2022 |
Ricardo Kienitz; Kleopatra Kouroupaki; Michael C. Schmid Microstimulation of visual area V4 improves visual stimulus detection Journal Article In: Cell Reports, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 1–11, 2022. @article{Kienitz2022, Neuronal activity in visual area V4 is well known to be modulated by selective attention, and there are reports on V4 lesions leading to attentional deficits. However, it remains unclear whether V4 microstimulation can elicit attentional benefits. To test this hypothesis, we performed local microstimulation in area V4 and explored its spatial and time dynamics in two macaque monkeys performing a visual detection task. Microstimulation was delivered via chronically implanted multi-electrode arrays. We found that microstimulation increases average performance by 35% and reduces luminance detection thresholds by −30%. This benefit critically depends on the onset of microstimulation relative to the stimulus, consistent with known dynamics of endogenous attention. These results show that local microstimulation of V4 can improve behavior and highlight the critical role of V4 for attention. |
Matthew R. Krause; Pedro G. Vieira; Jean Philippe Thivierge; Christopher C. Pack Brain stimulation competes with ongoing oscillations for control of spike timing in the primate brain Journal Article In: PLoS Biology, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 1–27, 2022. @article{Krause2022, Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a popular method for modulating brain activity noninvasively. In particular, tACS is often used as a targeted intervention that enhances a neural oscillation at a specific frequency to affect a particular behavior. However, these interventions often yield highly variable results. Here, we provide a potential explanation for this variability: tACS competes with the brain's ongoing oscillations. Using neural recordings from alert nonhuman primates, we find that when neural firing is independent of ongoing brain oscillations, tACS readily entrains spiking activity, but when neurons are strongly entrained to ongoing oscillations, tACS often causes a decrease in entrainment instead. Consequently, tACS can yield categorically different results on neural activity, even when the stimulation protocol is fixed. Mathematical analysis suggests that this competition is likely to occur under many experimental conditions. Attempting to impose an external rhythm on the brain may therefore often yield precisely the opposite effect. |
Satwant Kumar; Eline Mergan; Rufin Vogels It is not just the category: Behavioral effects of fMRI-guided electrical microstimulation result from a complex interplay of factors Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex Communications, vol. 3, pp. 1–16, 2022. @article{Kumar2022, Functional imaging and electrophysiological studies in primates revealed the existence of patches selective for visual categories in the inferior temporal cortex. Understanding the contribution of these patches to perception requires causal techniques that assess the effect of neural activity manipulations on perception. We used electrical microstimulation (EM) to determine the role of body patch activity in visual categorization in macaques. We tested the hypothesis that EM in a body patch would affect the categorization of bodies versus objects but not of other visual categories. We employed low-current EM of an anterior body patch (ASB) in the superior temporal sulcus, which was defined by functional magnetic resonance imaging and verified with electrophysiological recordings in each session. EM of ASB affected body categorization, but the EM effects were more complex than the expected increase of body-related choices: EM affected the categorization of both body and inanimate images and showed interaction with the choice target location, but its effect was location-specific (tested in 1 subject) on a millimeter scale. Our findings suggest that the behavioral effects of EM in a category-selective patch are not merely a manifestation of the category selectivity of the underlying neuronal population but reflect a complex interplay of multiple factors. |
Koji Kuraoka; Kae Nakamura Facial temperature and pupil size as indicators of internal state in primates Journal Article In: Neuroscience Research, 2022. @article{Kuraoka2022, Studies in human subjects have revealed that autonomic responses provide objective and biologically relevant information about cognitive and affective states. Measures of autonomic responses can also be applied to studies of non-human primates, which are neuro-anatomically and physically similar to humans. Facial temperature and pupil size are measured remotely and can be applied to physiological experiments in primates, preferably in a head-fixed condition. However, detailed guidelines for the use of these measures in non-human primates is lacking. Here, we review the neuronal circuits and methodological considerations necessary for measuring and analyzing facial temperature and pupil size in non-human primates. Previous studies have shown that the modulation of these measures primarily reflects sympathetic reactions to cognitive and emotional processes, including alertness, attention, and mental effort, over different time scales. Integrated analyses of autonomic, behavioral, and neurophysiological data in primates are promising methods that reflect multiple dimensions of emotion and could potentially provide tools for understanding the mechanisms underlying neuropsychiatric disorders and vulnerabilities characterized by cognitive and affective disturbances. |
Hyunchan Lee; Okihide Hikosaka Lateral habenula responses during eye contact in a reward conditioning task Journal Article In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 16, pp. 1–9, 2022. @article{Lee2022, For many animals, social interaction may have intrinsic reward value over and above its utility as a means to the desired end. Eye contact is the starting point of interactions in many social animals, including primates, and abnormal patterns of eye contact are present in many mental disorders. Whereas abundant previous studies have shown that negative emotions such as fear strongly affect eye contact behavior, modulation of eye contact by reward has received scant attention. Here we recorded eye movement patterns and neural activity in lateral habenula while monkeys viewed faces in the context of Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning tasks. Faces associated with larger rewards spontaneously elicited longer periods of eye contact from the monkeys, even though this behavior was not required or advantaged in the task. Concurrently, lateral habenula neurons were suppressed by faces signaling high value and excited by faces signaling low value. These results suggest that the reward signaling of lateral habenula may contribute to social behavior and disorders, presumably through its connections with the basal ganglia. |
Hyunchan Lee; Okihide Hikosaka Lateral habenula neurons signal step-by-step changes of reward prediction Journal Article In: iScience, vol. 25, pp. 1–23, 2022. @article{Lee2022a, In real life, multiple objects of different values are mixed in a variety of environments. To survive, animals need to find rewarding objects that may be located but hidden in particular contexts (e.g., environments) with bad objects that are unassociated with reward. Then, animals and humans pay attention to the enriched environment so that they can find the rewarding object vigorously. How can the brain initiate such behavior based on the context? We thus created a behavioral task for monkeys in which multiple contextual events (environment, action cue) sequentially occurred before objects appeared. We then studied the lateral habenula (LHb), which inhibit dopamine neurons (Matsumoto and Hikosaka, 2007). LHb neurons showed phasic responses in each event step-by-step across the sequential events, whose direction (excitation or inhibition) corresponded to the immediate change of the predicted value. Moreover, LHb neurons sequentially compared detailed prediction errors based on their significance in multiple contexts. |
Kaleb A. Lowe; Wolf Zinke; Joshua D. Cosman; Jeffrey D. Schall Frontal eye fields in macaque monkeys: Prefrontal and premotor contributions to visually guided saccades Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 32, pp. 5083–5107, 2022. @article{Lowe2022, Neuronal spiking was sampled from the frontal eye field (FEF) and from the rostral part of area 6 that reaches to the superior limb of the arcuate sulcus, dorsal to the arcuate spur when present (F2vr) in macaque monkeys performing memory-guided saccades and visually guided saccades for visual search. Neuronal spiking modulation in F2vr resembled that in FEF in many but not all respects. A new consensus clustering algorithm of neuronal modulation patterns revealed that F2vr and FEF contain a greater variety of modulation patterns than previously reported. The areas differ in the proportions of visuomotor neuron types, the proportions of neurons discriminating a target from distractors during visual search, and the consistency of modulation patterns across tasks. However, between F2vr and FEF we found no difference in the magnitude of delay period activity, the timing of the peak discharge rate relative to saccades, or the time of search target selection. The observed similarities and differences between the 2 cortical regions contribute to other work establishing the organization of eye fields in the frontal lobe and may help explain why FEF in monkeys is identified within granular prefrontal area 8 but in humans is identified within agranular premotor area 6. |
Ehsan Sedaghat-Nejad; Jay S. Pi; Paul Hage; Mohammad Amin Fakharian; Reza Shadmehr Synchronous spiking of cerebellar Purkinje cells during control of movements Journal Article In: PNAS, vol. 119, no. 14, pp. 1–11, 2022. @article{SedaghatNejad2022, The ability of the brain to accurately control a movement depends on the cerebellum. Yet, how the cerebellar neurons encode information relevant for this control remains poorly understood. The computations that are performed in the cerebellar cortex are transmitted to its nuclei via Purkinje cells (P cells), which are inhibitory neurons. How- ever, if the spiking activity within P cell populations were temporally synchronized, that inhibition would entrain nucleus neurons, making them fire. Do P cells transmit information by synchronously timing their spikes? We simultaneously recorded from multiple P cells while marmosets performed saccadic eye movements, and organized the neurons into populations that shared a complex spike response to error. Before move- ment onset, this population ofP cells increased their simple spike activity with a magni- tude that depended on the velocity of the upcoming saccade, and then sharply reduced their activity below baseline at saccade onset. During deceleration, the spikes became temporally aligned within the population. Thus, the P cells relied on disinhibition, combined with spike synchronization, to convey to the nucleus when to decelerate and potentially stop the movement. |
Joshua A. Seideman; Terrence R. Stanford; Emilio Salinas A conflict between spatial selection and evidence accumulation in area LIP Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2022. @article{Seideman2022, The lateral intraparietal area (LIP) contains spatially selective neurons that help guide eye movements and, according to numerous studies, do so by accumulating sensory evidence in favor of one choice (e.g., look left) or another (look right). To examine this functional link, we trained two monkeys on an urgent motion discrimination task, a task with which the evolution of both the recorded neuronal activity and the subject's choice can be tracked millisecond by millisecond. We found that while choice accuracy increased steeply with increasing sensory evidence, at the same time, the LIP selection signal became progressively weaker, as if it hindered performance. This effect was consistent with the transient deployment of spatial attention to disparate locations away from the relevant sensory cue. The results demonstrate that spatial selection in LIP is dissociable from, and may even conflict with, evidence accumulation during informed saccadic choices. |
João D. Semedo; Anna I. Jasper; Amin Zandvakili; Aravind Krishna; Amir Aschner; Christian K. Machens; Adam Kohn; Byron M. Yu Feedforward and feedback interactions between visual cortical areas use different population activity patterns Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2022. @article{Semedo2022, Brain function relies on the coordination of activity across multiple, recurrently connected brain areas. For instance, sensory information encoded in early sensory areas is relayed to, and further processed by, higher cortical areas and then fed back. However, the way in which feedforward and feedback signaling interact with one another is incompletely understood. Here we investigate this question by leveraging simultaneous neuronal population recordings in early and midlevel visual areas (V1–V2 and V1–V4). Using a dimensionality reduction approach, we find that population interactions are feedforward-dominated shortly after stimulus onset and feedback-dominated during spontaneous activity. The population activity patterns most correlated across areas were distinct during feedforward- and feedback-dominated periods. These results suggest that feedforward and feedback signaling rely on separate “channels”, which allows feedback signals to not directly affect activity that is fed forward. |
Weikang Shi; Sebastien Ballesta; Camillo Padoa-Schioppa Neuronal origins of reduced accuracy and biases in economic choices under sequential offers Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 11, pp. 1–26, 2022. @article{Shi2022a, Economic choices are characterized by a variety of biases. Understanding their origins is a long-term goal for neuroeconomics, but progress on this front has been limited. Here, we examined choice biases observed when two goods are offered sequentially. In the experiments, rhesus monkeys chose between different juices offered simultaneously or in sequence. Choices under sequential offers were less accurate (higher variability). They were also biased in favor of the second offer (order bias) and in favor of the preferred juice (preference bias). Analysis of neuronal activity recorded in the orbitofrontal cortex revealed that these phenomena emerged at different computational stages. Lower choice accuracy reflected weaker offer value signals (valuation stage), the order bias emerged during value comparison (decision stage), and the preference bias emerged late in the trial (post-comparison). By neuronal measures, each phenomenon reduced the value obtained on average in each trial and was thus costly to the monkey. |
Weikang Shi; Sébastien Ballesta; Camillo Padoa-Schioppa Economic choices under simultaneous or sequential offers rely on the same neural circuit Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 33–43, 2022. @article{Shi2022, A series of studies in which monkeys chose between two juices offered in variable amounts identified in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) different groups of neurons encoding the value of individual options ( offer value ), the binary choice outcome ( chosen juice ) and the chosen value . These variables capture both the input and the output of the choice process, suggesting that the cell groups identified in OFC constitute the building blocks of a decision circuit. Several lines of evidence support this hypothesis. However, in previous experiments offers were presented simultaneously, raising the question of whether current notions generalize to when goods are presented or are examined in sequence. Recently, [Ballesta and Padoa-Schioppa (2019)][1] examined OFC activity under sequential offers. An analysis of neuronal responses across time windows revealed that a small number of cell groups encoded specific sequences of variables. These sequences appeared analogous to the variables identified under simultaneous offers, but the correspondence remained tentative. Thus in the present study we examined the relation between cell groups found under sequential versus simultaneous offers. We recorded from the OFC while monkeys chose between different juices. Trials with simultaneous and sequential offers were randomly interleaved in each session. We classified cells in each choice modality and we examined the relation between the two classifications. We found a strong correspondence – in other words, the cell groups measured under simultaneous offers and under sequential offers were one and the same. This result indicates that economic choices under simultaneous or sequential offers rely on the same neural circuit. Significance Statement Research in the past 20 years has shed light on the neuronal underpinnings of economic choices. A large number of results indicates that decisions between goods are formed in a neural circuit within the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). In most previous studies, subjects chose between two goods offered simultaneously. Yet, in daily situations, goods available for choice are often presented or examined in sequence. Here we recorded neuronal activity in the primate OFC alternating trials under simultaneous and under sequential offers. Our analyses demonstrate that the same neural circuit supports choices in the two modalities. Hence current notions on the neuronal mechanisms underlying economic decisions generalize to choices under sequential offers. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. |
Cem Uran; Alina Peter; Andreea Lazar; William Barnes; Johanna Klon-Lipok; Katharine A. Shapcott; Rasmus Roese; Pascal Fries; Wolf Singer; Martin Vinck Predictive coding of natural images by V1 firing rates and rhythmic synchronization Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 110, no. 7, pp. 1240–1257, 2022. @article{Uran2022, Predictive coding is an important candidate theory of self-supervised learning in the brain. Its central idea is that sensory responses result from comparisons between bottom-up inputs and contextual predictions, a process in which rates and synchronization may play distinct roles. We recorded from awake macaque V1 and developed a technique to quantify stimulus predictability for natural images based on self-supervised, generative neural networks. We find that neuronal firing rates were mainly modulated by the contextual predictability of higher-order image features, which correlated strongly with human perceptual similarity judgments. By contrast, V1 gamma (γ)-synchronization increased monotonically with the contextual predictability of low-level image features and emerged exclusively for larger stimuli. Consequently, γ-synchronization was induced by natural images that are highly compressible and low-dimensional. Natural stimuli with low predictability induced prominent, late-onset beta (β)-synchronization, likely reflecting cortical feedback. Our findings reveal distinct roles of synchronization and firing rates in the predictive coding of natural images. |
