2023 |
Kathryn Nicole Sam; K. Jayasankara Reddy The effect of music and editing style on subjective perception of time when watching videos Journal Article In: Projections, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 41–61, 2023. @article{Sam2023, Arousal, editing style, and eye movements have been implicated in time perception when watching videos. However, little multimodal research has explored how manipulating both the auditory and visual properties of videos affects temporal processing. This study investigated how editing density and music-induced arousal affect viewers' time perception. Thirty-nine participants watched six videos varying in editing density and music while their eye movements were recorded. They estimated the videos' duration and reported their subjective experience of time passage and emotional involvement. Fast-paced editing was associated with the feeling of time passing faster, a relationship mediated by fixation durations. High-arousal background music was also associated with the feeling of time passing faster. The consequences of this study in terms of a possible auditory driving effect are explored. |
Yuanping Shen; Qin Wang; Hongli Liu; Jianye Luo; Qunyue Liu; Yuxiang Lan Landscape design intensity and its associated complexity of forest landscapes in relation to preference and eye movements Journal Article In: Forests, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1–16, 2023. @article{Shen2023b, Understanding how people perceive landscapes is essential for the design of forest landscapes. The study investigates how design intensity affects landscape complexity, preference, and eye movements for urban forest settings. Eight groups of twenty-four pictures, representing lawn, path, and waterscape settings in urban forests, with each type of setting having two groups of pictures and one group having four pictures, were selected. The four pictures in each group were classified into slight, low, medium, and high design intensities. A total of 76 students were randomly assigned to observe one group of pictures within each type of landscape with an eye-tracking apparatus and give ratings of complexity and preference. The results indicate that design intensity was positively associated with subjective landscape complexity but was positively or negatively related to objective landscape complexity in three types of settings. Subjective landscape complexity was found to significantly contribute to visual preference across landscape types, while objective landscape complexity did not contribute to preference. In addition, the marginal effect of medium design intensity on preference was greater than that of low and high design intensity in most cases. Moreover, although some eye movement metrics were significantly related to preference in lawn settings, none were found to be indicative predictors for preference. The findings enrich research in visual preference and assist landscape designers during the design process to effectively arrange landscape design intensity in urban forests. |
Mustafa Shirzad; James Van Riesen; Nikan Behboodpour; Matthew Heath 10-min exposure to a 2.5% hypercapnic environment increases cerebral blood blow but does not impact executive function Journal Article In: Life Sciences in Space Research, vol. 40, no. 2023, pp. 143–150, 2023. @article{Shirzad2023, Space travel and exploration are associated with increased ambient CO2 (i.e., a hypercapnic environment). Some work reported that the physiological changes (e.g., increased cerebral blood flow [CBF]) associated with a chronic hypercapnic environment contributes to a “space fog” that adversely impacts cognition and psychomotor performance, whereas other work reported no change or a positive change. Here, we employed the antisaccade task to evaluate whether transient exposure to a hypercapnic environment influences top-down executive function (EF). Antisaccades require a goal-directed eye movement mirror-symmetrical to a target and are an ideal tool for identifying subtle EF changes. Healthy young adults (aged 19–25 years) performed blocks of antisaccade trials prior to (i.e., pre-intervention), during (i.e., concurrent) and after (i.e., post-intervention) 10-min of breathing factional inspired CO2 (FiCO2) of 2.5% (i.e., hypercapnic condition) and during a normocapnic (i.e., control) condition. In both conditions, CBF, ventilatory and cardiorespiratory responses were measured. Results showed that the hypercapnic condition increased CBF, ventilation and end-tidal CO2 and thus demonstrated an expected physiological adaptation to increased FiCO2. Notably, however, null hypothesis and equivalence tests indicated that concurrent and post-intervention antisaccade reaction times were refractory to the hypercapnic environment; that is, transient exposure to a FiCO2 of 2.5% did not produce a real-time or lingering influence on an oculomotor-based measure of EF. Accordingly, results provide a framework that – in part – establishes the FiCO2 percentage and timeline by which high-level EF can be maintained. Future work will explore CBF and EF dynamics during chronic hypercapnic exposure as more direct proxy for the challenges of space flight and exploration. |
Katrine Falcon Soby; Evelyn Arko Milburn; Line Burholt Kristensen; Valentin Vulchanov; Mila Vulchanova In the native speaker's eye: Online processing of anomalous learner syntax Journal Article In: Applied Psycholinguistics, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 1–28, 2023. @article{Soby2023, How do native speakers process texts with anomalous learner syntax? Second-language learners of Norwegian, and other verb-second (V2) languages, frequently place the verb in third position (e.g.,*Adverbial-Subject-Verb), although it is mandatory for the verb in these languages to appear in second position (Adverbial-Verb-Subject). In an eye-Tracking study, native Norwegian speakers read sentences with either grammatical V2 or ungrammatical verb-Third (V3) word order. Unlike previous eye-Tracking studies of ungrammaticality, which have primarily addressed morphosyntactic anomalies, we exclusively manipulate word order with no morphological or semantic changes. We found that native speakers reacted immediately to ungrammatical V3 word order, indicated by increased fixation durations and more regressions out on the subject, and subsequently on the verb. Participants also recovered quickly, already on the following word. The effects of grammaticality were unaffected by the length of the initial adverbial. The study contributes to future models of sentence processing which should be able to accommodate various types of noisy input, that is, non-standard variation. Together with new studies of processing of other L2 anomalies in Norwegian, the current findings can help language instructors and students prioritize which aspects of grammar to focus on. |
Wenfang Song; Xinze Xie; Wenyue Huang; Qianqian Yu The design of automotive interior for Chinese young consumers based on Kansei engineering and eye-tracking technology Journal Article In: Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 19, pp. 1–20, 2023. @article{Song2023, The reasonable CMF (Color, Material and Finishing) design for automotive interiors could bring positive psychophysical and affective responses of customers, providing an important guideline for automobile enterprises making differentiated products. However, current studies mainly focus on an aspect of CMF design or a single style of the automotive interior, and examined the design mainly through human visual perception. There lack systematic studies on the design and evaluation of automobile interior CMF, and more scientific evaluation of the design through human visual and touching perception was required. Therefore, this study systematically designed the automobile interior CMF based on Kansei engineering and eye-tracking technology. The study consists of five steps: (1) Product positioning: the Chinese young consumers, the new energy vehicles, and bridge and seat are the target users, the automotive model and the key interior components. (2) Kansei physiological measurement: nine groups of Kansei words and thirty-three interior samples were selected, and the interior samples were scored by the Kansei words. (3) Kansei data analysis: three design types were determined, i.e., “hard and stately”, “concise and technological” and “comfortable and safe”. Meanwhile, the CMF design elements of the automotive interiors under the three styles were obtained through mathematical methods. (4) Design practice: four CMF samples under each design style (12 samples) were developed. (5) Kansei evaluation: the design themes were conducted using eye-tracking technology, and the optimal sample that mostly satisfy the user's Kansei requirements under each style was obtained. The proposed design process of automotive interior CMF may have great implications in the design of automotive interiors. |
Chaitanya Thammineni; Hemanth Manjunatha; Ehsan T. Esfahani Selective eye-gaze augmentation to enhance imitation learning in Atari games Journal Article In: Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 35, no. 32, pp. 23401–23410, 2023. @article{Thammineni2023, This paper presents the selective use of eye-gaze information in learning human actions in Atari games. Extensive evidence suggests that our eye movements convey a wealth of information about the direction of our attention and mental states and encode the information necessary to complete a task. Based on this evidence, we hypothesize that selective use of eye-gaze, as a clue for attention direction, will enhance the learning from demonstration. For this purpose, we propose a selective eye-gaze augmentation (SEA) network that learns when to use the eye-gaze information. The proposed network architecture consists of three sub-networks: gaze prediction, gating, and action prediction network. Using the prior 4 game frames, a gaze map is predicted by the gaze prediction network, which is used for augmenting the input frame. The gating network will determine whether the predicted gaze map should be used in learning and is fed to the final network to predict the action at the current frame. To validate this approach, we use publicly available Atari Human Eye-Tracking And Demonstration (Atari-HEAD) dataset consists of 20 Atari games with 28 million human demonstrations and 328 million eye-gazes (over game frames) collected from four subjects. We demonstrate the efficacy of selective eye-gaze augmentation compared to the state-of-the-art Attention Guided Imitation Learning (AGIL) and Behavior Cloning (BC). The results indicate that the selective augmentation approach (the SEA network) performs significantly better than the AGIL and BC. Moreover, to demonstrate the significance of selective use of gaze through the gating network, we compare our approach with the random selection of the gaze. Even in this case, the SEA network performs significantly better, validating the advantage of selectively using the gaze in demonstration learning. |
Aditya Upadhyayula; John M. Henderson Spatiotemporal jump detection during continuous film viewing Journal Article In: Journal of Vision, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 1–17, 2023. @article{Upadhyayula2023, Prior research on film viewing has demonstrated that participants frequently fail to notice spatiotemporal disruptions, such as scene edits in the movies.Whether such insensitivity to spatiotemporal disruptions extends beyond scene edits in film viewing is not well understood. Across three experiments, we created spatiotemporal disruptions by presenting participants with minute long movie clips, and occasionally jumping the movie clips ahead or backward in time. Participants were instructed to press a button when they noticed any disruptions while watching the clips. The results from experiments 1 and 2 indicate that participants failed to notice the disruptions in continuity about 10% to 30% of the time depending on the magnitude of the jump. In addition, detection rates were lower by approximately 10% when the videos jumped ahead in time compared to the backward jumps across all jump magnitudes, suggesting a role of knowledge about the future affects jump detection. An additional analysis used optic flow similarity during these disruptions. Our findings suggest that insensitivity to spatiotemporal disruptions during film viewing is influenced by knowledge about future states. |
Jelena Vranjes; Bart Defrancq To repair or not to repair? Repairs and risk taking in video remote interpreting Journal Article In: Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, pp. 1–22, 2023. @article{Vranjes2023, The importance of video remote interpreting (VRI) for providing interpreting services has drastically increased over the last decade. Empirical research has shown, however, that interpreting through video link may have a significant impact on the interaction and the interpreting performance in dialogue interpreting contexts. The present study contributes to this growing field of research by focusing on interpreters' repair initiations in the context of VRI. Although repairs are an important mechanism for addressing problems in communication, very little research has been devoted to the study of interpreter-initiated repair in dialogue settings. Based on a corpus of video-recorded interpreted interactions (Dutch-Russian), where the interpreter is either present onsite or connected through video link, we analyse interpreters' repair initiations and related risk taking behaviour. More specifically, we examine how interpreters manage a specific type of repair initiations in video remote interpreting, namely postponed repairs. The analysis reveals differences in repair patterns between video remote and onsite interpreting and we propose that these differences result from differential risk management in the two settings. |
Ailian Wang; Jing Pan; Caihong Jiang; Jia Jin Create the best first glance: The cross-cultural effect of image background on purchase intention Journal Article In: Decision Support Systems, vol. 170, pp. 1–12, 2023. @article{Wang2023a, As globalization drives more firms toward cross-border e-commerce (CBEC), a well-designed decision support system becomes crucial to gain a competitive edge in the international market. Product images, a vital aspect of the system interface, play a significant role in shaping users' first impressions, facilitating seller-buyer information interaction, and ultimately enhancing users' decisions making in the system. Across a series of studies, this research investigates the effect of cultural differences (thinking style: holistic vs. analytic) on image background and reveals the underlying mechanism. Results show that online consumers from cultures characterized by holistic thinking style (Chinese sample) are more prone to purchase products presented with contextual backgrounds than those with white backgrounds, while this effect is absent for online consumers from cultures that tend to think in an analytic way (American sample). This effect is also observed when the thinking style is primed within the culture in separate samples from the United States and China. Study 3 employs eye-tracking technology and shows that holistic thinking, compared to analytic thinking, results in an asymmetry in cognitive effort to purchase the same products framed with contextual and white background images. Specifically, contextual (vs. white) background information greatly assists holistic thinking consumers in understanding the product, enabling them to spend less cognitive effort on product information processing. Instead, the cognitive effort that analytic thinking consumers spare in the product information is not affected by the background. Finally, we discuss theoretical contributions and practical insights for CBEC retailers and system designers that the findings indicate. |
Jiahui Wang Mind wandering in videos that integrate instructor's visuals: An eye tracking study Journal Article In: Innovations in Education and Teaching International, pp. 1–16, 2023. @article{Wang2023e, With an increasing number of videos integrating instructor's visuals on screen, we know little about the impacts of this design on mind wandering. The study aims to investigate a) how instructor visibility impacts mind wandering; b) the relationship between mind wandering and retention performance; c) how visual behaviour during video-watching influences mind wandering. Each participant watched a video with or without instructor visibility, while their visual behaviour was recorded by an eye tracker. Retention performance was measured at the completion of the video. Mind wandering was inferred via global self-report measure and objective eye tracking measure. Both measures of mind wandering indicated the instructor visible video resulted in less mind wandering. Findings suggested mind wandering impaired retention performance. Additionally, visual attention to the instructor was associated with less mind wandering. |
Craig A. Williamson; Jari J. Morganti; Hannah E. Smithson Bright-light distractions and visual performance Journal Article In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 14, pp. 1–11, 2023. @article{Williamson2023, Visual distractions pose a significant risk to transportation safety, with laser attacks against aircraft pilots being a common example. This study used a research-grade High Dynamic Range (HDR) display to produce bright-light distractions for 12 volunteer participants performing a combined visual task across central and peripheral visual fields. The visual scene had an average luminance of 10 cd∙m−2 with targets of approximately 0.5° angular size, while the distractions had a maximum luminance of 9,000 cd∙m−2 and were 3.6° in size. The dependent variables were the mean fixation duration during task execution (representative of information processing time), and the critical stimulus duration required to support a target level of performance (representative of task efficiency). The experiment found a statistically significant increase in mean fixation duration, rising from 192 ms without distractions to 205 ms with bright-light distractions (p = 0.023). This indicates a decrease in visibility of the low contrast targets or an increase in cognitive workload that required greater processing time for each fixation in the presence of the bright-light distractions. Mean critical stimulus duration was not significantly affected by the distraction conditions used in this study. Future experiments are suggested to replicate driving and/or piloting tasks and employ bright-light distractions based on real-world data, and we advocate the use of eye-tracking metrics as sensitive measures of changes in performance. |
Tiansheng Xia; Yingqi Yan; Jiayue Guo Color in web-advertising: The effect of color hue contrast on web satisfaction and advertising memory Journal Article In: Current Psychology, pp. 1–14, 2023. @article{Xia2023, There has been a growth in e-commerce, presenting consumers with varied forms of advertising. A key goal of web advertising is to leave a lasting impression on the user, and web satisfaction is an important measure of the quality and usability of a web page after an ad is placed on it. This experiment manipulated participants' purpose in web browsing (free browsing versus goal oriented) and the color combination of the web background and the vertical-ad background (high or low hue contrast) to predict users' satisfaction with the web page and the degree of ad recall. The psychological mechanisms of this effect were also explored using an eye-tracking device to record and analyze eye movements. The participants were 120 university students, 64.2% of whom were female and 35.8% of whom were male. During free browsing, participants could simulate the daily use of a browser to browse the web and were given 120 s to do so, and in the task-oriented browsing condition, participants were told in advance that they had to summarize the headlines of each news item one at a time within 120 s. The results showed that, in the free-viewing task, the hue contrast between the ad–web background colors negatively affected web satisfaction and ad memory whereas there was no significant difference in this effect in the goal-oriented task. Furthermore, in the free-viewing task, the level of attentional intrusion mediated the effect of ad–web hue contrast on the degree of ad recall; color harmony mediated the effect of hue contrast on the user's evaluation of web satisfaction. These results can act as a new reference for web design research and marketing practice. |
