repeated. Increases in fixations during viewing of novel faces also led to larger repetition-related suppression in the hippocampus, indicating that this fixation–hippocampal relationship may reflect the ongoing development of lasting representations. Together, these results provide novel empirical support for the idea that visual exploration and hippocampal binding processes are inherently linked. |
Christopher R. Madan; Esther Fujiwara; Jeremy B. Caplan; Tobias Sommer Emotional arousal impairs association-memory: Roles of amygdala and hippocampus Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 156, pp. 14–28, 2017. @article{Madan2017, Emotional arousal is well-known to enhance memory for individual items or events, whereas it can impair association memory. The neural mechanism of this association memory impairment by emotion is not known: In response to emotionally arousing information, amygdala activity may interfere with hippocampal associative encoding (e.g., via prefrontal cortex). Alternatively, emotional information may be harder to unitize, resulting in reduced availability of extra-hippocampal medial temporal lobe support for emotional than neutral associations. To test these opposing hypotheses, we compared neural processes underlying successful and unsuccessful encoding of emotional and neutral associations. Participants intentionally studied pairs of neutral and negative pictures (Experiments 1–3). We found reduced association-memory for negative pictures in all experiments, accompanied by item-memory increases in Experiment 2. High-resolution fMRI (Experiment 3) indicated that reductions in associative encoding of emotional information are localizable to an area in ventral-lateral amygdala, driven by attentional/salience effects in the central amygdala. Hippocampal activity was similar during both pair types, but a left hippocampal cluster related to successful encoding was observed only for negative pairs. Extra-hippocampal associative memory processes (e.g., unitization) were more effective for neutral than emotional materials. Our findings suggest that reduced emotional association memory is accompanied by increases in activity and functional coupling within the amygdala. This did not disrupt hippocampal association-memory processes, which indeed were critical for successful emotional association memory formation. |
Olivia M. Maynard; Jonathan C. W. Brooks; Marcus R. Munafò; Ute Leonards Neural mechanisms underlying visual attention to health warnings on branded and plain cigarette packs Journal Article In: Addiction, vol. 112, no. 4, pp. 662–672, 2017. @article{Maynard2017, Aims: To (1) test if activation in brain regions related to reward (nucleus accumbens) and emotion (amygdala) differ when branded and plain packs of cigarettes are viewed, (2) test whether these activation patterns differ by smoking status and (3) examine whether activation patterns differ as a function of visual attention to health warning labels on cigarette packs. Design: Cross-sectional observational study combining functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with eye-tracking. Non-smokers, weekly smokers and daily smokers performed a memory task on branded and plain cigarette packs with pictorial health warnings presented in an event-related design. Setting: Clinical Research and Imaging Centre, University of Bristol, UK. Participants: Non-smokers, weekly smokers and daily smokers (n = 72) were tested. After exclusions, data from 19 non-smokers, 19 weekly smokers and 20 daily smokers were analysed. Measurements: Brain activity was assessed in whole brain analyses and in pre-specified masked analyses in the amygdala and nucleus accumbens. On-line eye-tracking during scanning recorded visual attention to health warnings. Findings: There was no evidence for a main effect of pack type or smoking status in either the nucleus accumbens or amygdala, and this was unchanged when taking account of visual attention to health warnings. However, there was evidence for an interaction, such that we observed increased activation in the right amygdala when viewing branded as compared with plain packs among weekly smokers (P = 0.003). When taking into account visual attention to health warnings, we observed higher levels of activation in the visual cortex in response to plain packaging compared with branded packaging of cigarettes (P = 0.020). Conclusions: Based on functional magnetic resonance imaging and eye-tracking data, health warnings appear to be more salient on ‘plain' cigarette packs than branded packs. |
Joel Reithler; Judith C. Peters; Rainer Goebel In: NeuroImage, vol. 152, pp. 551–562, 2017. @article{Reithler2017, Visual scenes are initially processed via segregated neural pathways dedicated to either of the two visual hemifields. Although higher-order visual areas are generally believed to utilize invariant object representations (abstracted away from features such as stimulus position), recent findings suggest they retain more spatial information than previously thought. Here, we assessed the nature of such higher-order object representations in human cortex using high-resolution fMRI at 7T, supported by corroborative 3T data. We show that multi-voxel activation patterns in both the contra- and ipsilateral hemisphere can be exploited to successfully classify the object category of unilaterally presented stimuli. Moreover, robustly identified rank order-based response profiles demonstrated a strong contralateral bias which frequently outweighed object category preferences. Finally, we contrasted different combinatorial operations to predict the responses during bilateral stimulation conditions based on responses to their constituent unilateral elements. Results favored a max operation predominantly reflecting the contralateral stimuli. The current findings extend previous work by showing that configuration-dependent modulations in higher-order visual cortex responses as observed in single unit activity have a counterpart in human neural population coding. They furthermore corroborate the emerging view that position coding is a fundamental functional characteristic of ventral visual stream processing. |
Christiane S. Rohr; Sarah A. Vinette; Kari A. L. Parsons; Ivy Y. K. Cho; Dennis Dimond; Alina Benischek; Catherine Lebel; Deborah Dewey; Signe Bray Functional connectivity of the dorsal attention network predicts selective attention in 4–7 year-old girls Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 4350–4360, 2017. @article{Rohr2017, Early childhood is a period of profound neural development and remodeling during which attention skills undergo rapid maturation. Attention networks have been extensively studied in the adult brain, yet relatively little is known about changes in early childhood, and their relation to cognitive development. We investigated the association between age and functional connectivity (FC) within the dorsal attention network (DAN) and the association between FC and attention skills in early childhood. Functional magnetic resonance imaging data was collected during passive viewing in 44 typically developing female children between 4 and 7 years whose sustained, selective, and executive attention skills were assessed. FC of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and the frontal eye fields (FEF) was computed across the entire brain and regressed against age. Age was positively associated with FC between core nodes of the DAN, the IPS and the FEF, and negatively associated with FC between the DAN and regions of the default-mode network. Further, controlling for age, FC between the IPS and FEF was significantly associated with selective attention. These findings add to our understanding of early childhood development of attention networks and suggest that greater FC within the DAN is associated with better selective attention skills. |
Annie L. Shelton; Kim M. Cornish; Meaghan Clough; Sanuji Gajamange; Scott Kolbe; Joanne Fielding Disassociation between brain activation and executive function in fragile X premutation females Journal Article In: Human Brain Mapping, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1056–1067, 2017. @article{Shelton2017, Executive dysfunction has been demonstrated among premutation (PM) carriers (55-199 CGG repeats) of the Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Further, alterations to neural activation patterns have been reported during memory and comparison based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) tasks in these carriers. For the first time, the relationships between fMRI neural activation during an interleaved ocular motor prosaccade/antisaccade paradigm, and concurrent task performance (saccade measures of latency, accuracy and error rate) in PM females were examined. Although no differences were found in whole brain activation patterns, regions of interest (ROI) analyses revealed reduced activation in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) during antisaccade trials for PM females. Further, a series of divergent and group specific relationships were found between ROI activation and saccade measures. Specifically, for control females, activation within the right VLPFC and supramarginal gyrus correlated negatively with antisaccade latencies, while for PM females, activation within these regions was found to negatively correlate with antisaccade accuracy and error rate (right VLPFC only). For control females, activation within frontal and supplementary eye fields and bilateral intraparietal sulci correlated with prosaccade latency and accuracy; however, no significant prosaccade correlations were found for PM females. This exploratory study extends previous reports of altered prefrontal neural engagement in PM carriers, and clearly demonstrates dissociation between control and PM females in the transformation of neural activation into overt measures of executive dysfunction. |
João Valente Duarte; Gabriel Nascimento Costa; Ricardo Martins; Miguel Castelo-Branco Pivotal role of hMT+ in long-range disambiguation of interhemispheric bistable surface motion Journal Article In: Human Brain Mapping, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 4882–4897, 2017. @article{Duarte2017, It remains an open question whether long-range disambiguation of ambiguous surface motion can be achieved in early visual cortex or instead in higher level regions, which concerns object/surface segmentation/integration mechanisms. We used a bistable moving stimulus that can be perceived as a pattern comprehending both visual hemi-fields moving coherently downward or as two widely segregated nonoverlapping component objects (in each visual hemi-field) moving separately inward. This paradigm requires long-range integration across the vertical meridian leading to interhemispheric binding. Our fMRI study (n = 30) revealed a close relation between activity in hMT+ and perceptual switches involving interhemispheric segregation/integration of motion signals, crucially under nonlocal conditions where components do not overlap and belong to distinct hemispheres. Higher signal changes were found in hMT+ in response to spatially segregated component (incoherent) percepts than to pattern (coherent) percepts. This did not occur in early visual cortex, unlike apparent motion, which does not entail surface segmentation. We also identified a role for top–down mechanisms in state transitions. Deconvolution analysis of switch-related changes revealed prefrontal, insula, and cingulate areas, with the right superior parietal lobule (SPL) being particularly involved. We observed that directed influences could emerge either from left or right hMT+ during bistable motion integration/segregation. SPL also exhibited significant directed functional connectivity with hMT+, during perceptual state maintenance (Granger causality analysis). Our results suggest that long-range interhemispheric binding of ambiguous motion representations mainly reflect bottom–up processes from hMT+ during perceptual state maintenance. In contrast, state transitions maybe influenced by high-level regions such as the SPL. |
Nonie J. Finlayson; Xiaoli Zhang; Julie D. Golomb Differential patterns of 2D location versus depth decoding along the visual hierarchy Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 147, pp. 507–516, 2017. @article{Finlayson2017, Visual information is initially represented as 2D images on the retina, but our brains are able to transform this input to perceive our rich 3D environment. While many studies have explored 2D spatial representations or depth perception in isolation, it remains unknown if or how these processes interact in human visual cortex. Here we used functional MRI and multi-voxel pattern analysis to investigate the relationship between 2D location and position-in-depth information. We stimulated different 3D locations in a blocked design: each location was defined by horizontal, vertical, and depth position. Participants remained fixated at the center of the screen while passively viewing the peripheral stimuli with red/green anaglyph glasses. Our results revealed a widespread, systematic transition throughout visual cortex. As expected, 2D location information (horizontal and vertical) could be strongly decoded in early visual areas, with reduced decoding higher along the visual hierarchy, consistent with known changes in receptive field sizes. Critically, we found that the decoding of position-in-depth information tracked inversely with the 2D location pattern, with the magnitude of depth decoding gradually increasing from intermediate to higher visual and category regions. Representations of 2D location information became increasingly location-tolerant in later areas, where depth information was also tolerant to changes in 2D location. We propose that spatial representations gradually transition from 2D-dominant to balanced 3D (2D and depth) along the visual hierarchy. |
Marc Galanter; Zoran Josipovic; Helen Dermatis; Jochen Weber; Mary Alice Millard An initial fMRI study on neural correlates of prayer in members of Alcoholics Anonymous Journal Article In: American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 44–54, 2017. @article{Galanter2017, Background: Many individuals with alcohol-use disorders who had experienced alcohol craving before joining Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) report little or no craving after becoming long-term members. Their use of AA prayers may contribute to this. Neural mechanisms underlying this process have not been delineated. Objective: To define experiential and neural correlates of diminished alcohol craving followingAA prayers amongmembers with long-termabstinence. Methods: Twenty AAmembers with long-term abstinence participated. Self-report measures and functional magnetic resonance imaging of differential neural response to alcohol-craving-inducing images were obtained in three conditions: after reading of AA prayers, after reading irrelevant news, and with passive viewing. Random-effects robust regressions were computed for the main effect (prayer > passive + news) and for estimating the correlations between themain effect and the self-report measures. Results: Compared to the other two conditions, the prayer condition was characterized by: less self-reported craving; increased activation in left-anterior middle frontal gyrus, left superior parietal lobule, bilateral precuneus, and bilateral posterior middle temporal gyrus. Craving following prayer was inversely correlated with activation in brain areas associated with self-referential processing and the default mode network, and with characteristics reflecting AA program involvement. Conclusion:AA members' prayer was asso- ciated with a relative reduction in self-reported craving and with concomitant engagement of neural mechanisms that reflect control of attention and emotion. These findings suggest neural processes underlying the apparent effectiveness of AA prayer. |
Stephan Geuter; Sabrina Boll; Falk Eippert; Christian Büchel Functional dissociation of stimulus intensity encoding and predictive coding of pain in the insula Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 6, pp. 1–22, 2017. @article{Geuter2017, <p>The computational principles by which the brain creates a painful experience from nociception are still unknown. Classic theories suggest that cortical regions either reflect stimulus intensity or additive effects of intensity and expectations, respectively. By contrast, predictive coding theories provide a unified framework explaining how perception is shaped by the integration of beliefs about the world with mismatches resulting from the comparison of these believes against sensory input. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging during a probabilistic heat pain paradigm, we investigated which computations underlie pain perception. Skin conductance, pupil dilation, and anterior insula responses to cued pain stimuli strictly followed the response patterns hypothesized by the predictive coding model, whereas posterior insula encoded stimulus intensity. This novel functional dissociation of pain processing within the insula together with previously observed alterations in chronic pain offer a novel interpretation of aberrant pain processing as disturbed weighting of predictions and prediction errors.</p> |
Evan M. Gordon; Timothy O. Laumann; Adrian W. Gilmore; Dillan J. Newbold; Deanna J. Greene; Jeffrey J. Berg; Mario Ortega; Catherine Hoyt-Drazen; Caterina Gratton; Haoxin Sun; Jacqueline M. Hampton; Rebecca S. Coalson; Annie L. Nguyen; Kathleen B. McDermott; Joshua S. Shimony; Abraham Z. Snyder; Bradley L. Schlaggar; Steven E. Petersen; Steven M. Nelson; Nico U. F. Dosenbach Precision functional mapping of individual human brains Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 791–807.e7, 2017. @article{Gordon2017, Human functional MRI (fMRI) research primarily focuses on analyzing data averaged across groups, which limits the detail, specificity, and clinical utility of fMRI resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) and task-activation maps. To push our understanding of functional brain organization to the level of individual humans, we assembled a novel MRI dataset containing 5 hr of RSFC data, 6 hr of task fMRI, multiple structural MRIs, and neuropsychological tests from each of ten adults. Using these data, we generated ten high-fidelity, individual-specific functional connectomes. This individual-connectome approach revealed several new types of spatial and organizational variability in brain networks, including unique network features and topologies that corresponded with structural and task-derived brain features. We are releasing this highly sampled, individual-focused dataset as a resource for neuroscientists, and we propose precision individual connectomics as a model for future work examining the organization of healthy and diseased individual human brains. |