Elena N. Waidmann; Kenji W. Koyano; Julie J. Hong; Brian E. Russ; David A. Leopold Local features drive identity responses in macaque anterior face patches Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2022. @article{Waidmann2022, Humans and other primates recognize one another in part based on unique structural details of the face, including both local features and their spatial configuration within the head and body. Visual analysis of the face is supported by specialized regions of the primate cerebral cortex, which in macaques are commonly known as face patches. Here we ask whether the responses of neurons in anterior face patches, thought to encode face identity, are more strongly driven by local or holistic facial structure. We created stimuli consisting of recombinant photorealistic images of macaques, where we interchanged the eyes, mouth, head, and body between individuals. Unexpectedly, neurons in the anterior medial (AM) and anterior fundus (AF) face patches were predominantly tuned to local facial features, with minimal neural selectivity for feature combinations. These findings indicate that the high-level structural encoding of face identity rests upon populations of neurons specialized for local features. |
Chin-an Wang; Brian White; Douglas P. Munoz Pupil-linked arousal signals in the midbrain superior colliculus Journal Article In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 1340–1354, 2022. @article{Wang2022b, The orienting response evoked by the appearance of a salient stimulus is modulated by arousal; however, neural under- pinnings for the interplay between orienting and arousal are not well understood. The superior colliculus (SC), causally involved in multiple components of the orienting response including gaze and attention shifts, receives not only multisensory and cognitive inputs but also arousal-regulated inputs from various cortical and subcortical structures. To investigate the impact of moment-by-moment fluctuations in arousal on orienting saccade responses, we used microstimulation of the monkey SC to trigger saccade responses, and we used pupil size and velocity to index the level ofarousal at stimulation onset because these measures correlate with changes in brain states and locus coeruleus activity. Saccades induced by SC microstimulation correlated with prestimulation pupil velocity, with higher pupil velocities on trials without evoked saccades than with evoked saccades. In contrast, prestimulation absolute pupil size did not correlate with saccade behavior. Moreover, pupil velocity correlated with evoked saccade latency and metrics. Together, our results demonstrated that small fluctuations in arousal, indexed by pupil velocity, can modulate the saccade response evoked by SC microstimulation in awake behaving monkeys. |
Maya Zhe Wang; Benjamin Y. Hayden; Sarah R. Heilbronner A structural and functional subdivision in central orbitofrontal cortex Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–12, 2022. @article{Wang2022f, Economic choice requires many cognitive subprocesses, including stimulus detection, valuation, motor output, and outcome monitoring; many of these subprocesses are associated with the central orbitofrontal cortex (cOFC). Prior work has largely assumed that the cOFC is a single region with a single function. Here, we challenge that unified view with convergent anatomical and physiological results from rhesus macaques. Anatomically, we show that the cOFC can be subdivided according to its much stronger (medial) or weaker (lateral) bidirectional anatomical connectivity with the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). We call these subregions cOFCm and cOFCl, respectively. These two subregions have notable functional differences. Specifically, cOFCm shows enhanced functional connectivity with PCC, as indicated by both spike-field coherence and mutual information. The cOFCm-PCC circuit, but not the cOFCl-PCC circuit, shows signatures of relaying choice signals from a non-spatial comparison framework to a spatially framed organization and shows a putative bidirectional mutually excitatory pattern. |
Taylor D. Webb; Matthew G. Wilson; Henrik Odéen; Jan Kubanek Remus: System for remote deep brain interventions Journal Article In: iScience, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1–13, 2022. @article{Webb2022a, Transcranial-focused ultrasound brings personalized medicine to the human brain. Ultrasound can modulate neural activity or release drugs in specific neural circuits but this personalized approach requires a system that delivers ultrasound into specified targets flexibly and on command. We developed a remote ultrasound system (Remus) that programmatically targets deep brain regions with high spatiotemporal precision and in a multi-focal manner. We validated these functions by modulating two deep brain nuclei—the left and right lateral geniculate nucleus—in a task-performing nonhuman primate. This flexible system will enable researchers and clinicians to diagnose and treat specific deep brain circuits in a noninvasive yet targeted manner, thus embodying the promise of personalized treatments of brain disorders. |
Hannah B. Weinberg-Wolf; Nick Fagan; Olga Dal Monte; Steve W. C. Chang Increasing central serotonin with 5-hydroxytryptophan disrupts the inhibition of social gaze in nonhuman primates Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 670–681, 2022. @article{WeinbergWolf2022, To competently navigate the world, individuals must flexibly balance distinct aspects of social gaze, orienting toward others and inhibiting orienting responses, depending on the context. These behaviors are often disrupted amongst patient populations treated with serotonergic drugs. However, those in the field lack a clear understanding of how the serotonergic system mediates social orienting and inhibiting behaviors. Here, we tested how increasing central concentrations of serotonin with the direct precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) would modulate the ability of rhesus macaques (both sexes) to use eye movements to flexibly orient to, or inhibit orienting to, faces. Systemic administrations of 5-HTP effectively increased central serotonin levels and impaired flexible orientation and inhibition. Critically, 5-HTP selectively impaired the ability of monkeys to inhibit orienting to face images, whereas it similarly impaired orienting to face and control images. 5-HTP also caused monkeys to perseverate on their gaze responses, making them worse at flexibly switching between orienting and inhibiting behaviors. Furthermore, the effects of 5-HTP on performance correlated with a constriction of the pupil, an increased time to initiate trials, and an increased reaction time, suggesting that the disruptive effects of 5-HTP on social gaze behaviors are likely driven by a downregulation of arousal and motivational states. Together, these findings provide causal evidence for a modulatory relationship between 5-HTP and social gaze behaviors in nonhuman primates and offer translational insights for the role of the serotonergic system in social gaze. |
Jacob A. Westerberg; Michelle S. Schall; Alexander Maier; Geoffrey F. Woodman; Jeffrey D. Schall Laminar microcircuitry of visual cortex producing attention-associated electric fields Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 11, pp. 1–23, 2022. @article{Westerberg2022, Cognitive operations are widely studied by measuring electric fields through EEG and ECoG. However, despite their widespread use, the neural circuitry giving rise to these signals remains unknown because the functional architecture of cortical columns producing attention-associated electric fields has not been explored. Here we detail the laminar cortical circuitry underlying an attention-associated electric field measured over posterior regions of the brain in humans and monkeys. First, we identified visual cortical area V4 as one plausible contributor to this attention-associated electric field through inverse modeling of cranial EEG in macaque monkeys performing a visual attention task. Next, we performed laminar neurophysiological recordings on the prelunate gyrus and identified the electric-field-producing dipoles as synaptic activity in distinct cortical layers of area V4. Specifically, activation in the extragranular layers of cortex resulted in the generation of the attention-associated dipole. Feature selectivity of a given cortical column determined the overall contribution to this electric field. Columns selective for the attended feature contributed more to the electric field than columns selective for a different feature. Lastly, the laminar profile of synaptic activity generated by V4 was sufficient to produce an attention-associated signal measurable outside of the column. These findings suggest that the top-down recipient cortical layers produce an attention-associated electric field that can be measured extracortically with the relative contribution of each column depending upon the underlying functional architecture. |
Benedict Wild; Amr Maamoun; Yifan Mayr; Ralf Brockhausen; Stefan Treue Electrophysiological dataset from macaque visual cortical area MST in response to a novel motion stimulus Journal Article In: Scientific Data, vol. 9, pp. 1–10, 2022. @article{Wild2022, Establishing the cortical neural representation of visual stimuli is a central challenge of systems neuroscience. Publicly available data would allow a broad range of scientific analyses and hypothesis testing, but are rare and largely focused on the early visual system. To address the shortage of open data from higher visual areas, we provide a comprehensive dataset from a neurophysiology study in macaque monkey visual cortex that includes a complete record of extracellular action potential recordings from the extrastriate medial superior temporal (MST) area, behavioral data, and detailed stimulus records. It includes spiking activity of 172 single neurons recorded in 139 sessions from 4 hemispheres of 3 rhesus macaque monkeys. The data was collected across 3 experiments, designed to characterize the response properties of MST neurons to complex motion stimuli. This data can be used to elucidate visual information processing at the level of single neurons in a high-level area of primate visual cortex. Providing open access to this dataset also promotes the 3R-principle of responsible animal research. |
Jae Hyung Woo; Habiba Azab; Andrew Jahn; Benjamin Hayden; Joshua W. Brown The PRO model accounts for the anterior cingulate cortex role in risky decision-making and monitoring Journal Article In: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 952–968, 2022. @article{Woo2022, The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has been implicated in a number of functions, including performance monitoring and decision-making involving effort. The prediction of responses and outcomes (PRO) model has provided a unified account of much human and monkey ACC data involving anatomy, neurophysiology, EEG, fMRI, and behavior. We explored the computational nature of ACC with the PRO model, extending it to account specifically for both human and macaque monkey decision-making under risk, including both behavioral and neural data. We show that the PRO model can account for a number of additional effects related to outcome prediction, decision-making under risk, gambling behavior. In particular, we show that the ACC represents the variance of uncertain outcomes, suggesting a link between ACC function and mean-variance theories of decision making. The PRO model provides a unified account of a large set of data regarding the ACC. |
Shengyi Wu; Tommy Blanchard; Emily Meschke; Richard N. Aslin; Benjamin Y. Hayden; Celeste Kidd Macaques preferentially attend to intermediately surprising information Journal Article In: Biology Letters, vol. 18, pp. 1–5, 2022. @article{Wu2022, Normative learning theories dictate that we should preferentially attend to informative sources, but only up to the point that our limited learning systems can process their content. Humans, including infants, show this predicted strategic deployment of attention. Here, we demonstrate that rhesus monkeys, much like humans, attend to events of moderate surprisingness over both more and less surprising events. They do this in the absence of any specific goal or contingent reward, indicating that the behavioural pattern is spontaneous. We suggest this U-shaped attentional preference represents an evolutionarily preserved strategy for guiding intelligent organisms toward material that is maximally useful for learning. |
Jin Xie; Ting Yan; Jie Zhang; Zhengyu Ma; Huihui Zhou Modulation of neuronal activity and saccades at theta rhythm during visual search in non-human primates Journal Article In: Neuroscience Bulletin, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 1183–1198, 2022. @article{Xie2022, Active exploratory behaviors have often been associated with theta oscillations in rodents, while theta oscillations during active exploration in non-human primates are still not well understood. We recorded neural activities in the frontal eye field (FEF) and V4 simultaneously when monkeys performed a free-gaze visual search task. Saccades were strongly phase-locked to theta oscillations of V4 and FEF local field potentials, and the phase-locking was dependent on saccade direction. The spiking probability of V4 and FEF units was significantly modulated by the theta phase in addition to the time-locked modulation associated with the evoked response. V4 and FEF units showed significantly stronger responses following saccades initiated at their preferred phases. Granger causality and ridge regression analysis showed modulatory effects of theta oscillations on saccade timing. Together, our study suggests phase-locking of saccades to the theta modulation of neural activity in visual and oculomotor cortical areas, in addition to the theta phase locking caused by saccade-triggered responses. |
Wenbo Ma; Min Li; Junru Wu; Zhihao Zhang; Fangfang Jia; Mingsha Zhang; Hagai Bergman; Xuemei Li; Zhipei Ling; Xin Xu Multiple step saccades in simply reactive saccades could serve as a complementary biomarker for the early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease Journal Article In: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, vol. 14, pp. 1–14, 2022. @article{Ma2022a, Objective: It has been argued that the incidence of multiple step saccades (MSS) in voluntary saccades could serve as a complementary biomarker for diagnosing Parkinson's disease (PD). However, voluntary saccadic tasks are usually difficult for elderly subjects to complete. Therefore, task difficulties restrict the application of MSS measurements for the diagnosis of PD. The primary objective of the present study is to assess whether the incidence of MSS in simply reactive saccades could serve as a complementary biomarker for the early diagnosis of PD. Materials and methods: There were four groups of human subjects: PD patients, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients, elderly healthy controls (EHCs), and young healthy controls (YHCs). There were four monkeys with subclinical hemi-PD induced by injection of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) through the unilateral internal carotid artery and three healthy control monkeys. The behavioral task was a visually guided reactive saccade. Results: In a human study, the incidence of MSS was significantly higher in PD than in YHC, EHC, and MCI groups. In addition, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis could discriminate PD from the EHC and MCI groups, with areas under the ROC curve (AUCs) of 0.76 and 0.69, respectively. In a monkey study, while typical PD symptoms were absent, subclinical hemi-PD monkeys showed a significantly higher incidence of MSS than control monkeys when the dose of MPTP was greater than 0.4 mg/kg. Conclusion: The incidence of MSS in simply reactive saccades could be a complementary biomarker for the early diagnosis of PD. |
Tatiana Malevich; Tong Zhang; Matthias P. Baumann; Amarender R. Bogadhi; Ziad M. Hafed Faster detection of “darks” than “brights” by monkey superior colliculus neurons Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 9356–9371, 2022. @article{Malevich2022, Visual processing is segregated into ON and OFF channels as early as in the retina, and the 48 superficial (output) layers of the primary visual cortex are dominated by neurons preferring 49 dark stimuli. However, it is not clear how the timing of neural processing differs between “darks” and “brights” in general, especially in light of psychophysical evidence; it is also equally not clear how subcortical visual pathways that are critical for active orienting represent stimuli of positive (luminance increments) and negative (luminance decrements) contrast polarity. Here, we recorded from all visually-responsive neuron types in the 54 superior colliculus (SC) of two male rhesus macaque monkeys. We presented a disc (0.51 deg 55 radius) within the response fields (RF's) of neurons, and we varied, across trials, stimulus 56 Weber contrast relative to a gray background. We also varied contrast polarity. There was a large diversity of preferences for darks and brights across the population. However, regardless of individual neural sensitivity, most neurons responded significantly earlier to dark than bright stimuli. This resulted in a dissociation between neural preference and visual response onset latency: a neuron could exhibit a weaker response to a dark stimulus than to a bright stimulus of the same contrast, but it would still have an earlier response to the dark stimulus. Our results highlight an additional candidate visual neural pathway for explaining behavioral differences between the processing of darks and brights, and they demonstrate the importance of temporal aspects in the visual neural code for orienting eye movements. |
Diego Mendoza-Halliday; Alex J. Major; Noah Lee; Maxwell Lichtenfeld; Brock Carlson; Blake Mitchell; Patrick D. Meng; Yihan (Sophy) Xiong; Jacob Westerberg; Alexander Maier; Robert Desimone; Earl K. Miller; André M. Bastos A ubiquitous spectrolaminar motif of local field potential power across the primate cortex Book 2022. @book{MendozaHalliday2022, The mammalian cerebral cortex is anatomically organized into a six-layer motif. It is currently unknown whether a corresponding laminar motif of neuronal activity exists across the cortex. Here, we report the discovery of such a motif in the power of local field potentials (LFP). We implanted multicontact laminar probes in five macaque monkeys and recorded activity across layers in 12 cortical areas at various hierarchical processing stages in all cortical lobes. The anatomical laminar locations of recordings were histologically identified via electrolytic lesions. In all areas, we found a common spectrolaminar pattern characterized by an increasing deep-to-superficial layer gradient of gamma frequency LFP power peaking in layers 2/3, and an increasing superficial-to-deep gradient of alpha-beta power peaking in layers 5/6. Our results show a functional dissociation between superficial and deep layers that is preserved across the cortex, suggesting a ubiquitous layer and frequency-based mechanism for cortical computation. |
Julia Pai; Takaya Ogasawara; Ethan S. Bromberg-Martin; Kei Ogasawara; Robert W. Gereau; Ilya E. Monosov Laser stimulation of the skin for quantitative study of decision-making and motivation Journal Article In: Cell Reports Methods, vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 1–18, 2022. @article{Pai2022, Neuroeconomics studies how decision-making is guided by the value of rewards and punishments. But to date, little is known about how noxious experiences impact decisions. A challenge is the lack of an aversive stimulus that is dynamically adjustable in intensity and location, readily usable over many trials in a single experimental session, and compatible with multiple ways to measure neuronal activity. We show that skin laser stimulation used in human studies of aversion can be used for this purpose in several key animal models. We then use laser stimulation to study how neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), an area whose many roles include guiding decisions among different rewards, encode the value of rewards and punishments. We show that some OFC neurons integrated the positive value of rewards with the negative value of aversive laser stimulation, suggesting that the OFC can play a role in more complex choices than previously appreciated. |