Mo Xiaohong; Xie Zhihao; Luh Ding-Bang A hybrid macro and micro method for consumer emotion and behavior research Journal Article In: IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 83430–83445, 2023. @article{Xiaohong2023, To investigate impacts of intelligent and fashion factors of sports bras on consumers' emotions, decision-making and behavior, a quantitative analysis method combing macro affective computing and micro emotion data was proposed. The context where a consumer purchased sports bras was first simulated. In this process, an eye tracker and a multi-channel physiological recorder were utilized to collect physiological signal data from participants in an experimental setting. Then, big data and machine learning were both adopted to macroscopically perform data pre-processing, build a computational model, fulfill relevant prediction and evaluation, analyze correlations in physiological data features, and explore potential values existing in data. Furthermore, highly correlated data features were extracted to investigate micro causalities and identify reasons why consumer behavior and decision-making were supported by data about emotional physiology. The proposed method may provide considerably reliable data support for designers, product service providers, and other practitioners. As an innovative and universal integration approach, it has the potential to be applied in medical science, psychology, management science and other fields. |
Zedong Xie; Meng Zhang; Zunping Ma The impact of mental simulation on subsequent tourist experience–dual evidence from eye tracking and self-reported measurement Journal Article In: Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 26, no. 18, pp. 2915–2930, 2023. @article{Xie2023c, Tourism research has always sought to find ways to improve tourists' experience evaluation and create added value for them. However, the academic community has focused on the on-site and post-travel stages of tourists, and neglected the pre-travel stage. This study examines the influence of guided mental simulation of an upcoming tourist experience on subsequent on-site tourist experience and experience evaluation. The research simulated real-world experience with tour videos shot from the first-person perspective, and measured the variables using both eye movements and self-reporting. Multivariate ANOVA and multigroup analysis were then performed on the data. The results showed that a process simulation of tourists having an engagement experience and an outcome simulation of tourists having a sight-seeing experience resulted in a higher engagement level and higher emotional response during the on-site experience, higher evaluation of the experience, and a greater impact of engagement level on their evaluation. This study expands the research on tourists' psychological experience in the pre-travel stage. Results indicate that the period from the moment consumers book or purchase the tourist product to the moment they actually embark on the tourist experience is a valuable marketing window. |
Ying Xu; Jia-Qiong Xie; Fu-Xing Wang; Rebecca L. Monk; James Gaskin; Jin-Liang Wang The impact of Weibo features on user's information comprehension: The mediating role of cognitive load Journal Article In: Social Science Computer Review, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 2010–2028, 2023. @article{Xu2023d, Social media, such as Microblogs, have become an important source for people to obtain information. However, we know little about how this would influence our comprehension over online information. Based on the cognitive load theory, this research explores whether and how two important features of Weibo, which are the feedback function and information fragmentation, would increase cognitive load and may in turn hinder users' information comprehension in Weibo. A 2 (feedback or non-feedback) × 2 (strong-interference or weak-interference information) between-participants experimental design was conducted. Our results revealed that the Weibo feedback function and interference information exerted a negative impact over information comprehension via inducing increased cognitive load. Specifically, these results deepened our understanding regarding the impact of Weibo features on online information comprehension and suggest the mechanism by which this occurs. This finding has implications for how to minimize the potential cost of using Weibo and maximize the adaptive development of social media. |
Zhihao Yan; Zeyang Yang; Mark D. Griffiths “Danmu” preference, problematic online video watching, loneliness and personality: An eye-tracking study and survey study Journal Article In: BMC Psychiatry, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2023. @article{Yan2023b, ‘Danmu' (i.e., comments that scroll across online videos), has become popular on several Asian online video platforms. Two studies were conducted to investigate the relationships between Danmu preference, problematic online video watching, loneliness and personality. Study 1 collected self-report data on the study variables from 316 participants. Study 2 collected eye-tracking data of Danmu fixation (duration, count, and the percentages) from 87 participants who watched videos. Results show that fixation on Danmu was significantly correlated with problematic online video watching, loneliness, and neuroticism. Self-reported Danmu preference was positively associated with extraversion, openness, problematic online video watching, and loneliness. The studies indicate the potential negative effects of Danmu preference (e.g., problematic watching and loneliness) during online video watching. The study is one of the first empirical investigations of Danmu and problematic online video watching using eye-tracking software. Online video platforms could consider adding more responsible use messaging relating to Danmu in videos. Such messages may help users to develop healthier online video watching habits. |
Jordan C. Abramowitz; Matthew J. Goupell; Kristina DeRoy Milvae Cochlear–implant simulated signal degradation exacerbates listening effort in older listeners Journal Article In: Ear & Hearing, pp. 1–10, 2023. @article{Abramowitz2023, Objectives: Individuals with cochlear implants (CIs) often report that listening requires high levels of effort. Listening effort can increase with decreasing spectral resolution, which occurs when listening with a CI, and can also increase with age. What is not clear is whether these factors interact; older CI listeners potentially experience even higher listening effort with greater signal degradation than younger CI listeners. This study used pupillometry as a physiological index of listening effort to examine whether age, spectral resolution, and their interaction affect listening effort in a simulation of CI listening. Design: Fifteen younger normal-hearing listeners (ages 18 to 31 years) and 15 older normal-hearing listeners (ages 65 to 75 years) participated in this experiment; they had normal hearing thresholds from 0.25 to 4 kHz. Participants repeated sentences presented in quiet that were either unprocessed or vocoded, simulating CI listening. Stimuli frequency spectra were limited to below 4 kHz (to control for effects of age-related high-frequency hearing loss), and spectral resolution was decreased by decreasing the number of vocoder channels, with 32-, 16-, and 8-channel conditions. Behavioral speech recognition scores and pupil dilation were recorded during this task. In addition, cognitive measures of working memory and processing speed were obtained to examine if individual differences in these measures predicted changes in pupil dilation. Results: For trials where the sentence was recalled correctly, there was a significant interaction between age and spectral resolution, with significantly greater pupil dilation in the older normal-hearing listeners for the 8- and 32-channel vocoded conditions. Cognitive measures did not predict pupil dilation. Conclusions: There was a significant interaction between age and spectral resolution, such that older listeners appear to exert relatively higher listening effort than younger listeners when the signal is highly degraded, with the largest effects observed in the eight-channel condition. The clinical implication is that older listeners may be at higher risk for increased listening effort with a CI. |
Sourish Chakravarty; Jacob Donoghue; Ayan S. Waite; Meredith Mahnke; Indie C. Garwood; Sebastian Gallo; Earl K. Miller; Emery N. Brown Closed-loop control of anesthetic state in nonhuman primates Journal Article In: PNAS Nexus, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 1–14, 2023. @article{Chakravarty2023, Research in human volunteers and surgical patients has shown that unconsciousness under general anesthesia can be reliably tracked using real-time electroencephalogram processing. Hence, a closed-loop anesthesia delivery (CLAD) system that maintains precisely specified levels of unconsciousness is feasible and would greatly aid intraoperative patient management. The US Federal Drug Administration has approved no CLAD system for human use due partly to a lack of testing in appropriate animal models. To address this key roadblock, we implement a nonhuman primate (NHP) CLAD system that controls the level of unconsciousness using the anesthetic propofol. The key system components are a local field potential (LFP) recording system; propofol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic models; the control variable (LFP power between 20 and 30 Hz), a programmable infusion system and a linear quadratic integral controller. Our CLAD system accurately controlled the level of unconsciousness along two different 125-min dynamic target trajectories for 18 h and 45 min in nine experiments in two NHPs. System performance measures were comparable or superior to those in previous CLAD reports. We demonstrate that an NHP CLAD system can reliably and accurately control in real-time unconsciousness maintained by anesthesia. Our findings establish critical steps for CLAD systems' design and testing prior to human testing. |
Jacky R. Claydon; Matthew C. Fysh; Jonathan E. Prunty; Filipe Cristino; Reuben Moreton; Markus Bindemann Facial comparison behaviour of forensic facial examiners Journal Article In: Applied Cognitive Psychology, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 6–25, 2023. @article{Claydon2023, Facial examiners make visual comparisons of face images to establish the identities of persons in police investigations. This study utilised eye-tracking and an individual differences approach to investigate whether these experts exhibit specialist viewing behaviours during identification, by comparing facial examiners with forensic fingerprint analysts and untrained novices across three tasks. These comprised of face matching under unlimited (Experiment 1) and time-restricted viewing (Experiment 2), and with a feature-comparison protocol derived from examiner casework procedures (Experiment 3). Facial examiners exhibited individual differences in facial comparison accuracy and did not consistently outperform fingerprint analysts and novices. Their behaviour was also marked by similarities to the comparison groups in terms of how faces were viewed, as evidenced from eye movements, and how faces were perceived, based on the made feature judgements and identification decisions. These findings further understanding of how facial comparisons are performed and clarify the nature of examiner expertise. |
Tao Deng; Lianfang Jiang; Yi Shi; Jiang Wu; Zhangbi Wu; Shun Yan; Xianshi Zhang; Hongmei Yan Driving visual saliency prediction of dynamic night scenes via a spatio-temporal dual-encoder network Journal Article In: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1–11, 2023. @article{Deng2023a, Driving at night is more challenging and dangerous than driving during the day. Modeling driver eye movement and attention allocation during night driving can help guide unmanned intelligent vehicles and improve safety during similar situations. However, until now, few studies have modeled a drivers' true fixations and attention allocation in specific night circumstance. Therefore, we collected an eye tracking dataset from 30 experienced drivers while they viewed night driving videos under a hypothetical driving condition, termed Driver Fix- ation Dataset in night (DrFixD(night)). Based on DrFixD(night) which includes multiple drivers' attention allocation, we proposed a spatio-temporal dual-encoder network model, named as STDE- Net, to improve saliency detection in night driving condition. The model includes three modules: i) spatio-temporal dual encoding module, ii) fusion module based on attention mechanism, and iii) decoding module. A convolutional LSTM is employed to learn the time connection of video sequences, and a convolution neural net- work combined pyramid dilated convolution is adopted to extract spatial features in the spatio-temporal dual encoding module. The attention mechanism is exploited to fuse the temporal and spatial features together and selectively highlight the significant features in night traffic scene. We compared the proposed model with other traditional methods and deep learning models, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and found that the proposed model can predict driver's fixation more accurately. Specifically, the proposed model not only predicts the main goals, but also predicts the important sub goals, such as pedestrians, bicycles and so on, showing excellent prediction of dimly lit targets at night. Index |
Rui Fu; Tao Huang; Mingyue Li; Qinyu Sun; Yunxing Chen In: Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 214, pp. 1–12, 2023. @article{Fu2023, The prediction of the driver's focus of attention (DFoA) is becoming essential research for the driver distraction detection and intelligent vehicle. Therefore, this work makes an attempt to predict DFoA. However, traffic driving environment is a complex and dynamic changing scene. The existing methods lack full utilization of driving scene information and ignore the importance of different objects or regions of the driving scene. To alleviate this, we propose a multimodal deep neural network based on anthropomorphic attention mechanism and prior knowledge (MDNN-AAM-PK). Specifically, a more comprehensive information of driving scene (RGB images, semantic images, optical flow images and depth images of successive frames) is as the input of MDNN-AAM-PK. An anthropomorphic attention mechanism is developed to calculate the importance of each pixel in the driving scene. A graph attention network is adopted to learn semantic context features. The convolutional long short-term memory network (ConvLSTM) is used to achieve the transition of fused features in successive frames. Furthermore, a training method based on prior knowledge is designed to improve the efficiency of training and the performance of DFoA prediction. These experiments, including experimental comparison with the state-of-the-art methods, the ablation study of the proposed method, the evaluation on different datasets and the visual assessment experiment in vehicle simulation platform, show that the proposed method can accurately predict DFoA and is better than the state-of-the-art methods. |
Zhibing Gao; Ziang Li; Xiangling Zhuang; Guojie Ma Advantages of graphical nutrition facts label: Faster attention capture and improved healthiness judgement Journal Article In: Ergonomics, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 627–643, 2023. @article{Gao2023a, Consumers have to rely on the traditional back-of-package nutrition facts label (NFL) to obtain nutrition information in many countries. However, traditional NFLs have been criticised for their poor visualisation and low efficiency. This study redesigned back-of-package NFLs integrated with bar graphs (black or coloured) to visually indicate nutrient reference values (NRVs). Two eye movement studies were performed to evaluate the ergonomic advantages of the graphical NFLs. Our findings suggested that the newly designed NFLs led to faster and better healthiness evaluation performance. The newly designed graphical labels led to a shorter time to first fixation duration and offered a higher percentage of fixation time in the nutrient reference values region compared with that observed using traditional text labels. Nowadays, many chronic diseases are associated with poor eating habits, therefore, the importance of visualisation design to nudge healthier food choices could be paid more attention to by policymakers and food manufacturers. |
Beatriz García-Carrión; Salvador Del Barrio-García; Francisco Muñoz-Leiva; Lucia Porcu In: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 55, no. August 2022, pp. 78–90, 2023. @article{GarciaCarrion2023, Social networks are a source of competitive advantage for destination management organizations (DMOs) in promoting user-generated content. In the online environment, the generational cohort to which the user belongs significantly determines their motivations, preferences, and behaviors. Against this backdrop, and in context of culinary tourism, the present work aims to: (1) examine the degree of congruence between the messages that tourist receives from DMOs and other tourists through social network comments affects their attention and affective responses; (2) analyze the effect of generational cohort on user responses; (3) investigate the differences in gastronomy-related messages between generational cohorts according to different levels of congruence. An eye-tracking experiment is conducted to manipulate message congruence (high vs. low) and user's generational cohort (Millennials vs. Generation Z). Findings show faster attention-capture and higher cognitive processing in low-congruence gastronomy-related comments in both cohorts, while Generation Z users reported greater attention to culinary visuals. |
Jessica N. Goetz; Mark B. Neider Keep it real, keep it simple: The effects of icon characteristics on visual search Journal Article In: Behaviour & Information Technology, pp. 1–20, 2023. @article{Goetz2023, Previous research examining how icons' concreteness, visual complexity, and distinctiveness influence visual search performance have led to disagreements over which icon characteristic most affects behaviour. These icon characteristics are often poorly defined and interrelated, particularly concreteness. Accordingly, drawing strong inferences about the robustness of concreteness as a factor in search for visual icons is challenging. Here, we operationalised concreteness into three distinct levels: concrete icons were images of real-world objects, photorealistic icons were drawings of the object, and abstract icons were images with no conceptual information. Across two experiments, participants rated each icon on various icon characteristics (e.g. concreteness, visual complexity) to provide a ground truth for these factors and to validate our concreteness manipulation. In a separate study, naive participants performed a visual search task for a target icon. Oculomotor measures were utilised to elucidate how various icon characteristics affected search performance. Although we were unable to fully disassociate concreteness from visual complexity, we found that icons high in concreteness improved search performance, but as visual complexity increased, object identification became slower. This was largely demonstrated through increased verification times for complex targets. The present set of studies indicate that highly concrete and simple icons engender search benefits. |
J. Hartman; J. Saffran; R. Litovsky Word learning in deaf adults who use cochlear implants: The role of talker variability and attention to the mouth Journal Article In: Ear & Hearing, pp. 1–14, 2023. @article{Hartman2023, OBJECTIVES: Although cochlear implants (CIs) facilitate spoken language acquisition, many CI listeners experience difficulty learning new words. Studies have shown 29that highly variable stimulus input and audiovisual cues improve speech perception in CI listeners. However, less is known whether these two factors improve perception in a word learning context. Furthermore, few studies have examined how CI listeners direct their gaze to efficiently capture visual information available on a talker's face. The purpose of this study was two-fold: (1) to examine whether talker variability could improve word learning in CI listeners and (2) to examine how CI listeners direct their gaze while viewing a talker speak. DESIGN: Eighteen adults with CIs and 10 adults with normal hearing (NH) learned eight novel word-object pairs spoken by a single talker or six different talkers (multiple talkers). The word learning task comprised of nonsense words following the phonotactic rules of English. Learning was probed using a novel talker in a two-alternative forced-choice eye gaze task. Learners' eye movements to the mouth and the target object (accuracy) were tracked over time. RESULTS: Both groups performed near ceiling during the test phase, regardless of whether they learned from the same talker or different talkers. However, compared to listeners with NH, CI listeners directed their gaze significantly more to the talker's mouth while learning the words. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike NH listeners who can successfully learn words without focusing on the talker's mouth, CI listeners tended to direct their gaze to the talker's mouth, which may facilitate learning. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that CI listeners use a visual processing strategy that efficiently captures redundant audiovisual speech cues available at the mouth. Due to ceiling effects, however, it is unclear whether talker variability facilitated word learning for adult CI listeners, an issue that should be addressed in future work using more difficult listening conditions. |