Joseph C. Griffis; Abdurahman S. Elkhetali; Wesley K. Burge; Richard H. Chen; Anthony D. Bowman; Jerzy P. Szaflarski; Kristina M. Visscher Retinotopic patterns of functional connectivity between V1 and large-scale brain networks during resting fixation Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 146, pp. 1071–1083, 2017. @article{Griffis2017, Psychophysical and neurobiological evidence suggests that central and peripheral vision are specialized for different functions. This specialization of function might be expected to lead to differences in the large-scale functional interactions of early cortical areas that represent central and peripheral visual space. Here, we characterize differences in whole-brain functional connectivity among sectors in primary visual cortex (V1) corresponding to central, near-peripheral, and far-peripheral vision during resting fixation. Importantly, our analyses reveal that eccentricity sectors in V1 have different functional connectivity with non-visual areas associated with large-scale brain networks. Regions associated with the fronto-parietal control network are most strongly connected with central sectors of V1, regions associated with the cingulo-opercular control network are most strongly connected with near-peripheral sectors of V1, and regions associated with the default mode and auditory networks are most strongly connected with far-peripheral sectors of V1. Additional analyses suggest that similar patterns are present during eyes-closed rest. These results suggest that different types of visual information may be prioritized by large-scale brain networks with distinct functional profiles, and provide insights into how the small-scale functional specialization within early visual regions such as V1 relates to the large-scale organization of functionally distinct whole-brain networks. |
Erno J. Hermans; Jonathan W. Kanen; Arielle Tambini; Guillén Fernández; Lila Davachi; Elizabeth A. Phelps In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 3028–3041, 2017. @article{Hermans2017, After encoding, memories undergo a process of consolidation that determines long-term retention. For conditioned fear, animal models postulate that consolidation involves reactivations of neuronal assemblies supporting fear learning during postlearning " offline " periods. However, no human studies to date have investigated such processes, particularly in relation to long-term expression of fear. We tested 24 participants using functional MRI on 2 consecutive days in a fear conditioning paradigm involving 1 habituation block, 2 acquisition blocks, and 2 extinction blocks on day 1, and 2 re-extinction blocks on day 2. Conditioning blocks were preceded and followed by 4.5-min rest blocks. Strength of spontaneous recovery of fear on day 2 served as a measure of long-term expression of fear. Amygdala connectivity primarily with hippocampus increased progressively during postacquisition and postextinction rest on day 1. Intraregional multi-voxel correlation structures within amygdala and hippocampus sampled during a block of differential fear conditioning furthermore persisted after fear learning. Critically, both these main findings were stronger in participants who exhibited spontaneous recovery 24 h later. Our findings indicate that neural circuits activated during fear conditioning exhibit persistent postlearning activity that may be functionally relevant in promoting consolidation of the fear memory. |
Jaakko Hotta; Jukka Saari; Miika Koskinen; Yevhen Hlushchuk; Nina Forss; Riitta Hari Abnormal brain responses to action observation in complex regional pain syndrome Journal Article In: Journal of Pain, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 255–265, 2017. @article{Hotta2017, Patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) display various abnormalities in central motor function, and their pain is intensified when they perform or just observe motor actions. In this study, we examined the abnormalities of brain responses to action observation in CRPS. We analyzed 3-T functional magnetic resonance images from 13 upper limb CRPS patients (all female, ages 31–58 years) and 13 healthy, age- and sex-matched control subjects. The functional magnetic resonance imaging data were acquired while the subjects viewed brief videos of hand actions shown in the first-person perspective. A pattern-classification analysis was applied to characterize brain areas where the activation pattern differed between CRPS patients and healthy subjects. Brain areas with statistically significant group differences (q < .05, false discovery rate-corrected) included the hand representation area in the sensorimotor cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, secondary somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal lobule, orbitofrontal cortex, and thalamus. Our findings indicate that CRPS impairs action observation by affecting brain areas related to pain processing and motor control. Perspective This article shows that in CRPS, the observation of others' motor actions induces abnormal neural activity in brain areas essential for sensorimotor functions and pain. These results build the cerebral basis for action-observation impairments in CRPS. |
Su Keun Jeong; Yaoda Xu Task-context-dependent linear representation of multiple visual objects in human parietal cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1778–1789, 2017. @article{Jeong2017, A host of recent studies have reported robust representations of visual object information in the human parietal cortex, similar to those found in ventral visual cortex. In ventral visual cortex, both monkey neurophysiology and human fMRI studies showed that the neural representation ofa pair ofunrelated objects can be approximated by the averaged neural representation of the constituent objects shown in isolation. In this study, we examined whether such a linear relationship between objects exists for object representations in the human parietal cortex. Using fMRI and multivoxel pattern analysis, we examined object representations in human inferior and superior intraparietal sulcus, two parietal regions previously implicated in visual object selection and encoding, respectively. We also examined responses from the lateral occipital region, a ventral object processing area. We obtained fMRI response patterns to object pairs and their constituent objects shown in isolation while participants viewed these objects and performed a 1-back repetition detection task. By measuring fMRI response pattern correlations, we found that all three brain regions contained representations for both single object and object pairs. In the lateral occipital region, the representation for a pair ofobjects could be reliably approximated by the average representation of its constituent objects shown in isolation, replicating previous findings in ventral visual cortex. Such a simple linear relationship, however, was not observed in either parietal region examined. Nevertheless, when we equated the amount of task information present by examining responses from two pairs of objects, we found that representations for the average of two object pairs were indistinguishable in both parietal regions from the average of another two object pairs containing the same four component objects but with a different pairing of the objects (i.e., the average of AB and CD vs. that of AD and CB). Thus, when task information was held consistent, the same linear relationship may govern how multiple independent objects are represented in the human parietal cortex as it does in ventral visual cortex. These findings show that object and task representations coexist in the human parietal cortex and characterize one significant dif- ference of how visual information may be represented in ventral visual and parietal regions. |
Yuki Motomura; Ruri Katsunuma; Michitaka Yoshimura; Kazuo Mishima Two days' sleep debt causes mood decline during resting state via diminished amygdala-prefrontal connectivity Journal Article In: Sleep, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. zsx133, 2017. @article{Motomura2017, Study objectives: Sleep debt (SD) has been suggested to evoke emotional instability by diminishing the suppression of the amygdala by the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC). Here, we investigated how short-term SD affects resting-state functional connectivity between the amygdala and MPFC, self-reported mood, and sleep parameters. Methods: Eighteen healthy adult men aged 29 ± 8.24 years participated in a 2-day sleep control session (SC; time in bed [TIB], 9 hours) and 2-day SD session (TIB, 3 hours). On day 2 of each session, resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed, followed immediately by measuring self-reported mood on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-State subscale (STAI-S). Results: STAI-S score was significantly increased, and functional connectivity between the amygdala and MPFC was significantly decreased in SD compared with SC. Significant correlations were observed between reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and reduced left amygdala-MPFC functional connectivity (FCL_amg-MPFC ) and between reduced FCL_amg-MPFC and increased STAI-S score in SD compared with SC. Conclusions: These findings suggest that reduced MPFC functional connectivity of amygdala activity is involved in mood deterioration under SD, and that REM sleep reduction is involved in functional changes in the corresponding brain regions. Having adequate REM sleep may be important for mental health maintenance. |
Claire K. Naughtin; Kristina Horne; Dana Schneider; Dustin Venini; Ashley York; Paul E. Dux Do implicit and explicit belief processing share neural substrates? Journal Article In: Human Brain Mapping, vol. 38, no. 9, pp. 4760–4772, 2017. @article{Naughtin2017, Humans rely on their ability to infer another person's mental state to understand and predict others' behavior (“theory of mind,” ToM). Multiple lines of research suggest that not only are humans able to consciously process another person's belief state, but also are able to do so implicitly. Here we explored how general implicit belief states are represented in the brain, compared to those substrates involved in explicit ToM processes. Previous work on this topic has yielded conflicting results, and thus, the extent to which the implicit and explicit ToM systems draw on common neural bases is unclear. Participants were presented with “Sally-Anne” type movies in which a protagonist was falsely led to believe a ball was in one location, only for a puppet to later move it to another location in their absence (false-belief condition). In other movies, the protagonist had their back turned the entire time the puppet moved the ball between the two locations, meaning that they had no opportunity to develop any pre-existing beliefs about the scenario (no-belief condition). Using a group of independently localized explicit ToM brain regions, we found greater activity for false-belief trials, relative to no-belief trials, in the right temporoparietal junction, right superior temporal sulcus, precuneus, and left middle prefrontal gyrus. These findings extend upon previous work on the neural bases of implicit ToM by showing substantial overlap between this system and the explicit ToM system, suggesting that both abilities might recruit a common set of mentalizing processes/functional brain regions. |
Veerle Neyens; Rose Bruffaerts; Antonietta G. Liuzzi; Ioannis Kalfas; Ronald Peeters; Emmanuel Keuleers; Rufin Vogels; Simon De Deyne; Gert Storms; Patrick Dupont; Rik Vandenberghe Representation of semantic similarity in the left intraparietal sulcus: Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence Journal Article In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 11, pp. 402, 2017. @article{Neyens2017, According to a recent study, semantic similarity between concrete entities correlates with the similarity of activity patterns in left middle IPS during category naming. We examined the replicability of this effect under passive viewing conditions, the potential role of visuoperceptual similarity, where the effect is situated compared to regions that have been previously implicated in visuospatial attention, and how it compares to effects of object identity and location. Forty-six subjects participated. Subjects passively viewed pictures from two categories, musical instruments and vehicles. Semantic similarity between entities was estimated based on a concept-feature matrix obtained in more than 1,000 subjects. Visuoperceptual similarity was modeled based on the HMAX model, the AlexNet deep convolutional learning model, and thirdly, based on subjective visuoperceptual similarity ratings. Among the IPS regions examined, only left middle IPS showed a semantic similarity effect. The effect was significant in hIP1, hIP2, and hIP3. Visuoperceptual similarity did not correlate with similarity of activity patterns in left middle IPS. The semantic similarity effect in left middle IPS was significantly stronger than in the right middle IPS and also stronger than in the left or right posterior IPS. The semantic similarity effect was similar to that seen in the angular gyrus. Object identity effects were much more widespread across nearly all parietal areas examined. Location effects were relatively specific for posterior IPS and area 7 bilaterally. To conclude, the current findings replicate the semantic similarity effect in left middle IPS under passive viewing conditions, and demonstrate its anatomical specificity within a cytoarchitectonic reference frame. We propose that the semantic similarity effect in left middle IPS reflects the transient uploading of semantic representations in working memory. |
Abigail L. Noyce; Nishmar Cestero; Samantha W. Michalka; Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham; David C. Somers Sensory-biased and multiple-demand processing in human lateral frontal cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 36, pp. 8755– 8766, 2017. @article{Noyce2017, The functionality of much of human lateral frontal cortex (LFC) has been characterized as 'multiple demand' as these regions appear to support a broad range of cognitive tasks. In contrast to this domain-general account, recent evidence indicates that portions of LFC are consistently selective for sensory modality. Michalka et al. (2015) reported two bilateral regions that are biased for visual attention, superior precentral sulcus (sPCS) and inferior precentral sulcus (iPCS), interleaved with two bilateral regions that are biased for auditory attention, transverse gyrus intersecting precentral sulcus (tgPCS) and caudal inferior frontal sulcus (cIFS). In the present study, we employ functional MRI to examine both the multiple-demand and sensory-bias hypotheses within caudal portions of human LFC (both men and women participated). Using visual and auditory 2-back tasks, we replicate the finding of two bilateral visual-biased and two bilateral auditory-biased LFC regions, corresponding to sPCS & iPCS and to tgPCS & cIFS, and demonstrate high within-subject reliability of these regions over time and across tasks. In addition, we assess multiple demand responsiveness using BOLD signal recruitment and vector space analysis. In both, we find that the two visual-biased regions, sPCS & iPCS, exhibit stronger multiple demand responsiveness than do the auditory-biased LFC regions, tgPCS & cIFS; however, neither reaches the degree of multiple demand responsiveness exhibited by dorsal anterior cingulate/pre-supplemental motor area or by anterior insula. These results reconcile two competing views of LFC by demonstrating the coexistence of sensory specialization and multiple demand functionality, especially in visual-biased LFC structures. |
Lauri Nummenmaa; Lauri Oksama; Enrico Glerean; Jukka Hyönä Cortical circuit for binding object identity and location during multiple-object tracking Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 162–172, 2017. @article{Nummenmaa2017, Sustained multifocal attention for moving targets requires binding object identities with their locations. The brain mechanisms of identity-location binding during attentive tracking have remained unresolved. In 2 functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments, we measured participants' hemodynamic activity during attentive tracking of multiple objects with equivalent (multiple-object tracking) versus distinct (multiple identity tracking, MIT) identities. Task load was manipulated parametrically. Both tasks activated large frontoparietal circuits. MIT led to significantly increased activity in frontoparietal and temporal systems subserving object recognition and working memory. These effects were replicated when eye movements were prohibited. MIT was associated with significantly increased functional connectivity between lateral temporal and frontal and parietal regions. We propose that coordinated activity of this network subserves identity-location binding during attentive tracking. |
