EyeLink Reading and Language Eye-Tracking Publications
All EyeLink reading and language research publications up until 2023 (with some early 2024s) are listed below by year. You can search the publications using keywords such as Visual World, Comprehension, Speech Production, etc. You can also search for individual author names. If we missed any EyeLink reading or language articles, please email us!
2003 |
Anne Pier Salverda; Delphine Dahan; James M. McQueen The role of prosodic boundaries in the resolution of lexical embedding in speech comprehension Journal Article In: Cognition, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 51–89, 2003. @article{Salverda2003, Participants' eye movements were monitored as they heard sentences and saw four pictured objects on a computer screen. Participants were instructed to click on the object mentioned in the sentence. There were more transitory fixations to pictures representing monosyllabic words (e.g. ham) when the first syllable of the target word (e.g. hamster) had been replaced by a recording of the monosyllabic word than when it came from a different recording of the target word. This demonstrates that a phonemically identical sequence can contain cues that modulate its lexical interpretation. This effect was governed by the duration of the sequence, rather than by its origin (i.e. which type of word it came from). The longer the sequence, the more monosyllabic-word interpretations it generated. We argue that cues to lexical-embedding disambiguation, such as segmental lengthening, result from the realization of a prosodic boundary that often but not always follows monosyllabic words, and that lexical candidates whose word boundaries are aligned with prosodic boundaries are favored in the word-recognition process. |
Albrecht W. Inhoff; Ralph Radach; Brianna M. Eiter; Barbara J. Juhasz Distinct subsystems for the parafoveal processing of spatial and linguistic information during eye fixations in reading Journal Article In: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol. 56A, no. 5, pp. 803–827, 2003. @article{Inhoff2003, Two experiments examined readers' use of parafoveally obtained word length information for word recognition. Both experiments manipulated the length (number of constituent characters) of a parafoveally previewed target word so that it was either accurately or inaccurately specified. In experiment 1, previews either revealed or denied useful orthographic information. In experiment 2, parafoveal targets were either high- or low-frequency words. Eye movement contingent display changes were used to show the intact target upon its fixation. Examination of target viewing duration showed completely additive effects of word length previews & of orthographic previews in experiment 1, viewing duration being shorter in the accurate-length & the orthographic preview conditions. Experiment 2 showed completely additive effects of word length & word frequency, target viewing being shorter in the accurate-length & the high-frequency conditions. Together, these results indicate that functionally distinct subsystems control the use of parafoveally visible spatial & linguistic information in reading. Parafoveally visible spatial information appears to be used for two distinct extralinguistic computations: visual object selection & saccade specification. |
James S. Magnuson; Michael K. Tanenhaus; Richard N. Aslin; Delphine Dahan The microstructure of spoken word recognition: Studies with artificial lexicons Journal Article In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 132, no. 2, pp. 202–227, 2003. @article{Magnuson2003a, The time course of spoken word recognition depends largely on the frequencies of a word and its competitors, or neighbors (similar-sounding words). However, variability in natural lexicons makes systematic analysis of frequency and neighbor similarity difficult. Artificial lexicons were used to achieve precise control over word frequency and phonological similarity. Eye tracking provided time course measures of lexical activation and competition (during spoken instructions to perform visually guided tasks) both during and after word learning, as a function of word frequency, neighbor type, and neighbor frequency. Apparent shifts from holistic to incremental competitor effects were observed in adults and neural network simulations, suggesting such shifts reflect general properties of learning rather than changes in the nature of lexical representations. |
James S. Magnuson; Michael K. Tanenhaus; Richard N. Aslin; Delphine Dahan The time course of spoken word learning and recognition: Studies with artificial lexicons Journal Article In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 132, no. 2, pp. 202–227, 2003. @article{Magnuson2003, The time course of spoken word recognition depends largely on the frequencies of a word and its competitors, or neighbors (similar-sounding words). However, variability in natural lexicons makes systematic analysis of frequency and neighbor similarity difficult. Artificial lexicons were used to achieve precise control over word frequency and phonological similarity. Eye tracking provided time course measures of lexical activation and competition (during spoken instructions to perform visually guided tasks) both during and after word learning, as a function of word frequency, neighbor type, and neighbor frequency. Apparent shifts from holistic to incremental competitor effects were observed in adults and neural network simulations, suggesting such shifts reflect general properties of learning rather than changes in the nature of lexical representations. |
Johanna K. Kaakinen; Jukka Hyönä; Janice M. Keenan How prior knowledge, WMC, and relevance of information affect eye fixations in expository text Journal Article In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, vol. 29, pp. 447–457, 2003. @article{Kaakinen2003, This study examined how prior knowledge and working memory capacity (WMC) influence the effect of a reading perspective on online text processing. In Experiment 1, 47 participants read and recalled 2 texts of different familiarity from a given perspective while their eye movements were recorded. The participants' WMC was assessed with the reading span test. The results suggest that if the reader has prior knowledge related to text contents and a high WMC, relevant text information can be encoded into memory without extra processing time. In Experiment 2, baseline processing times showed whether readers slow down their processing of relevant information or read faster through their relevant information. The results are discussed in the light of different working memory theories. |