Pei Hsuan Hsieh; Po I. Hsu Displaying software installation agreements to motivate users' reading Journal Article In: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 39, no. 20, pp. 4006–4023, 2023. @article{Hsieh2023a, The purpose of this study is to identify an effective display mode that best motivates software users to read the software installation agreements before downloading, thereby enhancing their understanding of intellectual property rights and preventing potential legal issues. This study randomly assigned the participants to enter either an eye-tracking or a computer-based experiment in which one of three display modes was presented. A computer-based pre-test and post-test related to intellectual property rights were given to the participants. The final results showed that the “keyword mode” was the most effective in keeping their attention on the key content. The results of a survey about software installation experiences and attitudes toward reading software installation agreements and the follow-up interviews confirmed the experimental findings. The study's contribution lies in revealing to software providers the most effective reading mode that best enhances the software users' understanding of the moral and legal concepts. |
Jia Jin; Chenchen Lin; Fenghua Wang; Ting Xu; Wuke Zhang A study of cognitive effort involved in the framing effect of summary descriptions of online product reviews for search vs. experience products Journal Article In: Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 785–806, 2023. @article{Jin2023b, Few studies have focused on summary descriptions of online product reviews regarding purchase decisions, and there is a gap between individual product reviews and summary descriptions of online product reviews. The current study applied eye-tracking to explore how the product type moderates the framing effect of summary descriptions of product reviews on e-consumers' purchase decisions. The results showed that product type moderated the framing effect of summary reviews on e-consumers' purchase intention. Specifically, for search products, compared with a negative frame, a positive frame increased e-consumers' attention to function attributes and led to higher purchase intention. However, with experience products, e-consumers' attention and purchase intention did not vary across framing messages. Referring to information asymmetry theory and signal theory, we posit that the cognitive effort involved in summary review information is high for search products and low for experience products since summary reviews are a more useful signal in reducing information asymmetry for search products than for experience products. The theoretical and practical implications are also discussed. |
Jia Jin; Ailian Wang; Cuicui Wang; Qingguo Ma How do consumers perceive and process online overall vs. individual text-based reviews? Behavioral and eye-tracking evidence Journal Article In: Information and Management, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 1–13, 2023. @article{Jin2023a, Building on the Heuristic-Systematic model, we use a survey and two eye-tracking experiments to investigate consumers' perceived usefulness of overall and individual text-based reviews (OTRs vs. ITRs) for search vs. experience products, and the information processing features. Results indicate that OTRs show higher usefulness than ITRs, regardless of product type. ITRs are perceived to be more useful for experience products than for search products. Furthermore, two eye-tracking studies confirm these results from a physiological standpoint and reveal the attentional allocation during information processing. OTRs affect subjects' processing of ITRs information differently in purchase search and experience products. |
Clare Kirtley; Christopher Murray; Phillip B. Vaughan; Benjamin W. Tatler Navigating the narrative: An eye-tracking study of readers' strategies when reading comic page layouts Journal Article In: Applied Cognitive Psychology, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 52–70, 2023. @article{Kirtley2023, In multimedia stimuli (e.g., comics), the reader must follow a narrative in which text and image both contribute information, and artists may use more irregular layouts which must still be followed correctly. While previous work has found that the external structure (outlines) of panels is a major contributor to navigation decisions in comics, other studies have shown that panel content can affect reading order. The present studies use eye-tracking to investigate these contributions further. In Experiment 1, the reading behaviors on six layout variations were compared. The influence of the external structure was replicated, but an effect of text location was also found for one layout type. Experiment 2 focused on variations of this particular layout, manipulating the location of text within critical panels. Panel content was a consistent effect for all variations. While most navigation decisions are made using the external structure, content becomes key when resolving ambiguous layouts. |
Yongkai Li; Shuai Zhang; Gancheng Zhu; Zehao Huang; Rong Wang; Xiaoting Duan; Zhiguo Wang A CNN-based wearable system for driver drowsiness detection Journal Article In: Sensors, vol. 23, no. 7, 2023. @article{Li2023l, Drowsiness poses a serious challenge to road safety and various in-cabin sensing technologies have been experimented with to monitor driver alertness. Cameras offer a convenient means for contactless sensing, but they may violate user privacy and require complex algorithms to accommodate user (e.g., sunglasses) and environmental (e.g., lighting conditions) constraints. This paper presents a lightweight convolution neural network that measures eye closure based on eye images captured by a wearable glass prototype, which features a hot mirror-based design that allows the camera to be installed on the glass temples. The experimental results showed that the wearable glass prototype, with the neural network in its core, was highly effective in detecting eye blinks. The blink rate derived from the glass output was highly consistent with an industrial gold standard EyeLink eye-tracker. As eye blink characteristics are sensitive measures of driver drowsiness, the glass prototype and the lightweight neural network presented in this paper would provide a computationally efficient yet viable solution for real-world applications. |
Sotiris Plainis; Emmanouil Ktistakis; Miltiadis K. Tsilimbaris Presbyopia correction with multifocal contact lenses: Evaluation of silent reading performance using eye movements analysis Journal Article In: Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1–8, 2023. @article{Plainis2023, Purpose: Many activities of daily living rely on reading, thus is not surprising that complaints from presbyopes originate in reading difficulties rather in visual acuity. Here, the effectiveness of presbyopia correction with multifocal contact lenses (CLs) is evaluated using an eye-fixation based method of silent reading performance. Μethods: Visual performance of thirty presbyopic volunteers (age: 50 ± 5 yrs) was assessed monocularly and binocularly following 15 days of wear of monthly disposable CLs (AIR OPTIX™ plus HydraGlyde™, Alcon Laboratories) with: (a) single vision (SV) lenses – uncorrected for near (b) aspheric multifocal (MF) CLs. LogMAR acuity was measured with ETDRS charts. Reading performance was evaluated using standard IReST paragraphs displayed on a screen (0.4 logMAR print size at 40 cm distance). Eye movements were monitored with an infrared eyetracker (Eye-Link II, SR Research Ltd). Data analysis included computation of reading speed, fixation duration, fixations per word and percentage of regressions. Results: Average reading speed was 250 ± 68 and 235 ± 70 wpm, binocularly and monocularly, with SV CLs, improving statistically significantly to 280 ± 67 (p = 0.002) and 260 ± 59 wpm (p = 0.01), respectively, with MF CLs. Moreover, fixation duration, fixations per word and ex-Gaussian parameter of fixation duration, μ, showed a statistically significant improvement when reading with MF CLs, with fixation duration exhibiting the stronger correlation (r = 0.79, p < 0.001) with improvement in reading speed. The correlation between improvement in VA and reading speed was moderate (r = 0.46 |
2022 |
Moritz Held; Jochem W. Rieger; Jelmer P. Borst Multitasking while driving: Central bottleneck or problem state interference? Journal Article In: Human Factors, pp. 1–19, 2022. @article{Held2022, Objective: The objective of this work was to investigate if visuospatial attention and working memory load interact at a central control resource or at a task-specific, information processing resource during driving. Background: In previous multitasking driving experiments, interactions between different cognitive concepts (e.g., attention and working memory) have been found. These interactions have been attributed to a central bottleneck or to the so-called problem-state bottleneck, related to working memory usage. Method: We developed two different cognitive models in the cognitive architecture ACT-R, which implement the central vs. problem-state bottleneck. The models performed a driving task, during which we varied visuospatial attention and working memory load. We evaluated the model by conducting an experiment with human participants and compared the behavioral data to the model's behavior. Results: The problem-state-bottleneck model could account for decreased driving performance due to working memory load as well as increased visuospatial attentional demands as compared to the central-bottleneck model, which could not account for effects of increased working memory load. Conclusion: The interaction between working memory and visuospatial attention in our dual tasking experiment can be best characterized by a bottleneck in the working memory. The model results suggest that as working memory load becomes higher, drivers manage to perform fewer control actions, which leads to decreasing driving performance. Application: Predictions about the effect of different mental loads can be used to quantify the contribution of each subtask allowing for precise assessments of the current overall mental load, which automated driving systems may adapt to. |
Mairéad Hogan; Chris Barry; Michael Lang Dissecting optional micro-decisions in online transactions: Perceptions, deceptions, and errors Journal Article In: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1–27, 2022. @article{Hogan2022, Online firms frequently increase profit by selling optional extras. However, opt-in rates tend to be low. In response, questionable design practices have emerged to nudge consumers into inadvertent choices. Many of these design constructs are presented using an opt-out design. Using eye tracking and think-aloud data techniques, this research investigates the impact of the framing and optionality of micro-decisions on user perceptions and error rates. Focusing on opt-out decisions, the study found: up to one in three users make errors in decision-making; there is a higher error rate for rejection-framed opt-out decisions; users widely misinterpret decision framing; and failure to read decision text results in rushed and unsighted decisions, even leading users to automatically construe un-ticked checkboxes as opt-in decisions. In talking afterwards about their experiences, users expressed strong negative emotions, feeling confused, manipulated and resentful. Many suggested they would, in practice, steer away from similar encounters toward more unambiguous and honest sites. These findings might alert managers and developers, tempted to use dark patterns, that such a strategy might backfire over time. |
Luke Hsiao; Brooke Krajancich; Philip Levis; Gordon Wetzstein; Keith Winstein Towards retina-quality VR video streaming: 15 ms Could Save You 80% of Your Bandwidth Journal Article In: Computer Communication Review, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 10–19, 2022. @article{Hsiao2022a, Virtual reality systems today cannot yet stream immersive, retina-quality virtual reality video over a network. One of the greatest challenges to this goal is the sheer data rates required to transmit retina-quality video frames at high resolutions and frame rates. Recent work has leveraged the decay of visual acuity in human perception in novel gaze-contingent video compression techniques. In this paper, we show that reducing the motion-to-photon latency of a system itself is a key method for improving the compression ratio of gaze-contingent compression. Our key finding is that a client and streaming server system with sub-15ms latency can achieve 5x better compression than traditional techniques while also using simpler software algorithms than previous work. |
Fatemeh Jam; Hamid Reza Azemati; Abdulhamid Ghanbaran; Jamal Esmaily; Reza Ebrahimpour The role of expertise in visual exploration and aesthetic judgment of residential building façades: An eye-tracking study Journal Article In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 148–163, 2022. @article{Jam2022, The building façade has considerable effects on the aesthetic experience of observers. However, the experience may differ depending on the observers' expertise. This study was conducted to explore the impact of expertise on preference, visual exploration, and cognitive experience during the aesthetic judgment of designed façades. For this purpose, we developed a paradigm in two separate parts: aesthetic judgment (AJ) and eye movement recording (EMR). Thirty-eight participants participated in this experiment in two groups (21 experts/17 nonexperts). The results revealed significant differences between the two groups in terms of the type and number of preferred façades, as well as eye movement indicators. In addition, based on judgment reaction time and fixation duration as proxy measures of cognitive experience, it was found that expertise might be correlated with cognitive load and task demand. The findings indicate the importance of façades for both groups and suggest that their physical attributes could be effectively manipulated to impact aesthetic experiences in relation to architectural designs. |
Lewis T. Jayes; Gemma Fitzsimmons; Mark J. Weal; Johanna K. Kaakinen; Denis Drieghe The impact of hyperlinks, skim reading and perceived importance when reading on the Web Journal Article In: PLoS ONE, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1–28, 2022. @article{Jayes2022, It has previously been shown that readers spend a great deal of time skim reading on the Web and that this type of reading can affect comprehension of text. Across two experiments, we examine how hyperlinks influence perceived importance of sentences and how perceived importance in turn affects reading behaviour. In Experiment 1, participants rated the importance of sentences across passages of Wikipedia text. In Experiment 2, a different set of participants read these passages while their eye movements were tracked, with the task being either reading for comprehension or skim reading. Reading times of sentences were analysed in relation to the type of task and the importance ratings from Experiment 1. Results from Experiment 1 show readers rated sentences without hyperlinks as being of less importance than sentences that did feature hyperlinks, and this effect is larger when sentences are lower on the page. It was also found that short sentences with more links were rated as more important, but only when they were presented at the top of the page. Long sentences with more links were rated as more important regardless of their position on the page. In Experiment 2, higher importance scores resulted in longer sentence reading times, measured as fixation durations. When skim reading, however, importance ratings had a lesser impact on online reading behaviour than when reading for comprehension. We suggest readers are less able to establish the importance of a sentence when skim reading, even though importance could have been assessed by information that would be fairly easy to extract (i.e. presence of hyperlinks, length of sentences, and position on the screen). |
Rebecca L. Johnson; Devika Nambiar; Gabriella Suman Using eye-movements to assess underlying factors in online purchasing behaviors Journal Article In: International Journal of Consumer Studies, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1365–1380, 2022. @article{Johnson2022, The field of consumer neuroscience allows researchers to account for an individual's explicit reported behaviors as well as their implicit behaviors that are reflected in the neural mechanisms that occur during the purchase decision phase of a consumer's online shopping experience. The purpose of the current study was to use eye-tracking technology in conjunction with self-report purchase intention data to observe the relative impact of star rating, price, discount, and time pressure on purchase decisions. The results suggest that purchase intention was most affected by star rating, price, and discount with higher purchase intentions on items with higher star ratings, lower prices, and greater discounts. The eye movement data revealed that these factors, as well as time pressure, influenced where consumers directed their attention in making their purchasing decisions. These findings have significant implications for future ecommerce marketing strategy, especially across efforts to increase purchase intention. |
Nadezhda Kerimova; Pavel Sivokhin; Diana Kodzokova; Karine Nikogosyan; Vasily Klucharev Visual processing of green zones in shared courtyards during renting decisions: An eye-tracking study Journal Article In: Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, vol. 68, pp. 127460, 2022. @article{Kerimova2022, We used an eye-tracking technique to investigate the effect of green zones and car ownership on the attrac- tiveness of the courtyards of multistorey apartment buildings. Two interest groups—20 people who owned a car and 20 people who did not a car—observed 36 images of courtyards. Images were digitally modified to manipulate the spatial arrangement of key courtyard elements: green zones, parking lots, and children's play- grounds. The participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of courtyards during hypothetical renting decisions. Overall, we investigated whether visual exploration and appraisal of courtyards differed between people who owned a car and those who did not. The participants in both interest groups gazed longer at perceptually salient playgrounds and parking lots than at greenery. We also observed that participants gazed significantly longer at the greenery in courtyards rated as most attractive than those rated as least attractive. They gazed significantly longer at parking lots in courtyards rated as least attractive than those rated as most attractive. Using regression analysis, we further investigated the relationship between gaze fixations on courtyard elements and the attractiveness ratings of courtyards. The model confirmed a significant positive relationship between the number and duration of fixations on greenery and the attractiveness estimates of courtyards, while the model showed an opposite relationship for the duration of fixations on parking lots. Interestingly, the positive association between fixations on greenery and the attractiveness of courtyards was significantly stronger for participants who owned cars than for those who did not. These findings confirmed that the more people pay attention to green areas, the more positively they evaluate urban areas. The results also indicate that urban greenery may differentially affect the preferences of interest groups. 1. |