E. Oberwelland; Leonhard Schilbach; I. Barisic; Sarah C. Krall; K. Vogeley; Gereon R. Fink; B. Herpertz-Dahlmann; Kerstin Konrad; Martin Schulte-Rüther Young adolescents with autism show abnormal joint attention network: A gaze contingent fMRI study Journal Article In: NeuroImage: Clinical, vol. 14, pp. 112–121, 2017. @article{Oberwelland2017, Behavioral research has revealed deficits in the development of joint attention (JA) as one of the earliest signs of autism. While the neural basis of JA has been studied predominantly in adults, we recently demonstrated a protracted development of the brain networks supporting JA in typically developing children and adolescents. The present eye-tracking/fMRI study now extends these findings to adolescents with autism. Our results show that in adolescents with autism JA is subserved by abnormal activation patterns in brain areas related to social cognition abnormalities which are at the core of ASD including the STS and TPJ, despite behavioral maturation with no behavioral differences. Furthermore, in the autism group we observed increased neural activity in a network of social and emotional processing areas during interactions with their mother. Moreover, data indicated that less severely affected individuals with autism showed higher frontal activation associated with self-initiated interactions. Taken together, this study provides first-time data of JA in children/adolescents with autism incorporating the interactive character of JA, its reciprocity and motivational aspects. The observed functional differences in adolescents ASD suggest that persistent developmental differences in the neural processes underlying JA contribute to social interaction difficulties in ASD. |
Elaine J. Anderson; Marc S. Tibber; D. Sam Schwarzkopf; Sukhwinder S. Shergill; Emilio Fernandez-Egea; Geraint Rees; Steven C. Dakin Visual population receptive fields in people with schizophrenia have reduced inhibitory surrounds Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1546–1556, 2017. @article{Anderson2017, People with schizophrenia (SZ) experience abnormal visual perception on a range of visual tasks, which have been linked to abnormal synaptic transmission and an imbalance between cortical excitation and inhibition. However, differences in the underlying architecture of visual cortex neurons, which might explain these visual anomalies, have yet to be reportedin vivoHere, we probed the neural basis of these deficits using fMRI and population receptive field (pRF) mapping to infer properties of visually responsive neurons in people with SZ. We employed a difference-of-Gaussian model to capture the center-surround configuration of the pRF, providing critical information about the spatial scale of the pRFs inhibitory surround. Our analysis reveals that SZ is associated with reduced pRF size in early retinotopic visual cortex, as well as a reduction in size and depth of the inhibitory surround in V1, V2, and V4. We consider how reduced inhibition might explain the diverse range of visual deficits reported in SZ. |
J. Andoh; M. Ferreira; I. R. Leppert; Reiko Matsushita; B. Pike; R. J. Zatorre How restful is it with all that noise? Comparison of Interleaved silent steady state (ISSS) and conventional imaging in resting-state fMRI Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 147, pp. 726–735, 2017. @article{Andoh2017, Resting-state fMRI studies have become very important in cognitive neuroscience because they are able to identify BOLD fluctuations in brain circuits involved in motor, cognitive, or perceptual processes without the use of an explicit task. Such approaches have been fruitful when applied to various disordered populations, or to children or the elderly. However, insufficient attention has been paid to the consequences of the loud acoustic scanner noise associated with conventional fMRI acquisition, which could be an important confounding factor affecting auditory and/or cognitive networks in resting-state fMRI. Several approaches have been developed to mitigate the effects of acoustic noise on fMRI signals, including sparse sampling protocols and interleaved silent steady state (ISSS) acquisition methods, the latter being used only for task-based fMRI. Here, we developed an ISSS protocol for resting-state fMRI (rs-ISSS) consisting of rapid acquisition of a set of echo planar imaging volumes following each silent period, during which the steady state longitudinal magnetization was maintained with a train of relatively silent slice-selective excitation pulses. We evaluated the test-retest reliability of intensity and spatial extent of connectivity networks of fMRI BOLD signal across three different days for rs-ISSS and compared it with a standard resting-state fMRI (rs-STD). We also compared the strength and distribution of connectivity networks between rs-ISSS and rs-STD. We found that both rs-ISSS and rs-STD showed high reproducibility of fMRI signal across days. In addition, rs-ISSS showed a more robust pattern of functional connectivity within the somatosensory and motor networks, as well as an auditory network compared with rs-STD. An increased connectivity between the default mode network and the language network and with the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) network was also found for rs-ISSS compared with rs-STD. Finally, region of interest analysis showed higher interhemispheric connectivity in Heschl's gyri in rs-ISSS compared with rs-STD, with lower variability across days. The present findings suggest that rs-ISSS may be advantageous for detecting network connectivity in a less noisy environment, and that resting-state studies carried out with standard scanning protocols should consider the potential effects of loud noise on the measured networks. |
Mareike Bacha-Trams; Enrico Glerean; Robin Dunbar; Juha M. Lahnakoski; Elisa Ryyppö; Mikko Sams; Iiro P. Jääskeläinen Differential inter-subject correlation of brain activity when kinship is a variable in moral dilemma Journal Article In: Scientific Reports, vol. 7, pp. 14244, 2017. @article{BachaTrams2017, Previous behavioural studies have shown that humans act more altruistically towards kin. Whether and how knowledge of genetic relatedness translates into differential neurocognitive evaluation of observed social interactions has remained an open question. Here, we investigated how the human brain is engaged when viewing a moral dilemma between genetic vs. non-genetic sisters. During functional magnetic resonance imaging, a movie was shown, depicting refusal of organ donation between two sisters, with subjects guided to believe the sisters were related either genetically or by adoption. Although 90% of the subjects self-reported that genetic relationship was not relevant, their brain activity told a different story. Comparing correlations of brain activity across all subject pairs between the two viewing conditions, we found significantly stronger inter-subject correlations in insula, cingulate, medial and lateral prefrontal, superior temporal, and superior parietal cortices, when the subjects believed that the sisters were genetically related. Cognitive functions previously associated with these areas include moral and emotional conflict regulation, decision making, and mentalizing, suggesting more similar engagement of such functions when observing refusal of altruism from a genetic sister. Our results show that mere knowledge of a genetic relationship between interacting persons robustly modulates social cognition of the perceiver. |
Anna K. Bonkhoff; Eckart Zimmermann; Gereon R. Fink Veridical stimulus localization is linked to human area V5/MT+ activity Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 156, pp. 377–387, 2017. @article{Bonkhoff2017, How the brain represents visual space is an unsolved mystery. Spatial localization becomes particularly challenging when visual information processing is briefly disrupted, as in the case of saccadic eye movements, blinks, or visual masks. As we have recently reported, a compression of visual space, illustrated by displacements of shortly flashed stimuli, can be observed in the temporal vicinity of masking stimuli during ocular fixation (Zimmermann et al., 2013). We here aimed at investigating the neural mechanisms underlying these displacements using functional magnetic resonance imaging. On the behavioral level, we detected significant stimulus displacement when visual masks were simultaneously presented. At the neural level, we observed decreased human motion complex V5/MT+ activation associated with these displacements: When comparing trials with a perceived stimulus shift in space to trials of veridical perception of stimulus localization, human V5/MT+ was significantly less activated although no differences in perceived motion can account for this. Data suggest an important role of human V5/MT+ in the process of spatial localization of briefly presented objects and thus extend current concepts of the functions of human V5/MT+. |
Rodrigo M. Braga; Randy L. Buckner Parallel interdigitated distributed networks within the individual estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 457–471.e5, 2017. @article{Braga2017, Certain organizational features of brain networks present in the individual are lost when central tendencies are examined in the group. Here we investigated the detailed network organization of four individuals each scanned 24 times using MRI. We discovered that the distributed network known as the default network is comprised of two separate networks possessing adjacent regions in eight or more cortical zones. A distinction between the networks is that one is coupled to the hippocampal formation while the other is not. Further exploration revealed that these two networks were juxtaposed with additional networks that themselves fractionate group-defined networks. The collective networks display a repeating spatial progression in multiple cortical zones, suggesting that they are embedded within a broad macroscale gradient. Regions contributing to the newly defined networks are spatially variable across individuals and adjacent to distinct networks, raising issues for network estimation in group-averaged data and applied endeavors, including targeted neuromodulation. Braga and Buckner examine the detailed organization of brain networks within individual people. They discovered that multiple closely juxtaposed cortical regions form parallel distributed networks. Separate large-scale networks may emerge from a common organizing principle. |
Donna J. Bridge; Neal J. Cohen; Joel L. Voss Distinct hippocampal versus frontoparietal network contributions to retrieval and memory-guided exploration Journal Article In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1324–1338, 2017. @article{Bridge2017, Memory can profoundly influence new learning, presumably because memory optimizes exploration of to-be-learned material. Although hippocampus and frontoparietal networks have been implicated in memory-guided exploration, their specific and interactive roles have not been identified. We examined eye movements during fMRI scanning to identify neural correlates of the influences of memory retrieval on exploration and learning. After retrieval of one object in a multiobject array, viewing was strategically directed away from the retrieved object toward nonretrieved objects, such that exploration was directed toward to-be-learned content. Retrieved objects later served as optimal reminder cues, indicating that exploration caused memory to become structured around the retrieved content. Hippocampal activity was associated with memory retrieval, whereas frontoparietal activity varied with strategic viewing patterns deployed after retrieval, thus providing spatiotemporal dissociation of memory retrieval from memory-guided learning strategies. Time-lagged fMRI connectivity analyses indicated that hippocampal activity predicted frontoparietal activity to a greater extent for a condition in which retrieval guided exploration occurred than for a passive control condition in which exploration was not influenced by retrieval. This demonstrates network-level interaction effects specific to influences of memory on strategic exploration. These findings show how memory guides behavior during learning and demonstrate distinct yet interactive hippocampal-frontoparietal roles in implementing strategic exploration behaviors that determine the fate of evolving memory representations. |
Laura Cacciamani; Erica Wager; Mary A. Peterson; Paige E. Scalf Age-related changes in perirhinal cortex sensitivity to configuration and part familiarity and connectivity to visual cortex Journal Article In: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, vol. 9, pp. 291, 2017. @article{Cacciamani2017, The perirhinal cortex (PRC) is a medial temporal lobe (MTL) structure known to be involved in assessing whether an object is familiar (i.e., meaningful) or novel. Recent evidence shows that the PRC is sensitive to the familiarity of both whole object configurations and their parts, and suggests the PRC may modulate part familiarity responses in V2. Here, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated age-related decline in the PRC's sensitivity to part/configuration familiarity and assessed its functional connectivity to visual cortex in young and older adults. Participants categorized peripherally presented silhouettes as familiar ("real-world") or novel. Part/configuration familiarity was manipulated via three silhouette configurations: Familiar (parts/configurations familiar), Control Novel (parts/configurations novel), and Part-Rearranged Novel (parts familiar, configurations novel). "Real-world" judgments were less accurate than "novel" judgments, although accuracy did not differ between age groups. The fMRI data revealed differential neural activity, however: In young adults, a linear pattern of activation was observed in left hemisphere (LH) PRC, with Familiar > Control Novel > Part-Rearranged Novel. Older adults did not show this pattern, indicating age-related decline in the PRC's sensitivity to part/configuration familiarity. A functional connectivity analysis revealed a significant coupling between the PRC and V2 in the LH in young adults only. Older adults showed a linear pattern of activation in the temporopolar cortex (TPC), but no evidence of TPC-V2 connectivity. This is the first study to demonstrate age-related decline in the PRC's representations of part/configuration familiarity and its covariance with visual cortex. |
Jan Willem Gee; Olympia Colizoli; Niels A. Kloosterman; Tomas Knapen; Sander Nieuwenhuis; Tobias H. Donner Dynamic modulation of decision biases by brainstem arousal systems Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 6, pp. 1–36, 2017. @article{Gee2017, Decision-makers often arrive at different choices when faced with repeated presentations of the same evidence. Variability of behavior is commonly attributed to noise in the brain's decision-making machinery. We hypothesized that phasic responses of brainstem arousal systems are a significant source of this variability. We tracked pupil responses (a proxy of phasic arousal) during sensory-motor decisions in humans, across different sensory modalities and task protocols. Large pupil responses generally predicted a reduction in decision bias. Using fMRI, we showed that the pupil-linked bias reduction was (i) accompanied by a modulation of choice-encoding pattern signals in parietal and prefrontal cortex and (ii) predicted by phasic, pupil-linked responses of a number of neuromodulatory brainstem centers involved in the control of cortical arousal state, including the noradrenergic locus coeruleus. We conclude that phasic arousal suppresses decision bias on a trial-by-trial basis, thus accounting for a significant component of the variability of choice behavior. |
Maryam Vaziri-Pashkam; Yaoda Xu Goal-directed visual processing differentially impacts human ventral and dorsal visual representations Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 36, pp. 8767–8782, 2017. @article{VaziriPashkam2017, Recent studies have challenged the ventral/“what” and dorsal/“where” two-visual-processing-pathway view by showing the existence of “what”and“where”information in both pathways. Is thetwo-pathwaydistinction still valid? Here,weexaminedhowgoal-directed visual information processing may differentially impact visual representations in these two pathways. Using fMRI and multivariate pattern analysis, in three experiments onhumanparticipants (57% females), by manipulating whether color or shape was task-relevant andhow they were conjoined, we examined shape-based object category decoding in occipitotemporal and parietal regions.Wefound that object category representations in all the regions examined were influenced by whether or not object shape was task-relevant. This task effect, however,tendedto decrease as task-relevantandirrelevant featuresweremoreintegrated, reflecting thewell-knownobject-based feature encoding. Interestingly, task relevance played a relatively minor role in driving the representational structures of early visual and ventral object regions. They were driven predominantly by variations in object shapes. In contrast, the effect of task was much greater in dorsal than ventral regions, with object category and task relevance both contributing significantly to the representational structures of the dorsal regions. These results showed that, whereas visual representations in the ventral pathway are more invariant and reflect “what an object is,” those in the dorsal pathway are more adaptive and reflect “what we do with it.” Thus, despite the existence of “what” and “where” information in both visual processing pathways, the two pathways may still differ fundamentally in their roles in visual infor- mation representation. |
Alex L. White; Erik Runeson; John Palmer; Zachary R. Ernst; Geoffrey M. Boynton Evidence for unlimited capacity processing of simple features in visual cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Vision, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 19, 2017. @article{White2017a, Performance in many visual tasks is impaired when observers attempt to divide spatial attention across multiple visual field locations. Correspondingly, neuronal response magnitudes in visual cortex are often reduced during divided compared with focused spatial attention. This suggests that early visual cortex is the site of capacity limits, where finite processing resources must be divided among attended stimuli. However, behavioral research demonstrates that not all visual tasks suffer such capacity limits: The costs of divided attention are minimal when the task and stimulus are simple, such as when searching for a target defined by orientation or contrast. To date, however, every neuroimaging study of divided attention has used more complex tasks and found large reductions in response magnitude. We bridged that gap by using functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure responses in the human visual cortex during simple feature detection. The first experiment used a visual search task: Observers detected a low-contrast Gabor patch within one or four potentially relevant locations. The second experiment used a dual-task design, in which observers made independent judgments of Gabor presence in patches of dynamic noise at two locations. In both experiments, blood-oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals in the retinotopic cortex were significantly lower for ignored than attended stimuli. However, when observers divided attention between multiple stimuli, BOLD signals were not reliably reduced and behavioral performance was unimpaired. These results suggest that processing of simple features in early visual cortex has unlimited capacity. |