Mansooreh Pakravan; Mojtaba Abbaszadeh; Ali Ghazizadeh Coordinated multivoxel coding beyond univariate effects is not likely to be observable in fMRI data Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 247, pp. 1–14, 2022. @article{Pakravan2022, Simultaneous recording of activity across brain regions can contain additional information compared to regional recordings done in isolation. In particular, multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) across voxels has been interpreted as evidence for distributed coding of cognitive or sensorimotor processes beyond what can be gleaned from a collection of univariate effects (UVE) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Here, we argue that regardless of patterns revealed, conventional MVPA is merely a decoding tool with increased sensitivity arising from considering a large number of ‘weak classifiers' (i.e., single voxels) in higher dimensions. We propose instead that ‘real' multivoxel coding should result in changes in higher-order statistics across voxels between conditions such as second-order multivariate effects (sMVE). Surprisingly, analysis of conditions with robust multivariate effects (MVE) revealed by MVPA failed to show significant sMVE in two species (humans and macaques). Further analysis showed that while both MVE and sMVE can be readily observed in the spiking activity of neuronal populations, the slow and nonlinear hemodynamic coupling and low spatial resolution of fMRI activations make the observation of higher-order statistics between voxels highly unlikely. These results reveal inherent limitations of fMRI signals for studying coordinated coding across voxels. Together, these findings suggest that care should be taken in interpreting significant MVPA results as representing anything beyond a collection of univariate effects. |
Soo Hyun Park; Kenji W. Koyano; Brian E. Russ; Elena N. Waidmann; David B. T. McMahon; David A. Leopold Parallel functional subnetworks embedded in the macaque face patch system Journal Article In: Science Advances, vol. 8, pp. 1–8, 2022. @article{Park2022, During normal vision, our eyes provide the brain with a continuous stream of useful information about the world. How visually specialized areas of the cortex, such as face-selective patches, operate under natural modes of behavior is poorly understood. Here we report that, during the free viewing of movies, cohorts of face-selective neurons in the macaque cortex fractionate into distributed and parallel subnetworks that carry distinct information. We classified neurons into functional groups on the basis of their movie-driven coupling with functional magnetic resonance imaging time courses across the brain. Neurons from each group were distributed across multiple face patches but intermixed locally with other groups at each recording site. These findings challenge prevailing views about functional segregation in the cortex and underscore the importance of naturalistic paradigms for cognitive neuroscience. |
Dina V. Popovkina; Anitha Pasupathy Task context modulates feature-selective responses in area v4 Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 42, no. 33, pp. 6408–6423, 2022. @article{Popovkina2022, Feature selectivity of visual cortical responses measured during passive fixation provides only a partial view of selectivity because it does not account for the influence of cognitive factors. Here we focus on primate area V4 and ask how neuronal tuning is modulated by task engagement. We investigated whether responses to colored shapes during active shape discrimination are simple, stimulus-agnostic, scaled versions of responses during passive fixation, akin to results from attentional studies. Alternatively, responses could be subject to stimulus-specific scaling, that is, responses to different stimuli are modulated differently, resulting in changes in underlying shape/color selectivity. Among 83 well-isolated V4 neurons in two male macaques, only a minority (16 of 83), which were weakly tuned to both shape and color, displayed responses during fixation and discrimination tasks that could be related by stimulus-agnostic scaling. The majority (67 of 83), which were strongly tuned to shape, color, or both, displayed stimulus-dependent response changes during discrimination. For some of these neurons (39 of 83), the shape or color of the stimulus dictated the magnitude of the change, and for others (28 of 83) it was the combination of stimulus shape and color. Importantly, for neurons with one strong and one weak tuning dimension, stimulus-dependent response changes during discrimination were associated with a relative increase in selectivity along the stronger tuning dimension, without changes in tuning peak. These results reveal that more strongly tuned V4 neurons may also be more flexible in their selectivity, and imbalances in selectivity are amplified during active task contexts. |
Guangyao Qi; Wen Fang; Shenghao Li; Junru Li; Liping Wang Neural dynamics of causal inference in the macaque frontoparietal circuit Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 11, pp. 1–30, 2022. @article{Qi2022, Natural perception relies inherently on inferring causal structure in the environment. However, the neural mechanisms and functional circuits essential for representing and updating the hidden causal structure and corresponding sensory representations during multisensory processing are unknown. To address this, monkeys were trained to infer the probability of a potential common source from visual and proprioceptive signals based on their spatial disparity in a virtual reality system. The proprioceptive drift reported by monkeys demonstrated that they combined previous experience and current multisensory signals to estimate the hidden common source and subsequently updated the causal structure and sensory representation. Single-unit recordings in premotor and parietal cortices revealed that neural activity in the premotor cortex represents the core computation of causal inference, characterizing the estimation and update of the likelihood of integrating multiple sensory inputs at a trial-by-trial level. In response to signals from the premotor cortex, neural activity in the parietal cortex also represents the causal structure and further dynamically updates the sensory representation to maintain consistency with the causal inference structure. Thus, our results indicate how the premotor cortex integrates previous experience and sensory inputs to infer hidden variables and selectively updates sensory representations in the parietal cortex to support behavior. This dynamic loop of frontal-parietal interactions in the causal inference framework may provide the neural mechanism to answer long-standing questions regarding how neural circuits represent hidden structures for body awareness and agency. |
Rishi Rajalingham; Aída Piccato; Mehrdad Jazayeri Recurrent neural networks with explicit representation of dynamic latent variables can mimic behavioral patterns in a physical inference task Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–15, 2022. @article{Rajalingham2022, Primates can richly parse sensory inputs to infer latent information. This ability is hypothesized to rely on establishing mental models of the external world and running mental simulations of those models. However, evidence supporting this hypothesis is limited to behavioral models that do not emulate neural computations. Here, we test this hypothesis by directly comparing the behavior of primates (humans and monkeys) in a ball interception task to that of a large set of recurrent neural network (RNN) models with or without the capacity to dynamically track the underlying latent variables. Humans and monkeys exhibit similar behavioral patterns. This primate behavioral pattern is best captured by RNNs endowed with dynamic inference, consistent with the hypothesis that the primate brain uses dynamic inferences to support flexible physical predictions. Moreover, our work highlights a general strategy for using model neural systems to test computational hypotheses of higher brain function. |
Maria C. Romero; Lara Merken; Peter Janssen; Marco Davare Neural effects of continuous theta-burst stimulation in macaque parietal neurons Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 11, pp. 1–19, 2022. @article{Romero2022, Theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (TBS) has become a standard non-invasive technique to induce offline changes in cortical excitability in human volunteers. Yet, TBS suffers from a high variability across subjects. A better knowledge about how TBS affects neural activity in vivo could uncover its mechanisms of action and ultimately allow its mainstream use in basic science and clinical applications. To address this issue, we applied continuous TBS (cTBS, 300 pulses) in awake behaving rhesus monkeys and quantified its after-effects on neuronal activity. Overall, we observed a pronounced, long-lasting, and highly reproducible reduction in neuronal excitability after cTBS in individual parietal neurons, with some neurons also exhibiting periods of hyperexcitability during the recovery phase. These results provide the first experimental evidence of the effects of cTBS on single neurons in awake behaving monkeys, shedding new light on the reasons underlying cTBS variability. |
Amirsaman Sajad; Steven P. Errington; Jeffrey D. Schall Functional architecture of executive control and associated event-related potentials in macaques Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–19, 2022. @article{Sajad2022, The medial frontal cortex (MFC) enables executive control by monitoring relevant information and using it to adapt behavior. In macaques performing a saccade countermanding (stop-signal) task, we simultaneously recorded electrical potentials over MFC and neural spiking across all layers of the supplementary eye field (SEF). We report the laminar organization of neurons enabling executive control by monitoring the conflict between incompatible responses, the timing of events, and sustaining goal maintenance. These neurons were a mix of narrow-spiking and broad-spiking found in all layers, but those predicting the duration of control and sustaining the task goal until the release of operant control were more commonly narrow-spiking neurons confined to layers 2 and 3 (L2/3). We complement these results with evidence for a monkey homolog of the N2/P3 event-related potential (ERP) complex associated with response inhibition. N2 polarization varied with error-likelihood and P3 polarization varied with the duration of expected control. The amplitude of the N2 and P3 were predicted by the spike rate of different classes of neurons located in L2/3 but not L5/6. These findings reveal features of the cortical microcircuitry supporting executive control and producing associated ERPs. |
2021 |
Heng Ma; Pengcheng Li; Jiaming Hu; Xingya Cai; Qianling Song; Haidong D. Lu Processing of motion-boundary orientation in macaque V2 Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 10, pp. e61317, 2021. @article{Ma2021, Human and non-human primates are good at identifying an object based on its motion, a task that is believed to be carried out by the ventral visual pathway. However, the neural mechanisms underlying such ability remains unclear. We trained macaque monkeys to do orientation discrimination for motion-boundaries (MB) and recorded neuronal response in area V2 with microelectrode arrays. We found 10.9% of V2 neurons exhibited robust orientation-selectivity to MBs, and their responses correlated with monkeys' orientation-discrimination performances. Furthermore, the responses of V2 direction-selective neurons recorded at the same time showed correlated activity with MB neurons for particular MB stimuli, suggesting that these motion-sensitive neurons made specific functional contributions to MB discrimination tasks. Our findings support the view that V2 plays a critical role in MB analysis and may achieve this through a neural circuit within area V2. |
David J. N. Maisson; Tyler V. Cash-Padgett; Maya Z. Wang; Benjamin Y. Hayden; Sarah R. Heilbronner; Jan Zimmermann Choice-relevant information transformation along a ventrodorsal axis in the medial prefrontal cortex Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 4830, 2021. @article{Maisson2021, Choice-relevant brain regions in prefrontal cortex may progressively transform information about options into choices. Here, we examine responses of neurons in four regions of the medial prefrontal cortex as macaques performed two-option risky choices. All four regions encode economic variables in similar proportions and show similar putative signatures of key choice-related computations. We provide evidence to support a gradient of function that proceeds from areas 14 to 25 to 32 to 24. Specifically, we show that decodability of twelve distinct task variables increases along that path, consistent with the idea that regions that are higher in the anatomical hierarchy make choice-relevant variables more separable. We also show progressively longer intrinsic timescales in the same series. Together these results highlight the importance of the medial wall in choice, endorse a specific gradient-based organization, and argue against a modular functional neuroanatomy of choice. |
Tatiana Malevich; Antimo Buonocore; Ziad M. Hafed Dependence of the stimulus-driven microsaccade rate signature in rhesus macaque monkeys on visual stimulus size and polarity Journal Article In: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 125, no. 1, pp. 282–295, 2021. @article{Malevich2021, Microsaccades have a steady rate of occurrence during maintained gaze fixation, which gets transiently modulated by abrupt sensory stimuli. Such modulation, characterized by a rapid reduction in microsaccade frequency followed by a stronger rebound phase of high microsaccade rate, is often described as the microsaccadic rate signature, owing to its stereotyped nature. Here, we investigated the impacts of stimulus polarity (luminance increments or luminance decrements relative to background luminance) and size on the microsaccadic rate signature. We presented brief, behaviorally irrelevant visual flashes consisting of large or small, white or black stimuli over an otherwise gray image background. Both large and small stimuli caused robust early microsaccadic inhibition, but postinhibition microsaccade rate rebound was significantly delayed and weakened for large stimuli when compared with small ones. Critically, small black stimuli were associated with stronger modulations in the microsaccade rate signature than small white stimuli, particularly in the postinhibition rebound phase, and black stimuli also amplified the incidence of early stimulus-directed microsaccades. Our results demonstrate that the microsaccadic rate signature is sensitive to stimulus size and polarity, and they point to dissociable neural mechanisms underlying early microsaccadic inhibition after stimulus onset and later microsaccadic rate rebound at longer times thereafter. These results also demonstrate early access of oculomotor control circuitry to diverse sensory representations, particularly for momentarily inhibiting saccade generation with short latencies. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Microsaccade rate is transiently reduced after sudden stimulus onsets, and then strongly rebounds before returning to baseline. We explored the influence of stimulus polarity (black vs. white) and size on this “rate signature.” Large stimuli caused more muted microsaccadic rebound than small ones, and microsaccadic rebound was also differentially affected by black versus white stimuli, particularly with small stimuli. These results suggest dissociated neural mechanisms for microsaccadic inhibition and rebound in the microsaccadic rate signature. |
Nicolas Meirhaeghe; Hansem Sohn; Mehrdad Jazayeri A precise and adaptive neural mechanism for predictive temporal processing in the frontal cortex Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 18, pp. 2995–3011.e5, 2021. @article{Meirhaeghe2021, The theory of predictive processing posits that the brain computes expectations to process information predictively. Empirical evidence in support of this theory, however, is scarce and largely limited to sensory areas. Here, we report a precise and adaptive mechanism in the frontal cortex of non-human primates consistent with predictive processing of temporal events. We found that the speed of neural dynamics is precisely adjusted according to the average time of an expected stimulus. This speed adjustment, in turn, enables neurons to encode stimuli in terms of deviations from expectation. This lawful relationship was evident across multiple experiments and held true during learning: when temporal statistics underwent covert changes, neural responses underwent predictable changes that reflected the new mean. Together, these results highlight a precise mathematical relationship between temporal statistics in the environment and neural activity in the frontal cortex that may serve as a mechanism for predictive temporal processing. |
Matthew F. Panichello; Timothy J. Buschman Shared mechanisms underlie the control of working memory and attention Journal Article In: Nature, vol. 592, no. 7855, pp. 601–605, 2021. @article{Panichello2021, Cognitive control guides behaviour by controlling what, when, and how information is represented in the brain1. For example, attention controls sensory processing; top-down signals from prefrontal and parietal cortex strengthen the representation of task-relevant stimuli2–4. A similar ‘selection' mechanism is thought to control the representations held ‘in mind'—in working memory5–10. Here we show that shared neural mechanisms underlie the selection of items from working memory and attention to sensory stimuli. We trained rhesus monkeys to switch between two tasks, either selecting one item from a set of items held in working memory or attending to one stimulus from a set of visual stimuli. Neural recordings showed that similar representations in prefrontal cortex encoded the control of both selection and attention, suggesting that prefrontal cortex acts as a domain-general controller. By contrast, both attention and selection were represented independently in parietal and visual cortex. Both selection and attention facilitated behaviour by enhancing and transforming the representation of the selected memory or attended stimulus. Specifically, during the selection task, memory items were initially represented in independent subspaces of neural activity in prefrontal cortex. Selecting an item caused its representation to transform from its own subspace to a new subspace used to guide behaviour. A similar transformation occurred for attention. Our results suggest that prefrontal cortex controls cognition by dynamically transforming representations to control what and when cognitive computations are engaged. |