Hassen Kerkeni; Dominik Brügger; Georgios Mantokoudis; Mathias Abegg; David S. Zee Pharmacological and behavioral strategies to improve vision in acquired pendular nystagmus Journal Article In: American Journal of Case Reports, vol. 23, pp. 1–5, 2022. @article{Kerkeni2022, Objective: Unusual setting of medical care. Background: Acquired pendular nystagmus (APN) is a back and forth, oscillatory eye movement in which the 2 oppositely directed slow phases have similar waveforms. APN occurs commonly in multiple sclerosis and causes a disabling oscillopsia that impairs vision. Previous studies have proven that symptomatic therapy with gabapentin or me-mantine can reduce the nystagmus amplitude or frequency. However, the effect of these medications on visual acuity (VA) is less known and to our knowledge the impact of non-pharmacological strategies such as blinking on VA has not been reported. This is a single observational study without controls (Class IV) and is meant to suggest a future strategy for study of vision in patients with disabling nystagmus and impaired vision. Case Report: A 49-year-old woman with primary progressive multiple sclerosis with spastic paraparesis and a history of optic atrophy presented with asymmetrical binocular APN and bothersome oscillopsia. We found that in the eye with greater APN her visual acuity improved by 1 line (from 0.063 to 0.08 decimals) immediately after blinking. During treatment with memantine, her VA without blinking increased by 2 lines, from 0.063 to 0.12, but improved even more (from 0.12 to 0.16) after blinking. In the contralateral eye with a barely visible nystagmus, VA was reduced by 1 line briefly (~500 ms) after blinking. Conclusions: In a patient with APN, blinking transiently improved vision. The combination of pharmacological treatment with memantine and the blinking strategy may induce better VA and less oscillopsia than either alone. |
Hyoun S. Kim; Emma V. Ritchie; Christopher R. Sears; David C. Hodgins; Kristy R. Kowatch; Daniel S. McGrath In: Journal of Behavioral Addictions, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 386–395, 2022. @article{Kim2022a, Background and aims: Attentional bias to gambling-related stimuli is associated with increased severity of gambling disorder. However, the addiction-related moderators of attentional bias among those who gamble are largely unknown. Impulsivity is associated with attentional bias among those who abuse substances, and we hypothesized that impulsivity would moderate the relationship between disordered electronic gaming machine (EGM) gambling and attentional bias. Methods: We tested whether facets of impulsivity, as measured by the UPPS-P (positive urgency, negative urgency, sensation seeking, lack of perseverance, lack of premeditation) and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 (cognitive, motor, non-planning) moderated the relationship between increased severity of gambling disorder, as measured by the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI), and attentional bias. Seventy-five EGM players participated in a free-viewing eye-tracking paradigm to measure attentional bias to EGM images. Results: Attentional bias was significantly correlated with Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 (BIS-11) motor, positive urgency, and negative urgency. Only positive and negative urgency moderated the relationship between PGSI scores and attentional bias. For participants with high PGSI scores, higher positive and negative urgency were associated with larger attentional biases to EGM stimuli. Discussion: The results indicate that affective impulsivity is an important contributor to the association between gambling disorder and attentional bias. |
Jan-Louis Kruger; Natalia Wisniewska; Sixin Liao Why subtitle speed matters: Evidence from word skipping and rereading Journal Article In: Applied Psycholinguistics, vol. 43, pp. 211–236, 2022. @article{Kruger2022, High subtitle speed undoubtedly impacts the viewer experience. However, little is known about how fast subtitles might impact the reading of individual words. This article presents new findings on the effect of subtitle speed on viewers' reading behavior using word-based eye-tracking measures with specific attention to word skipping and rereading. In multimodal reading situations such as reading subtitles in video, rereading allows people to correct for oculomotor error or comprehension failure during linguistic processing or integrate words with elements of the image to build a situation model of the video. However, the opportunity to reread words, to read the majority of the words in the subtitle and to read subtitles to completion, is likely to be compromised when subtitles are too fast. Participants watched videos with subtitles at 12, 20, and 28 characters per second (cps) while their eye movements were recorded. It was found that comprehension declined as speed increased. Eye movement records also showed that faster subtitles resulted in more incomplete reading of subtitles. Furthermore, increased speed also caused fewer words to be reread following both horizontal eye movements (likely resulting in reduced lexical processing) and vertical eye movements (which would likely reduce higher-level comprehension and integration). |
Meijia Li; Huamao Peng How cues of being watched promote risk seeking in fund investment in older adults Journal Article In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, pp. 1–15, 2022. @article{Li2022c, Social cues, such as being watched, can subtly alter fund investment choices. This study aimed to investigate how cues of being watched influence decision-making, attention allocation, and risk tendencies. Using decision scenarios adopted from the “Asian Disease Problem,” we examined participants' risk tendency in a financial scenario when they were watched. A total of 63 older and 66 younger adults participated. Eye tracking was used to reveal the decision-maker's attention allocation (fixations and dwell time per word). The results found that both younger and older adults tend to seek risk in the loss frame than in the gain frame (i.e., framing effect). Watching eyes tended to escalate reckless gambling behaviors among older adults, which led them to maintain their share in the depressed fund market, regardless of whether the options were gain or loss framed. The eye-tracking results revealed that older adults gave less attention to the sure option in the eye condition (i.e., fewer fixations and shorter dwell time). However, their attention was maintained on the gamble options. In comparison, images of “watching eyes” did not influence the risk seeking of younger adults but decreased their framing effect. Being watched can affect financial risk preference in decision-making. The exploration of the contextual sensitivity of being watched provides us with insight into developing decision aids to promote rational financial decision-making, such as human-robot interactions. Future research on age differences still requires further replication. |
Wenjie Li; Yuxiao Zhou; Shijian Luo; Yenan Dong Design factors to improve the consistency and austainable user experience of responsive interface design Journal Article In: Sustainability, vol. 14, pp. 1–26, 2022. @article{Li2022h, Computers have been extended to a variety of devices, such as smart phones, tablets, and smart watches, thereby increasing the importance of responsive interfaces across multi-terminal devices. To ensure a consistent and sustainable user experience for websites and software products, it is important to study the layout, design elements, and users' visual perception of different terminal interfaces. In this paper, the multi-terminal interfaces of 40 existing responsive websites were studied in a hierarchical grouping experiment, and six typical interface layouts were classified and extracted. Then, the main design factors affecting interface consistency of the responsive website were extracted and classified through eye tracking and a questionnaire survey. Finally, taking a sales management software tool (SA) as an example for design application, we successfully created responsive interfaces across multi-terminal devices with a consistent and sustainable experience. |
Chi-Hung Liu; June Hung; Chun-Wei Chang; John J. H. Lin; Elaine Shinwei Huang; Shu-Ling Wang; Li-Ang Lee; Cheng-Ting Hsiao; Pi-Shan Sung; Yi-Ping Chao; Yeu-Jhy Chang Oral presentation assessment and image reading behaviour on brain computed tomography reading in novice clinical learners: An eye-tracking study Journal Article In: BMC Medical Education, vol. 22, pp. 1–10, 2022. @article{Liu2022a, Background: To study whether oral presentation (OP) assessment could reflect the novice learners' interpretation skills and reading behaviour on brain computed tomography (CT) reading. Methods: Eighty fifth-year medical students were recruited, received a 2-hour interactive workshop on how to read brain CT, and were assigned to read two brain CT images before and after instruction. We evaluated their image reading behaviour in terms of overall OP post-test rating, the lesion identification, and competency in systematic image reading after instruction. Students' reading behaviour in searching for the target lesions were recorded by the eye-tracking technique and were used to validate the accuracy of lesion reports. Statistical analyses, including lag sequential analysis (LSA), linear mixed models, and transition entropy (TE) were conducted to reveal temporal relations and spatial complexity of systematic image reading from the eye movement perspective. Results: The overall OP ratings [pre-test vs. post-test: 0 vs. 1 in case 1, 0 vs. 1 in case 2, p < 0.001] improved after instruction. Both the scores of systematic OP ratings [0 vs.1 in both cases, p < 0.001] and eye-tracking studies (Case 1: 3.42 ± 0.62 and 3.67 ± 0.37 in TE |
Jing Luan; Jie Xiao; Pengfei Tang; Meng Li Positive effects of negative reviews: An eye-tracking perspective Journal Article In: Internet Research, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 197–218, 2022. @article{Luan2022, Purpose: A counterintuitive finding of existing research is that negative reviews can produce positive effects; for example, they can increase purchase likelihood and sales by increasing product awareness. It is important to continue highlighting this fact and to develop further insights into this positive effect, as a more thorough analysis can provide online retailers with a more comprehensive understanding of how to effectively manage and use negative reviews. Thus, by using an eye-tracking method, this paper attempts to provide a further thorough analysis of positive effects of negative reviews from a cognitive perspective. Design/methodology/approach: An eye-tracking experiment with two tests over a time delay was performed to examine whether negative reviews have some positive effects. Review valence (positive vs. negative), brand popularity (popular vs. unpopular) and advertising exposure (no repetition vs. repetition) were considered in the experiment. Findings: The results show that a cognitive process of attention allocation happens when consumers deal with brand popularity cues and that arousal evoking and attention allocation occur when handling review valence. Allocation of more attention to unpopular brands helps improve brand awareness and enhance brand memory, and larger arousal from negative reviews narrows attention and leads to a better memory of products and brands. However, with the passage of time, the memory of review valence can dissociate and fade, and the remaining awareness of and familiarity with unpopular brands with negative reviews contribute to a positive reversion, which leads to the production of positive effects from negative reviews. Originality/value: This paper contributes to the literature on online reviews by examining the visual processing of review valence and brand popularity with an eye-tracking method and by revealing the cognitive mechanism of positive effects of negative reviews from a visual attention perspective. |
Beatriz Martín-Luengo; Andriy Myachykov; Yury Shtyrov Deliberative process in sharing information with different audiences: Eye-tracking correlates Journal Article In: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 730–741, 2022. @article{MartinLuengo2022, Research on conversational pragmatics demonstrates how interlocutors tailor the information they share depending on the audience. Previous research showed that, in informal contexts, speakers often provide several alternative answers, whereas in formal contexts, they tend to give only a single answer; however, the psychological underpinnings of these effects remain obscure. To investigate this answer selection process, we measured participants' eye movements in different experimentally modelled social contexts. Participants answered general knowledge questions by providing responses with either single (one) or plural (three) alternatives. Then, a formal (job interview) or informal (conversation with friends) context was presented and participants decided either to report or withdraw their responses after considering the given social context. Growth curve analysis on the eye movements indicates that the selected response option attracted more eye movements. There was a discrepancy between the answer selection likelihood and the proportion of fixations to the corresponding option—but only in the formal context. These findings support a more elaborate decision-making processes in formal contexts. They also suggest that eye movements do not necessarily accompany the options considered in the decision-making processes. |
Nadine Matton; Pierre-Vincent Paubel; Sébastien Puma Toward the use of pupillary responses for pilot selection Journal Article In: Human Factors, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 555–567, 2022. @article{Matton2022, Objective: For selection practitioners, it seems important to assess the level of mental resources invested in order to perform a demanding task. In this study, we investigated the potential of pupil size measurement to discriminate the most proficient pilot students from the less proficient. Background: Cognitive workload is known to influence learning outcome. More specifically, cognitive difficulties observed during pilot training are often related to a lack of efficient mental workload management. Method: Twenty pilot students performed a laboratory multitasking scenario, composed of several stages with increasing workload, while their pupil size was recorded. Two levels of pilot students were compared according to the outcome after 2 years of training: high success and medium success. Results: Our findings suggested that task-evoked pupil size measurements could be a promising predictor of flight training difficulties during the 2-year training. Indeed, high-level pilot students showed greater pupil size changes from low-load to high-load stages of the multitasking scenario than medium-level pilot students. Moreover, average pupil diameters at the low-load stage were smallest for the high-level pilot students. Conclusion: Following the neural efficiency hypothesis framework, the most proficient pilot students supposedly used their mental resources more efficiently than the least proficient while performing the multitasking scenario. Application: These findings might introduce a new way of managing selection processes complemented with ocular measurements. More specifically, pupil size measurement could enable identification of applicants with greater chances of success during pilot training. |
Suhyun Park; Louis Wiliams; Rebecca Chamberlain Global saccadic eye movements characterise artists' visual ttention while drawing Journal Article In: Empirical Studies of the Arts, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 228–244, 2022. @article{Park2022a, Previous research has shown that artists employ flexible attentional strategies during offline perceptual tasks. The current study explored visual processing online, by tracking the eye movements of artists and non-artists (n=65) while they produced representational drawings of photographic stimuli. The findings revealed that it is possible to differentiate artists from non-artists on the basis of the relative amount of global-to-local saccadic eye movements they make when looking at the target stimulus while drawing, but not in a preparatory free viewing phase. Results indicated that these differences in eye movements are not specifically related to representational drawing ability, and may be a feature of artistic ability more broadly. This eye movement analysis technique may be used in future research to characterise the dynamics of attentional shifts in eye movements while artists are carrying out a range of artistic tasks. |
Zhongling Pi; Jiumin Yang; Weiping Hu; Jianzhong Hong The relation between openness and creativity is moderated by attention to peers' ideas in electronic brainstorming Journal Article In: Interactive Learning Environments, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 344–352, 2022. @article{Pi2022b, An emerging body of research has focused on students' creativity in group contexts, with the assumption that students could be inspired by peers' ideas. Although students' openness and attention to peers' ideas are claimed to play important roles in their creativity in group settings, there is little empirical research that tests this assumption. This study examined the moderating effect of attention to peers' ideas in the relation between openness and creativity in electronic brainstorming. Participants were 91 undergraduate students who took about 10 min to complete a creative idea generation task during electronic brainstorming. Regression analyses found that students who were characterized by high openness were more creative, but only when they showed more attention to peers' ideas. This suggests that electronic brainstorming can be useful for enhancing the creativity of some students. |
Raheleh Saryazdi; Joanne Nuque; Craig G. Chambers Pragmatic inferences in aging and human-robot communication Journal Article In: Cognition, vol. 223, pp. 1–12, 2022. @article{Saryazdi2022a, Despite the increase in research on older adults' communicative behavior, little work has explored patterns of age-related change in pragmatic inferencing and how these patterns are adapted depending on the situation-specific context. In two eye-tracking experiments, participants followed instructions like “Click on the greenhouse”, which were either played over speakers or spoken live by a co-present robot partner. Implicit inferential processes were measured by exploring the extent to which listeners temporarily (mis)understood the unfolding noun to be a modified phrase referring to a competitor object in the display (green hat). This competitor was accompanied by either another member of the same category or an unrelated item (tan hat vs. dice). Experiment 1 (no robot) showed clear evidence of contrastive inferencing in both younger and older adults (more looks to the green hat when the tan hat was also present). Experiment 2 explored the ability to suppress these contrastive inferences when the robot talker was known to lack any color perception, making descriptions like “green hat” implausible. Younger but not older listeners were able to suppress contrastive inferences in this context, suggesting older adults could not keep the relevant limitations in mind and/or were more likely to spontaneously ascribe human attributes to the robot. Together, the findings enhance our understanding of pragmatic inferencing in aging. |
Mustafa Shirzad; Benjamin Tari; Connor Dalton; James Van Riesen; Michael J. Marsala; Matthew Heath Passive exercise increases cerebral blood flow velocity and supports a postexercise executive function benefit Journal Article In: Psychophysiology, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 1–15, 2022. @article{Shirzad2022, Executive function entails high-level cognitive control supporting activities of daily living. Literature has shown that a single-bout of exercise involving volitional muscle activation (i.e., active exercise) improves executive function and that an increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to this benefit. It is, however, unknown whether non-volitional exercise (i.e., passive exercise) wherein an individual's limbs are moved via an external force elicits a similar executive function benefit. This is a salient question given that proprioceptive and feedforward drive from passive exercise increases CBF independent of the metabolic demands of active exercise. Here, in a procedural validation participants (n = 2) used a cycle ergometer to complete separate 20-min active and passive (via mechanically driven flywheel) exercise conditions and a non-exercise control condition. Electromyography showed that passive exercise did not increase agonist muscle activation or increase ventilation or gas exchange variables (i.e., V̇O2 and V̇CO2). In a main experiment participants (n = 28) completed the same exercise and control conditions and transcranial Doppler ultrasound showed that active and passive exercise (but not the control condition) increased CBF through the middle cerebral artery (ps <.001); albeit the magnitude was less during passive exercise. Notably, antisaccade reaction times prior to and immediately after each condition showed that active (p <.001) and passive (p =.034) exercise improved an oculomotor-based measure of executive function, whereas no benefit was observed in the control condition (p =.85). Accordingly, results evince that passive exercise ‘boosts' an oculomotor-based measure of executive function and supports convergent evidence that increased CBF mediates this benefit. |