Kitty Z. Xu; Brian A. Anderson; Erik E. Emeric; Anthony W. Sali; Veit Stuphorn; Steven Yantis; Susan M. Courtney Neural basis of cognitive control over movement inhibition: Human fMRI and primate electrophysiology evidence Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1447–1458.e6, 2017. @article{Xu2017, Executive control involves the ability to flexibly inhibit or change an action when it is contextually inappropriate. Using the complimentary techniques of human fMRI and monkey electrophysiology in a context-dependent stop signal task, we found a functional double dissociation between the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (rVLPFC) and the bi-lateral frontal eye field (FEF). Different regions of rVLPFC were associated with context-based signal meaning versus intention to inhibit a response, while FEF activity corresponded to success or failure of the response inhibition regardless of the stimulus response mapping or the context. These results were validated by electrophysiological recordings in rVLPFC and FEF from one monkey. Inhibition of a planned behavior is therefore likely not governed by a single brain system as had been previously proposed, but instead depends on two distinct neural processes involving different sub-regions of the rVLPFC and their interactions with other motor-related brain regions. Xu et al. present a rare combination of complementary evidence from human fMRI and primate neurophysiology, demonstrating that response inhibition is not directly accomplished by the rVLPFC, but instead requires multiple, distinct rVLPFC networks involving attention and contextual stimulus interpretation. |
Sorato Minami; Kaoru Amano Illusory jitter perceived at the frequency of alpha oscillations Journal Article In: Current Biology, vol. 27, no. 15, pp. 1–13, 2017. @article{Minami2017, Neural oscillations, such as alpha (8–13 Hz), beta (13–30 Hz), and gamma (30–100 Hz), are widespread across cortical areas, and their possible functional roles include feature binding [1], neuronal communication [2, 3], and memory [1, 4]. The most prominent signal among these neural oscillations is the alpha oscillation. Although accumulating evidence suggests that alpha oscillations correlate with various aspects of visual processing [5–18], the number of studies proving their causal contribution in visual perception is limited [11, 16–18]. Here we report that illusory visual vibrations are consciously experienced at the frequency of intrinsic alpha oscillations. We employed an illusory jitter perception termed the motion-induced spatial conflict [19] that originates from the cyclic interaction between motion and shape processing. Comparison between the perceived frequency of illusory jitter and the peak alpha frequency (PAF) measured using magnetoencephalography (MEG) revealed that the inter- and intra-participant variations of the PAF are mirrored by an illusory jitter perception. More crucially, psychophysical and MEG measurements during amplitude-modulated current stimulation [20] showed that the PAF can be artificially manipulated, which results in a corresponding change in the perceived jitter frequency. These results suggest the causal contribution of neural oscillations at the alpha frequency in creating temporal characteristics of visual perception. Our results suggest that cortical areas, dorsal and ventral visual areas in this case, are interacting at the frequency of alpha oscillations [2, 3, 21–27]. |
C. J. Aine; H. J. Bockholt; J. R. Bustillo; J. M. Cañive; A. Caprihan; C. Gasparovic; F. M. Hanlon; J. M. Houck; R. E. Jung; J. Lauriello; J. Liu; A. R. Mayer; N. I. Perrone-Bizzozero; S. Posse; Julia M. Stephen; J. A. Turner; V. P. Clark; Vince D. Calhoun Multimodal neuroimaging in schizophrenia: Description and dissemination Journal Article In: Neuroinformatics, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 343–364, 2017. @article{Aine2017, In this paper we describe an open-access collection ofmultimodal neuroimaging data in schizophrenia for release to the community. Data were acquired from approximately 100 patients with schizophrenia and 100 age-matched controls during rest as well as several task activation paradigms targeting a hierarchy of cognitive constructs. Neuroimaging data include structural MRI, functional MRI, diffusion MRI, MR spectroscopic imaging, and magnetoencephalography. For three of the hypothesis-driven projects, task activation paradigms were acquired on subsets of~200 volunteers which examined a range of sensory and cognitive processes (e.g., auditory sensory gating, auditory/visual multisensory integration, visual transverse patterning). Neuropsychological data were also acquired and genetic material via saliva samples were collected from most of the participants and have been typed for both genome-wide polymorphism data as well as genome-wide methylation data. Some results are also present- ed from the individual studies as well as from our data-driven multimodal analyses (e.g., multimodal examinations of network structure and network dynamics and multitask fMRI data analysis across projects). All data will be released through the Mind Research Network's collaborative informatics and neuroimaging suite (COINS). |
Malcolm Proudfoot; Gustavo Rohenkohl; Andrew Quinn; Giles L. Colclough; Joanne Wuu; Kevin Talbot; Mark W. Woolrich; Michael Benatar; Anna C. Nobre; Martin R. Turner Altered cortical beta-band oscillations reflect motor system degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Journal Article In: Human Brain Mapping, vol. 38, pp. 237–254, 2017. @article{Proudfoot2017, Continuous rhythmic neuronal oscillations underpin local and regional cortical communication. The impact of the motor system neurodegenerative syndrome amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) on the neuronal oscillations subserving movement might therefore serve as a sensitive marker of disease activity. Movement preparation and execution are consistently associated with modulations to neuronal oscillation beta (15–30 Hz) power. Cortical beta-band oscillations were measured using magnetoencephalography (MEG) during preparation for, execution, and completion of a visually cued, lateralized motor task that included movement inhibition trials. Eleven “classical” ALS patients, 9 with the primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) phenotype, and 12 asymptomatic carriers of ALS-associated gene mutations were compared with age-similar healthy control groups. Augmented beta desynchronization was observed in both contra- and ipsilateral motor cortices of ALS patients during motor preparation. Movement execution coincided with excess beta desynchronization in asymptomatic mutation carriers. Movement completion was followed by a slowed rebound of beta power in all symptomatic patients, further reflected in delayed hemispheric lateralization for beta rebound in the PLS group. This may correspond to the particular involvement of interhemispheric fibers of the corpus callosum previously demonstrated in diffusion tensor imaging studies. We conclude that the ALS spectrum is characterized by intensified cortical beta desynchronization followed by delayed rebound, concordant with a broader concept of cortical hyperexcitability, possibly through loss of inhibitory interneuronal influences. MEG may potentially detect cortical dysfunction prior to the development of overt symptoms, and thus be able to contribute to the assessment of future neuroprotective strategies. |
Tobias Staudigl; Elisabeth Hartl; Soheyl Noachtar; Christian F. Doeller; Ole Jensen Saccades are phase-locked to alpha oscillations in the occipital and medial temporal lobe enhance memory encoding Journal Article In: PLoS Biology, vol. 15, no. 12, pp. e2003404, 2017. @article{Staudigl2017, Efficient sampling of visual information requires a coordination of eye movements and ongoing brain oscillations. Using intracranial and MEG recordings, we show that saccades are locked to the phase of visual alpha oscillations, and that this coordination supports mnemonic encoding of visual scenes. Furthermore, parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortex involvement in this coordination reflects effective vision-to-memory mapping, highlighting the importance of neural oscillations for the interaction between visual and memory domains. |
Thomas Meindertsma; Niels A. Kloosterman; Guido Nolte; Andreas K. Engel; Tobias H. Donner Multiple transient signals in human visual cortex associated with an elementary decision Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 23, pp. 5744–5757, 2017. @article{Meindertsma2017, The cerebral cortex continuously undergoes changes in its state, which are manifested in transient modulations of the cortical power spectrum. Cortical state changes also occur at full wakefulness and during rapid cognitive acts, such as perceptual decisions. Previous studies found a global modulation of beta-band (12–30 Hz) activity in human and monkey visual cortex during an elementary visual decision: reporting the appearance or disappearance of salient visual targets surrounded by a distractor. The previous studies disentangled neither the motor action associated with behavioral report nor other secondary processes, such as arousal, from perceptual decision processing per se. Here, we used magnetoencephalography in humans to pinpoint the factors underlying the beta-band modulation.We found that disappearances of a salient target were associated with beta-band suppression, and target reappearances with beta-band enhancement. This was true for both overt behavioral reports (immediate button presses) and silent counting of the perceptual events. This finding indicates that the beta-band modulation was unrelated to the execution of the motor act associated with a behavioral report of the perceptual decision. Further, changes in pupil-linked arousal, fixational eye movements, or gamma-band responses were not necessary for the beta-band modulation. Together, our results suggest that the beta-band modulation was a top-down signal associated with the process of converting graded perceptual signals into a categorical format underlying flexible behavior. This signal may have been fed back from brain regions involved in decision processing to visual cortex, thus enforcing a “decision-consistent” cortical state. |
Craig G. Richter; Mariana Babo-Rebelo; Denis Schwartz; Catherine Tallon-Baudry In: NeuroImage, vol. 146, pp. 951–958, 2017. @article{Richter2017, A fundamental feature of the temporal organization of neural activity is phase-amplitude coupling between brain rhythms at different frequencies, where the amplitude of a higher frequency varies according to the phase of a lower frequency. Here, we show that this rule extends to brain-organ interactions. We measured both the infra-slow (~0.05 Hz) rhythm intrinsically generated by the stomach – the gastric basal rhythm – using electrogastrography, and spontaneous brain dynamics with magnetoencephalography during resting-state with eyes open. We found significant phase-amplitude coupling between the infra-slow gastric phase and the amplitude of the cortical alpha rhythm (10–11 Hz), with gastric phase accounting for 8% of the variance of alpha rhythm amplitude fluctuations. Gastric-alpha coupling was localized to the right anterior insula, and bilaterally to occipito-parietal regions. Transfer entropy, a measure of directionality of information transfer, indicates that gastric-alpha coupling is due to an ascending influence from the stomach to both the right anterior insula and occipito-parietal regions. Our results show that phase-amplitude coupling so far only observed within the brain extends to brain-viscera interactions. They further reveal that the temporal structure of spontaneous brain activity depends not only on neuron and network properties endogenous to the brain, but also on the slow electrical rhythm generated by the stomach. |
Tzvetan Popov; Sabine Kastner; Ole Jensen FEF-controlled alpha delay activity precedes stimulus-induced gamma-band activity in visual cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 37, no. 15, pp. 4117–4127, 2017. @article{Popov2017, Recent findings in the visual system of nonhuman primates have demonstrated an important role of gamma-band activity (40–100 Hz) in the feedforward flow of sensory information, whereas feedback control appears to be established dynamically by oscillations in the alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (13–18 Hz) bands (van Kerkoerle et al., 2014; Bastos et al., 2015). It is not clear, however, how alpha oscillations are controlled and how they interact with the flow of visual information mediated by gamma-band activity. Using noninvasive human MEG recordings in subjects performing a visuospatial attention task, we show that fluctuations in alpha power during a delay period in a spatial attention task preceded subsequent stimulus-driven gamma-band activity. Importantly, these interactions correlated with behavioral performance. Using Granger analysis, we further show that the right frontal-eye field (rFEF) exerted feedback control of the visual alpha oscillations. Our findings suggest that alpha oscillations controlled by the FEF route cortical information flow by modulating gamma-band activity. |
Theresa Wildegger; Freek Ede; Mark W. Woolrich; Céline R. Gillebert; Anna C. Nobre Preparatory α-band oscillations reflect spatial gating independently of predictions regarding target identity Journal Article In: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 117, no. 3, pp. 1385–1394, 2017. @article{Wildegger2017, Preparatory modulations of cortical alpha-band oscillations are a reliable index of the voluntary allocation of covert spatial attention. It is currently unclear whether attentional cues containing information about a target's identity (such as its visual orientation), in addition to its location, might additionally shape preparatory alpha modulations. Here, we explore this question by directly comparing spatial and feature-based attention in the same visual detection task while recording brain activity using magneto-encephalography (MEG). At the behavioural level, preparatory feature-based and spatial attention cues both improved performance, and did so independently of each other. Using MEG, we replicated robust alpha lateralisation following spatial cues: in preparation for a visual target, alpha power decreased contralaterally, and increased ipsilaterally to the attended location. Critically, however, preparatory alpha lateralisation was not significantly modulated by predictions regarding target identity, as carried via the behaviourally effective feature-based attention cues. Furthermore, non-lateralised alpha power during the cue-target interval did not differentiate between uninformative cues and cues carrying feature-based predictions either. Based on these results we propose that preparatory alpha modulations play a role in the gating of information between spatially segregated cortical regions, and are therefore particularly well suited for spatial gating of information. |
2016 |
Stephen M. Lee; Alicia Peltsch; Maureen Kilmade; Donald C. Brien; Brian C. Coe; Ingrid S. Johnsrude; Douglas P. Munoz Neural correlates of predictive saccades Journal Article In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1210–1227, 2016. @article{Lee2016, Every day we generate motor responses that are timed with external cues. This phenomenon of sensorimotor synchronization has been simplified and studied extensively using finger tapping sequences that are executed in synchrony with auditory stimuli. The predictive saccade paradigm closely resembles the finger tapping task. In this paradigm, participants follow a visual target that “steps” between two fixed locations on a visual screen at predictable ISIs. Eventually, the time from target appearance to saccade initiation (i.e., saccadic RT) becomes predictive with values nearing 0 msec. Unlike the finger tapping literature, neural control of predictive behavior described within the eye movement literature has not been well established and is inconsistent, especially between neuroimaging and patient lesion studies. To resolve these discrepancies, we used fMRI to investigate the neural correlates of predictive saccades by con- trasting brain areas involved with behavior generated from the predictive saccade task with behavior generated from a reactive saccade task (saccades are generated toward targets that are unpredictably timed). We observed striking differences in neural recruitment between reactive and predictive conditions: Reactive saccades recruited oculomotor structures, as predicted, whereas predictive saccades recruited brain structures that support tim- ing inmotor responses, such as the crus I of the cerebellum, and structures commonly associated with the default mode network. Therefore, our results were more consistent with those found in the finger tapping literature. |