Mohsen Parto Dezfouli; Philipp Schwedhelm; Michael Wibral; Stefan Treue; Mohammad Reza Daliri; Moein Esghaei A neural correlate of visual feature binding in primate lateral prefrontal cortex Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 229, pp. 117757, 2021. @article{PartoDezfouli2021a, We effortlessly perceive visual objects as unified entities, despite the preferential encoding of their various visual features in separate cortical areas. A ‘binding' process is assumed to be required for creating this unified percept, but the underlying neural mechanism and specific brain areas are poorly understood. We investigated ‘feature-binding' across two feature dimensions, using a novel stimulus configuration, designed to disambiguate whether a given combination of color and motion direction is perceived as bound or unbound. In the “bound” condition, two behaviorally relevant features (color and motion) belong to the same object, while in the “unbound” condition they belong to different objects. We recorded local field potentials from the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC) in macaque monkeys that actively monitored the different stimulus configurations. Our data show a neural representation of visual feature binding especially in the 4–12 Hz frequency band and a transmission of binding information between different lPFC neural subpopulations. This information is linked to the animal's reaction time, suggesting a behavioral relevance of the binding information. Together, our results document the involvement of the prefrontal cortex, targeted by the dorsal and ventral visual streams, in binding visual features from different dimensions, in a process that includes a dynamic modulation of low frequency inter-regional communication. |
Tyler R. Peel; Suryadeep Dash; Stephen G. Lomber; Brian D. Corneil Frontal eye field inactivation alters the readout of superior colliculus activity for saccade generation in a task-dependent manner Journal Article In: Journal of Computational Neuroscience, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 229–249, 2021. @article{Peel2021, Saccades require a spatiotemporal transformation of activity between the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (iSC) and downstream brainstem burst generator. The dynamic linear ensemble-coding model (Goossens and Van Opstal 2006) proposes that each iSC spike contributes a fixed mini-vector to saccade displacement. Although biologically-plausible, this model assumes cortical areas like the frontal eye fields (FEF) simply provide the saccadic goal to be executed by the iSC and brainstem burst generator. However, the FEF and iSC operate in unison during saccades, and a pathway from the FEF to the brainstem burst generator that bypasses the iSC exists. Here, we investigate the impact of large yet reversible inactivation of the FEF on iSC activity in the context of the model across four saccade tasks. We exploit the overlap of saccade vectors generated when the FEF is inactivated or not, comparing the number of iSC spikes for metrically-matched saccades. We found that the iSC emits fewer spikes for metrically-matched saccades during FEF inactivation. The decrease in spike count is task-dependent, with a greater decrease accompanying more cognitively-demanding saccades. Our results show that FEF integrity influences the readout of iSC activity in a task-dependent manner. We propose that the dynamic linear ensemble-coding model be modified so that FEF inactivation increases the gain of a readout parameter, effectively increasing the influence of a single iSC spike. We speculate that this modification could be instantiated by FEF and iSC pathways to the cerebellum that could modulate the excitability of the brainstem burst generator. |
Alina Peter; Benjamin Johannes Stauch; Katharine Shapcott; Kleopatra Kouroupaki; Joscha Tapani Schmiedt; Liane Klein; Johanna Klon-Lipok; Jarrod Robert Dowdall; Marieke Louise Schölvinck; Martin Vinck; Michael Christoph Schmid; Pascal Fries Stimulus-specific plasticity of macaque V1 spike rates and gamma Journal Article In: Cell Reports, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 110086, 2021. @article{Peter2021, When a visual stimulus is repeated, average neuronal responses typically decrease, yet they might maintain or even increase their impact through increased synchronization. Previous work has found that many repetitions of a grating lead to increasing gamma-band synchronization. Here, we show in awake macaque area V1 that both repetition-related reductions in firing rate and increases in gamma are specific to the repeated stimulus. These effects show some persistence on the timescale of minutes. Gamma increases are specific to the presented stimulus location. Further, repetition effects on gamma and on firing rates generalize to images of natural objects. These findings support the notion that gamma-band synchronization subserves the adaptive processing of repeated stimulus encounters. |
Katrina R. Quinn; Lenka Seillier; Daniel A. Butts; Hendrikje Nienborg Decision-related feedback in visual cortex lacks spatial selectivity Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 4473, 2021. @article{Quinn2021, Feedback in the brain is thought to convey contextual information that underlies our flexibility to perform different tasks. Empirical and computational work on the visual system suggests this is achieved by targeting task-relevant neuronal subpopulations. We combine two tasks, each resulting in selective modulation by feedback, to test whether the feedback reflected the combination of both selectivities. We used visual feature-discrimination specified at one of two possible locations and uncoupled the decision formation from motor plans to report it, while recording in macaque mid-level visual areas. Here we show that although the behavior is spatially selective, using only task-relevant information, modulation by decision-related feedback is spatially unselective. Population responses reveal similar stimulus-choice alignments irrespective of stimulus relevance. The results suggest a common mechanism across tasks, independent of the spatial selectivity these tasks demand. This may reflect biological constraints and facilitate generalization across tasks. Our findings also support a previously hypothesized link between feature-based attention and decision-related activity. |
Milena Raffi; Andrea Meoni; Alessandro Piras Analysis of microsaccades during extended practice of a visual discrimination task in the macaque monkey Journal Article In: Neuroscience Letters, vol. 743, pp. 135581, 2021. @article{Raffi2021, The spatial location indicated by a visual cue can bias microsaccades directions towards or away from the cue. Aim of this work was to evaluate the microsaccades characteristics during the monkey's training, investigating the relationship between a shift of attention and practice. The monkey was trained to press a lever at a target onset, then an expanding optic flow stimulus appeared to the right of the target. After a variable time delay, a visual cue appeared within the optic flow stimulus and the monkey had to release the lever in a maximum reaction time (RT) of 700 ms. In the control task no visual cue appeared and the monkey had to attend a change in the target color. Data were recorded in 9 months. Results revealed that the RTs at the control task changed significantly across time. The microsaccades directions were significantly clustered toward the visual cue, suggesting that the animal developed an attentional bias toward the visual space where the cue appeared. The microsaccades amplitude differed significantly across time. The microsaccades peak velocity differed significantly both across time and within the time delays, indicating that the monkey made faster microsaccades when it expected the cue to appear. The microsaccades number was significantly higher in the control task with respect to discrimination. The lack of change in microsaccades rate, duration, number and direction across time indicates that the experience acquired during practicing the task did not influence microsaccades generation. |
Ehsan Rezayat; Mohammad-Reza A. Dehaqani; Kelsey Clark; Zahra Bahmani; Tirin Moore; Behrad Noudoost Frontotemporal coordination predicts working memory performance and its local neural signatures Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 1103, 2021. @article{Rezayat2021, Neurons in some sensory areas reflect the content of working memory (WM) in their spiking activity. However, this spiking activity is seldom related to behavioral performance. We studied the responses of inferotemporal (IT) neurons, which exhibit object-selective activity, along with Frontal Eye Field (FEF) neurons, which exhibit spatially selective activity, during the delay period of an object WM task. Unlike the spiking activity and local field potentials (LFPs) within these areas, which were poor predictors of behavioral performance, the phase-locking of IT spikes and LFPs with the beta band of FEF LFPs robustly predicted successful WM maintenance. In addition, IT neurons exhibited greater object-selective persistent activity when their spikes were locked to the phase of FEF LFPs. These results reveal that the coordination between prefrontal and temporal cortex predicts the successful maintenance of visual information during WM. |
Kathryn M. Rothenhoefer; Tao Hong; Aydin Alikaya; William R. Stauffer Rare rewards amplify dopamine responses Journal Article In: Nature Neuroscience, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 465–469, 2021. @article{Rothenhoefer2021, Dopamine prediction error responses are essential components of universal learning mechanisms. However, it is unknown whether individual dopamine neurons reflect the shape of reward distributions. Here, we used symmetrical distributions with differently weighted tails to investigate how the frequency of rewards and reward prediction errors influence dopamine signals. Rare rewards amplified dopamine responses, even when conventional prediction errors were identical, indicating a mechanism for learning the complexities of real-world incentives. |
Megan Roussy; Rogelio Luna; Lyndon Duong; Benjamin Corrigan; Roberto A. Gulli; Ramon Nogueira; Rubén Moreno-Bote; Adam J. Sachs; Lena Palaniyappan; Julio C. Martinez-Trujillo Ketamine disrupts naturalistic coding of working memory in primate lateral prefrontal cortex networks Journal Article In: Molecular Psychiatry, vol. 26, pp. 6688–6703, 2021. @article{Roussy2021, Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic drug, which has more recently emerged as a rapid-acting antidepressant. When acutely administered at subanesthetic doses, ketamine causes cognitive deficits like those observed in patients with schizophrenia, including impaired working memory. Although these effects have been linked to ketamine's action as an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, it is unclear how synaptic alterations translate into changes in brain microcircuit function that ultimately influence cognition. Here, we administered ketamine to rhesus monkeys during a spatial working memory task set in a naturalistic virtual environment. Ketamine induced transient working memory deficits while sparing perceptual and motor skills. Working memory deficits were accompanied by decreased responses of fast spiking inhibitory interneurons and increased responses of broad spiking excitatory neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex. This translated into a decrease in neuronal tuning and information encoded by neuronal populations about remembered locations. Our results demonstrate that ketamine differentially affects neuronal types in the neocortex; thus, it perturbs the excitation inhibition balance within prefrontal microcircuits and ultimately leads to selective working memory deficits. |
Alexander Schielke; Bart Krekelberg N-methyl D-aspartate receptor hypofunction reduces visual contextual integration Journal Article In: Journal of Vision, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1–11, 2021. @article{Schielke2021, Visual cognition is finely tuned to the elements in a scene but also relies on contextual integration to improve visual detection and discrimination. This integration is impaired in patients with schizophrenia. Studying impairments in contextual integration may lead to biomarkers of schizophrenia, tools to monitor disease progression, and, in animal models, insight into the underlying neural deficits. We developed a nonhuman primate model to test the hypothesis that hypofunction of the N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) impairs contextual integration. Two male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)were trained to indicate which of two patterns on the screen had the highest contrast. One of these patterns appeared in isolation, and the other was surrounded by a high-contrast pattern. In humans, this high-contrast context is known to lead to an underestimation of contrast. This so-called Chubb illusion is thought to result from surround suppression, a key contextual integration mechanism. To test the involvement of NMDAR in this process, we compared animals' perceptual bias with and without intramuscular injections of a subanesthetic dose of the NMDAR antagonist ketamine. In the absence of ketamine, the animals reported a Chubb illusion - matching reports in healthy humans. Hence, monkeys - just like humans - perform visual contextual integration. This reaffirms the importance of nonhuman primates to help understand visual cognition. Injection of ketamine significantly reduced the strength of the illusion and thus impaired contextual integration. This supports the hypothesis that NMDAR hypofunction plays a causal role in specific behavioral impairments observed in schizophrenia. |
Constanze Schmitt; Jakob C. B. Schwenk; Adrian Schütz; Jan Churan; André Kaminiarz; Frank Bremmer Preattentive processing of visually guided self-motion in humans and monkeys Journal Article In: Progress in Neurobiology, vol. 205, pp. 102117, 2021. @article{Schmitt2021, The visually-based control of self-motion is a challenging task, requiring – if needed – immediate adjustments to keep on track. Accordingly, it would appear advantageous if the processing of self-motion direction (heading) was predictive, thereby accelerating the encoding of unexpected changes, and un-impaired by attentional load. We tested this hypothesis by recording EEG in humans and macaque monkeys with similar experimental protocols. Subjects viewed a random dot pattern simulating self-motion across a ground plane in an oddball EEG paradigm. Standard and deviant trials differed only in their simulated heading direction (forward-left vs. forward-right). Event-related potentials (ERPs) were compared in order to test for the occurrence of a visual mismatch negativity (vMMN), a component that reflects preattentive and likely also predictive processing of sensory stimuli. Analysis of the ERPs revealed signatures of a prediction mismatch for deviant stimuli in both humans and monkeys. In humans, a MMN was observed starting 110 ms after self-motion onset. In monkeys, peak response amplitudes following deviant stimuli were enhanced compared to the standard already 100 ms after self-motion onset. We consider our results strong evidence for a preattentive processing of visual self-motion information in humans and monkeys, allowing for ultrafast adjustments of their heading direction. |
Valeria C. Caruso; Daniel S. Pages; Marc A. Sommer; Jennifer M. Groh In: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 126, pp. 82–94, 2021. @article{Caruso2021, Stimulus locations are detected differently by different sensory systems, but ultimately they yield similar percepts and behavioral responses. How the brain transcends initial differences to compute similar codes is unclear. We quantitatively compared the reference frames of two sensory modalities, vision and audition, across three interconnected brain areas involved in generating saccades, namely the frontal eye fields (FEF), lateral and medial parietal cortex (LIP/MIP), and superior colliculus (SC). We recorded from single neurons in head-restrained monkeys performing auditory- and visually-guided saccades from variable initial fixation locations, and evaluated whether their receptive fields were better described as eye-centered, head-centered, or hybrid (i.e. not anchored uniquely to head- or eye-orientation). We found a progression of reference frames across areas and across time, with considerable hybrid-ness and persistent differences between modalities during most epochs/brain regions. For both modalities, the SC was more eye-centered than the FEF, which in turn was more eye-centered than the predominantly hybrid LIP/MIP. In all three areas and temporal epochs from stimulus onset to movement, visual signals were more eye-centered than auditory signals. In the SC and FEF, auditory signals became more eye-centered at the time of the saccade than they were initially after stimulus onset, but only in the SC at the time of the saccade did the auditory signals become predominantly eye-centered. The results indicate that visual and auditory signals both undergo transformations, ultimately reaching the same final reference frame but via different dynamics across brain regions and time. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Models for visual-auditory integration posit that visual signals are eye-centered throughout the brain, while auditory signals are converted from head-centered to eye-centered coordinates. We show instead that both modalities largely employ hybrid reference frames: neither fully head-nor eye-centered. In three multimodal regions involved in orienting behaviors (Intraparietal Cortex, Frontal Eye Field and Superior Colliculus) these mixed codes persist in various proportions, shifting towards eye-centeredness both across time and across brain areas. Throughout, visual signals are more eye-centered than auditory signals, until a common predominantly eye-centered code for sound finally emerges during the saccade burst in the Superior Colliculus. In summary, visual and auditory signals reach the same final reference frame but via different dynamics across brain regions and time. |
Mircea I. Chelaru; Sarah Eagleman; Ariana R. Andrei; Russell Milton; Natasha Kharas; Valentin Dragoi High-order interactions explain the collective behavior of cortical populations in executive but not sensory areas Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 24, pp. 3954–3961, 2021. @article{Chelaru2021, One influential view in neuroscience is that pairwise cell interactions explain the firing patterns of large populations. Despite its prevalence, this view originates from studies in the retina and visual cortex of anesthetized animals. Whether pairwise interactions predict the firing patterns of neurons across multiple brain areas in behaving animals remains unknown. Here, we performed multi-area electrical recordings to find that 2nd-order interactions explain a high fraction of entropy of the population response in macaque cortical areas V1 and V4. Surprisingly, despite the brain-state modulation of neuronal responses, the model based on pairwise interactions captured ∼90% of the spiking activity structure during wakefulness and sleep. However, regardless of brain state, pairwise interactions fail to explain experimentally observed entropy in neural populations from the prefrontal cortex. Thus, while simple pairwise interactions explain the collective behavior of visual cortical networks across brain states, explaining the population dynamics in downstream areas involves higher-order interactions. |