Diksha Shukla; Matthew Heath A single bout of exercise provides a persistent benefit to cognitive flexibility Journal Article In: Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 516–527, 2022. @article{Shukla2022, Purpose: A single bout of exercise enhances activity within the cortical networks that support executive function. It is, however, unclear whether exercise improves each core component of executive function and for how long a putative benefit might persist. Method: In Experiment 1, participants completed 20-min of aerobic exercise (via cycle ergometer) and cognitive flexibility—a core component of executive function—was examined pre-exercise, and at immediate, 30- and 60-min post-exercise assessments. Experiment 2 entailed a non-exercise control (i.e., participants sat on the ergometer without exercising) involving the same timeline of cognitive flexibility assessment. Cognitive flexibility was measured via stimulus-driven (SD) and minimally delayed (MD) saccades arranged in an AABB paradigm. SD and MD saccades require a response at target onset and after target offset, respectively, with the latter requiring executive control. Work has shown that reaction times for a SD saccade preceded by a MD saccade are longer than when a SD saccade is preceded by its same task-type, whereas the converse switch does not influence performance (i.e., the unidirectional switch-cost). Results: Experiment 1 showed a unidirectional switch-cost at each assessment; however, the switch-cost magnitude was decreased at immediate and 30-min assessments compared to the pre- and 60-min assessments. In contrast, Experiment 2 did not elicit a change in switch-cost magnitude across the different assessments. Discussion/Conclusion: Thus, a single-bout of exercise benefitted the cognitive flexibility component of executive function in the immediate and 30-min post-exercise assessments. |
Carlos Sillero‐Rejon; Osama Mahmoud; Ricardo M. Tamayo; Alvaro Arturo Clavijo‐Alvarez; Sally Adams; Olivia M. Maynard Standardised packs and larger health warnings: Visual attention and perceptions among Colombian smokers and non-smokers Journal Article In: Addiction, vol. 117, pp. 1737–1747, 2022. @article{Sillero‐Rejon2022, Aims: To measure how cigarette packaging (standardised packaging and branded packag- ing) and health warning size affect visual attention and pack preferences among Colombian smokers and non-smokers. Desig n: To explore visual attention, we used an eye-tracking experiment where non- smokers, weekly smokers and daily smokers were shown cigarette packs varying in warning size (30%-pictorial on top of the text, 30%-pictorial and text side-by-side, 50%, 70%) and packaging (standardised packaging, branded packaging). We used a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to examine the impact of warning size, packaging and brand name on preferences to try, taste perceptions and perceptions of harm. Setting: Eye-tracking laboratory, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Participants: Participants (n = 175) were 18 to 40 years old. Measurements: For the eye-tracking experiment, our primary outcome measure was the number of fixations toward the health warning compared with the branding. For the DCE, outcome measures were preferences to try, taste perceptions and harm perceptions. Findings: We observed greater visual attention to warning labels on standardised versus branded packages (F[3,167] = 22.87, P < 0.001) and when warnings were larger (F[9,161] = 147.17, P < 0.001); as warning size increased, the difference in visual attention to warnings between standardised and branded packaging decreased (F[9,161] = 4.44, P < 0.001). Non-smokers visually attended toward the warnings more than smokers, but as warning size increased these differences decreased (F[6,334] = 2.92 |
Han Tian; Tao Deng; Hongmei Yan Driving as well as on a sunny day? Predicting driver's fixation in rainy weather conditions via a dual-branch visual model Journal Article In: IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1335–1338, 2022. @article{Tian2022, Considering the lack of rainy driving datasets and the shortage of investigation on saliency prediction models in rainy conditions, we collected an eye tracking dataset from 30 experienced drivers, called DrFixD (rainy). Based on the multiple drivers' attention allocation dataset, we proposed a new model based on the theory of two cortical pathways to predict the salient regions of drivers in rainy weather conditions. |
A. J. Walters; A. Lithopoulos; E. M. Tennant; S. Weissman; A. E. Latimer-Cheung Exploring attention to the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth using eye-tracking: A randomized control trial Journal Article In: Public Health Nursing, vol. 39, pp. 982–992, 2022. @article{Walters2022, Background: The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (“Guidelines”) not only pioneered the notion of an integrated movement continuum from sleep to vigorous-intensity physical activity but also introduced a new branded Guideline visual identity. Objectives: This study evaluated youths' (N = 46) attention to and thoughts about the Guidelines and the brand. Design: A cross-sectional between-participants randomized intervention design was used. Sample: Canadian youth between 10 and 17 years of age comprised the study sample. Interventions: Participants were randomly assigned to view either branded Guidelines (n = 26) or unbranded Guidelines (n = 20). Youths' eye-movements (e.g., dwell time, fixation count) were recorded during Guideline viewing. Participants completed a follow-up survey assessing brand perceptions and Guideline cognitions. Results: The branded Guidelines neither drew greater overall attention nor led to more positive brand perceptions or Guideline cognitions compared to the unbranded Guidelines. Conclusions: Exploratory analyses provide valuable, yet preliminary insight into how branding and Guideline content may shape how Guidelines are perceived and acted upon. These findings inform an agenda for future health education resources. |
Andi Wang; Ana Pellicer-Sánchez Incidental vocabulary learning from bilingual subtitled viewing: An eye-tracking study Journal Article In: Language Learning, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 765–805, 2022. @article{Wang2022a, This study examined the effectiveness of bilingual subtitles relative to captions, subtitles, and no subtitles for incidental vocabulary learning. Learners' processing of novel words in the subtitles and its relationship to learning gains were also explored. While their eye movements were recorded, 112 intermediate to advanced Chinese learners of English watched a documentary in one of 4 conditions: bilingual subtitles, captions, L1 subtitles, and no subtitles. Vocabulary pretests and posttests assessed the participants' knowledge of the target vocabulary for form recognition, meaning recall, and meaning recognition. Results suggested an advantage for bilingual subtitles over captions for meaning recognition and over L1 subtitles for meaning recall. Bilingual subtitles were less effective than captions for form recognition. Participants in the bilingual subtitles group spent more time reading the Chinese translations of the target items than the English target words. The amount of attention to the English target words (but not to the translations) predicted learning gains. |
Jie Wang; Jiaming Shi; Xin Wen; Liang Xu; Ke Zhao; Fuyang Tao; Wenbiao Zhao; Xiuying Qian The effect of signal icon and persuasion strategy on warning design in online fraud Journal Article In: Computers and Security, vol. 121, pp. 1–14, 2022. @article{Wang2022d, The rapid increase in the use of mobile technology and online communication has facilitated more opportunities for social interactions as well as for online fraud. Warnings are one of the last lines of defense in transaction security. Many warnings used in anti-fraud processes are often ineffective due to habituation and the trial-and-error method used in their design. Following psychological theories of persuasion and warning design principles, in this paper, we design fourteen warnings and examine their effectiveness in an eye-tracker experiment (Study 1) and in an online A/B test on the Alipay platform (Study 2). Based on the communication-human information processing (C-HIP) model, Study 1 found that pictorial signal icons and persuasion strategies significantly improved the effectiveness of warnings. Specifically, pictorial signal icons attracted users' attention better than the conventional signal icons, and warnings with authority, social influence, diversion, questioning, and multiple strategies performed better than those without a persuasion strategy. Study 2 showed that our warnings performed better than the original Alipay warnings. The overall case rate was reduced by 33.2%, avoiding at least 30 million yuan in economic losses. Our work contributes to the field of security warning design with both theoretical and practical value and provides an important reference for future research. |
Colleen B. Ward; Jennifer E. Mack The effect of an aphasia ID card on the processing of language produced by a speaker with nonfluent aphasia Journal Article In: Journal of Communication Disorders, vol. 100, pp. 1–14, 2022. @article{Ward2022, Introduction: We tested whether aphasia self-disclosure via an aphasia ID card impacts (1) how non-aphasic listeners initially process language produced by a speaker with aphasia and (2) learning of the speaker's error patterns over time. Methods: In this eye-tracking experiment, 27 young adults followed instructions recorded by a speaker with nonfluent aphasia while viewing a target picture and a distractor. The Card group (n = 14) was shown a simulated aphasia ID card for the speaker and the No Card group (n = 13) was not. The task was divided into Pre-Observation and Post-Observation blocks. Between blocks, participants observed the speaker making semantic paraphasias. Eye-tracking analyses compared the time course of target advantage (reflecting competition from the distractor picture) and workspace advantage (reflecting attention to task) between groups and blocks. Results: Pre-Observation, the Card group had a higher target advantage than the No Card group in the post-response window (i.e., after participants had responded), indicating sustained attention to the speaker's language. Across blocks, there was evidence that the Card group (but not the No Card group) learned that the speaker makes semantic paraphasias. Conclusions: Aphasia ID cards impacted listeners' processing of language produced by a speaker with nonfluent aphasia. Increased patience and attentiveness may underlie both the Card group's sustained attention to the speaker as well as learning of the speaker's error patterns. Further research should address whether these changes impact communication success between PWA and new conversation partners. |
Taylor D. Webb; Matthew G. Wilson; Henrik Odéen; Jan Kubanek Remus: System for remote deep brain interventions Journal Article In: iScience, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1–13, 2022. @article{Webb2022a, Transcranial-focused ultrasound brings personalized medicine to the human brain. Ultrasound can modulate neural activity or release drugs in specific neural circuits but this personalized approach requires a system that delivers ultrasound into specified targets flexibly and on command. We developed a remote ultrasound system (Remus) that programmatically targets deep brain regions with high spatiotemporal precision and in a multi-focal manner. We validated these functions by modulating two deep brain nuclei—the left and right lateral geniculate nucleus—in a task-performing nonhuman primate. This flexible system will enable researchers and clinicians to diagnose and treat specific deep brain circuits in a noninvasive yet targeted manner, thus embodying the promise of personalized treatments of brain disorders. |
Matthew B. Winn; Katherine H. Teece Effortful listening despite correct responses: The cost of mental repair in sentence recognition by listeners with cochlear implants Journal Article In: Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, vol. 65, pp. 3966–3980, 2022. @article{Winn2022, Purpose: Speech recognition percent correct scores fail to capture the effort of mentally repairing the perception of speech that was initially misheard. This study measured the effort of listening to stimuli specifically designed to elicit mental repair in adults who use cochlear implants (CIs). Method: CI listeners heard and repeated sentences in which specific words were distorted or masked by noise but recovered based on later context: a signature of mental repair. Changes in pupil dilation were tracked as an index of effort and time-locked with specific landmarks during perception. Results: Effort significantly increases when a listener needs to repair a misperceived word, even if the verbal response is ultimately correct. Mental repair of words in a sentence was accompanied by greater prevalence of errors elsewhere in the same sentence, suggesting that effort spreads to consume resources across time. The cost of mental repair in CI listeners was essentially the same as that observed in listeners with normal hearing in previous work. Conclusions: Listening effort as tracked by pupil dilation is better explained by the mental repair and reconstruction of words rather than the appearance of correct or incorrect perception. Linguistic coherence drives effort more heavily than the mere presence of mistakes, highlighting the importance of testing materials that do not constrain coherence by design. |
Anna M. Wright; Jorge A. Salas; Kelly E. Carter; Daniel T. Levin Eye Movement Modeling Examples guide viewer eye movements but do not improve learning Journal Article In: Learning and Instruction, vol. 79, pp. 1–9, 2022. @article{Wright2022, Recent research has tested whether Eye Movement Modeling Examples (EMMEs) can effectively cue attention and improve learning. However, the effects of EMMEs are variable, and the degree to which viewers follow these cues remains unclear. In the current paper, we compared screen-captured instructional videos that included an EMME in the form of a transparent circular overlay depicting the instructor's gaze location with identical videos that lacked this cue. We observed that EMMEs drove viewer saccades to cued locations and resulted in shorter distances between viewer gaze and the EMME, but learning performance and video preference were unaffected by the presence of an EMME. We argue that EMMEs can effectively guide attention, but the range of circumstances under which they improve learning may be limited. |
Jinghui Yin; Jiande Sun; Jing Li; Ke Liu An effective gaze-based authentication method with the spatiotemporal feature of eye movement Journal Article In: Sensors, vol. 22, no. 3002, pp. 1–18, 2022. @article{Yin2022, Eye movement has become a new behavioral feature for biometric authentication. In the eye movement-based authentication methods that use temporal features and artificial design features, the required duration of eye movement recordings are too long to be applied. Therefore, this study aims at using eye movement recordings with shorter duration to realize authentication. And we give out a reasonable eye movement recording duration that should be less than 12 s, referring to the changing pattern of the deviation degree between the gaze point and the stimulus point on the screen. In this study, the temporal motion features of the gaze points and the spatial distribution features of the saccade are using to represent the personal identity. Two datasets are constructed for the experiments, including 5 s and 12 s of eye movement recordings. On the datasets constructed in this paper, the open-set authentication results show that the Equal Error Rate of our proposed methods can reach 10.62% when recording duration is 12 s and 12.48% when recording duration is 5 s. The closed-set authentication results show that the Equal Error Rate of our proposed methods can reach 5.25% when recording duration is 12 s and 7.82% when recording duration is 5 s. It demonstrates that the proposed method provides a reference for the eye movements data-based identity authentication. |
Xiaoying Zhang; Ruosong Chang; Xue Sui; Yutong Li Influences of emotion on driving decisions at different risk levels: An eye movement study Journal Article In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 13, pp. 1–11, 2022. @article{Zhang2022l, To explore the influences of traffic-related negative emotions on driving decisions, we induced drivers' three emotions (neutral emotion, traffic-related negative emotion, and traffic-unrelated negative emotion) by videos, then the drivers were shown traffic pictures at different risk levels and made decisions about whether to slow down, while their eye movements were recorded. We found that traffic-related negative emotion influenced driving decisions. Compared with neutral emotion, traffic-related negative emotion led to an increase in the number of decelerations, and the higher the risk, the more the number of decelerations. The visual processing time of the risk area was shorter in the traffic-related negative emotional state than that in the neutral emotional state. The less time drivers spend looking at the risk area, the faster they make their driving decisions. The results suggest that traffic-related negative emotions lead drivers to make more conservative decisions. This study supports the rationality of using traffic accident materials to conduct safety education for drivers. This article also discussed the significance of traffic-related negative emotions to social security. |
Victoria I. Nicholls; Jan M. Wiener; Andrew Isaac Meso; Sebastien Miellet The relative contribution of executive functions and aging on attentional control during road crossing Journal Article In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 13, pp. 1–9, 2022. @article{Nicholls2022, As we age, many physical, perceptual and cognitive abilities decline, which can critically impact our day-to-day lives. However, the decline of many abilities is concurrent; thus, it is challenging to disentangle the relative contributions of different abilities in the performance deterioration in realistic tasks, such as road crossing, with age. Research into road crossing has shown that aging and a decline in executive functioning (EFs) is associated with altered information sampling and less safe crossing decisions compared to younger adults. However, in these studies declines in age and EFs were confounded. Therefore, it is impossible to disentangle whether age-related declines in EFs impact on visual sampling and road-crossing performance, or whether visual exploration, and road-crossing performance, are impacted by aging independently of a decline in EFs. In this study, we recruited older adults with maintained EFs to isolate the impacts of aging independently of a decline EFs on road crossing abilities. We recorded eye movements of younger adults and older adults while they watched videos of road traffic and were asked to decide when they could cross the road. Overall, our results show that older adults with maintained EFs sample visual information and make similar road crossing decisions to younger adults. Our findings also reveal that both environmental constraints and EF abilities interact with aging to influence how the road-crossing task is performed. Our findings suggest that older pedestrians' safety, and independence in day-to-day life, can be improved through a limitation of scene complexity and a preservation of EF abilities. |