Samantha W. Michalka; Maya L. Rosen; Lingqiang Kong; Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham; David C. Somers Auditory spatial coding flexibly recruits anterior, but not posterior, visuotopic parietal cortex Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1302–1308, 2016. @article{Michalka2016, Audition and vision both convey spatial information about the environment, but much less is known about mechanisms of auditory spatial cognition than visual spatial cognition. Human cortex contains >20 visuospatial map representations but no reported auditory spatial maps. The intraparietal sulcus (IPS) contains several of these visuospatial maps, which support visuospatial attention and short-term memory (STM). Neuroimaging studies also demonstrate that parietal cortex is activated during auditory spatial attention and working memory tasks, but prior work has not demonstrated that auditory activation occurs within visual spatial maps in parietal cortex. Here, we report both cognitive and anatomical distinctions in the auditory recruitment of visuotopically mapped regions within the superior parietal lobule. An auditory spatial STM task recruited anterior visuotopic maps (IPS2-4, SPL1), but an auditory temporal STM task with equivalent stimuli failed to drive these regions significantly. Behavioral and eye-tracking measures rule out task difficulty and eye movement explanations. Neither auditory task recruited posterior regions IPS0 or IPS1, which appear to be exclusively visual. These findings support the hypothesis of multisensory spatial processing in the anterior, but not posterior, superior parietal lobule and demonstrate that recruitment of these maps depends on auditory task demands. |
E. Oberwelland; Leonhard Schilbach; I. Barisic; Sarah C. Krall; K. Vogeley; Gereon R. Fink; B. Herpertz-Dahlmann; Kerstin Konrad; Martin Schulte-Rüther Look into my eyes: Investigating joint attention using interactive eye-tracking and fMRI in a developmental sample Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 130, pp. 248–260, 2016. @article{Oberwelland2016, Joint attention, the shared attentional focus of at least two people on a third significant object, is one of the earliest steps in social development and an essential aspect of reciprocal interaction. However, the neural basis of joint attention (JA) in the course of development is completely unknown. The present study made use of an interactive eye-tracking paradigm in order to examine the developmental trajectories of JA and the influence of a familiar interaction partner during the social encounter. Our results show that across children and adolescents JA elicits a similar network of "social brain" areas as well as attention and motor control associated areas as in adults. While other-initiated JA particularly recruited visual, attention and social processing areas, self-initiated JA specifically activated areas related to social cognition, decision-making, emotions and motivational/reward processes highlighting the rewarding character of self-initiated JA. Activation was further enhanced during self-initiated JA with a familiar interaction partner. With respect to developmental effects, activation of the precuneus declined from childhood to adolescence and additionally shifted from a general involvement in JA towards a more specific involvement for self-initiated JA. Similarly, the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) was broadly involved in JA in children and more specialized for self-initiated JA in adolescents. Taken together, this study provides first-time data on the developmental trajectories of JA and the effect of a familiar interaction partner incorporating the interactive character of JA, its reciprocity and motivational aspects. |
Serguei V. Astafiev; Kristina L. Zinn; Gordon L. Shulman; Maurizio Corbetta Exploring the physiological correlates of chronic mild traumatic brain injury symptoms Journal Article In: NeuroImage: Clinical, vol. 11, pp. 10–19, 2016. @article{Astafiev2016, We report on the results of a multimodal imaging study involving behavioral assessments, evoked and resting-state BOLD fMRI, and DTI in chronic mTBI subjects. We found that larger task-evoked BOLD activity in the MT+/LO region in extra-striate visual cortex correlated with mTBI and PTSD symptoms, especially light sensitivity. Moreover, higher FA values near the left optic radiation (OR) were associated with both light sensitivity and higher BOLD activity in the MT+/LO region. The MT+/LO region was localized as a region of abnormal functional connectivity with central white matter regions previously found to have abnormal physiological signals during visual eye movement tracking (Astafiev et al., 2015). We conclude that mTBI symptoms and light sensitivity may be related to excessive responsiveness of visual cortex to sensory stimuli. This abnormal sensitivity may be related to chronic remodeling of white matter visual pathways acutely injured. |
James A. Brissenden; Emily J. Levin; David E. Osher; Mark A. Halko; David C. Somers Functional evidence for a cerebellar node of the dorsal attention network Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 36, no. 22, pp. 6083–6096, 2016. @article{Brissenden2016, The "dorsal attention network" or "frontoparietal network" refers to a network of cortical regions that support sustained attention and working memory. Recent work has demonstrated that cortical nodes of the dorsal attention network possess intrinsic functional connections with a region in ventral cerebellum, in the vicinity of lobules VII/VIII. Here, we performed a series of task-based and resting-state fMRI experiments to investigate cerebellar participation in the dorsal attention network in humans. We observed that visual working memory and visual attention tasks robustly recruit cerebellar lobules VIIb and VIIIa, in addition to canonical cortical dorsal attention network regions. Across the cerebellum, resting-state functional connectivity with the cortical dorsal attention network strongly predicted the level of activation produced by attention and working memory tasks. Critically, cerebellar voxels that were most strongly connected with the dorsal attention network selectively exhibited load-dependent activity, a hallmark of the neural structures that support visual working memory. Finally, we examined intrinsic functional connectivity between task-responsive portions of cerebellar lobules VIIb/VIIIa and cortex. Cerebellum-to-cortex functional connectivity strongly predicted the pattern of cortical activation during task performance. Moreover, resting-state connectivity patterns revealed that cerebellar lobules VIIb/VIIIa group with cortical nodes of the dorsal attention network. This evidence leads us to conclude that the conceptualization of the dorsal attention network should be expanded to include cerebellar lobules VIIb/VIIIa. |
Heeyoung Choo; Dirk B. Walther In: NeuroImage, vol. 135, pp. 32–44, 2016. @article{Choo2016, Humans efficiently grasp complex visual environments, making highly consistent judgments of entry-level category despite their high variability in visual appearance. How does the human brain arrive at the invariant neural representations underlying categorization of real-world environments? We here show that the neural representation of visual environments in scene-selective human visual cortex relies on statistics of contour junctions, which provide cues for the three-dimensional arrangement of surfaces in a scene. We manipulated line drawings of real-world environments such that statistics of contour orientations or junctions were disrupted. Manipulated and intact line drawings were presented to participants in an fMRI experiment. Scene categories were decoded from neural activity patterns in the parahippocampal place area (PPA), the occipital place area (OPA) and other visual brain regions. Disruption of junctions but not orientations led to a drastic decrease in decoding accuracy in the PPA and OPA, indicating the reliance of these areas on intact junction statistics. Accuracy of decoding from early visual cortex, on the other hand, was unaffected by either image manipulation. We further show that the correlation of error patterns between decoding from the scene-selective brain areas and behavioral experiments is contingent on intact contour junctions. Finally, a searchlight analysis exposes the reliance of visually active brain regions on different sets of contour properties. Statistics of contour length and curvature dominate neural representations of scene categories in early visual areas and contour junctions in high-level scene-selective brain regions. |
Rutvik H. Desai; Wonil Choi; Vicky T. Lai; John M. Henderson Toward semantics in the wild: Activation to manipulable nouns in naturalistic reading Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 36, no. 14, pp. 4050–4055, 2016. @article{Desai2016, The neural basis of language processing, in the context of naturalistic reading of connected text, is a crucial but largely unexplored area. Here we combined functional MRI and eye tracking to examine the reading of text presented as whole paragraphs in two experiments with human subjects. We registered high-temporal resolution eye-tracking data to a low-temporal resolution BOLD signal to extract responses to single words during naturalistic reading where two to four words are typically processed per second. As a test case of a lexical variable, we examined the response to noun manipulability. In both experiments, signal in the left anterior inferior parietal lobule and posterior inferior temporal gyrus and sulcus was positively correlated with noun manipulability. These regions are associated with both action performance and action semantics, and their activation is consistent with a number of previous studies involving tool words and physical tool use. The results show that even during rapid reading of connected text, where semantics of words may be activated only partially, the meaning of manipulable nouns is grounded in action performance systems. This supports the grounded cognition view of semantics, which posits a close link between sensory-motor and conceptual systems of the brain. On the methodological front, these results demonstrate that BOLD responses to lexical variables during naturalistic reading can be extracted by simultaneous use of eye tracking. This opens up new avenues for the study of language and reading in the context of connected text. |
Mark D. Lescroart; Nancy Kanwisher; Julie D. Golomb No evidence for automatic remapping of stimulus features or location found with fMRI Journal Article In: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, vol. 10, pp. 53, 2016. @article{Lescroart2016, The input to our visual system shifts every time we move our eyes. To maintain a stable percept of the world, visual representations must be updated with each saccade. Near the time of a saccade, neurons in several visual areas become sensitive to the regions of visual space that their receptive fields occupy after the saccade. This process, known as remapping, transfers information from one set of neurons to another, and may provide a mechanism for visual stability. However, it is not clear whether remapping transfers information about stimulus features in addition to information about stimulus location. To investigate this issue, we recorded BOLD fMRI responses while human subjects viewed images of faces and houses (two visual categories with many feature differences). Immediately after some image presentations, subjects made a saccade that moved the previously stimulated location to the opposite side of the visual field. We then used a combination of univariate analyses and multivariate pattern analyses to test whether information about stimulus location and stimulus features were remapped to the ipsilateral hemisphere after the saccades. We found no reliable indication of stimulus feature remapping in any region. However, we also found no reliable indication of stimulus location remapping, despite the fact that our paradigm was highly similar to previous fMRI studies of remapping. The absence of location remapping in our study precludes strong conclusions regarding feature remapping. However, these results also suggest that measurement of location remapping with fMRI depends strongly on the details of the experimental paradigm used. We highlight differences in our approach from the original fMRI studies of remapping, discuss potential reasons for the failure to generalize prior location remapping results, and suggest directions for future research. |
Andrea Phillipou; Larry Allen Abel; David Jonathan Castle; Matthew Edward Hughes; Richard Grant Nibbs; Caroline T. Gurvich; Susan Lee Rossell Resting state functional connectivity in anorexia nervosa Journal Article In: Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, vol. 251, pp. 45–52, 2016. @article{Phillipou2016, Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a serious psychiatric illness characterised by a disturbance in body image, a fear of weight gain and significantly low body weight. The factors involved in the genesis and maintenance of AN are unclear, though the potential neurobiological underpinnings of the condition are of increasing interest. Through the investigation of functional connectivity of the brain at rest, information relating to neuronal communication and integration of information that may relate to behaviours and cognitive symptoms can be explored. The aim of this study was to investigate functional connectivity of the default mode network, and sensorimotor and visual networks in AN. 26 females with AN and 27 healthy control participants matched for age, gender and premorbid intelligence underwent a resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging scan. Default mode network functional connectivity did not differ between groups. AN participants displayed reduced functional connectivity between the sensorimotor and visual networks, in comparison to healthy controls. This finding is discussed in terms of differences in visuospatial processing in AN and the distortion of body image experienced by these individuals. Overall, the findings suggest that sensorimotor and visual network connectivity may be related to visuospatial processing in AN, though, further research is required. |
Zvi N. Roth In: Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, vol. 10, pp. 16, 2016. @article{Roth2016, Neural responses in visual cortex are governed by a topographic mapping from retinal locations to cortical responses. Moreover, at the voxel population level early visual cortex (EVC) activity enables accurate decoding of stimuli locations. However, in many cases information enabling one to discriminate between locations (i.e. discriminative information) may be less relevant than information regarding the relative location of two objects (i.e. relative information). For example, when planning to grab a cup, determining whether the cup is located at the same retinal location as the hand is hardly relevant, whereas the location of the cup relative to the hand is crucial for performing the action. We have previously used multivariate pattern analysis techniques to measure discriminative location information, and found the highest levels in early visual cortex, in line with other studies. Here we show, using representational similarity analysis, that availability of discriminative information in fMRI activation patterns does not entail availability of relative information. Specifically, we find that relative location information can be reliably extracted from activity patterns in posterior intraparietal sulcus (pIPS), but not from EVC, where we find the spatial representation to be warped. We further show that this variability in relative information levels between regions can be explained by a computational model based on an array of receptive fields. Moreover, when the model's receptive fields are extended to include inhibitory surround regions, the model can account for the spatial warping in EVC. These results demonstrate how size and shape properties of receptive fields in human visual cortex contribute to the transformation of discriminative spatial representation into relative spatial representation along the visual stream. |
Sarah Schuster; Stefan Hawelka; Florian Hutzler; Martin Kronbichler; Fabio Richlan Words in context: The effects of length, frequency, and predictability on brain responses during natural reading Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 3889–3904, 2016. @article{Schuster2016, Word length, frequency, and predictability count among the most influential variables during reading. Their effects are well-documented in eye movement studies, but pertinent evidence from neuroimaging primarily stem from single-word presentations. We investigated the effects of these variables during reading of whole sentences with simultaneous eye-tracking and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fixation-related fMRI). Increasing word length was associated with increasing activation in occipital areas linked to visual analysis. Additionally, length elicited a U-shaped modulation (i.e., least activation for medium-length words) within a brain stem region presumably linked to eye movement control. These effects, however, were diminished when accounting for multiple fixation cases. Increasing frequency was associated with decreasing activation within left inferior frontal, superior parietal, and occipito-temporal regions. The function of the latter region-hosting the putative visual word form area-was originally considered as limited to sublexical processing. An exploratory analysis revealed that increasing predictability was associated with decreasing activation within middle temporal and inferior frontal regions previously implicated in memory access and unification. The findings are discussed with regard to their correspondence with findings from single-word presentations and with regard to neurocognitive models of visual word recognition, semantic processing, and eye movement control during reading. |