Jan Churan; Andre Kaminiarz; Jakob C. B. Schwenk; Frank Bremmer Coding of interceptive saccades in parietal cortex of macaque monkeys Journal Article In: Brain Structure and Function, vol. 226, no. 8, pp. 2707–2723, 2021. @article{Churan2021a, The oculomotor system can initiate remarkably accurate saccades towards moving targets (interceptive saccades) the processing of which is still under debate. The generation of these saccades requires the oculomotor centers to have information about the motion parameters of the target that then must be extrapolated to bridge the inherent processing delays. We investigated to what degree the information about motion of a saccade target is available in the lateral intra-parietal area (area LIP) of macaque monkeys for generation of accurate interceptive saccades. When a multi-layer neural network was trained based on neural discharges from area LIP around the time of saccades towards stationary targets, it was also able to predict the end points of saccades directed towards moving targets. This prediction, however, lagged behind the actual post-saccadic position of the moving target by ~ 80 ms when the whole neuronal sample of 105 neurons was used. We further found that single neurons differentially code for the motion of the target. Selecting neurons with the strongest representation of target motion reduced this lag to ~ 30 ms which represents the position of the moving target approximately at the onset of the interceptive saccade. We conclude that—similarly to recent findings from the Superior Colliculus (Goffart et al. J Neurophysiol 118(5):2890–2901)—there is a continuum of contributions of individual LIP neurons to the accuracy of interceptive saccades. A contribution of other gaze control centers (like the cerebellum or the frontal eye field) that further increase the saccadic accuracy is, however, likely. |
Jan Churan; Andre Kaminiarz; Jakob C. B. Schwenk; Frank Bremmer Action-dependent processing of self-motion in parietal cortex of macaque monkeys Journal Article In: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 125, no. 6, pp. 2432–2443, 2021. @article{Churan2021, Successful interaction with the environment requires the dissociation of self-induced from externally induced sensory stimulation. Temporal proximity of action and effect is hereby often used as an indicator of whether an observed event should be interpreted as a result of own actions or not. We tested how the delay between an action (press of a touch bar) and an effect (onset of simulated self-motion) influences the processing of visually simulated self-motion in the ventral intraparietal area (VIP) of macaque monkeys. We found that a delay between the action and the start of the self-motion stimulus led to a rise of activity above the baseline activity before motion onset in a subpopulation of 21% of the investigated neurons. In the responses to the stimulus, we found a significantly lower sustained activity when the press of a touch bar and the motion onset were contiguous compared to the condition when the motion onset was delayed. We speculate that this weak inhibitory effect might be part of a mechanism that sharpens the tuning of VIP neurons during self-induced motion and thus has the potential to increase the precision of heading information that is required to adjust the orientation of self-motion in everyday navigational tasks. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Neurons in macaque ventral intraparietal area (VIP) are responding to sensory stimulation related to self-motion, e.g. visual optic flow. Here, we found that self-motion induced activation depends on the sense of agency, i.e., it differed when optic flow was perceived as self- or externally induced. This demonstrates that area VIP is well suited for study of the interplay between active behavior and sensory processing during self-motion. |
Thomas Decramer; Elsie Premereur; Irene Caprara; Tom Theys; Peter Janssen Temporal dynamics of neural activity in macaque frontal cortex assessed with large-scale recordings Journal Article In: NeuroImage, vol. 236, pp. 118088, 2021. @article{Decramer2021, The cortical network controlling the arm and hand when grasping objects consists of several areas in parietal and frontal cortex. Recently, more anterior prefrontal areas have also been implicated in object grasping, but their exact role is currently unclear. To investigate the neuronal encoding of objects during grasping in these prefrontal regions and their relation with other cortical areas of the grasping network, we performed large-scale recordings (more than 2000 responsive sites) in frontal cortex of monkeys during a saccade-reach-grasp task. When an object appeared in peripheral vision, the first burst of activity emerged in prearcuate areas (the FEF and area 45B), followed by dorsal and ventral premotor cortex, and a buildup of activity in primary motor cortex. After the saccade, prearcuate activity remained elevated while primary motor and premotor activity rose in anticipation of the upcoming arm and hand movement. Remarkably, a large number of premotor and prearcuate sites responded when the object appeared in peripheral vision and remained active when the object came into foveal vision. Thus, prearcuate and premotor areas continuously encode object information when directing gaze and grasping objects. |
Kacie Dougherty; Brock M. Carlson; Michele A. Cox; Jacob A. Westerberg; Wolf Zinke; Michael C. Schmid; Paul R. Martin; Alexander Maier Binocular suppression in the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus reveals early competitive interactions between the eyes Journal Article In: eNeuro, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1–12, 2021. @article{Dougherty2021, The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the dorsal thalamus is the primary recipient of the two eyes' outputs. Most LGN neurons are monocular in that they are activated by visual stimulation through only one (dominant) eye. However, there are both intrinsic connections and inputs from binocular structures to the LGN that could provide these neurons with signals originating from the other (non-dominant) eye. Indeed, previous work introducing luminance differences across the eyes or using a single-contrast stimulus showed binocular modulation for single unit activity in anesthetized macaques and multiunit activity in awake macaques. Here, we sought to determine the influence of contrast viewed by both the non-dominant and dominant eyes on LGN single-unit responses in awake macaques. To do this, we adjusted each eye's signal strength by independently varying the contrast of stimuli presented to the two eyes. Specifically, we recorded LGN single unit spiking activity in two awake macaques while they viewed drifting gratings of varying contrast. We found that LGN neurons of all types [parvocellular (P), magno-cellular (M), and koniocellular (K)] were significantly suppressed when stimuli were presented at low contrast to the dominant eye and at high contrast to the non-dominant eye. Further, the inputs of the two eyes showed antagonistic interaction, whereby the magnitude of binocular suppression diminished with high contrast in the dominant eye, or low contrast in the non-dominant eye. These results suggest that the LGN represents a site of precortical binocular processing involved in resolving discrepant contrast differences between the eyes. |
Manoj K. Eradath; Mark A. Pinsk; Sabine Kastner A causal role for the pulvinar in coordinating task-independent cortico–cortical interactions Journal Article In: Journal of Comparative Neurology, vol. 529, no. 17, pp. 3772–3784, 2021. @article{Eradath2021, The pulvinar is the largest nucleus in the primate thalamus and has topographically organized connections with multiple cortical areas, thereby forming extensive cortico-pulvino-cortical input–output loops. Neurophysiological studies have suggested a role for these transthalamic pathways in regulating information transmission between cortical areas. However, evidence for a causal role of the pulvinar in regulating cortico–cortical interactions is sparse and it is not known whether pulvinar's influences on cortical networks are task-dependent or, alternatively, reflect more basic large-scale network properties that maintain functional connectivity across networks regardless of active task demands. In the current study, under passive viewing conditions, we conducted simultaneous electrophysiological recordings from ventral (area V4) and dorsal (lateral intraparietal area [LIP]) nodes of macaque visual system, while reversibly inactivating the dorsal part of the lateral pulvinar (dPL), which shares common anatomical connectivity with V4 and LIP, to probe a causal role of the pulvinar. Our results show a significant reduction in local field potential phase coherence between LIP and V4 in low frequencies (4–15 Hz) following muscimol injection into dPL. At the local level, no significant changes in firing rates or LFP power were observed in LIP or in V4 following dPL inactivation. Synchronization between pulvinar spikes and cortical LFP phase decreased in low frequencies (4–15 Hz) both in LIP and V4, while the low frequency synchronization between LIP spikes and pulvinar phase increased. These results indicate a causal role for pulvinar in synchronizing neural activity between interconnected cortical nodes of a large-scale network, even in the absence of an active task state. |
Francesco Fabbrini; Rufin Vogels Within- and between-hemifields generalization of repetition suppression in inferior temporal cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 125, no. 1, pp. 1–20, 2021. @article{Fabbrini2021a, The decrease in response with stimulus repetition is a common property observed in many sensory brain areas. This repetition suppression (RS) is ubiquitous in neurons of macaque inferior temporal (IT) cortex, the end-stage of the ventral visual pathway. The neural mechanisms of RS in IT are still unclear, and one possibility is that it is inherited from areas upstream to IT that show also RS. Since neurons in IT have larger receptive fields compared to earlier visual areas, we examined the inheritance hypothesis by presenting adapter and test stimuli at widely different spatial locations along both vertical and horizontal meridians, and across hemifields. RS was present for distances between adapter and test stimuli up to 22°, and when the two stimuli were presented in different hemifields. Also, we examined the position tolerance of the stimulus selectivity of adaptation by comparing the responses to a test stimulus following the same (repetition trial) or a different adapter (alternation trial) at a different position than the test stimulus. Stimulus-selective adaptation was still present and consistently stronger in the later phase of the response for distances up to 18°. Finally, we observed stimulus-selective adaptation in repetition trials even without a measurable excitatory response to the adapter stimulus. To accommodate these and previous data, we propose that at least part of the stimulus-selective adaptation in IT is based on short-term plasticity mechanisms within IT and/or reflects top-down activity from areas downstream to IT. |
Francesco Fabbrini; Rufin Vogels Within- and between-hemifield generalization of repetition suppression in inferior temporal cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 125, no. 1, pp. 120–139, 2021. @article{Fabbrini2021, The decrease in response with stimulus repetition is a common property observed in many sensory brain areas. This repetition suppression (RS) is ubiquitous in neurons of macaque inferior temporal (IT) cortex, the end-stage of the ventral visual pathway. The neural mechanisms of RS in IT are still unclear, and one possibility is that it is inherited from areas upstream to IT that show also RS. Since neurons in IT have larger receptive fields compared with earlier visual areas, we examined the inheritance hypothesis by presenting adapter and test stimuli at widely different spatial locations along both vertical and horizontal meridians and across hemifields. RS was present for distances between adapter and test stimuli up to 22° and when the two stimuli were presented in different hemifields. Also, we examined the position tolerance of the stimulus selectivity of adaptation by comparing the responses to a test stimulus following the same (repetition trial) or a different (alternation trial) adapter at a position different from the test stimulus. Stimulus-selective adaptation was still present and consistently stronger in the later phase of the response for distances up to 18°. Finally, we observed stimulus-selective adaptation in repetition trials even without a measurable excitatory response to the adapter stimulus. To accommodate these and previous data, we propose that at least part of the stimulusselective adaptation in IT is based on short-term plasticity mechanisms within IT and/or reflects top-down activity from areas downstream to IT. |
Dylan Festa; Amir Aschner; Aida Davila; Adam Kohn; Ruben Coen-Cagli Neuronal variability reflects probabilistic inference tuned to natural image statistics Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 3635, 2021. @article{Festa2021, Neuronal activity in sensory cortex fluctuates over time and across repetitions of the same input. This variability is often considered detrimental to neural coding. The theory of neural sampling proposes instead that variability encodes the uncertainty of perceptual inferences. In primary visual cortex (V1), modulation of variability by sensory and non-sensory factors supports this view. However, it is unknown whether V1 variability reflects the statistical structure of visual inputs, as would be required for inferences correctly tuned to the statistics of the natural environment. Here we combine analysis of image statistics and recordings in macaque V1 to show that probabilistic inference tuned to natural image statistics explains the widely observed dependence between spike count variance and mean, and the modulation of V1 activity and variability by spatial context in images. Our results show that the properties of a basic aspect of cortical responses—their variability—can be explained by a probabilistic representation tuned to naturalistic inputs. |
Ian C. Fiebelkorn; Sabine Kastner Spike timing in the attention network predicts behavioral outcome prior to target selection Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 177–188, 2021. @article{Fiebelkorn2021, There has been little evidence linking changes in spiking activity that occur prior to a spatially predictable target (i.e., prior to target selection) to behavioral outcomes, despite such preparatory changes being widely assumed to enhance the sensitivity of sensory processing. We simultaneously recorded from frontal and parietal nodes of the attention network while macaques performed a spatial cueing task. When anticipating a spatially predictable target, different patterns of coupling between spike timing and the oscillatory phase in local field potentials—but not changes in spike rate—were predictive of different behavioral outcomes. These behaviorally relevant differences in local and between-region synchronization occurred among specific cell types that were defined based on their sensory and motor properties, providing insight into the mechanisms underlying enhanced sensory processing prior to target selection. We propose that these changes in neural synchronization reflect differential anticipatory engagement of the network nodes and functional units that shape attention-related sampling. |
Supriya Ghosh; John H. R. Maunsell Single trial neuronal activity dynamics of attentional intensity in monkey visual area V4 Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 2003, 2021. @article{Ghosh2021, Understanding how activity of visual neurons represents distinct components of attention and their dynamics that account for improved visual performance remains elusive because single-unit experiments have not isolated the intensive aspect of attention from attentional selectivity. We isolated attentional intensity and its single trial dynamics as determined by spatially non-selective attentional performance in an orientation discrimination task while recording from neurons in monkey visual area V4. We found that attentional intensity is a distinct cognitive signal that can be distinguished from spatial selectivity, reward expectations and motor actions. V4 spiking on single trials encodes a combination of sensory and cognitive signals on different time scales. Attentional intensity and the detection of behaviorally relevant sensory signals are well represented, but immediate reward expectation and behavioral choices are poorly represented in V4 spiking. These results provide a detailed representation of perceptual and cognitive signals in V4 that are crucial for attentional performance. |
Yang Zhou; Matthew C. Rosen; Sruthi K. Swaminathan; Nicolas Y. Masse; Ou Zhu; David J. Freedman Distributed functions of prefrontal and parietal cortices during sequential categorical decisions Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 10, pp. 1–30, 2021. @article{Zhou2021g, Comparing sequential stimuli is crucial for guiding complex behaviors. To understand mechanisms underlying sequential decisions, we compared neuronal responses in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the lateral intraparietal (LIP), and medial intraparietal (MIP) areas in monkeys trained to decide whether sequentially presented stimuli were from matching (M) or nonmatching (NM) categories. We found that PFC leads M/NM decisions, whereas LIP and MIP appear more involved in stimulus evaluation and motor planning, respectively. Compared to LIP, PFC showed greater nonlinear integration of currently visible and remembered stimuli, which correlated with the monkeys' M/NM decisions. Furthermore, multi-module recurrent networks trained on the same task exhibited key features of PFC and LIP encoding, including nonlinear integration in the PFC-like module, which was causally involved in the networks' decisions. Network analysis found that nonlinear units have stronger and more widespread connections with input, output, and within-area units, indicating putative circuit-level mechanisms for sequential decisions. |
Mengxi Yun; Masafumi Nejime; Masayuki Matsumoto Single-unit recording in awake behaving non-human primates Journal Article In: Bio-protocol, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1–16, 2021. @article{Yun2021, Non-human primates (NHPs) have been widely used as a species model in studies to understand higher brain functions in health and disease. These studies employ specifically designed behavioral tasks in which animal behavior is well-controlled, and record neuronal activity at high spatial and temporal resolutions while animals are performing the tasks. Here, we present a detailed procedure to conduct single-unit recording, which fulfils high spatial and temporal resolutions while macaque monkeys (i.e., widely used NHPs) perform behavioral tasks in a well-controlled manner. This procedure was used in our previous study to investigate the dynamics of neuronal activity during economic decision-making by the monkeys. Monkeys' behavior was quantitated by eye position tracking and button press/release detection. By inserting a microelectrode into the brain, with a grid system in reference to magnetic resonance imaging, we precisely recorded the brain regions. Our experimental system permits rigorous investigation of the link between neuronal activity and behavior. |