Tarikere T. Niranjan; Narendra K. Ghosalya; Srinagesh Gavirneni Crying wolf and a knowing wink: A behavioral study of order inflation and discounting in supply chains Journal Article In: Production and Operations Management, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1071–1088, 2022. @article{Niranjan2022, Two field case studies uncover information discounting in supply chains, which manifests in the form of schedule padding and order inflation. Buyers often exaggerate the urgency and quantity of their needs (“crying wolf”). However, both buyers and suppliers eliminate old, inflated orders from their behavioral ordering/supply system implicitly (“knowing wink”) even though they exist in the hyper-rational ordering system represented by the ERP system. This behavior results in (and from) low credibility of information exchanged between the buyers and suppliers and their subsequent actions, and settles in a suboptimal equilibrium. Eye tracking experiments based on these case studies unpack the psychophysiological mechanisms behind this behavior, specifically, how decision makers consider past UnFilled Orders under different experimental conditions. We find that merely improving the supplier behavior does not help: information discounting reduces only when we sensitize the buyer to the improvement in the supplier behavior. However, this comes with no financial performance improvements; performance improves by further educating the buyers of the optimal target inventory. |
Olugbemi Aroke; Sogand Hasanzadeh; Behzad Esmaeili; Michael D. Dodd; Rebecca Brock In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol. 148, no. 6, pp. 1–16, 2022. @article{Aroke2022, This study investigated the moderating effect of personality traits in the association between worker characteristics (work experience, training, and previous injury exposure) and hazard-identification performance through mechanisms of visual attentional indicators. Through an integrated moderated mediation model, the attentional distribution, search strategy, and hazard-identification performance of participants were examined across 115 fall hazards. Results indicate that individuals with more work experience and safety training were better at hazard identification independent of visual attention and regardless of personality. Furthermore, individual differences in conscientiousness and openness personality dimensions significantly moderated the associations between (1) worker characteristics and visual attention; and (2) visual attention and hazard identification. This study provides empirical evidence for the potentially pivotal role of worker characteristics and dispositional traits with regard to hazard-identification performance on jobsites. These findings can empower safety managers to identify at-risk workers and design personalized intervention strategies to improve the hazard-identification skills of workers. |
Joe Cutting; Paul Cairns Investigating game attention using the Distraction Recognition Paradigm Journal Article In: Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 981–1001, 2022. @article{Cutting2022, Digital games are well known for holding players' attention and stopping them from being distracted by events around them. Being able to quantify how well games hold attention provides a behavioral foundation for measures of game engagement and a link to existing research on attention. We developed a new behavioral measure of how well games hold attention, based on players' post-game recognition of irrelevant distractors which are shown around the game. This is known as the Distractor Recognition Paradigm (DRP). In two studies we show that the DRP is an effective measure of how well self-paced games hold attention. We show that even simple self-paced games can hold players' attention completely and the consistency of attentional focus is moderated by game engagement. We compare the DRP to existing measures of both attention and engagement and consider how practical it is as a measure of game engagement. We find no evidence that eye tracking is a superior measure of attention to distractor recognition. We discuss existing research on attention and consider implications for areas such as motivation to play and serious games. |
Jessica Dawson; Tom Foulsham Your turn to speak? Audiovisual social attention in the lab and in the wild Journal Article In: Visual Cognition, vol. 30, no. 1-2, pp. 116–134, 2022. @article{Dawson2022, In everyday group conversations, we must decide whom to pay attention to and when. This process of dynamic social attention is important for goals both perceptual and social. The present study investigated gaze during a conversation in a realistic group and in a controlled laboratory study where third-party observers watched videos of the same group. In both contexts, we explore how gaze allocation is related to turn-taking in speech. Experimental video clips were edited to either remove the sound, freeze the video, or transition to a blank screen, allowing us to determine how shifts in attention between speakers depend on visual or auditory cues. Gaze behaviour in the real, interactive situation was similar to the fixations made by observers watching a video. Eyetracked participants often fixated the person speaking and shifted gaze in response to changes in speaker, even when sound was removed or the video freeze-framed. These findings suggest we sometimes fixate the location of speakers even when no additional visual information can be gained. Our novel approach offers both a comparison of interactive and third-party viewing and the opportunity for controlled experimental manipulations. This delivers a rich understanding of gaze behaviour and multimodal attention during a conversation following. |
Joost Winter; Jimmy Hu; Bastiaan Petermeijer Ipsilateral and contralateral warnings: Effects on decision-making and eye movements in near-collision scenarios Journal Article In: Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, vol. 16, pp. 303–317, 2022. @article{Winter2022, Cars are increasingly capable of providing drivers with warnings and advice. However, whether drivers should be provided with ipsilateral warnings (signaling the direction to steer towards) or contralateral warnings (signaling the direction to avoid) is inconclusive. Furthermore, how auditory warnings and visual information from the driving environment together contribute to drivers' responses is relatively unexplored. In this study, 34 participants were presented with animated video clips of traffic situations on a three-lane road, while their eye movements were recorded with an eye-tracker. The videos ended with a near collision in front after 1, 3, or 6 s, while either the left or the right lane was safe to swerve into. Participants were instructed to make safe lane-change decisions by pressing the left or right arrow key. Upon the start of each video, participants heard a warning: Go Left/Right (ipsilateral), Danger Left/Right (contralateral), and nondirectional beeps (Baseline), emitted from the spatially corresponding left and right speakers. The results showed no significant differences in response times and accuracy between ipsilateral and contralateral warnings, although participants rated ipsilateral warnings as more satisfactory. Ipsilateral and contralateral warnings both improved response times in situations in which the left/right hazard was not yet manifest or was poorly visible. Participants fixated on salient and relevant vehicles as quickly as 220 ms after the trial started, with no significant differences between the audio types. In conclusion, directional warnings can aid in making a correct left/right evasive decision while not affecting the visual attention distribution. |
Yke Bauke Eisma; Dirk J. Eijssen; Joost C. F. Winter What attracts the driver's eye? Attention as a function of task and events Journal Article In: Information, vol. 13, pp. 1–15, 2022. @article{Eisma2022, This study explores how drivers of an automated vehicle distribute their attention as a function of environmental events and driving task instructions. Twenty participants were asked to monitor pre-recorded videos of a simulated driving trip while their eye movements were recorded using an eye-tracker. The results showed that eye movements are strongly situation-dependent, with areas of interest (windshield, mirrors, and dashboard) attracting attention when events (e.g., passing vehicles) occurred in those areas. Furthermore, the task instructions provided to participants (i.e., speed monitoring or hazard monitoring) affected their attention distribution in an interpretable manner. It is concluded that eye movements while supervising an automated vehicle are strongly ‘top-down', i.e., based on an expected value. The results are discussed in the context of the development of driver availability monitoring systems. |
Chelsea L. Fitzpatrick; Hyoun S. Kim; Christopher R. Sears; Daniel S. Mcgrath Attentional bias in non–smoking electronic cigarette users: An eye-tracking study Journal Article In: Nicotine and Tobacco Research, vol. 24, pp. 1439–1447, 2022. @article{Fitzpatrick2022, Introduction: This study examined attentional bias (AB) to e-cigarette cues among a sample of non–smoking daily e-cigarette users (n = 27), non–smoking occasional e-cigarette users (n = 32), and control participants (n = 61) who did not smoke or use e-cigarettes. The possibility that e-cigarette users develop a transference of cues to traditional cigarettes was also examined. Methods: AB was assessed using a free-viewing eye-gaze tracking methodology, in which participants viewed 180 pairs of images for 4 seconds (e-cigarette and neutral image, e-cigarette and smoking image, smoking and neutral image). Results: Daily and occasional e-cigarette users attended to pairs of e-cigarette and neutral images equally, whereas non–users attended to neu- tral images significantly more than e-cigarette images. All three groups attended to e-cigarette images significantly more than smoking images, with significantly larger biases for e-cigarette users. There were no between-group differences in attention to pairs of smoking and neutral images. A moderation analysis indicated that for occasional users but not daily users, years of vaping reduced the bias toward neutral images over smoking images. Conclusions: Taken together, the results indicate that the e-cigarette users exhibit heightened attention to e-cigarettes relative to non–users, which may have implications as to how they react to e-cigarette cues in real-world settings. AB for e-cigarettes did not transfer to traditional cig- arette cues, which indicates that further research is required to identify the mechanisms involved in the migration of e-cigarettes to traditional cigarettes. Implications: This study is the first attempt to examine attentional biases for e-cigarette cues among non–smoking current e-cigarette users using eye-gaze tracking. The results contribute to the growing literature on the correlates of problematic e-cigarette use and indicate that daily and occasional e-cigarette use is associated with attentional biases for e-cigarettes. The existence of attentional biases in e-cigarette users may help to explain the high rate of failure to quit e-cigarettes and provides support for the utility of attentional bias modification in the treatment of problematic e-cigarette use. Introduction |
Erin T. Gannon; Michael A. Grubb How filmmakers guide the eye: The effect of average shot length on intersubject attentional synchrony Journal Article In: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 125–134, 2022. @article{Gannon2022, As editing technology has advanced, filmmakers have become increasingly skilled at manipulating overt attention such that eye movements are highly synchronized during film viewing. Average shot length (ASL; film length/number of shots) is a quantitative metric in film studies that may help us understand this perceptual phenomenon. Since shorter shots give viewers less time to voluntarily scan images, we predicted that shorter ASLs would yield greater attentional synchrony across viewers. We recorded participants' eye movements as they viewed clips from commercially produced films with varying ASLs, and in line with our hypothesis, we found that ASL and attentional synchrony were negatively related. These findings were replicated in an independent sample of participants who viewed a different set of clips from the same films used in Experiment 1. Comparing across experiments, we found that within the same films, clips with shorter ASLs synchronized eye movements to a greater extent than did clips with longer ASLs. Studies of film perception have long implied that ASL modulates eye movements across viewers, and this study provides robust empirical evidence to support that claim. |
2021 |
Alexandre Milisavljevic; Fabrice Abate; Thomas Le Bras; Bernard Gosselin; Matei Mancas; Karine Doré-Mazars Similarities and differences between eye and mouse dynamics during web pages exploration Journal Article In: Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, pp. 554595, 2021. @article{Milisavljevic2021, The study of eye movements is a common way to non-invasively understand and analyze human behavior. However, eye-tracking techniques are very hard to scale, and require expensive equipment and extensive expertise. In the context of web browsing, these issues could be overcome by studying the link between the eye and the computer mouse. Here, we propose new analysis methods, and a more advanced characterization of this link. To this end, we recorded the eye, mouse, and scroll movements of 151 participants exploring 18 dynamic web pages while performing free viewing and visual search tasks for 20 s. The data revealed significant differences of eye, mouse, and scroll parameters over time which stabilize at the end of exploration. This suggests the existence of a task-independent relationship between eye, mouse, and scroll parameters, which are characterized by two distinct patterns: one common pattern for movement parameters and a second for dwelling/fixation parameters. Within these patterns, mouse and eye movements remained consistent with each other, while the scrolling behaved the opposite way. |
Katrina Oselinsky; Ashlie Johnson; Pamela Lundeberg; Abby Johnson Holm; Megan Mueller; Dan J. Graham GMO food labels do not affect college student food selection, despite negative attitudes towards GMOs Journal Article In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1761, 2021. @article{Oselinsky2021, US Public Law 114–216 dictates that food producers in the United States of America will be required to label foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) starting in 2022; how-ever, there is little empirical evidence demonstrating how U.S. consumers would use food labels that indicate the presence or absence of GMOs. The aim of this two-phase study was to determine how attitudes towards GMOs relate to food choices and how labels indicating the presence or absence of GMOs differentially impact choices among college students—the age group which values transparent food labeling more than any other. Participants (n = 434) made yes/no choices for each of 64 foods. In both phases of the study, participants were randomly assigned to seeing GMO Free labels, contains GMOs labels, or no GMO labels. Across the two phases, 85% of participants reported believing that GMOs were at least somewhat dangerous to health (42% believed GMOs to be dan-gerous), yet in both studies, although eye-tracking data verified that participants attended to the GMO labels, these labels did not significantly affect food choices. Although college consumers may believe GMOs to be dangerous, their food choices do not reflect this belief. |
Francesca Ales; Luciano Giromini; Lara Warmelink; Megan Polden; Thomas Wilcockson; Claire Kelly; Christina Winters; Alessandro Zennaro; Trevor Crawford An eye tracking study on feigned schizophrenia Journal Article In: Psychological Injury and Law, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 213–226, 2021. @article{Ales2021, Research on malingering detection has not yet taken full advantage of eye tracking technology. In particular, while several studies indicate that patients with schizophrenia behave notably differently from controls on specific oculomotor tasks, no study has yet investigated whether experimental participants instructed to feign could reproduce those behaviors, if coached to do so. Due to the automatic nature of eye movements, we anticipated that eye tracking analyses would help detect feigned schizophrenic problems. To test this hypothesis, we recorded the eye movements of 83 adult UK volunteers, and tested whether eye movements of healthy volunteers instructed to feign schizophrenia (n = 43) would differ from those of honest controls (n = 40), while engaging in smooth pursuit and pro- and anti-saccade tasks. Additionally, results from our investigation were also compared against previously published data observed in patients with schizophrenia performing similar oculomotor tasks. Data analysis showed that eye movements of experimental participants instructed to feign (a) only partially differed from those of controls and (b) did not closely resemble those from patients with schizophrenia reported in previously published papers. Taken together, these results suggest that examination of eye movements does have the potential to help detecting feigned schizophrenia. |
Thomas A. Busey; Nicholas Heise; R. Austin Hicklin; Bradford T. Ulery; Jo Ann Buscaglia Characterizing missed identifications and errors in latent fingerprint comparisons using eye-tracking data Journal Article In: PLoS ONE, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. e0251674, 2021. @article{Busey2021, Latent fingerprint examiners sometimes come to different conclusions when comparing fingerprints, and eye-gaze behavior may help explain these outcomes. missed identifications (missed IDs) are inconclusive, exclusion, or No Value determinations reached when the consensus of other examiners is an identification. To determine the relation between examiner behavior and missed IDs, we collected eye-gaze data from 121 latent print examiners as they completed a total 1444 difficult (latent-exemplar) comparisons. We extracted metrics from the gaze data that serve as proxies for underlying perceptual and cognitive capacities. We used these metrics to characterize potential mechanisms of missed IDs: Cursory Comparison and Mislocalization. We find that missed IDs are associated with shorter comparison times, fewer regions visited, and fewer attempted correspondences between the compared images. Latent print comparisons resulting in erroneous exclusions (a subset of missed IDs) are also more likely to have fixations in different regions and less accurate correspondence attempts than those comparisons resulting in identifications. We also use our derived metrics to describe one atypical examiner who made six erroneous identifications, four of which were on comparisons intended to be straightforward exclusions. The present work helps identify the degree to which missed IDs can be explained using eye-gaze behavior, and the extent to which missed IDs depend on cognitive and decision-making factors outside the domain of eye-tracking methodologies. |
Matthew R. Cavanaugh; Lisa M. Blanchard; Michael McDermott; Byron L. Lam; Madhura Tamhankar; Steven E. Feldon Efficacy of visual retraining in the hemianopic field after stroke: Results of a randomized clinical trial Journal Article In: Ophthalmology, vol. 128, no. 7, pp. 1091–1101, 2021. @article{Cavanaugh2021, Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of motion discrimination training as a potential therapy for stroke-induced hemianopic visual field defects. Design: Clinical trial. Participants: Forty-eight patients with stroke-induced homonymous hemianopia (HH) were randomized into 2 training arms: intervention and control. Patients were between 21 and 75 years of age and showed no ocular issues at presentation. Methods: Patients were trained on a motion discrimination task previously evidenced to reduce visual field deficits, but not in a randomized clinical trial. Patients were randomized with equal allocation to receive training in either their sighted or deficit visual fields. Training was performed at home for 6 months, consisting of repeated visual discriminations at a single location for 20 to 30 minutes daily. Study staff and patients were masked to training type. Testing before and after training was identical, consisting of Humphrey visual fields (Carl Zeiss Meditech), macular integrity assessment perimetry, OCT, motion discrimination performance, and visual quality-of-life questionnaires. Main Outcome Measures: Primary outcome measures were changes in perimetric mean deviation (PMD) on Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer in both eyes. Results: Mean PMDs improved over 6 months in deficit-trained patients (mean change in the right eye, 0.58 dB; 95% confidence interval, 0.07–1.08 dB; mean change in the left eye 0.84 dB; 95% confidence interval, 0.22–1.47 dB). No improvement was observed in sighted-trained patients (mean change in the right eye, 0.12 dB; 95% confidence interval, –0.38 to 0.62 dB; mean change in the left eye, 0.10 dB; 95% confidence interval, –0.52 to 0.72 dB). However, no significant differences were found between the alternative training methods (right eye |