Maria Steffens; B. Becker; C. Neumann; Anna-Maria Kasparbauer; Inga Meyhöfer; Bernd Weber; Mitul A. Mehta; R. Hurlemann; Ulrich Ettinger Effects of ketamine on brain function during smooth pursuit eye movements Journal Article In: Human Brain Mapping, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 4047–4060, 2016. @article{Steffens2016, The uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine has been proposed to model symptoms of psychosis. Smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM) are an established biomarker of schizophrenia. SPEM performance has been shown to be impaired in the schizophrenia spectrum and during ketamine administration in healthy volunteers. However, the neural mechanisms mediating SPEM impairments during ketamine administration are unknown. In a counter-balanced, placebo-controlled, double-blind, within-subjects design, 27 healthy participants received intravenous racemic ketamine (100 ng/mL target plasma concentration) on one of two assessment days and placebo (intravenous saline) on the other. Participants performed a block-design SPEM task during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 3 Tesla field strength. Self-ratings of psychosis-like experiences were obtained using the Psychotomimetic States Inventory (PSI). Ketamine administration induced psychosis-like symptoms, during ketamine infusion, participants showed increased ratings on the PSI dimensions cognitive disorganization, delusional thinking, perceptual distortion and mania. Ketamine led to robust deficits in SPEM performance, which were accompanied by reduced blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal in the SPEM network including primary visual cortex, area V5 and the right frontal eye field (FEF), compared to placebo. A measure of connectivity with V5 and FEF as seed regions, however, was not significantly affected by ketamine. These results are similar to the deviations found in schizophrenia patients. Our findings support the role of glutamate dysfunction in impaired smooth pursuit performance and the use of ketamine as a pharmacological model of psychosis, especially when combined with oculomotor biomarkers. |
Hongfang Wang; Eleanor Callaghan; Gerard Gooding-Williams; Craig McAllister; Klaus Kessler Rhythm makes the world go round: An MEG-TMS study on the role of right TPJ theta oscillations in embodied perspective taking Journal Article In: Cortex, vol. 75, pp. 68–81, 2016. @article{Wang2016e, While some aspects of social processing are shared between humans and other species, some aspects are not. The former seems to apply to merely tracking another's visual perspective in the world (i.e., what a conspecific can or cannot perceive), while the latter applies to perspective taking in form of mentally "embodying" another's viewpoint. Our previous behavioural research had indicated that only perspective taking, but not tracking, relies on simulating a body schema rotation into another's viewpoint. In the current study we employed Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and revealed that this mechanism of mental body schema rotation is primarily linked to theta oscillations in a wider brain network of body-schema, somatosensory and motor-related areas, with the right posterior temporo-parietal junction (pTPJ) at its core. The latter was reflected by a convergence of theta oscillatory power in right pTPJ obtained by overlapping the separately localised effects of rotation demands (angular disparity effect), cognitive embodiment (posture congruence effect), and basic body schema involvement (posture relevance effect) during perspective taking in contrast to perspective tracking. In a subsequent experiment we interfered with right pTPJ processing using dual pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (dpTMS) and observed a significant reduction of embodied processing. We conclude that right TPJ is the crucial network hub for transforming the embodied self into another's viewpoint, body and/or mind, thus, substantiating how conflicting representations between self and other may be resolved and potentially highlighting the embodied origins of high-level social cognition in general. |
Hyojin Park; Christoph Kayser; Gregor Thut; Joachim Gross Lip movements entrain the observers' low-frequency brain oscillations to facilitate speech intelligibility Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 5, pp. 1–17, 2016. @article{Park2016, During continuous speech, lip movements provide visual temporal signals that facilitate speech processing. Here, using MEG we directly investigated how these visual signals interact with rhythmic brain activity in participants listening to and seeing the speaker. First, we investigated coherence between oscillatory brain activity and speaker's lip movements and demonstrated significant entrainment in visual cortex. We then used partial coherence to remove contributions of the coherent auditory speech signal from the lip-brain coherence. Comparing this synchronization between different attention conditions revealed that attending visual speech enhances the coherence between activity in visual cortex and the speaker's lips. Further, we identified a significant partial coherence between left motor cortex and lip movements and this partial coherence directly predicted comprehension accuracy. Our results emphasize the importance of visually entrained and attention-modulated rhythmic brain activity for the enhancement of audiovisual speech processing. |
Eelke Spaak; Yvonne Fonken; Ole Jensen; Floris P. Lange The neural mechanisms of prediction in visual search Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 26, no. 11, pp. 4327–4336, 2016. @article{Spaak2016, The speed of visual search depends on bottom-up stimulus features (e.g., we quickly locate a red item among blue distractors), but it is also facilitated by the presence of top-down perceptual predictions about the item. Here, we identify the nature, source, and neuronal substrate of the predictions that speed up resumed visual search. Human subjects were presented with a visual search array that was repeated up to 4 times, while brain activity was recorded using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Behaviorally, we observed a bimodal reaction time distribution for resumed visual search, indicating that subjects were extraordinarily rapid on a proportion of trials. MEG data demonstrated that these rapid-response trials were associated with a prediction of (1) target location, as reflected by alpha-band (8-12 Hz) lateralization; and (2) target identity, as reflected by beta-band (15-30 Hz) lateralization. Moreover, we show that these predictions are likely generated in a network consisting of medial superior frontal cortex and right temporo-parietal junction. These findings underscore the importance and nature of perceptual hypotheses for efficient visual search. |
Heng Ru May Tan; Joachim Gross; P. J. Uhlhaas MEG sensor and source measures of visually induced gamma-band oscillations are highly reliable Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 137, pp. 34–44, 2016. @article{Tan2016, High frequency brain oscillations are associated with numerous cognitive and behavioral processes. Non-invasive measurements using electro-/magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG) have revealed that high frequency neural signals are heritable and manifest changes with age as well as in neuropsychiatric illnesses. Despite the extensive use of EEG/MEG-measured neural oscillations in basic and clinical research, studies demonstrating test-retest reliability of power and frequency measures of neural signals remain scarce. Here, we evaluated the test-retest reliability of visually induced gamma (30-100 Hz) oscillations derived from sensor and source signals acquired over two MEG sessions. The study required participants (N = 13) to detect the randomly occurring stimulus acceleration while viewing a moving concentric grating. Sensor and source MEG measures of gamma-band activity yielded comparably strong reliability (average intraclass correlation |
Anna Antonia Pape; Markus Siegel Motor cortex activity predicts response alternation during sensorimotor decisions Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 7, pp. 13098, 2016. @article{Pape2016, Our actions are constantly guided by decisions based on sensory information. The motor cortex is traditionally viewed as the final output stage in this process, merely executing motor responses based on these decisions. However, it is not clear if, beyond this role, the motor cortex itself impacts response selection. Here, we report activity fluctuations over motor cortex measured using MEG, which are unrelated to choice content and predict responses to a visuomotor task seconds before decisions are made. These fluctuations are strongly influenced by the previous trial's response and predict a tendency to switch between response alternatives for consecutive decisions. This alternation behaviour depends on the size of neural signals still present from the previous response. Our results uncover a response-alternation bias in sensorimotor decision making. Furthermore, they suggest that motor cortex is more than an output stage and instead shapes response selection during sensorimotor decision making. |
Marieke E. Nieuwenhuijzen; Eva W. P. Borne; Ole Jensen; Marcel A. J. Gerven Spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical representations during and after stimulus presentation Journal Article In: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, vol. 10, pp. 42, 2016. @article{Nieuwenhuijzen2016, Visual perception is a spatiotemporally complex process. In this study, we investigated cortical dynamics during and after stimulus presentation. We observed that visual category information related to the difference between faces and objects became apparent in the occipital lobe after 63 ms. Within the next 110 ms, activation spread out to include the temporal lobe before returning to residing mainly in the occipital lobe again. After stimulus offset, a peak in information was observed, comparable to the peak after stimulus onset. Moreover, similar processes, albeit not identical, seemed to underlie both peaks. Information about the categorical identity of the stimulus remained present until 677 ms after stimulus offset, during which period the stimulus had to be retained in working memory. Activation patterns initially resembled those observed during stimulus presentation. After about 200 ms, however, this representation changed and class-specific activity became more equally distributed over the four lobes. These results show that, although there are common processes underlying stimulus representation both during and after stimulus presentation, these representations change depending on the specific stage of perception and maintenance. |
Yoshihito Shigihara; Hideyuki Hoshi; Semir Zeki Early visual cortical responses produced by checkerboard pattern stimulation Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 134, pp. 532–539, 2016. @article{Shigihara2016, Visual evoked potentials have been traditionally triggered with flash or reversing checkerboard stimuli and recorded with electroencephalographic techniques, largely but not exclusively in clinical or clinically related settings. They have been crucial in determining the healthy functioning or otherwise of the visual pathways up to and including the cerebral cortex. They have typically given early response latencies of 100 ms, the source of which has been attributed to V1, with the prestriate cortex being secondarily activated somewhat later. On the other hand, magnetoencephalographic studies using stimuli better tailored to the physiology of individual, specialized, visual areas have given early latencies of <. 50 ms with the sources localized in both striate (V1) and prestriate cortex. In this study, we used the reversing checkerboard pattern as a stimulus and recorded cortical visual evoked magnetic fields with magnetoencephalography, to establish whether very early responses can be traced to (estimated) in both striate and prestriate cortex, since such a demonstration would enhance considerably the power of this classical approach in clinical investigations. Our results show that cortical responses evoked by checkerboard patterns can be detected before 50 ms post-stimulus onset and that their sources can be estimated in both striate and prestriate cortex, suggesting a strong parallel input from the sub-cortex to both striate and prestriate divisions of the visual cortex. |
Tom R. Marshall; Sophie Esterer; Jim D. Herring; Til O. Bergmann; Ole Jensen On the relationship between cortical excitability and visual oscillatory responses-A concurrent tDCS-MEG study Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 140, pp. 41–49, 2016. @article{Marshall2016, Neuronal oscillations in the alpha band (8–12 Hz) in visual cortex are considered to instantiate ‘attentional gating' via the inhibition of activity in regions representing task-irrelevant parts of space. In contrast, visual gamma-band activity (40–100 Hz) is regarded as representing a bottom-up drive from incoming visual information, with increased synchronisation producing a stronger feedforward impulse for relevant information. However, little is known about the direct relationship between excitability of the visual cortex and these oscillatory mechanisms. In this study we used transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in an Oz–Cz montage in order to stimulate visual cortex, concurrently recording whole-brain oscillatory activity using magnetoencephalography (MEG) whilst participants performed a visual task known to produce strong modulations of alpha- and gamma-band activity. We found that visual stimuli produced expected modulations of alpha and gamma – presenting a moving annulus stimulus led to a strong gamma increase and alpha decrease – and that this pattern was observable both during active (anodal and cathodal) tDCS and sham tDCS. However, tDCS did not seem to produce systematic alterations of these oscillatory responses. The present study thus demonstrates that concurrent tDCS/MEG of the visual system is a feasible tool for investigating visual neuronal oscillations, and we discuss potential reasons for the apparent inability of tDCS to effectively change the amplitude of visual stimulus induced oscillatory responses in the current study. |
Akiko Ikkai; Sangita Dandekar; Clayton E. Curtis Lateralization in alpha-band oscillations predicts the locus and spatial distribution of attention Journal Article In: PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. e0154796, 2016. @article{Ikkai2016, Attending to a task-relevant location changes how neural activity oscillates in the alpha band (8-13Hz) in posterior visual cortical areas. However, a clear understanding of the relationships between top-down attention, changes in alpha oscillations in visual cortex, and attention performance are still poorly understood. Here, we tested the degree to which the posterior alpha power tracked the locus of attention, the distribution of attention, and how well the topography of alpha could predict the locus of attention. We recorded magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data while subjects performed an attention demanding visual discrimination task that dissociated the direction of attention from the direction of a saccade to indicate choice. On some trials, an endogenous cue predicted the target's location, while on others it contained no spatial information. When the target's location was cued, alpha power decreased in sensors over occipital cortex contralateral to the attended visual field. When the cue did not predict the target's location, alpha power again decreased in sensors over occipital cortex, but bilaterally, and increased in sensors over frontal cortex. Thus, the distribution and the topography of alpha reliably indicated the locus of covert attention. Together, these results suggest that alpha synchronization reflects changes in the excitability of populations of neurons whose receptive fields match the locus of attention. This is consistent with the hypothesis that alpha oscillations reflect the neural mechanisms by which top-down control of attention biases information processing and modulate the activity of neurons in visual cortex. |
Pavan Ramkumar; Bruce C. Hansen; Sebastian Pannasch; Lester C. Loschky Visual information representation and rapid-scene categorization are simultaneous across cortex: An MEG study Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 134, pp. 295–304, 2016. @article{Ramkumar2016, Perceiving the visual world around us requires the brain to represent the features of stimuli and to categorize the stimulus based on these features. Incorrect categorization can result either from errors in visual representation or from errors in processes that lead to categorical choice. To understand the temporal relationship between the neural signatures of such systematic errors, we recorded whole-scalp magnetoencephalography (MEG) data from human subjects performing a rapid-scene categorization task. We built scene category decoders based on (1) spatiotemporally resolved neural activity, (2) spatial envelope (SpEn) image features, and (3) behavioral responses. Using confusion matrices, we tracked how well the pattern of errors from neural decoders could be explained by SpEn decoders and behavioral errors, over time and across cortical areas. Across the visual cortex and the medial temporal lobe, we found that both SpEn and behavioral errors explained unique variance in the errors of neural decoders. Critically, these effects were nearly simultaneous, and most prominent between 100 and 250 ms after stimulus onset. Thus, during rapid-scene categorization, neural processes that ultimately result in behavioral categorization are simultaneous and co-localized with neural processes underlying visual information representation. |
Pascasie L. Dombert; Anna B. Kuhns; Paola Mengotti; Gereon R. Fink; Simone Vossel Functional mechanisms of probabilistic inference in feature- and space-based attentional systems Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 142, pp. 553–564, 2016. @article{Dombert2016a, Humans flexibly attend to features or locations and these processes are influenced by the probability of sensory events. We combined computational modeling of response times with fMRI to compare the functional correlates of (re-)orienting, and the modulation by probabilistic inference in spatial and feature-based attention systems. Twenty-four volunteers performed two task versions with spatial or color cues. Percentage of cue validity changed unpredictably. A hierarchical Bayesian model was used to derive trial-wise estimates of probability-dependent attention, entering the fMRI analysis as parametric regressors. Attentional orienting activated a dorsal frontoparietal network in both tasks, without significant parametric modulation. Spatially invalid trials activated a bilateral frontoparietal network and the precuneus, while invalid feature trials activated the left intraparietal sulcus (IPS). Probability-dependent attention modulated activity in the precuneus, left posterior IPS, middle occipital gyrus, and right temporoparietal junction for spatial attention, and in the left anterior IPS for feature-based and spatial attention. These findings provide novel insights into the generality and specificity of the functional basis of attentional control. They suggest that probabilistic inference can distinctively affect each attentional subsystem, but that there is an overlap in the left IPS, which responds to both spatial and feature-based expectancy violations. |