Beizhen Zhang; Janis Ying Ying Kan; Mingpo Yang; Xiaochun Wang; Jiahao Tu; Michael Christopher Dorris Transforming absolute value to categorical choice in primate superior colliculus during value-based decision making Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 3410, 2021. @article{Zhang2021a, Value-based decision making involves choosing from multiple options with different values. Despite extensive studies on value representation in various brain regions, the neural mechanism for how multiple value options are converted to motor actions remains unclear. To study this, we developed a multi-value foraging task with varying menu of items in non-human primates using eye movements that dissociates value and choice, and conducted electrophysiological recording in the midbrain superior colliculus (SC). SC neurons encoded “absolute” value, independent of available options, during late fixation. In addition, SC neurons also represent value threshold, modulated by available options, different from conventional motor threshold. Electrical stimulation of SC neurons biased choices in a manner predicted by the difference between the value representation and the value threshold. These results reveal a neural mechanism directly transforming absolute values to categorical choices within SC, supporting highly efficient value-based decision making critical for real-world economic behaviors. |
Lara Merken; Marco Davare; Peter Janssen; Maria C. Romero Behavioral effects of continuous theta-burst stimulation in macaque parietal cortex Journal Article In: Scientific Reports, vol. 11, pp. 4511, 2021. @article{Merken2021, The neural mechanisms underlying the effects of continuous Theta-Burst Stimulation (cTBS) in humans are poorly understood. Animal studies can clarify the effects of cTBS on individual neurons, but behavioral evidence is necessary to demonstrate the validity of the animal model. We investigated the behavioral effect of cTBS applied over parietal cortex in rhesus monkeys performing a visually-guided grasping task with two differently sized objects, which required either a power grip or a pad-to-side grip. We used Fitts' law, predicting shorter grasping times (GT) for large compared to small objects, to investigate cTBS effects on two different grip types. cTBS induced long-lasting object-specific and dose-dependent changes in GT that remained present for up to two hours. High-intensity cTBS increased GTs for a power grip, but shortened GTs for a pad-to-side grip. Thus, high-intensity stimulation strongly reduced the natural GT difference between objects (i.e. the Fitts' law effect). In contrast, low-intensity cTBS induced the opposite effects on GT. Modifying the coil orientation from the standard 45-degree to a 30-degree angle induced opposite cTBS effects on GT. These findings represent behavioral evidence for the validity of the nonhuman primate model to study the neural underpinnings of non-invasive brain stimulation. |
Yaser Merrikhi; Mohammad Shams-Ahmar; Hamid Karimi-Rouzbahani; Kelsey Clark; Reza Ebrahimpour; Behrad Noudoost Dissociable contribution of extrastriate responses to representational enhancement of gaze targets Journal Article In: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 33, no. 10, pp. 2167–2180, 2021. @article{Merrikhi2021, Before saccadic eyemovements, our perception of the saccade targets is enhanced. Changes in the visual representation of saccade targets, which presumably underlie this perceptual benefit, emerge even before the eye begins to move. This perisaccadic enhancement has been shown to involve changes in the response magnitude, selectivity, and reliability of visual neurons. In this study, we quantified multiple aspects of perisaccadic changes in the neural response, including gain, feature tuning, contrast response function, reliability, and correlated activity between neurons. Wethen assessed the contributions of these various perisaccadic modulations to the population's enhanced perisaccadic representation of saccade targets. We found a partial dissociation between the motor information, carried entirely by gain changes, and visual information,which depended on all three types ofmodulation. These findings expand our understanding of the perisaccadic enhancement of visual representations and further support the existence of multiple sources of motor modulation and visual enhancement within extrastriate visual cortex. |
Nardin Nakhla; Yavar Korkian; Matthew R. Krause; Christopher C. Pack Neural selectivity for visual motion in macaque area v3a Journal Article In: eNeuro, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2021. @article{Nakhla2021, The processing of visual motion is conducted by dedicated pathways in the primate brain. These pathways originate with populations of direction-selective neurons in the primary visual cortex, which projects to dorsal structures like the middle temporal (MT) and medial superior temporal (MST) areas. Anatomical and imaging studies have suggested that area V3A might also be specialized for motion processing, but there have been very few studies of single-neuron direction selectivity in this area. We have therefore performed electrophysiological recordings from V3A neurons in two macaque monkeys (one male and one female) and measured responses to a large battery of motion stimuli that includes translation motion, as well as more complex optic flow patterns. For comparison, we simultaneously recorded the responses of MT neurons to the same stimuli. Surprisingly, we find that overall levels of direction selectivity are similar in V3A and MT and moreover that the population of V3A neurons exhibits somewhat greater selectivity for optic flow patterns. These results suggest that V3A should be considered as part of the motion processing machinery of the visual cortex, in both human and non-human primates. |
Tomoyuki Namima; Anitha Pasupathy Encoding of partially occluded and occluding objects in primate inferior temporal cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 41, no. 26, pp. 5662–5666, 2021. @article{Namima2021, Object segmentation-the process of parsing visual scenes-is essential for object recognition and scene understanding. We investigated how responses of neurons in macaque inferior temporal (IT) cortex contribute to object segmentation under partial occlusion. Specifically, we asked whether IT responses to occluding and occluded objects are bound together as in the visual image or linearly separable reflecting their segmentation. We recorded the activity of 121 IT neurons while two male animals performed a shape discrimination task under partial occlusion. We found that for a majority (60%) of neurons, responses were enhanced by partial occlusion, but they were only weakly shape selective for the discriminanda at all levels of occlusion. Enhancement of IT responses in these neurons depended largely on the area of occlusion but only minimally on the color and shape of the occluding dots. In contrast to the above group of neurons, a sizable minority responded best to the unoccluded stimulus and showed strong selectivity for the shape of the discriminanda. In these neurons, response magnitude and shape selectivity declined with increasing levels of occlusion. Simulations revealed that the response characteristics of both classes of neurons were consistent with a model in which the responses to the occluded shape and the occluders are weighted separately and linearly combined. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that information about occluded and occluding stimuli are linearly separable and easily decodable from IT responses and that IT neurons encode a segmented representation of the visual scene. |
Sunny Nigam; Sorin Pojoga; Valentin Dragoi A distinct population of heterogeneously color-tuned neurons in macaque visual cortex Journal Article In: Science Advances, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. eabc5837, 2021. @article{Nigam2021, Color is a key feature of natural environments that higher mammals routinely use to detect food, avoid predators, and interpret social signals. The distribution of color signals in natural scenes is widely variable, ranging from uniform patches to highly nonuniform regions in which different colors lie in close proximity. Whether individual neurons are tuned to this high degree of variability of color signals is unknown. Here, we identified a distinct population of cells in macaque visual cortex (area V4) that have a heterogeneous receptive field (RF) structure in which individual subfields are tuned to different colors even though the full RF is only weakly tuned. This spatial heterogeneity in color tuning indicates a higher degree of complexity of color-encoding mechanisms in visual cortex than previously believed to efficiently extract chromatic information from the environment. |
Taihei Ninomiya; Atsushi Noritake; Masaki Isoda Live agent preference and social action monitoring in the macaque mid-superior temporal sulcus region Journal Article In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 118, no. 44, pp. e2109653118, 2021. @article{Ninomiya2021, Mentalizing, the ability to infer the mental states of others, is a cornerstone of adaptive social intelligence. While functional brain mapping of human mentalizing has progressed considerably, its evolutionary signature in nonhuman primates remains debated. The discovery that the middle part of the macaque superior temporal sulcus (mid-STS) region has a connectional fingerprint most similar to the human temporoparietal junction (TPJ)-a crucial node in the mentalizing network-raises the possibility that these cortical areas may also share basic functional properties associated with mentalizing. Here, we show that this is the case in aspects of a preference for live social interactions and in a theoretical framework of predictive coding. Macaque monkeys were trained to perform a turn-taking choice task with another real monkey partner sitting directly face-to-face or a filmed partner appearing in prerecorded videos. We found that about three-fourths of task-related mid-STS neurons exhibited agent-dependent activity, most responding selectively or preferentially to the partner's action. At the population level, activities of these partner-type neurons were significantly greater under live-partner compared to videorecorded- partner task conditions. Furthermore, a subset of the partner-type neurons responded proactively when predictions about the partner's action were violated. This prediction error coding was specific to the action domain; almost none of the neurons signaled error in the prediction of reward. The present findings highlight unique roles of the macaque mid-STS at the singleneuron level and further delineate its functional parallels with the human TPJ in social cognitive processes associated with mentalizing. |
Mineki Oguchi; Shingo Tanaka; Xiaochuan Pan; Takefumi Kikusui; Keiko Moriya-Ito; Shigeki Kato; Kazuto Kobayashi; Masamichi Sakagami Chemogenetic inactivation reveals the inhibitory control function of the prefronto-striatal pathway in the macaque brain Journal Article In: Communications Biology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1088, 2021. @article{Oguchi2021, The lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) has a strong monosynaptic connection with the caudate nucleus (CdN) of the striatum. Previous human MRI studies have suggested that this LPFC-CdN pathway plays an important role in inhibitory control and working memory. We aimed to validate the function of this pathway at a causal level by pathway-selective manipulation of neural activity in non-human primates. To this end, we trained macaque monkeys on a delayed oculomotor response task with reward asymmetry and expressed an inhibitory type of chemogenetic receptors selectively to LPFC neurons that project to the CdN. Ligand administration reduced the inhibitory control of impulsive behavior, as well as the task-related neuronal responses observed in the local field potentials from the LPFC and CdN. These results show that we successfully suppressed pathway-selective neural activity in the macaque brain, and the resulting behavioral changes suggest that the LPFC-CdN pathway is involved in inhibitory control. |
Gouki Okazawa; Christina E. Hatch; Allan Mancoo; Christian K. Machens; Roozbeh Kiani Representational geometry of perceptual decisions in the monkey parietal cortex Journal Article In: Cell, vol. 184, no. 14, pp. 3748–3761, 2021. @article{Okazawa2021, Lateral intraparietal (LIP) neurons represent formation of perceptual decisions involving eye movements. In circuit models for these decisions, neural ensembles that encode actions compete to form decisions. Consequently, representation and readout of the decision variables (DVs) are implemented similarly for decisions with identical competing actions, irrespective of input and task context differences. Further, DVs are encoded as partially potentiated action plans through balance of activity of action-selective ensembles. Here, we test those core principles. We show that in a novel face-discrimination task, LIP firing rates decrease with supporting evidence, contrary to conventional motion-discrimination tasks. These opposite response patterns arise from similar mechanisms in which decisions form along curved population-response manifolds misaligned with action representations. These manifolds rotate in state space based on context, indicating distinct optimal readouts for different tasks. We show similar manifolds in lateral and medial prefrontal cortices, suggesting similar representational geometry across decision-making circuits. |
John Orczyk; Charles E. Schroeder; Ilana Y. Abeles; Manuel Gomez-Ramirez; Pamela D. Butler; Yoshinao Kajikawa Comparison of scalp ERP to faces in macaques and humans Journal Article In: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, vol. 15, pp. 667611, 2021. @article{Orczyk2021, Face recognition is an essential activity of social living, common to many primate species. Underlying processes in the brain have been investigated using various techniques and compared between species. Functional imaging studies have shown face-selective cortical regions and their degree of correspondence across species. However, the temporal dynamics of face processing, particularly processing speed, are likely different between them. Across sensory modalities activation of primary sensory cortices in macaque monkeys occurs at about 3/5 the latency of corresponding activation in humans, though this human simian difference may diminish or disappear in higher cortical regions. We recorded scalp event-related potentials (ERPs) to presentation of faces in macaques and estimated the peak latency of ERP components. Comparisons of latencies between macaques (112 ms) and humans (192 ms) suggested that the 3:5 ratio could be preserved in higher cognitive regions of face processing between those species. |
Geoffrey K. Adams; Wei Song Ong; John M. Pearson; Karli K. Watson; Michael L. Platt Neurons in primate prefrontal cortex signal valuable social information during natural viewing Journal Article In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 376, pp. 1–16, 2021. @article{Adams2021, Information about social partners is innately valuable to primates. Decisions about which sources of information to consume are highly naturalistic but also complex and place unusually strong demands on the brain's decision network. In particular, both the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) play key roles in decision making and social behaviour, suggesting a likely role in social information-seeking as well. To test this idea, we developed a 'channel surfing' task in which monkeys were shown a series of 5 s video clips of conspecifics engaged in natural behaviours at a field site. Videos were annotated frame-by-frame using an ethogram of species-typical behaviours, an important source of social information. Between each clip, monkeys were presented with a choice between targets that determined which clip would be seen next. Monkeys' gaze during playback indicated differential engagement depending on what behaviours were presented. Neurons in both OFC and LPFC responded to choice targets and to video, and discriminated a subset of the behaviours in the ethogram during video viewing. These findings suggest that both OFC and LPFC are engaged in processing social information that is used to guide dynamic information-seeking decisions. This article is part of the theme issue 'Existence and prevalence of economic behaviours among non-human primates'. |
Amir Akbarian; Kelsey Clark; Behrad Noudoost; Neda Nategh A sensory memory to preserve visual representations across eye movements Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 6449, 2021. @article{Akbarian2021, Saccadic eye movements (saccades) disrupt the continuous flow of visual information, yet our perception of the visual world remains uninterrupted. Here we assess the representation of the visual scene across saccades from single-trial spike trains of extrastriate visual areas, using a combined electrophysiology and statistical modeling approach. Using a model-based decoder we generate a high temporal resolution readout of visual information, and identify the specific changes in neurons' spatiotemporal sensitivity that underly an integrated perisaccadic representation of visual space. Our results show that by maintaining a memory of the visual scene, extrastriate neurons produce an uninterrupted representation of the visual world. Extrastriate neurons exhibit a late response enhancement close to the time of saccade onset, which preserves the latest pre-saccadic information until the post-saccadic flow of retinal information resumes. These results show how our brain exploits available information to maintain a representation of the scene while visual inputs are disrupted. |
Ariana R. Andrei; Samantha Debes; Mircea Chelaru; Xiaoqin Liu; Elsa Rodarte; John L. Spudich; Roger Janz; Valentin Dragoi Heterogeneous side effects of cortical inactivation in behaving animals Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 10, pp. e66400, 2021. @article{Andrei2021, Cortical inactivation represents a key causal manipulation allowing the study of cortical circuits and their impact on behavior. A key assumption in inactivation studies is that the neurons in the target area become silent while the surrounding cortical tissue is only negligibly impacted. However, individual neurons are embedded in complex local circuits composed of excitatory and inhibitory cells with connections extending hundreds of microns. This raises the possibility that silencing one part of the network could induce complex, unpredictable activity changes in neurons outside the targeted inactivation zone. These off-target side effects can potentially complicate inter-pretations of inactivation manipulations, especially when they are related to changes in behavior. Here, we demonstrate that optogenetic inactivation of glutamatergic neurons in the superficial layers of monkey primary visual cortex (V1) induces robust suppression at the light-targeted site, but destabilizes stimulus responses in the neighboring, untargeted network. We identified four types of stimulus-evoked neuronal responses within a cortical column, ranging from full suppression to facil-itation, and a mixture of both. Mixed responses were most prominent in middle and deep cortical layers. These results demonstrate that response modulation driven by lateral network connectivity is diversely implemented throughout a cortical column. Importantly, consistent behavioral changes induced by optogenetic inactivation were only achieved when cumulative network activity was homogeneously suppressed. Therefore, careful consideration of the full range of network changes outside the inactivated cortical region is required, as heterogeneous side effects can confound inter-pretation of inactivation experiments. |