Ho Chen-En What does professional experience have to offer? An eyetracking study of sight interpreting/translation behaviour Journal Article In: Translation, Cognition and Behavior, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 47–74, 2021. @article{ChenEn2021, This study investigated the impact of professional experience on the process and product of sight interpreting/translation (SiT). Seventeen experienced interpreters, with at least 150 days' professional experience, and 18 interpreting students were recruited to conduct three tasks: silent reading, reading aloud, and SiT. All participants had similar interpreter training backgrounds. The data of the SiT task are reported here, with two experienced interpreters (both AIIC members) assessing the participants' interpretations on accuracy and style, which includes fluency and other paralinguistic performance. The findings show that professional experience contributed to higher accuracy, although there was no between-group difference in the mean score on style, overall task time, length of the SiT output, and mean fixation duration of each stage of reading. The experienced practitioners exhibited more varied approaches at the beginning of the SiT task, with some biding their time longer than the others before oral production started, but quality was not affected. Moving along, the practitioners showed better language flexibility in that their renditions were faster, steadier, and less disrupted by pauses and the need to read further to maintain the flow of interpretation. |
Francisco M. Costela; Stephanie M. Reeves; Russell L. Woods An implementation of Bubble Magnification did not improve the video comprehension of individuals with central vision loss Journal Article In: Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 842–852, 2021. @article{Costela2021, Purpose: People with central vision loss (CVL) watch television, videos and movies, but often report difficulty and have reduced video comprehension. An approach to assist viewing videos is electronic magnification of the video itself, such as Bubble Magnification. Methods: We created a Bubble Magnification technique that displayed a magnified segment around the centre of interest (COI) as determined by the gaze of participants with normal vision. The 15 participants with CVL viewed video clips shown with 2× and 3× Bubble Magnification, and unedited. We measured video comprehension and gaze coherence. Results: Video comprehension was significantly worse with both 2× (p = 0.01) and 3× Bubble Magnification (p < 0.001) than the unedited video. There was no difference in gaze coherence across conditions (p ≥ 0.58). This was unexpected because we expected a benefit in both video comprehension and gaze coherence. This initial attempt to implement the Bubble Magnification method had flaws that probably reduced its effectiveness. Conclusions: In the future, we propose alternative implementations of Bubble Magnification, such as variable magnification and bubble size. This study is a first step in the development of an intelligent-magnification approach to providing a vision rehabilitation aid to assist people with CVL. |
Francisco M. Costela; Stephanie M. Reeves; Russell L. Woods The effect of zoom magnification and large display on video comprehension in individuals with central vision loss Journal Article In: Translational Vision Science & Technology, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 30, 2021. @article{Costela2021a, Purpose: A larger display at the same viewing distance provides relative-size magnification for individuals with central vision loss (CVL). However, the resulting large visible area of the display is expected to result in more head rotation, which may cause discom-fort. We created a zoom magnification technique that placed the center of interest (COI) in the center of the display to reduce the need for head rotation. Methods: In a 2 × 2 within-subject study design, 23 participants with CVL viewed video clips from 1.5 m (4.9 feet) shown with or without zoom magnification, and with a large (208 cm/82” diagonal, 69°) or a typical (84 cm/33”, 31°) screen. Head position was tracked and a custom questionnaire was used to measure discomfort. Results: Video comprehension was better with the large screen (P < 0.001) and slightly worse with zoom magnification (P = 0.03). Oddly, head movements did not vary with screen size (P = 0.63), yet were greater with zoom magnification (P = 0.001). This finding was unexpected, because the COI remains in the center with zoom magnification, but moves widely with a large screen and no magnification. Conclusions: This initial attempt to implement the zoom magnification method had flaws that may have decreased its effectiveness. In the future, we propose alternative implementations for zoom magnification, such as variable magnification. Translational Relevance: We present the first explicit demonstration that relative-size magnification improves the video comprehension of people with CVL when viewing video. |
Y. B. Eisma; A. Reiff; L. Kooijman; D. Dodou; J. C. F. Winter External human-machine interfaces: Effects of message perspective Journal Article In: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, vol. 78, pp. 30–41, 2021. @article{Eisma2021, Future automated vehicles may be equipped with external Human-Machine Interfaces (eHMIs). Currently, little is known about the effect of the perspective of the eHMI message on crossing decisions of pedestrians. We performed an experiment to examine the effects of images depicting eHMI messages of different perspectives (egocentric from the pedestrian's point of view: WALK, DON'T WALK, allocentric: BRAKING, DRIVING, and ambiguous: GO, STOP) on participants' (N = 103) crossing decisions, response times, and eye movements. Considering that crossing the road can be cognitively demanding, we added a memory task in two-thirds of the trials. The results showed that egocentric messages yielded higher subjective clarity ratings than the other messages as well as higher objective clarity scores (i.e., more uniform crossing decisions) and faster response times than the allocentric BRAKING and the ambiguous STOP. When participants were subjected to the memory task, pupil diameter increased, and crossing decisions were reached faster as compared to trials without memory task. Regarding the ambiguous messages, most participants crossed for the GO message and did not cross for the STOP message, which points towards an egocentric perspective taken by the participant. More lengthy text messages (e.g., DON'T WALK) yielded a higher number of saccades but did not cause slower response times. We conclude that pedestrians find egocentric eHMI messages clearer than allocentric ones, and take an egocentric perspective if the message is ambiguous. Our results may have important implications, as the consensus among eHMI researchers appears to be that egocentric text-based eHMIs should not be used in traffic. |
Yke Bauke Eisma; Clark Borst; René Paassen; Joost Winter Augmented visual feedback: Cure or distraction? Journal Article In: Human Factors, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 1156–1168, 2021. @article{Eisma2021a, Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of augmented feedback on participants' workload, performance, and distribution of visual attention. Background: An important question in human–machine interface design is whether the operator should be provided with direct solutions. We focused on the solution space diagram (SSD), a type of augmented feedback that shows directly whether two aircraft are on conflicting trajectories. Method: One group of novices (n = 13) completed conflict detection tasks with SSD, whereas a second group (n = 11) performed the same tasks without SSD. Eye-tracking was used to measure visual attention distribution. Results: The mean self-reported task difficulty was substantially lower for the SSD group compared to the No-SSD group. The SSD group had a better conflict detection rate than the No-SSD group, whereas false-positive rates were equivalent. High false-positive rates for some scenarios were attributed to participants who misunderstood the SSD. Compared to the No-SSD group, the SSD group spent a large proportion of their time looking at the SSD aircraft while looking less at other areas of interest. Conclusion: Augmented feedback makes the task subjectively easier but has side effects related to visual tunneling and misunderstanding. Application: Caution should be exercised when human operators are expected to reproduce task solutions that are provided by augmented visual feedback. |
Iain Fraser; Kelvin Balcombe; Louis Williams; Eugene McSorley Preference stability in discrete choice experiments. Some evidence using eye-tracking Journal Article In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, vol. 94, pp. 101753, 2021. @article{Fraser2021, We investigate the relationship between the extent of visual attention and preference stability in a discrete choice experiment using eye-tracking to investigate country of origin information for meat in the UK. By preference stability, we mean the extent to which choice task responses differ for an identical set of tasks for an individual. Our results reveal that the degree of visual attention, counter to our initial expectations, is positively related to the degree of preference instability. This means that preference instability does not necessarily indicate low levels of respondent engagement. We also find that those respondents' exhibiting preference instability do not substantively differ from the rest of the sample in terms of their underlying preferences. Rather, these respondents spend longer looking at tasks that are similar in terms of utility, suggesting these respondents find these choices more difficult. |
Agostino Gibaldi; Silvio P. Sabatini The saccade main sequence revised: A fast and repeatable tool for oculomotor analysis Journal Article In: Behavior Research Methods, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 167–187, 2021. @article{Gibaldi2021, Saccades are rapid ballistic eye movements that humans make to direct the fovea to an object of interest. Their kinematics is well defined, showing regular relationships between amplitude, duration, and velocity: the saccadic 'main sequence'. Deviations of eye movements from the main sequence can be used as markers of specific neurological disorders. Despite its significance, there is no general methodological consensus for reliable and repeatable measurements of the main sequence. In this work, we propose a novel approach for standard indicators of oculomotor performance. The obtained measurements are characterized by high repeatability, allowing for fine assessments of inter- and intra-subject variability, and inter-ocular differences. The designed experimental procedure is natural and non-fatiguing, thus it is well suited for fragile or non-collaborative subjects like neurological patients and infants. The method has been released as a software toolbox for public use. This framework lays the foundation for a normative dataset of healthy oculomotor performance for the assessment of oculomotor dysfunctions. |
Gordy Pleyers; Nicolas Vermeulen How does interactivity of online media hamper ad effectiveness Journal Article In: International Journal of Market Research, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 335–352, 2021. @article{Pleyers2021, The development of the Internet has increasingly led to advertisements presented on rich and interactive websites offering users a high level of control over the contents they are exposed to—sometimes to the extent of allowing them to skip “unwanted” ads preceding the desired content. While previous studies have shown that such interactivity and control can positively impact users' subjective experience and attitude toward the advertisements, the present study examined their impact on users' attention to the ad (using eye-tracking) and actual ad effectiveness (ad memory). It relied on an experimental design allowing for comparing the effectiveness of similar ads that were presented by realistic interfaces simulating common types of online media (in addition to “traditional television” as a form of passive baseline comparison condition). The interfaces consisted of a news website (including many stimuli surrounding the ads and an “ad countdown timer,” that might detract users' attention from the ads) and YouTube (also including the “skip ad” option). Ad memory correlated positively (negatively) with gaze direction to the ad area (outside the ad area) and was particularly low when users had the opportunity to stop the ad after a few seconds. These results emphasize the scale of ad effectiveness decrease that may occur when the media interfaces offer users easy ways of avoiding video ads by gazing toward surrounding stimuli and by skipping the ads. The implications of these findings for advertisers are addressed, and it is suggested that future studies on the topic should include other measures of ad effectiveness and other distracting factors that might further detract users from online ad video content in real-life contexts. |
Carlos Sillero-Rejon; Ute Leonards; Marcus R. Munafò; Craig Hedge; Janet Hoek; Benjamin Toll; Harry Gove; Isabel Willis; Rose Barry; Abi Robinson; Olivia M. Maynard Avoidance of tobacco health warnings? An eye-tracking approach Journal Article In: Addiction, vol. 116, no. 1, pp. 126–138, 2021. @article{SilleroRejon2021, Aims: Among three eye-tracking studies, we examined how cigarette pack features affected visual attention and self-reported avoidance of and reactance to warnings. Design: Study 1: smoking status × warning immediacy (short-term versus long-term health consequences) × warning location (top versus bottom of pack). Study 2: smoking status × warning framing (gain-framed versus loss-framed) × warning format (text-only versus pictorial). Study 3: smoking status × warning severity (highly severe versus moderately severe consequences of smoking). Setting: University of Bristol, UK, eye-tracking laboratory. Participants: Study 1: non-smokers (n = 25), weekly smokers (n = 25) and daily smokers (n = 25). Study 2: non-smokers (n = 37), smokers contemplating quitting (n = 37) and smokers not contemplating quitting (n = 43). Study 3: non-smokers (n = 27), weekly smokers (n = 26) and daily smokers (n = 26). Measurements: For all studies: visual attention, measured as the ratio of the number of fixations to the warning versus the branding, self-reported predicted avoidance of and reactance to warnings and for study 3, effect of warning on quitting motivation. Findings: Study 1: greater self-reported avoidance [mean difference (MD) = 1.14; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.94, 1.35, P < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.64] and visual attention (MD = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.09, 1.68 |
María Silva-Gago; Flora Ioannidou; Annapaola Fedato; Timothy Hodgson; Emiliano Bruner Visual attention and cognitive archaeology: An eye-tracking study of palaeolithic stone tools Journal Article In: Perception, pp. 1–22, 2021. @article{SilvaGago2021, The study of lithic technology can provide information on human cultural evolution. This article aims to analyse visual behaviour associated with the exploration of ancient stone artefacts and how this relates to perceptual mechanisms in humans. In Experiment 1, we used eye tracking to record patterns of eye fixations while participants viewed images of stone tools, including examples of worked pebbles and handaxes. The results showed that the focus of gaze was directed more towards the upper regions of worked pebbles and on the basal areas for handaxes. Knapped surfaces also attracted more fixation than natural cortex for both tool types. Fixation distribution was different to that predicted by models that calculate visual salience. Experiment 2 was an online study using a mouse-click attention tracking technique and included images of unworked pebbles and ‘mixed' images combining the handaxe's outline with the pebble's unworked texture. The pattern of clicks corresponded to that revealed using eye tracking and there were differences between tools and other images. Overall, the findings suggest that visual exploration is directed towards functional aspects of tools. Studies of visual attention and exploration can supply useful information to inform understanding of human cognitive evolution and tool use. |
David Souto; Olivia Marsh; Claire Hutchinson; Simon Judge; Kevin B. Paterson Cognitive plasticity induced by gaze-control technology: Gaze-typing improves performance in the antisaccade task Journal Article In: Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 122, pp. 106831, 2021. @article{Souto2021, The last twenty years have seen the development of gaze-controlled computer interfaces for augmentative communication and other assistive technology applications. In many applications, the user needs to look at symbols on a virtual on-screen keyboard and maintain gaze to make a selection. Executive control is essential to learning to use gaze-control, affecting the uptake of the technology. Specifically, the user of a gaze-controlled interface must suppress looking for its own sake, the so-called “Midas touch” problem. In a pre-registered study (https://osf.io/2mak4), we tested whether gaze-typing performance depends on executive control and whether learning-dependent plasticity leads to improved executive control as measured using the antisaccade task. Forty-two university students were recruited as participants. After five 30-min training sessions, we found shorter antisaccade latencies in a gaze-control compared to a mouse-control group, and similar error-rates. Subjective workload ratings were also similar across groups, indicating the task in both groups was matched for difficulty. These findings suggest that executive control contributes to gaze-typing performance and leads to learning-induced plasticity. |
Jennifer Sudkamp; Mateusz Bocian; David Souto The role of eye movements in perceiving vehicle speed and time-to-arrival at the roadside Journal Article In: Scientific Reports, vol. 11, pp. 23312, 2021. @article{Sudkamp2021, To avoid collisions, pedestrians depend on their ability to perceive and interpret the visual motion of other road users. Eye movements influence motion perception, yet pedestrians' gaze behavior has been little investigated. In the present study, we ask whether observers sample visual information differently when making two types of judgements based on the same virtual road-crossing scenario and to which extent spontaneous gaze behavior affects those judgements. Participants performed in succession a speed and a time-to-arrival two-interval discrimination task on the same simple traffic scenario—a car approaching at a constant speed (varying from 10 to 90 km/h) on a single-lane road. On average, observers were able to discriminate vehicle speeds of around 18 km/h and times-to-arrival of 0.7 s. In both tasks, observers placed their gaze closely towards the center of the vehicle's front plane while pursuing the vehicle. Other areas of the visual scene were sampled infrequently. No differences were found in the average gaze behavior between the two tasks and a pattern classifier (Support Vector Machine), trained on trial-level gaze patterns, failed to reliably classify the task from the spontaneous eye movements it elicited. Saccadic gaze behavior could predict time-to-arrival discrimination performance, demonstrating the relevance of gaze behavior for perceptual sensitivity in road-crossing. |
Chiao I. Tseng; Jochen Laubrock; John A. Bateman The impact of multimodal cohesion on attention and interpretation in film Journal Article In: Discourse, Context and Media, vol. 44, pp. 100544, 2021. @article{Tseng2021, This article presents results of an exploratory investigation combining multimodal cohesion analysis and eye-tracking studies. Multimodal cohesion, as a tool of multimodal discourse analysis, goes beyond linguistic cohesive mechanisms to enable the construction of cross-modal discourse structures that systematically relate technical details of audio, visual and verbal modalities. Patterns of multimodal cohesion from these discourse structures were used to design eye-tracking experiments and questionnaires in order to empirically investigate how auditory and visual cohesive cues affect attention and comprehension. We argue that the cross-modal structures of cohesion revealed by our method offer a strong methodology for addressing empirical questions concerning viewers' comprehension of narrative settings and the comparative salience of visual, verbal and audio cues. Analyses are presented of the beginning of Hitchcock's The Birds (1963) and a sketch from Monty Python filmed in 1971. Our approach balances the narrative-based issue of how narrative elements in film guide meaning interpretation and the recipient-based question of where a film viewer's attention is directed during viewing and how this affects comprehension. |