Jamie Ferri; Joseph Schmidt; Greg Hajcak; Turhan Canli Emotion regulation and amygdala-precuneus connectivity: Focusing on attentional deployment Journal Article In: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 991–1002, 2016. @article{Ferri2016, Attentional deployment is an emotion regulation strategy that involves shifting attentional focus. Deploying attention to non-arousing, compared to arousing, regions of unpleasant images has been associated with reduced negative affect, reduced amygdala activation, and increased activity in fronto-parietal control networks. The current study examined neural correlates and functional connectivity associated with using attentional deployment to increase negative affect (deploying attention towards arousing unpleasant information) or to decrease negative affect (deploying attention away from arousing unpleasant information), compared to naturally viewing unpleasant images, in 42 individuals while concurrently monitoring eye movements. Directing attention to both arousing and non-arousing regions resulted in enhanced fronto-parietal activation compared to natural viewing, but only directing attention to non-arousing regions was associated with changes in amygdala activation. There were no significant differences in connectivity between naturally viewing unpleasant images and focusing on arousing regions. However, naturally viewing unpleasant images, relative to focusing on non-arousing regions, was associated with increased connectivity between the amygdala and visual cortex, while focusing on non-arousing regions of unpleasant images, compared to natural viewing, was associated with increased connectivity between the amygdala and the precuneus. Amygdala-precuneus connectivity correlated positively with eye-tracking measures of attentional deployment success and with trait reappraisal. Deploying attention away from arousing unpleasant information, then, may depend upon functional relationships between the amygdala and parietal regions implicated in attentional control. Furthermore, these relationships might relate to the ability to successfully implement attentional deployment, and the predisposition to utilize adaptive emotion regulation strategies. |
Stefan Frässle; Sören Krach; Frieder M. Paulus; Andreas Jansen Handedness is related to neural mechanisms underlying hemispheric lateralization of face processing Journal Article In: Scientific Reports, vol. 6, pp. 27153, 2016. @article{Fraessle2016, While the right-hemispheric lateralization of the face perception network is well established, recent evidence suggests that handedness affects the cerebral lateralization of face processing at the hierarchical level of the fusiform face area (FFA). However, the neural mechanisms underlying differential hemispheric lateralization of face perception in right- and left-handers are largely unknown. Using dynamic causal modeling (DCM) for fMRI, we aimed to unravel the putative processes that mediate handedness-related differences by investigating the effective connectivity in the bilateral core face perception network. Our results reveal an enhanced recruitment of the left FFA in left-handers compared to right-handers, as evidenced by more pronounced face-specific modulatory influences on both intra- and interhemispheric connections. As structural and physiological correlates of handedness- related differences in face processing, right- and left-handers varied with regard to their gray matter volume in the left fusiform gyrus and their pupil responses to face stimuli. Overall, these results describe how handedness is related to the lateralization of the core face perception network, and point to different neural mechanisms underlying face processing in right- and left-handers. In a wider context, this demonstrates the entanglement of structurally and functionally remote brain networks, suggesting a broader underlying process regulating brain lateralization. |
Stefan Frässle; Frieder M. Paulus; Sören Krach; Stefan Robert Schweinberger; Klaas Enno Stephan; Andreas Jansen Mechanisms of hemispheric lateralization: Asymmetric interhemispheric recruitment in the face perception network Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 124, pp. 977–988, 2016. @article{Fraessle2016a, Perceiving human faces constitutes a fundamental ability of the human mind, integrating a wealth of information essential for social interactions in everyday life. Neuroimaging studies have unveiled a distributed neural network consisting of multiple brain regions in both hemispheres. Whereas the individual regions in the face perception network and the right-hemispheric dominance for face processing have been subject to intensive research, the functional integration among these regions and hemispheres has received considerably less attention. Using dynamic causal modeling (DCM) for fMRI, we analyzed the effective connectivity between the core regions in the face perception network of healthy humans to unveil the mechanisms underlying both intra- and interhemispheric integration. Our results suggest that the right-hemispheric lateralization of the network is due to an asymmetric face-specific interhemispheric recruitment at an early processing stage - that is, at the level of the occipital face area (OFA) but not the fusiform face area (FFA). As a structural correlate, we found that OFA gray matter volume was correlated with this asymmetric interhemispheric recruitment. Furthermore, exploratory analyses revealed that interhemispheric connection asymmetries were correlated with the strength of pupil constriction in response to faces, a measure with potential sensitivity to holistic (as opposed to feature-based) processing of faces. Overall, our findings thus provide a mechanistic description for lateralized processes in the core face perception network, point to a decisive role of interhemispheric integration at an early stage of face processing among bilateral OFA, and tentatively indicate a relation to individual variability in processing strategies for faces. These findings provide a promising avenue for systematic investigations of the potential role of interhemispheric integration in future studies. |
Hanna Gertz; Maximilian Hilger; Mathias Hegele; Katja Fiehler Violating instructed human agency: An fMRI study on ocular tracking of biological and nonbiological motion stimuli Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 138, pp. 109–122, 2016. @article{Gertz2016, Previous studies have shown that beliefs about the human origin of a stimulus are capable of modulating the coupling of perception and action. Such beliefs can be based on top-down recognition of the identity of an actor or bottom-up observation of the behavior of the stimulus. Instructed human agency has been shown to lead to superior tracking performance of a moving dot as compared to instructed computer agency, especially when the dot followed a biological velocity profile and thus matched the predicted movement, whereas a violation of instructed human agency by a nonbiological dot motion impaired oculomotor tracking (Zwickel et al., 2012). This suggests that the instructed agency biases the selection of predictive models on the movement trajectory of the dot motion. The aim of the present fMRI study was to examine the neural correlates of top-down and bottom-up modulations of perception–action couplings by manipulating the instructed agency (human action vs. computer-generated action) and the observable behavior of the stimulus (biological vs. nonbiological velocity profile). To this end, participants performed an oculomotor tracking task in an MRI environment. Oculomotor tracking activated areas of the eye movement network. A right-hemisphere occipito-temporal cluster comprising the motion-sensitive area V5 showed a preference for the biological as compared to the nonbiological velocity profile. Importantly, a mismatch between instructed human agency and a nonbiological velocity profile primarily activated medial–frontal areas comprising the frontal pole, the paracingulate gyrus, and the anterior cingulate gyrus, as well as the cerebellum and the supplementary eye field as part of the eye movement network. This mismatch effect was specific to the instructed human agency and did not occur in conditions with a mismatch between instructed computer agency and a biological velocity profile. Our results support the hypothesis that humans activate a specific predictive model for biological movements based on their own motor expertise. A violation of this predictive model causes costs as the movement needs to be corrected in accordance with incoming (nonbiological) sensory information. |
Claudia C. Gonzalez; Jac Billington; Melanie R. Burke The involvement of the fronto-parietal brain network in oculomotor sequence learning using fMRI Journal Article In: Neuropsychologia, vol. 87, pp. 1–11, 2016. @article{Gonzalez2016a, The basis of motor learning involves decomposing complete actions into a series of predictive individual components that form the whole. The present fMRI study investigated the areas of the human brain important for oculomotor short-term learning, by using a novel sequence learning paradigm that is equivalent in visual and temporal properties for both saccades and pursuit, enabling more direct comparisons between the oculomotor subsystems. In contrast with previous studies that have implemented a series of discrete ramps to observe predictive behaviour as evidence for learning, we presented a continuous sequence of interlinked components that better represents sequences of actions. We implemented both a classic univariate fMRI analysis, followed by a further multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) within a priori regions of interest, to investigate oculomotor sequence learning in the brain and to determine whether these mechanisms overlap in pursuit and saccades as part of a higher order learning network. This study has uniquely identified an equivalent frontal-parietal network (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, frontal eye fields and posterior parietal cortex) in both saccades and pursuit sequence learning. In addition, this is the first study to investigate oculomotor sequence learning during fMRI brain imaging, and makes significant contributions to understanding the role of the dorsal networks in motor learning. |
Michael Hanke; Nico Adelhöfer; Daniel Kottke; Vittorio Iacovella; Ayan Sengupta; Falko R. Kaule; Roland Nigbur; Alexander Q. Waite; Florian Baumgartner; Jörg Stadler A studyforrest extension, simultaneous fMRI and eye gaze recordings during prolonged natural stimulation Journal Article In: Scientific Data, vol. 3, pp. 160092, 2016. @article{Hanke2016, Here we present an update of the studyforrest (http://studyforrest.org) dataset that complements the previously released functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data for natural language processing with a new two-hour 3 Tesla fMRI acquisition while 15 of the original participants were shown an audio-visual version of the stimulus motion picture. We demonstrate with two validation analyses that these new data support modeling specific properties of the complex natural stimulus, as well as a substantial within-subject BOLD response congruency in brain areas related to the processing of auditory inputs, speech, and narrative when compared to the existing fMRI data for audio-only stimulation. In addition, we provide participants' eye gaze location as recorded simultaneously with fMRI, and an additional sample of 15 control participants whose eye gaze trajectories for the entire movie were recorded in a lab setting-to enable studies on attentional processes and comparative investigations on the potential impact of the stimulation setting on these processes. |
John M. Henderson; Wonil Choi; Matthew W. Lowder; Fernanda Ferreira Language structure in the brain: A fixation-related fMRI study of syntactic surprisal in reading Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 132, pp. 293–300, 2016. @article{Henderson2016, How is syntactic analysis implemented by the human brain during language comprehension? The current study combined methods from computational linguistics, eyetracking, and fMRI to address this question. Subjects read passages of text presented as paragraphs while their eye movements were recorded in an MRI scanner. We parsed the text using a probabilistic context-free grammar to isolate syntactic difficulty. Syntactic difficulty was quantified as syntactic surprisal, which is related to the expectedness of a given word's syntactic category given its preceding context. We compared words with high and low syntactic surprisal values that were equated for length, frequency, and lexical surprisal, and used fixation-related (FIRE) fMRI to measure neural activity associated with syntactic surprisal for each fixated word. We observed greater neural activity for high than low syntactic surprisal in two predicted cortical regions previously identified with syntax: left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and less robustly, left anterior superior temporal lobe (ATL). These results support the hypothesis that left IFG and ATL play a central role in syntactic analysis during language comprehension. More generally, the results suggest a broader cortical network associated with syntactic prediction that includes increased activity in bilateral IFG and insula, as well as fusiform and right lingual gyri. |
A. Hummer; M. Ritter; M. Tik; A. A. Ledolter; M. Woletz; G. E. Holder; Serge O. Dumoulin; U. Schmidt-Erfurth; C. Windischberger Eyetracker-based gaze correction for robust mapping of population receptive fields Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 142, pp. 211–224, 2016. @article{Hummer2016, Functional MRI enables the acquisition of a retinotopic map that relates regions of the visual field to neural populations in the visual cortex. During such a “population receptive field” (PRF) experiment, stable gaze fixation is of utmost importance in order to correctly link the presented stimulus patterns to stimulated retinal regions and the resulting Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) response of the appropriate region within the visual cortex. A method is described that compensates for unstable gaze fixation by recording gaze position via an eyetracker and subsequently modifies the input stimulus underlying the PRF analysis according to the eyetracking measures. Here we show that PRF maps greatly improve when the method is applied to data acquired with either saccadic or smooth eye movements. We conclude that the technique presented herein is useful for studies involving subjects with unstable gaze fixation, particularly elderly patient populations. |
Monika Intaitė; João Valente Duarte; Miguel Castelo-Branco Working memory load influences perceptual ambiguity by competing for fronto-parietal attentional resources Journal Article In: Brain Research, vol. 1650, pp. 142–151, 2016. @article{Intaite2016, A visual stimulus is defined as ambiguous when observers perceive it as having at least two distinct and spontaneously alternating interpretations. Neuroimaging studies suggest an involvement of a right fronto-parietal network regulating the balance between stable percepts and the triggering of alternative interpretations. As spontaneous perceptual reversals may occur even in the absence of attention to these stimuli, we investigated neural activity patterns in response to perceptual changes of ambiguous Necker cube under different amounts of working memory load using a dual-task design. We hypothesized that the same regions that process working memory load are involved in perceptual switching and confirmed the prediction that perceptual reversals led to fMRI responses that linearly depended on load. Accordingly, posterior Superior Parietal Lobule, anterior Prefrontal and Dorsolateral Prefrontal cortices exhibited differential BOLD signal changes in response to perceptual reversals under working memory load. Our results also suggest that the posterior Superior Parietal Lobule may be directly involved in the emergence of perceptual reversals, given that it specifically reflects both perceptual versus real changes and load levels. The anterior Prefrontal and Dorsolateral Prefrontal cortices, showing a significant interaction between reversal levels and load, might subserve a modulatory role in such reversals, in a mirror symmetric way: in the former activation is suppressed by the highest loads, and in the latter deactivation is reduced by highest loads, suggesting a more direct role of the aPFC in reversal generation. |
Su Keun Jeong; Yaoda Xu The impact of top-down spatial attention on laterality and hemispheric asymmetry in the human parietal cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Vision, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 1–21, 2016. @article{Jeong2016, The human parietal cortex exhibits a preference to contralaterally presented visual stimuli (i.e., laterality) as well as an asymmetry between the two hemispheres with the left parietal cortex showing greater laterality than the right. Using visual short-term memory and perceptual tasks and varying target location predictability, this study examined whether hemispheric laterality and asymmetry are fixed characteristics of the human parietal cortex or whether they are dynamic and modulated by the deployment of top-down attention to the target present hemifield. Two parietal regions were examined here that have previously been shown to be involved in visual object individuation and identification and are located in the inferior and superior intraparietal sulcus (IPS), respectively. Across three experiments, significant laterality was found in both parietal regions regardless of attentional modulation with laterality being greater in the inferior than superior IPS, consistent with their roles in object individuation and identification, respectively. Although the deployment of top-down attention had no effect on the superior IPS, it significantly increased laterality in the inferior IPS. The deployment of top-down spatial attention can thus amplify the strength of laterality in the inferior IPS. Hemispheric asymmetry, on the other hand, was absent in both brain regions and only emerged in the inferior but not the superior IPS with the deployment of top-down attention. Interestingly, the strength of hemispheric asymmetry significantly correlated with the strength of laterality in the inferior IPS. Hemispheric asymmetry thus seems to only emerge when there is a sufficient amount of laterality present in a brain region. |