Benjamin M. Basile; Jessica A. Joiner; Olga Dal Monte; Nicholas A. Fagan; Chloe L. Karaskiewicz; Daniel R. Lucas; Steve W. C. Chang; Elisabeth A. Murray Autonomic arousal tracks outcome salience not valence in monkeys making social decisions Journal Article In: Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 135, no. 3, pp. 443–452, 2021. @article{Basile2021, The evolutionary and neural underpinnings of human prosociality are still being identified. A growing body of evidence suggests that some species find the sight of another individual receiving a reward reinforcing, called vicarious reinforcement, and that this capacity is supported by a network of brain areas including the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the amygdala. At the same time, analyses of autonomic arousal have been increasingly used to contextualize and guide neural research, especially for studies of reward processing. Here, we characterized the autonomic pupil response of eight monkeys across two laboratories in two different versions of a vicarious reinforcement paradigm. Monkeys were cued as to whether an upcoming reward would be delivered to them, another monkey, or nobody and could accept or decline the offer. As expected, all monkeys in both laboratories showed a marked preference for juice to the self, together with a reliable prosocial preference for juice to a social partner compared to juice to nobody. However, contrary to our expectations, we found that pupils were widest in anticipation of juice to the self, moderately sized in anticipation of juice to nobody, and narrowest in anticipation of juice to a social partner. This effect was seen across both laboratories and regardless of specific task parameters. The seemingly paradoxical pupil effect can be explained by a model in which pupil size tracks outcome salience, prosocial tendencies track outcome valence, and the relation between salience and valence is U-shaped. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) |
André M. Bastos; Jacob A. Donoghue; Scott L. Brincat; Meredith Mahnke; Jorge Yanar; Josefina Correa; Ayan S. Waite; Mikael Lundqvist; Jefferson Roy; Emery N. Brown; Earl K. Miller Neural effects of propofol-induced unconsciousness and its reversal using thalamic stimulation Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 10, pp. e60824, 2021. @article{Bastos2021, The specific circuit mechanisms through which anesthetics induce unconsciousness have not been completely characterized. We recorded neural activity from the frontal, parietal, and temporal cortices and thalamus while maintaining unconsciousness in non-human primates (NHPs) with the anesthetic propofol. Unconsciousness was marked by slow frequency (~1 Hz) oscillations in local field potentials, entrainment of local spiking to Up states alternating with Down states of little or no spiking activity, and decreased coherence in frequencies above 4 Hz. Thalamic stimulation ‘awakened' anesthetized NHPs and reversed the electrophysiologic features of unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is linked to cortical and thalamic slow frequency synchrony coupled with decreased spiking, and loss of higher-frequency dynamics. This may disrupt cortical communication/integration. |
Amarender R. Bogadhi; Leor N. Katz; Anil Bollimunta; David A. Leopold; Richard J. Krauzlis Midbrain activity shapes high-level visual properties in the primate temporal cortex Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 4, pp. 690–699.e5, 2021. @article{Bogadhi2021, Recent fMRI experiments identified an attention-related region in the macaque temporal cortex, here called the floor of the superior temporal sulcus (fSTS), as the primary cortical target of superior colliculus (SC) activity. However, it remains unclear which aspects of attention are processed by fSTS neurons and how or why these might depend on SC activity. Here, we show that SC inactivation decreases attentional modulations in fSTS neurons by increasing their activity for ignored stimuli in addition to decreasing their activity for attended stimuli. Neurons in the fSTS also exhibit event-related activity during attention tasks linked to detection performance, and this link is eliminated during SC inactivation. Finally, fSTS neurons respond selectively to particular visual objects, and this selectivity is reduced markedly during SC inactivation. These diverse, high-level properties of fSTS neurons all involve visual signals that carry behavioral relevance. Their dependence on SC activity could reflect a circuit that prioritizes cortical processing of events detected subcortically. Bogadhi and Katz et al. determine how activity from the midbrain superior colliculus (SC) is necessary for expression of high-level visual properties—attention-related modulation, event detection activity, and object-selective responses—in a newly identified region of the temporal cortex (fSTS) in primates. |
Anna Bognár; Rufin Vogels Moving a shape behind a slit: Partial shape representations in inferior temporal cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 41, no. 30, pp. 6484–6501, 2021. @article{Bognar2021, Current models of object recognition are based on spatial representations build from object features that are simultaneously present in the retinal image. However, one can recognize an object when it moves behind a static occlude, and only a small fragment of its shape is visible through a slit at a given moment in time. Such anorthoscopic perception requires spatiotemporal integration of the successively presented shape parts during slit-viewing. Human fMRI studies suggested that ventral visual stream areas represent whole shapes formed through temporal integration during anorthoscopic perception. To examine the time course of shape-selective responses during slit-viewing, we recorded the responses of single inferior temporal (IT) neurons of rhesus monkeys to moving shapes that were only partially visible through a static narrow slit. The IT neurons signaled shape identity by their response when that was cumulated across the duration of the shape presentation. Their shape preference during slit-viewing equaled that for static, whole-shape presentations. However, when analyzing their responses at a finer time scale, we showed that the IT neurons responded to particular shape fragments that were revealed by the slit. We found no evidence for temporal integration of slit-views that result in a whole-shape representation, even when the monkey was matching slit-views of a shape to static whole-shape presentations. These data suggest that, although the temporally integrated response of macaque IT neurons can signal shape identity in slit-viewing conditions, the spatiotemporal integration needed for the formation of a whole-shape percept occurs in other areas, perhaps downstream to IT. |
Scott L. Brincat; Jacob A. Donoghue; Meredith K. Mahnke; Simon Kornblith; Mikael Lundqvist; Earl K. Miller Interhemispheric transfer of working memories Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 6, pp. 1055–1066, 2021. @article{Brincat2021, Visual working memory (WM) storage is largely independent between the left and right visual hemifields/cerebral hemispheres, yet somehow WM feels seamless. We studied how WM is integrated across hemifields by recording neural activity bilaterally from lateral prefrontal cortex. An instructed saccade during the WM delay shifted the remembered location from one hemifield to the other. Before the shift, spike rates and oscillatory power showed clear signatures of memory laterality. After the shift, the lateralization inverted, consistent with transfer of the memory trace from one hemisphere to the other. Transferred traces initially used different neural ensembles from feedforward-induced ones, but they converged at the end of the delay. Around the time of transfer, synchrony between the two prefrontal hemispheres peaked in theta and beta frequencies, with a directionality consistent with memory trace transfer. This illustrates how dynamics between the two cortical hemispheres can stitch together WM traces across visual hemifields. |
Sophie Brulé; Bastien Herlin; Pierre Pouget; Marcus Missal Ketamine reduces temporal expectation in the rhesus monkey Journal Article In: Psychopharmacology, vol. 238, no. 2, pp. 559–567, 2021. @article{Brule2021, Rationale: Ketamine, a well-known general dissociative anesthetic agent that is a non-competitive antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, perturbs the perception of elapsed time and the expectation of upcoming events. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the influence of ketamine on temporal expectation in the rhesus monkey. Methods: Two rhesus monkeys were trained to make a saccade between a central warning stimulus and an eccentric visual target that served as imperative stimulus. The delay between the warning and the imperative stimulus could take one of four different values randomly with the same probability (variable foreperiod paradigm). During experimental sessions, a subanesthetic low dose of ketamine (0.25–0.35 mg/kg) was injected i.m. and the influence of the drug on movement latency was measured. Results: We found that in the control conditions, saccadic latencies strongly decreased with elapsed time before the appearance of the visual target showing that temporal expectation built up during the delay period between the warning and the imperative stimulus. However, after ketamine injection, temporal expectation was significantly reduced in both subjects. In addition, ketamine also increased average movement latency but this effect could be dissociated from the reduction of temporal expectation. Conclusion: In conclusion, a subanesthetic dose of ketamine could have two independent effects: increasing reaction time and decreasing temporal expectation. This alteration of temporal expectation could explain cognitive deficits observed during ketamine use. |
Matan Cain; Yehudit Botschko; Mati Joshua Passive motor learning: Oculomotor adaptation in the absence of behavioral errors Journal Article In: eNeuro, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1–12, 2021. @article{Cain2021, Motor adaptation is commonly thought to be a trial-and-error process in which the accuracy of movement improves with repetition of behavior. We challenged this view by testing whether erroneous movements are necessary for motor adaptation. In the eye movement system, the association between movements and errors can be disentangled, since errors in the predicted stimulus trajectory can be perceived even without movements. We modified a smooth pursuit eye movement adaptation paradigm in which monkeys learn to make an eye movement that predicts an upcoming change in target direction. We trained the monkeys to fixate on a target while covertly, an additional target initially moved in one direction and then changed direction after 250 ms. The monkeys showed a learned response to infre-quent probe trials in which they were instructed to follow the moving target. Additional experiments confirmed that probing learning or residual eye movements during fixation did not drive learning. These results show that motor adaptation can be elicited in the absence of movement and provide an animal model for studying the implementation of passive motor learning. Current models assume that the interaction between movement and error signals underlies adaptive motor learning. Our results point to other mechanisms that may drive learning in the absence of movement. |
I. Caprara; P. Janssen The causal role of three frontal cortical areas in grasping Journal Article In: Cerebral Cortex, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 4274–4288, 2021. @article{Caprara2021, Efficient object grasping requires the continuous control of arm and hand movements based on visual information. Previous studies have identified a network of parietal and frontal areas that is crucial for the visual control of prehension movements. Electrical microstimulation of 3D shape-selective clusters in AIP during functional magnetic resonance imaging activates areas F5a and 45B, suggesting that these frontal areas may represent important downstream areas for object processing during grasping, but the role of area F5a and 45B in grasping is unknown. To assess their causal role in the frontal grasping network, we reversibly inactivated 45B, F5a, and F5p during visually guided grasping in macaque monkeys. First, we recorded single neuron activity in 45B, F5a, and F5p to identify sites with object responses during grasping. Then, we injected muscimol or saline to measure the grasping deficit induced by the temporary disruption of each of these three nodes in the grasping network. The inactivation of all three areas resulted in a significant increase in the grasping time in both animals, with the strongest effect observed in area F5p. These results not only confirm a clear involvement of F5p, but also indicate causal contributions of area F5a and 45B in visually guided object grasping. |
Elena Selezneva; Michael Brosch; Sanchit Rathi; T. Vighneshvel; Nicole Wetzel Comparison of pupil dilation responses to unexpected sounds in monkeys and humans Journal Article In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, pp. 754604, 2021. @article{Selezneva2021, Pupil dilation in response to unexpected stimuli has been well documented in human as well as in non-human primates; however, this phenomenon has not been systematically compared between the species. This analogy is also crucial for the role of non-human primates as an animal model to investigate neural mechanisms underlying the processing of unexpected stimuli and their evoked pupil dilation response. To assess this qualitatively, we used an auditory oddball paradigm in which we presented subjects a sequence of the same sounds followed by occasional deviants while we measured their evoked pupil dilation response (PDR). We used deviants (a frequency deviant, a pink noise burst, a monkey vocalization and a whistle sound) which differed in the spectral composition and in their ability to induce arousal from the standard. Most deviants elicited a significant pupil dilation in both species with decreased peak latency and increased peak amplitude in monkeys compared to humans. A temporal Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed two components underlying the PDRs in both species. The early component is likely associated to the parasympathetic nervous system and the late component to the sympathetic nervous system, respectively. Taken together, the present study demonstrates a qualitative similarity between PDRs to unexpected auditory stimuli in macaque and human subjects suggesting that macaques can be a suitable model for investigating the neuronal bases of pupil dilation. However, the quantitative differences in PDRs between species need to be investigated in further comparative studies. |
Janahan Selvanayagam; Kevin D. Johnston; Raymond K. Wong; David Schaeffer; Stefan Everling Ketamine disrupts gaze patterns during face viewing in the common marmoset Journal Article In: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 126, no. 1, pp. 330–339, 2021. @article{Selvanayagam2021, Faces are stimuli of critical importance for primates. The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is a promising model for investigations of face processing, as this species possesses oculomotor and face-processing networks resembling those of macaques and humans. Face processing is often disrupted in neuropsychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia (SZ), and thus, it is important to recapitulate underlying circuitry dysfunction preclinically. The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) noncompetitive antagonist ketamine has been used extensively to model the cognitive symptoms of SZ. Here, we investigated the effects of a subanesthetic dose of ketamine on oculomotor behavior in marmosets during face viewing. Four marmosets received systemic ketamine or saline injections while viewing phase-scrambled or intact videos of conspecifics' faces. To evaluate effects of ketamine on scan paths during face viewing, we identified regions of interest in each face video and classified locations of saccade onsets and landing positions within these areas. A preference for the snout over eye regions was observed following ketamine administration. In addition, regions in which saccades landed could be significantly predicted by saccade onset region in the saline but not the ketamine condition. Effects on saccade control were limited to an increase in saccade peak velocity in all conditions and a reduction in saccade amplitudes during viewing of scrambled videos. Thus, ketamine induced a significant disruption of scan paths during viewing of conspecific faces but limited effects on saccade motor control. These findings support the use of ketamine in marmosets for investigating changes in neural circuits underlying social cognition in neuropsychiatric disorders. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Face processing, an important social cognitive ability, is impaired in neuropsychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia. The highly social common marmoset model presents an opportunity to investigate these impairments. We administered subanesthetic doses of ketamine to marmosets to model the cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. We observed a disruption of scan paths during viewing of conspecifics' faces. These findings support the use of ketamine in marmosets as a model for investigating social cognition in neuropsychiatric disorders. |
Adam C. Snyder; Byron M. Yu; Matthew A. Smith A stable population code for attention in prefrontal cortex leads a dynamic attention code in visual cortex Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 41, no. 44, pp. 9163–9176, 2021. @article{Snyder2021, Attention often requires maintaining a stable mental state over time while simultaneously improving perceptual sensitivity. These requirements place conflicting demands on neural populations, as sensitivity implies a robust response to perturbation by incoming stimuli, which is antithetical to stability. Functional specialization of cortical areas provides one potential mechanism to resolve this conflict. We reasoned that attention signals in executive control areas might be highly stable over time, reflecting maintenance of the cognitive state, thereby freeing up sensory areas to be more sensitive to sensory input (i.e., unstable), which would be reflected by more dynamic attention signals in those areas. To test these predictions, we simultaneously recorded neural populations in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and visual cortical area V4 in rhesus macaque monkeys performing an endogenous spatial selective attention task. Using a decoding approach, we found that the neural code for attention states in PFC was substantially more stable over time compared with the attention code in V4 on a moment-bymoment basis, in line with our guiding thesis. Moreover, attention signals in PFC predicted the future attention state of V4 better than vice versa, consistent with a top-down role for PFC in attention. These results suggest a functional specialization of attention mechanisms across cortical areas with a division of labor. PFC signals the cognitive state and maintains this state stably over time, whereas V4 responds to sensory input in a manner dynamically modulated by that cognitive state. |