Xiangling Wang; Tingting Wang; Ricardo Muñoz Martın; Yanfang Jia Investigating usability in postediting neural machine translation: Evidence from translation trainees' self-perception and performance Journal Article In: Across Languages and Cultures, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 100–123, 2021. @article{Wang2021j, This is a report on an empirical study on the usability for translation trainees of neural machine translation systems when post-editing (MTPE). Sixty Chinese translation trainees completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of MTPE's usability. Fifty of them later performed both a post-editing task and a regular translation task, designed to examine MTPE's usability by comparing their performance in terms of text processing speed, effort, and translation quality. Contrasting data collected by the questionnaire, keylogging, eyetracking and retrospective reports we found that, compared with regular, unaided translation, MTPE's usefulness in performance was remarkable: (1) it increased translation trainees' text processing speed and also improved their translation quality; (2) MTPE's ease of use in performance was partly proved in that it significantly reduced informants' effort as measured by (a) fixation duration and fixation counts; (b) total task time; and (c) the number of insertion keystrokes and total keystrokes. However, (3) translation trainees generally perceived MTPE to be useful to increase productivity, but they were skeptical about its use to improve quality. They were neutral towards the ease of use of MTPE. |
Lauren Williams; Ann Carrigan; William Auffermann; Megan Mills; Anina Rich; Joann Elmore; Trafton Drew The invisible breast cancer: Experience does not protect against inattentional blindness to clinically relevant findings in radiology Journal Article In: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 503–511, 2021. @article{Williams2021a, Retrospectively obvious events are frequently missed when attention is engaged in another task—a phenomenon known as inattentional blindness. Although the task characteristics that predict inattentional blindness rates are relatively well understood, the observer characteristics that predict inattentional blindness rates are largely unknown. Previously, expert radiologists showed a surprising rate of inattentional blindness to a gorilla photoshopped into a CT scan during lung-cancer screening. However, inattentional blindness rates were higher for a group of naïve observers performing the same task, suggesting that perceptual expertise may provide protection against inattentional blindness. Here, we tested whether expertise in radiology predicts inattentional blindness rates for unexpected abnormalities that were clinically relevant. Fifty radiologists evaluated CT scans for lung cancer. The final case contained a large (9.1 cm) breast mass and lymphadenopathy. When their attention was focused on searching for lung nodules, 66% of radiologists did not detect breast cancer and 30% did not detect lymphadenopathy. In contrast, only 3% and 10% of radiologists (N = 30), respectively, missed these abnormalities in a follow-up study when searching for a broader range of abnormalities. Neither experience, primary task performance, nor search behavior predicted which radiologists missed the unexpected abnormalities. These findings suggest perceptual expertise does not protect against inattentional blindness, even for unexpected stimuli that are within the domain of expertise. |
Jia-Qiong Xie; Detlef H. Rost; Fu-Xing Wang; Jin-Liang Wang; Rebecca L. Monk The association between excessive social media use and distraction: An eye movement tracking study Journal Article In: Information and Management, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 1–12, 2021. @article{Xie2021a, Drawing on scan-and-shift hypothesis and scattered attention hypothesis, this article attempted to explore the association between excessive social media use (ESMU) and distraction from an information engagement perspective. In study 1, the results, based on 743 questionnaires completed by Chinese college students, showed that ESMU is related to distraction in daily life. In Study 2, eye-tracking technology was used to investigate the distraction and performance of excessive microblog users when performing the modified Stroop task. The results showed that excessive microblog users had difficulties suppressing interference information than non-microblog users, resulting in poor performance. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. |
Qiang Yang; Yuanjian Zhou; Yushi Jiang; Jiale Huo How to overcome online banner blindness? A study on the effects of creativity Journal Article In: Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 223–242, 2021. @article{Yang2021a, Purpose: This study aims to explore whether creativity can overcome banner blindness in the viewing of web pages and demonstrate how visual saliency and banner-page congruity constitute the boundary conditions for creativity to improve memory for banner ads. Design/methodology/approach: Three studies were conducted to understand the influence of advertising creativity and banner blindness on recognition of banner ads, which were assessed using questionnaires and bias adjustment. The roles of online user tasks (goal-directed vs free-viewing), visual saliency (high vs low) and banner-page congruity (congruent vs incongruent) were considered. Findings: The findings suggest that creativity alone is not sufficient to overcome the banner blindness phenomenon. Specifically, in goal-directed tasks, the effect of creativity on recognition of banner ads is dependent on banner ads' visual saliency and banner-page congruity. Creative banners are high on visual saliency, and banner-page congruity yields higher recognition rates. Practical implications: Creativity matters for attracting consumer attention. And in a web page context, where banner blindness prevails, the design of banners becomes even more important in this respect. Given the prominence of banners in online marketing, it is also necessary to tap the potential of creativity of banner ads. Originality/value: First, focusing on how creativity influences memory for banner ads across distinct online user tasks not just provides promising theoretical insight on the tackling of banner blindness but also enriches research on advertising creativity. Second, contrary to the popular belief of extant literature, the findings suggest that, in a web page context, improvement in memory for banner ads via creativity is subject to certain boundary conditions. Third, a computational neuroscience software program was used in this study to assess the visual saliency of banner ads, whereas signal detection theory was used for adjustment of recognition scores. This interdisciplinary examination combining the two perspectives sheds new light on online advertising research. |
Nicole H. Yuen; Fred Tam; Nathan W. Churchill; Tom A. Schweizer; Simon J. Graham Driving with distraction: Measuring brain activity and oculomotor behavior using fMRI and eye-tracking Journal Article In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 15, pp. 1–20, 2021. @article{Yuen2021, Introduction: Driving motor vehicles is a complex task that depends heavily on how visual stimuli are received and subsequently processed by the brain. The potential impact of distraction on driving performance is well known and poses a safety concern – especially for individuals with cognitive impairments who may be clinically unfit to drive. The present study is the first to combine functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and eye-tracking during simulated driving with distraction, providing oculomotor metrics to enhance scientific understanding of the brain activity that supports driving performance. Materials and Methods: As initial work, twelve healthy young, right-handed participants performed turns ranging in complexity, including simple right and left turns without oncoming traffic, and left turns with oncoming traffic. Distraction was introduced as an auditory task during straight driving, and during left turns with oncoming traffic. Eye-tracking data were recorded during fMRI to characterize fixations, saccades, pupil diameter and blink rate. Results: Brain activation maps for right turns, left turns without oncoming traffic, left turns with oncoming traffic, and the distraction conditions were largely consistent with previous literature reporting the neural correlates of simulated driving. When the effects of distraction were evaluated for left turns with oncoming traffic, increased activation was observed in areas involved in executive function (e.g., middle and inferior frontal gyri) as well as decreased activation in the posterior brain (e.g., middle and superior occipital gyri). Whereas driving performance remained mostly unchanged (e.g., turn speed, time to turn, collisions), the oculomotor measures showed that distraction resulted in more consistent gaze at oncoming traffic in a small area of the visual scene; less time spent gazing at off-road targets (e.g., speedometer, rear-view mirror); more time spent performing saccadic eye movements; and decreased blink rate. Conclusion: Oculomotor behavior modulated with driving task complexity and distraction in a manner consistent with the brain activation features revealed by fMRI. The results suggest that eye-tracking technology should be included in future fMRI studies of simulated driving behavior in targeted populations, such as the elderly and individuals with cognitive complaints – ultimately toward developing better technology to assess and enhance fitness to drive. |
Luming Zhang; Xiaoqin Zhang; Mingliang Xu; Ling Shao Massive-scale aerial photo categorization by cross-resolution visual perception enhancement Journal Article In: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp. 1–14, 2021. @article{Zhang2021e, Categorizing aerial photographs with varied weather/lighting conditions and sophisticated geomorphic factors is a key module in autonomous navigation, environmental evaluation, and so on. Previous image recognizers cannot fulfill this task due to three challenges: 1) localizing visually/semantically salient regions within each aerial photograph in a weakly annotated context due to the unaffordable human resources required for pixel-level annotation; 2) aerial photographs are generally with multiple informative attributes (e.g., clarity and reflectivity), and we have to encode them for better aerial photograph modeling; and 3) designing a cross-domain knowledge transferal module to enhance aerial photograph perception since multiresolution aerial photographs are taken asynchronistically and are mutually complementary. To handle the above problems, we propose to optimize aerial photograph's feature learning by leveraging the low-resolution spatial composition to enhance the deep learning of perceptual features with a high resolution. More specifically, we first extract many BING-based object patches (Cheng et al., 2014) from each aerial photograph. A weakly supervised ranking algorithm selects a few semantically salient ones by seamlessly incorporating multiple aerial photograph attributes. Toward an interpretable aerial photograph recognizer indicative to human visual perception, we construct a gaze shifting path (GSP) by linking the top-ranking object patches and, subsequently, derive the deep GSP feature. Finally, a cross-domain multilabel SVM is formulated to categorize each aerial photograph. It leverages the global feature from low-resolution counterparts to optimize the deep GSP feature from a high-resolution aerial photograph. Comparative results on our compiled million-scale aerial photograph set have demonstrated the competitiveness of our approach. Besides, the eye-tracking experiment has shown that our ranking-based GSPs are over 92% consistent with the real human gaze shifting sequences. |
Hao Gong; Scott S. Hsieh; David R. Holmes; David A. Cook; Akitoshi Inoue; David J. Bartlett; Francis Baffour; Hiroaki Takahashi; Shuai Leng; Lifeng Yu; Cynthia H. McCollough; Joel G. Fletcher In: Medical Physics, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 6710–6723, 2021. @article{Gong2021, Purpose: Eye-tracking approaches have been used to understand the visual search process in radiology. However, previous eye-tracking work in computer tomography (CT) has been limited largely to single cross-sectional images or video playback of the reconstructed volume, which do not accurately reflect radiologists' visual search activities and their interactivity with three-dimensional image data at a computer workstation (e.g., scroll, pan, and zoom) for visual evaluation of diagnostic imaging targets. We have developed a platform that integrates eye-tracking hardware with in-house-developed reader workstation software to allow monitoring of the visual search process and reader-image interactions in clinically relevant reader tasks. The purpose of this work is to validate the spatial accuracy of eye-tracking data using this platform for different eye-tracking data acquisition modes. Methods: An eye-tracker was integrated with a previously developed workstation designed for reader performance studies. The integrated system captured real-time eye movement and workstation events at 1000 Hz sampling frequency. The eye-tracker was operated either in head-stabilized mode or in free-movement mode. In head-stabilized mode, the reader positioned their head on a manufacturer-provided chinrest. In free-movement mode, a biofeedback tool emitted an audio cue when the head position was outside the data collection range (general biofeedback) or outside a narrower range of positions near the calibration position (strict biofeedback). Four radiologists and one resident were invited to participate in three studies to determine eye-tracking spatial accuracy under three constraint conditions: head-stabilized mode (i.e., with use of a chin rest), free movement with general biofeedback, and free movement with strict biofeedback. Study 1 evaluated the impact of head stabilization versus general or strict biofeedback using a cross-hair target prior to the integration of the eye-tracker with the image viewing workstation. In Study 2, after integration of the eye-tracker and reader workstation, readers were asked to fixate on targets that were randomly distributed within a volumetric digital phantom. In Study 3, readers used the integrated system to scroll through volumetric patient CT angiographic images while fixating on the centerline of designated blood vessels (from the left coronary artery to dorsalis pedis artery). Spatial accuracy was quantified as the offset between the center of the intended target and the detected fixation using units of image pixels and the degree of visual angle. Results: The three head position constraint conditions yielded comparable accuracy in the studies using digital phantoms. For Study 1 involving the digital crosshairs, the median ± the standard deviation of offset values among readers were 15.2 ± 7.0 image pixels with the chinrest, 14.2 ± 3.6 image pixels with strict biofeedback, and 19.1 ± 6.5 image pixels with general biofeedback. For Study 2 using the random dot phantom, the median ± standard deviation offset values were 16.7 ± 28.8 pixels with use of a chinrest, 16.5 ± 24.6 pixels using strict biofeedback, and 18.0 ± 22.4 pixels using general biofeedback, which translated to a visual angle of about 0.8° for all three conditions. We found no obvious association between eye-tracking accuracy and target size or view time. In Study 3 viewing patient images, use of the chinrest and strict biofeedback demonstrated comparable accuracy, while the use of general biofeedback demonstrated a slightly worse accuracy. The median ± standard deviation of offset values were 14.8 ± 11.4 pixels with use of a chinrest, 21.0 ± 16.2 pixels using strict biofeedback, and 29.7 ± 20.9 image pixels using general biofeedback. These corresponded to visual angles ranging from 0.7° to 1.3°. Conclusions: An integrated eye-tracker system to assess reader eye movement and interactive viewing in relation to imaging targets demonstrated reasonable spatial accuracy for assessment of visual fixation. The head-free movement condition with audio biofeedback performed similarly to head-stabilized mode. |
Chou P. Hung; Chloe Callahan-Flintoft; Paul D. Fedele; Kim F. Fluitt; Barry D. Vaughan; Anthony J. Walker; Min Wei Low-contrast acuity under strong luminance dynamics and potential benefits of divisive display augmented reality Journal Article In: Journal of Perceptual Imaging, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2021. @article{Hung2021, Abstract Understanding and predicting outdoor visual performance in augmented reality (AR) requires characterizing and modeling vision under strong luminance dynamics, including luminance differences of 10000-to-1 in a single image (high dynamic range, HDR). Classic models of vision, based on displays with 100-to-1 luminance contrast, have limited ability to generalize to HDR environments. An important question is whether low-contrast visibility, potentially useful for titrating saliency for AR applications, is resilient to saccade-induced strong luminance dynamics. The authors developed an HDR display system with up to 100,000-to-1 contrast and assessed how strong luminance dynamics affect low-contrast visual acuity. They show that, immediately following flashes of 25× or 100× luminance, visual acuity is unaffected at 90% letter Weber contrast and only minimally affected at lower letter contrasts (up to +0.20 LogMAR for 10% contrast). The resilience of low-contrast acuity across luminance changes opens up research on divisive display AR (ddAR) to effectively titrate salience under naturalistic HDR luminance. |
Leah A. Irish; Allison C. Veronda; Amanda E. Lamsweerde; Michael P. Mead; Stephen A. Wonderlich The process of developing a sleep health improvement plan: A lab-based model of self-help behavior Journal Article In: International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 96–106, 2021. @article{Irish2021, Background: Although self-help strategies to improve sleep are widely accessible, little is known about the ways in which individuals interact with these resources and the extent to which people are successful at improving their own sleep based on sleep health recommendations. The present study developed a lab-based model of self-help behavior by observing the development of sleep health improvement plans (SHIPs) and examining factors that may influence SHIP development. Method: Sixty healthy, young adults were identified as poor sleepers during one week of actigraphy baseline and recruited to develop and implement a SHIP. Participants viewed a list of sleep health recommendations through an eye tracker and provided information on their current sleep health habits. Each participant implemented their SHIP for 1 week during which sleep was assessed with actigraphy. Results: Current sleep health habits, but not patterns of visual attention, predicted SHIP goal selection. Sleep duration increased significantly during the week of SHIP implementation. Conclusions: Findings indicate that the SHIP protocol is an effective strategy for observing self-help behavior and examining factors that influence goal selection. The increase in sleep duration suggests that individuals may be successful at extending their own sleep, though causal mechanisms have not yet been established. This study presents a lab-based protocol for studying self-help sleep improvement behavior and takes an initial step toward gaining knowledge required to improve sleep health recommendations. |
Ondřej Javora; Tereza Hannemann; Kristina Volná; Filip Děchtěrenko; Tereza Tetourová; Tereza Stárková; Cyril Brom Is contextual animation needed in multimedia learning games for children? An eye tracker study Journal Article In: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 305–318, 2021. @article{Javora2021, The present study investigates affective-motivational, attention, and learning effects of unexplored emotional design manipulation: Contextual animation (animation of contextual elements) in multimedia learning game (MLGs) for children. Participants (N = 134; Mage = 9.25; Grades 3 and 4) learned either from an experimental version of the MLG with a high amount of contextual animation or from an identical MLG with no contextual animation (control). Children strongly preferred (χ2 = 87.04, p <.001) and found the experimental version more attractive (p <.001 |