Anna-Maria Kasparbauer; Inga Meyhöfer; Maria Steffens; Bernd Weber; Merve Aydin; Veena Kumari; Rene Hurlemann; Ulrich Ettinger Neural effects of methylphenidate and nicotine during smooth pursuit eye movements Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 141, pp. 52–59, 2016. @article{Kasparbauer2016, Introduction: Nicotine and methylphenidate are putative cognitive enhancers in healthy and patient populations. Although they stimulate different neurotransmitter systems, they have been shown to enhance performance on overlapping measures of attention. So far, there has been no direct comparison of the effects of these two stimulants on behavioural performance or brain function in healthy humans. Here, we directly compare the two compounds using a well-established oculomotor biomarker in order to explore common and distinct behavioural and neural effects. Methods: Eighty-two healthy male non-smokers performed a smooth pursuit eye movement task while lying in an fMRI scanner. In a between-subjects, double-blind design, subjects either received placebo (placebo patch and capsule), nicotine (7 mg nicotine patch and placebo capsule), or methylphenidate (placebo patch and 40 mg methylphenidate capsule). Results: There were no significant drug effects on behavioural measures. At the neural level, methylphenidate elicited higher activation in left frontal eye field compared to nicotine, with an intermediate response under placebo. Discussion: The reduced activation of task-related regions under nicotine could be associated with more efficient neural processing, while increased hemodynamic response under methylphenidate is interpretable as enhanced processing of task-relevant networks. Together, these findings suggest dissociable neural effects of these putative cognitive enhancers. |
Tomas Knapen; Jascha D. Swisher; Frank Tong; Patrick Cavanagh Oculomotor remapping of visual information to foveal retinotopic cortex Journal Article In: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, vol. 10, pp. 54, 2016. @article{Knapen2016a, Our eyes continually jump around the visual scene to bring the high-resolution, central part of our vision onto objects of interest. We are oblivious to these abrupt shifts, perceiving the visual world to appear reassuringly stable. A process called remapping has been proposed to mediate this perceptual stability for attended objects by shifting their retinotopic representation to compensate for the effects of the upcoming eye movement. In everyday vision, observers make goal-directed eye movements towards items of interest bringing them to the fovea and, for these items, the remapped activity should impinge on foveal regions of the retinotopic maps in visual cortex. Previous research has focused instead on remapping for targets that were not saccade goals, where activity is remapped to a new peripheral location rather than to the foveal representation. We used functional MRI and a phase-encoding design to investigate remapping of spatial patterns of activity towards the fovea/parafovea for saccade targets that were removed prior to completion of the eye movement. We found strong evidence of foveal remapping in retinotopic visual areas, which failed to occur when observers merely attended to the same peripheral target without making eye movements toward it. Significantly, the spatial profile of the remapped response matched the orientation and size of the saccade target, and was appropriately scaled to reflect the retinal extent of the stimulus had it been foveated. We conclude that this remapping of spatially structured information to the fovea may serve as an important mechanism to support our world-centered sense of location across goal-directed eye movements under natural viewing conditions. |
Tobias Talanow; Anna-Maria Kasparbauer; Maria Steffens; Inga Meyhöfer; Bernd Weber; Nikolaos Smyrnis; Ulrich Ettinger Facing competition: Neural mechanisms underlying parallel programming of antisaccades and prosaccades Journal Article In: Brain and Cognition, vol. 107, pp. 37–47, 2016. @article{Talanow2016, The antisaccade task is a prominent tool to investigate the response inhibition component of cognitive control. Recent theoretical accounts explain performance in terms of parallel programming of exogenous and endogenous saccades, linked to the horse race metaphor. Previous studies have tested the hypothesis of competing saccade signals at the behavioral level by selectively slowing the programming of endogenous or exogenous processes e.g. by manipulating the probability of antisaccades in an experimental block. To gain a better understanding of inhibitory control processes in parallel saccade programming, we analyzed task-related eye movements and blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) responses obtained using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 3T from 16 healthy participants in a mixed antisaccade and prosaccade task. The frequency of antisaccade trials was manipulated across blocks of high (75%) and low (25%) antisaccade frequency. In blocks with high antisaccade frequency, antisaccade latencies were shorter and error rates lower whilst prosaccade latencies were longer and error rates were higher. At the level of BOLD, activations in the task-related saccade network (left inferior parietal lobe, right inferior parietal sulcus, left precentral gyrus reaching into left middle frontal gyrus and inferior frontal junction) and deactivations in components of the default mode network (bilateral temporal cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex) compensated increased cognitive control demands. These findings illustrate context dependent mechanisms underlying the coordination of competing decision signals in volitional gaze control. |
Kathleen Thomaes; Iris M. Engelhard; Marit Sijbrandij; Danielle C. Cath; Odile A. Heuvel Degrading traumatic memories with eye movements: A pilot functional MRI study in PTSD Journal Article In: European Journal of Psychotraumatology, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2016. @article{Thomaes2016, Background: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During EMDR, the patient recalls traumatic memories while making eye movements (EMs). Making EMs during recall is associated with decreased vividness and emotionality of traumatic memories, but the underlying mechanism has been unclear. Recent studies support a ''working-memory'' (WM) theory, which states that the two tasks (recall and EMs) compete for limited capacity of WM resources. However, prior research has mainly relied on self-report measures. Methods: Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we tested whether ''recall with EMs,''relative to a ''recall-only'' control condition, was associated with reduced activity of primary visual and emotional processing brain regions, associatedwith vividness and emotionality respectively, and increased activity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), associated with working memory. We used a randomized, controlled, crossover experimental design in eight adult patients with a primary diagnosis of PTSD. A script-driven imagery (SDI) procedure was used to measure responsiveness to an audio-script depicting the participant's traumatic memory before and after conditions. Results: SDI activated mainly emotional processing-related brain regions (anterior insula, rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex), WM-related (DLPFC), and visual (association) brain regions before both conditions. Although predicted pre-to post-test decrease in amygdala activation after "recall with EMs" was not significant, SDI activated less right amygdala and rostral ACC activity after "recall with EMs" compared to post-"recall-only." Furthermore, functional connectivity from the right amygdala to the rostral ACC was decreased after "recall with EMs" compared with after "recall-only." Conclusions: These preliminary results in a small sample suggest that making EMs during recall, which is part of the regular EMDR treatment protocol, might reduce activity and connectivity in emotional processing-related areas. This study warrants replication in a larger sample. |
Ruud L. Brink; Thomas Pfeffer; Christopher M. Warren; Peter R. Murphy; Klodiana-Daphne Tona; Nic J. Wee; Eric J. Giltay; Martijn S. Noorden; Serge A. R. B. Rombouts; Tobias H. Donner; Sander Nieuwenhuis Catecholaminergic neuromodulation shapes intrinsic MRI functional connectivity in the human brain Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 36, no. 30, pp. 7865–7876, 2016. @article{Brink2016, The brain commonly exhibits spontaneous (i.e., in the absence of a task) fluctuations in neural activity that are correlated across brain regions. It has been established that the spatial structure, or topography, of these intrinsic correlations is in part determined by the fixed anatomical connectivity between regions. However, it remains unclear which factors dynamically sculpt this topography as a function of brain state. Potential candidate factors are subcortical catecholaminergic neuromodulatory systems, such as the locus ceruleus-norepinephrine system, which send diffuse projections to most parts of the forebrain. Here, we systematically characterized the effects of endogenous central neuromodulation on correlated fluctuations during rest in the human brain. Using a double-blind placebo-controlled crossover design, we pharmacologically increased synaptic catecholamine levels by administering atomoxetine, an NE transporter blocker, and examined the effects on the strength and spatial structure of resting-state MRI functional connectivity. First, atomoxetine reduced the strength of inter-regional correlations across three levels of spatial organization, indicating that catecholamines reduce the strength of functional interactions during rest. Second, this modulatory effectonintrinsic correlations exhibited a substantial degree of spatial specificity: the decrease in functional connectivity showed an anterior–posterior gradient in the cortex, depended on the strength of baseline functional connectivity, and was strongest for connections between regions belonging to distinct resting-state networks. Thus, catecholamines reduce intrinsic correlations in a spatially heterogeneous fashion. We conclude that neuromodulation is an important factor shaping the topography of intrinsic functional connectivity. |
Jelle A. Dijk; Benjamin Haas; Christina Moutsiana; D. Samuel Schwarzkopf Intersession reliability of population receptive field estimates Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 143, pp. 293–303, 2016. @article{Dijk2016, Population receptive field (pRF) analysis is a popular method to infer spatial selectivity of voxels in visual cortex. However, it remains largely untested how stable pRF estimates are over time. Here we measured the intersession reliability of pRF parameter estimates for the central visual field and near periphery, using a combined wedge and ring stimulus containing natural images. Sixteen healthy human participants completed two scanning sessions separated by 10–114 days. Individual participants showed very similar visual field maps for V1-V4 on both sessions. Intersession reliability for eccentricity and polar angle estimates was close to ceiling for most visual field maps (r>.8 for V1-3). PRF size and cortical magnification (CMF) estimates showed strong but lower overall intersession reliability (r≈.4–.6). Group level results for pRF size and CMF were highly similar between sessions. Additional control experiments confirmed that reliability does not depend on the carrier stimulus used and that reliability for pRF size and CMF is high for sessions acquired on the same day (r>.6). Our results demonstrate that pRF mapping is highly reliable across sessions. |
Anouk Mariette Loon; Johannes J. Fahrenfort; Bauke Velde; Philipp B. Lirk; Nienke C. C. Vulink; Markus W. Hollmann; H. Steven Scholte; Victor A. F. Lamme NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine distorts object recognition by reducing feedback to early visual cortex Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1986–1996, 2016. @article{Loon2016, It is a well-established fact that top-down processes influence neural representations in lower-level visual areas. Electrophysiological recordings in monkeys as well as theoretical models suggest that these top-down processes depend on NMDA receptor functioning. However, this underlying neural mechanism has not been tested in humans. We used fMRI multivoxel pattern analysis to compare the neural representations of ambiguous Mooney images before and after they were recognized with their unambiguous grayscale version. Additionally, we administered ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, to interfere with this process. Our results demonstrate that after recognition, the pattern of brain activation elicited by a Mooney image is more similar to that of its easily recognizable grayscale version than to the pattern evoked by the identical Mooney image before recognition. Moreover, recognition of Mooney images decreased mean response; however, neural representations of separate images became more dissimilar. So from the neural perspective, unrecognizable Mooney images all “look the same”, whereas recognized Mooneys look different. We observed these effects in posterior fusiform part of lateral occipital cortex and in early visual cortex. Ketamine distorted these effects of recognition, but in early visual cortex only. This suggests that top-down processes from higher- to lower-level visual areas might operate via an NMDA pathway. |
Annelinde R. E. Vandenbroucke; Johannes J. Fahrenfort; Julia D. I. Meuwese; H. Steven Scholte; Victor A. F. Lamme Prior knowledge about objects determines neural color representation in human visual cortex Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 1401–1408, 2016. @article{Vandenbroucke2016, To create subjective experience, our brain must translate physical stimulus input by incorporating prior knowledge and expectations. For example, we perceive color and not wavelength information, and this in part depends on our past experience with colored objects ( Hansen et al. 2006; Mitterer and de Ruiter 2008). Here, we investigated the influence of object knowledge on the neural substrates underlying subjective color vision. In a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment, human subjects viewed a color that lay midway between red and green (ambiguous with respect to its distance from red and green) presented on either typical red (e.g., tomato), typical green (e.g., clover), or semantically meaningless (nonsense) objects. Using decoding techniques, we could predict whether subjects viewed the ambiguous color on typical red or typical green objects based on the neural response of veridical red and green. This shift of neural response for the ambiguous color did not occur for nonsense objects. The modulation of neural responses was observed in visual areas (V3, V4, VO1, lateral occipital complex) involved in color and object processing, as well as frontal areas. This demonstrates that object memory influences wavelength information relatively early in the human visual system to produce subjective color vision. |
Renée M. Visser; Michelle I. C. Haan; Tinka Beemsterboer; Pia Haver; Merel Kindt; H. Steven Scholte Quantifying learning-dependent changes in the brain: Single-trial multivoxel pattern analysis requires slow event-related fMRI Journal Article In: Psychophysiology, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 1117–1127, 2016. @article{Visser2016, Single-trial analysis is particularly useful for assessing cognitive processes that are intrinsically dynamic, such as learning. Studying these processes with fMRI is problematic, as the low signal-to-noise ratio of fMRI requires the averaging over multiple trials, obscuring trial-by-trial changes in neural activation. The superior sensitivity of multivoxel pattern analysis over univariate analyses has opened up new possibilities for single-trial analysis, but this may require different fMRI designs. Here, we measured fMRI and pupil dilation responses during discriminant aversive conditioning, to assess associative learning in a trial-by-trial manner. The impact of design choices was examined by varying trial spacing and trial order in a series of five experiments (total n = 66), while keeping stimulus duration constant (4.5 s). Our outcome measure was the change in similarity between neural response patterns related to two consecutive presentations of the same stimulus (within-stimulus) and between patterns related to pairs of different stimuli (between-stimulus) that shared a specific outcome (electric stimulation vs. no consequence). This trial-by-trial similarity analysis revealed clear single-trial learning curves in conditions with intermediate (8.1-12.6 s) and long (16.5-18.4 s) intervals, with effects being strongest in designs with long intervals and counterbalanced stimulus presentation. No learning curves were observed in designs with shorter intervals (1.6-6.1 s), indicating that rapid event-related designs-at present, the most common designs in fMRI research-are not suited for single-trial pattern analysis. These findings emphasize the importance of deciding on the type of analysis prior to data collection. |