Norihiro Takakuwa; Kaoru Isa; Hirotaka Onoe; Jun Takahashi; Tadashi Isa Contribution of the pulvinar and lateral geniculate nucleus to the control of visually guided saccades in blindsight monkeys Journal Article In: Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1755–1768, 2021. @article{Takakuwa2021, After damage to the primary visual cortex (V1), conscious vision is impaired. However, some patients can respond to visual stimuli presented in their lesion-affected visual field using residual visual pathways bypassing V1. This phenomenon is called “blindsight.” Many studies have tried to identify the brain regions responsible for blindsight, and the pulvinar and/or lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) are suggested to play key roles as the thalamic relay of visual signals. However, there are critical problems regarding these preceding studies in that subjects with different sized lesions and periods of time after lesioning were investigated; furthermore, the ability of blindsight was assessed with different measures. In this study, we used double dissociation to clarify the roles of the pulvinar and LGN by pharmacological inactivation of each region and investigated the effects in a simple task with visually guided saccades (VGSs) using monkeys with a unilateral V1 lesion, by which nearly all of the contralesional visual field was affected. Inactivating either the ipsilesional pulvinar or LGN impaired VGS toward a visual stimulus in the affected field. In contrast, inactivation of the contralesional pulvinar had no clear effect, but inactivation of the contralesional LGN impaired VGS to the intact visual field. These results suggest that the pulvinar and LGN play key roles in performing the simple VGS task after V1 lesioning, and that the visuomotor functions of blindsight monkeys were supported by plastic changes in the visual pathway involving the pulvinar, which emerged after V1 lesioning. |
Ryuji Takeya; Shuntaro Nakamura; Masaki Tanaka Spontaneous grouping of saccade timing in the presence of task-irrelevant objects Journal Article In: PLoS ONE, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. e0248530, 2021. @article{Takeya2021, Sequential movements are often grouped into several chunks, as evidenced by the modulation of the timing of each elemental movement. Even during synchronized tapping with a metronome, we sometimes feel subjective accent for every few taps. To examine whether motor segmentation emerges during synchronized movements, we trained monkeys to generate a series of predictive saccades synchronized with visual stimuli which sequentially appeared for a fixed interval (400 or 600 ms) at six circularly arranged landmark locations. We found two types of motor segmentations that featured periodic modulation of saccade timing. First, the intersaccadic interval (ISI) depended on the target location and saccade direction, indicating that particular combinations of saccades were integrated into motor chunks. Second, when a task-irrelevant rectangular contour surrounding three landmarks ("inducer") was presented, the ISI significantly modulated depending on the relative target location to the inducer. All patterns of individual differences seen in monkeys were also observed in humans. Importantly, the effects of the inducer greatly decreased or disappeared when the animals were trained to generate only reactive saccades (latency >100 ms), indicating that the motor segmentation may depend on the internal rhythms. Thus, our results demonstrate two types of motor segmentation during synchronized movements: one is related to the hierarchical organization of sequential movements and the other is related to the spontaneous grouping of rhythmic events. This experimental paradigm can be used to investigate the underlying neural mechanism of temporal grouping during rhythm production. |
Michael R. Traner; Ethan S. Bromberg-Martin; Ilya E. Monosov How the value of the environment controls persistence in visual search Journal Article In: PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. e1009662, 2021. @article{Traner2021, Classic foraging theory predicts that humans and animals aim to gain maximum reward per unit time. However, in standard instrumental conditioning tasks individuals adopt an apparently suboptimal strategy: they respond slowly when the expected value is low. This reward-related bias is often explained as reduced motivation in response to low rewards. Here we present evidence this behavior is associated with a complementary increased motivation to search the environment for alternatives. We trained monkeys to search for reward-related visual targets in environments with different values. We found that the reward-related bias scaled with environment value, was consistent with persistent searching after the target was already found, and was associated with increased exploratory gaze to objects in the environment. A novel computational model of foraging suggests that this search strategy could be adaptive in naturalistic settings where both environments and the objects within them provide partial information about hidden, uncertain rewards. |
Akash Umakantha; Rudina Morina; Benjamin R. Cowley; Adam C. Snyder; Matthew A. Smith; Byron M. Yu Bridging neuronal correlations and dimensionality reduction Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 17, pp. 2740–2754.e12, 2021. @article{Umakantha2021, Two commonly used approaches to study interactions among neurons are spike count correlation, which describes pairs of neurons, and dimensionality reduction, applied to a population of neurons. Although both approaches have been used to study trial-to-trial neuronal variability correlated among neurons, they are often used in isolation and have not been directly related. We first established concrete mathematical and empirical relationships between pairwise correlation and metrics of population-wide covariability based on dimensionality reduction. Applying these insights to macaque V4 population recordings, we found that the previously reported decrease in mean pairwise correlation associated with attention stemmed from three distinct changes in population-wide covariability. Overall, our work builds the intuition and formalism to bridge between pairwise correlation and population-wide covariability and presents a cautionary tale about the inferences one can make about population activity by using a single statistic, whether it be mean pairwise correlation or dimensionality. |
Jay A. Hennig; Emily R. Oby; Matthew D. Golub; Lindsay A. Bahureksa; Patrick T. Sadtler; Kristin M. Quick; Stephen I. Ryu; Elizabeth C. Tyler-Kabara; Aaron P. Batista; Steven M. Chase; Byron M. Yu Learning is shaped by abrupt changes in neural engagement Journal Article In: Nature Neuroscience, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 727–736, 2021. @article{Hennig2021, Internal states such as arousal, attention and motivation modulate brain-wide neural activity, but how these processes interact with learning is not well understood. During learning, the brain modifies its neural activity to improve behavior. How do internal states affect this process? Using a brain–computer interface learning paradigm in monkeys, we identified large, abrupt fluctuations in neural population activity in motor cortex indicative of arousal-like internal state changes, which we term ‘neural engagement.' In a brain–computer interface, the causal relationship between neural activity and behavior is known, allowing us to understand how neural engagement impacted behavioral performance for different task goals. We observed stereotyped changes in neural engagement that occurred regardless of how they impacted performance. This allowed us to predict how quickly different task goals were learned. These results suggest that changes in internal states, even those seemingly unrelated to goal-seeking behavior, can systematically influence how behavior improves with learning. |
Jerome Herpers; John T. Arsenault; Wim Vanduffel; Rufin Vogels Stimulation of the ventral tegmental area induces visual cortical plasticity at the neuronal level Journal Article In: Cell Reports, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 109998, 2021. @article{Herpers2021, fMRI studies have shown that pairing a task-irrelevant visual feature with electrical micro-stimulation of the ventral tegmental area (VTA-EM) is sufficient to increase the sensory cortical representation of the paired feature and to improve perceptual performance. However, since fMRI provides an indirect measure of neural activity, the neural response changes underlying the fMRI activations are unknown. Here, we pair a task-irrelevant grating orientation with VTA-EM while attention is directed to a difficult orthogonal task. We examine the changes in neural response properties in macaques by recording spiking activity in the posterior inferior temporal cortex, the locus of fMRI-defined plasticity in previous studies. We observe a relative increase in mean spike rate and preference for the VTA-EM paired orientation compared to an unpaired orientation, which is unrelated to attention. These results demonstrate that VTA-EM-stimulus pairing is sufficient to induce sensory cortical plasticity at the spiking level in nonhuman primates. |
Georgin Jacob; Harish Katti; Thomas Cherian; Jhilik Das; K. A. Zhivago; S. P. Arun A naturalistic environment to study visual cognition in unrestrained monkeys Journal Article In: eLife, vol. 10, pp. 1–30, 2021. @article{Jacob2021, Macaque monkeys are widely used to study vision. In the traditional approach, monkeys are brought into a lab to perform visual tasks while they are restrained to obtain stable eye tracking and neural recordings. Here, we describe a novel environment to study visual cognition in a more natural setting as well as other natural and social behaviors. We designed a naturalistic environment with an integrated touchscreen workstation that enables high-quality eye tracking in unrestrained monkeys. We used this environment to train monkeys on a challenging same-different task. We also show that this environment can reveal interesting novel social behaviors. As proof of concept, we show that two naïve monkeys were able to learn this complex task through a combination of socially observing trained monkeys and through solo trialand-error. We propose that such naturalistic environments can be used to rigorously study visual cognition as well as other natural and social behaviors in freely moving monkeys. |
Patrick Jendritza; Frederike J. Klein; Gustavo Rohenkohl; Pascal Fries Visual neuroscience methods for marmosets: Efficient receptive field mapping and head-free eye tracking Journal Article In: eNeuro, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1–16, 2021. @article{Jendritza2021, The marmoset has emerged as a promising primate model system, in particular for visual neuroscience. Many common experimental paradigms rely on head fixation and an extended period of eye fixation during the pre-sentation of salient visual stimuli. Both of these behavioral requirements can be challenging for marmosets. Here, we present two methodological developments, each addressing one of these difficulties. First, we show that it is possible to use a standard eye-tracking system without head fixation to assess visual behavior in the marmoset. Eye-tracking quality from head-free animals is sufficient to obtain precise psychometric functions from a visual acuity task. Second, we introduce a novel method for efficient receptive field (RF) mapping that does not rely on moving stimuli but uses fast flashing annuli and wedges. We present data recorded during head-fixation in areas V1 and V6 and show that RF locations are readily obtained within a short period of recording time. Thus, the methodological advancements presented in this work will contribute to establish the marmoset as a valuable model in neuroscience. |
Ahmad Jezzini; Ethan S. Bromberg-Martin; Lucas R. Trambaiolli; Suzanne N. Haber; Ilya E. Monosov A prefrontal network integrates preferences for advance information about uncertain rewards and punishments Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 14, pp. 2339–2352, 2021. @article{Jezzini2021, Humans and animals can be strongly motivated to seek information to resolve uncertainty about rewards and punishments. In particular, despite its clinical and societal relevance, very little is known about information seeking about punishments. We show that attitudes toward information about punishments and rewards are distinct and separable at both behavioral and neuronal levels. We demonstrate the existence of prefrontal neuronal populations that anticipate opportunities to gain information in a relatively valence-specific manner, separately anticipating information about either punishments or rewards. These neurons are located in anatomically interconnected subregions of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) in area 12o/47. Unlike ACC, vlPFC also contains a population of neurons that integrate attitudes toward both reward and punishment information, to encode the overall preference for information in a bivalent manner. This cortical network is well suited to mediate information seeking by integrating the desire to resolve uncertainty about multiple, distinct motivational outcomes. |
Elizabeth J. Jun; Alex R. Bautista; Michael D. Nunez; Daicia C. Allen; Jung H. Tak; Eduardo Alvarez; Michele A. Basso Causal role for the primate superior colliculus in the computation of evidence for perceptual decisions Journal Article In: Nature Neuroscience, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1121–1131, 2021. @article{Jun2021, Trained monkeys performed a two-choice perceptual decision-making task in which they reported the perceived orientation of a dynamic Glass pattern, before and after unilateral, reversible, inactivation of a brainstem area—the superior colliculus (SC)—involved in preparing eye movements. We found that unilateral SC inactivation produced significant decision biases and changes in reaction times consistent with a causal role for the primate SC in perceptual decision-making. Fitting signal detection theory and sequential sampling models to the data showed that SC inactivation produced a decrease in the relative evidence for contralateral decisions, as if adding a constant offset to a time-varying evidence signal for the ipsilateral choice. The results provide causal evidence for an embodied cognition model of perceptual decision-making and provide compelling evidence that the SC of primates (a brainstem structure) plays a causal role in how evidence is computed for decisions—a process usually attributed to the forebrain. |
Joonyoung Kang; Hyeji Kim; Seong Hwan Hwang; Minjun Han; Sue-Hyun Lee; Hyoung F. Kim Primate ventral striatum maintains neural representations of the value of previously rewarded objects for habitual seeking Journal Article In: Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 2100, 2021. @article{Kang2021, The ventral striatum (VS) is considered a key region that flexibly updates recent changes in reward values for habit learning. However, this update process may not serve to maintain learned habitual behaviors, which are insensitive to value changes. Here, using fMRI in humans and single-unit electrophysiology in macaque monkeys we report another role of the primate VS: that the value memory subserving habitual seeking is stably maintained in the VS. Days after object-value associative learning, human and monkey VS continue to show increased responses to previously rewarded objects, even when no immediate reward outcomes are expected. The similarity of neural response patterns to each rewarded object increases after learning among participants who display habitual seeking. Our data show that long-term memory of high-valued objects is retained as a single representation in the VS and may be utilized to evaluate visual stimuli automatically to guide habitual behavior. |
Kohitij Kar; James J. DiCarlo Fast recurrent processing via ventrolateral prefrontal cortex Is needed by the primate ventral stream for robust core visual object recognition Journal Article In: Neuron, vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 164–176, 2021. @article{Kar2021, Distributed neural population spiking patterns in macaque inferior temporal (IT) cortex that support core object recognition require additional time to develop for specific, “late-solved” images. This suggests the necessity of recurrent processing in these computations. Which brain circuits are responsible for computing and transmitting these putative recurrent signals to IT? To test whether the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) is a critical recurrent node in this system, here, we pharmacologically inactivated parts of vlPFC and simultaneously measured IT activity while monkeys performed object discrimination tasks. vlPFC inactivation deteriorated the quality of late-phase (>150 ms from image onset) IT population code and produced commensurate behavioral deficits for late-solved images. Finally, silencing vlPFC caused the monkeys' IT activity and behavior to become more like those produced by feedforward-only ventral stream models. Together with prior work, these results implicate fast recurrent processing through vlPFC as critical to producing behaviorally sufficient object representations in IT. |
Amit P. Khandhadia; Aidan P. Murphy; Lizabeth M. Romanski; Jennifer K. Bizley; David A. Leopold Audiovisual integration in macaque face patch neurons Journal Article In: Current Biology, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1826–1835, 2021. @article{Khandhadia2021, Primate social communication depends on the perceptual integration of visual and auditory cues, reflected in the multimodal mixing of sensory signals in certain cortical areas. The macaque cortical face patch network, identified through visual, face-selective responses measured with fMRI, is assumed to contribute to visual social interactions. However, whether face patch neurons are also influenced by acoustic information, such as the auditory component of a natural vocalization, remains unknown. Here, we recorded single-unit activity in the anterior fundus (AF) face patch, in the superior temporal sulcus, and anterior medial (AM) face patch, on the undersurface of the temporal lobe, in macaques presented with audiovisual, visual-only, and auditory-only renditions of natural movies of macaques vocalizing. The results revealed that 76% of neurons in face patch AF were significantly influenced by the auditory component of the movie, most often through enhancement of visual responses but sometimes in response to the auditory stimulus alone. By contrast, few neurons in face patch AM exhibited significant auditory responses or modulation. Control experiments in AF used an animated macaque avatar to demonstrate, first, that the structural elements of the face were often essential for audiovisual modulation and, second, that the temporal modulation of the acoustic stimulus was more important than its frequency spectrum. Together, these results identify a striking contrast between two face patches and specifically identify AF as playing a potential role in the integration of audiovisual cues during natural modes of social communication. |