Yuki Kamide; Gerry T. M. Altmann; Sarah L. Haywood The time-course of prediction in incremental sentence processing: Evidence from anticipatory eye movements Journal Article In: Journal of Memory and Language, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 133–156, 2003. @article{Kamide2003, Three eye-tracking experiments using the 'visual-world' paradigm are described that explore the basis by which thematic dependencies can be evaluated in advance of linguistic input that unambiguously signals those dependencies. Following Altmann and Kamide (1999), who found that selectional information conveyed by a verb can be used to anticipate an upcoming Theme, we attempt to draw here a more precise picture of the basis for such anticipatory processing. Our data from two studies in English and one in Japanese suggest that (a) verb-based information is not limited to anticipating the immediately following (grammatical) object, but can also anticipate later occurring objects (e.g., Goals), (b) in combination with information conveyed by the verb, a pre-verbal argument (Agent) can constrain the anticipation of a subsequent Theme, and (c) in a head-final construction such as that typically found in Japanese, both syntactic and semantic constraints extracted from pre-verbal arguments can enable the anticipation, in effect, of a further forthcoming argument in the absence of their head (the verb). We suggest that such processing is the hallmark of an incremental processor that is able to draw on different sources of information (some non-linguistic) at the earliest possible opportunity to establish the fullest possible interpretation of the input at each moment in time. |
Yuki Kamide; Christoph Scheepers; Gerry T. M. Altmann Integration of syntactic and semantic information in predictive processing: Cross-linguistic evidence from German and English Journal Article In: Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 37–55, 2003. @article{Kamide2003a, Two visual-world eyetracking experiments were conducted to investigate whether, how, and when syntactic and semantic constraints are integrated and used to predict properties of subsequent input. Experiment 1 contrasted auditory German constructions such as, "The hare-nominative eats ... (the cabbage-acc)" versus "The hare-accusative eats ... (the fox-nom)," presented with a picture containing a hare, fox, cabbage, and distractor. We found that the probabilities of the eye movements to the cabbage and fox before the onset of NP2 were modulated by the case-marking of NP1, indicating that the case-marking (syntactic) information and verbs' semantic constraints are integrated rapidly enough to predict the most plausible NP2 in the scene. Using English versions of the some stimuli in active/passive voice (Experiment 2), we replicated the same effect, but at a slightly earlier position in the sentence. We discuss the discrepancies in the two Germanic languages in terms of the ease of integrating information across, or within, constituents. |
N. J. Upton; Timothy L. Hodgson; G. T. Plant; Richard J. S. Wise; Alexander P. Leff "Bottom-up" and "top-down" effects on reading saccades: A case study Journal Article In: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, vol. 74, no. 10, pp. 1423–1428, 2003. @article{Upton2003, OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role right foveal/parafoveal sparing plays in reading single words, word arrays, and eye movement patterns in a single case with an incongruous hemianopia. METHODS: The patient, a 48-year-old right handed male with a macular sparing hemianopia in his left eye and a macular splitting hemianopia in his right eye, performed various reading tasks. Single word reading speeds were monitored using a "voice-trigger" system. Eye movements were recorded while reading three passages of text, and PET data were gathered while the subject performed a variety of reading tasks in the camera. RESULTS: The patient was faster at reading single words and text with his left eye compared with his right. A small word length effect was present in his right eye but not his left. His eye movement patterns were more orderly when reading text with his left eye, making fewer saccades. The PET data provided evidence of "top-down" processes involved in reading. Binocular single word reading produced activity in the representation of foveal V1 bilaterally; however, text reading with the left eye only was associated with activation in left but not right parafoveal V1, despite there being visual stimuli in both visual fields. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of a word length effect (typically associated with pure alexia) can be caused by a macular splitting hemianopia. Right parafoveal vision is not critically involved in single word identification, but is when planning left to right reading saccades. The influence of top-down attentional processes during text reading can be visualised in parafoveal V1 using PET. |
Seppo Vainio; Jukka Hyönä; Anneli Pajunen Facilitatory and inhibitory effects of grammatical agreement: Evidence from readers' eye fixation patterns Journal Article In: Brain and Language, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 197–202, 2003. @article{Vainio2003, The study examined how grammatical agreement affects reading in Finnish. Readers' eye fixation patterns were recorded when they read one of three alternative versions of the same sentences, where the critical difference was the type of preceding word of the target nouns. The preceding word was (a) an agreeing modifier (mainioksi orkesteriksi='for an excellent orchestra'), (b) a non-agreeing modifier that was grammatical, unambiguous and synonymous to the agreeing modifier (kelpo orkesteriksi='for an excellent orchestra'), or (c) a baseline condition without a modifier (orkesteriksi='for an orchestra'). Two different types of agreement were used, a modifier-head agreement and a possessive agreement. The results showed that the agreeing modifiers facilitate and the non-agreeing modifiers inhibit the reading of the target nouns compared to the neutral baseline condition. These effects appeared in the second-pass reading. The pattern was similar between the two agreement structures. |
Thomas Wynn; Frederick Coolidge The role of working memory in the evolution of managed foraging Journal Article In: Before Farming, no. 2, pp. 1–16, 2003. @article{Wynn2003, This article proposes that a relatively simple evolutionary development in human cognition enabled the develop- ment of managed foraging systems and, ultimately, agriculture. This development, an increase in the capacity of working memory, resulted in an enhancement of such specific cognitive abilities as response inhibition, response preparation, resistance to interference, and the ability to integrate action across space and time. All are required for modern managed foraging systems, including hunting and gathering and agriculture. Archaeological evidence provides strong evidence for managed foraging by the middle of the European Upper Palaeolithic and South African Later Stone Age, and independent evidence for enhanced working memory capacity slightly earlier. This fits the hypothesis that enhanced working memory capacity was a relatively recent development in human evolu- tion, and one that enabled not just managed foraging, but perhaps modern culture itself. |
2002 |
Dale J. Barr; Boaz Keysar Anchoring comprehension in linguistic precedents Journal Article In: Journal of Memory and Language, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 391–418, 2002. @article{Barr2002, Past research has shown that when speakers refer to the same referent multiple times, they tend to standardize their descriptions by establishing linguistic precedents. In three experiments, we show that listeners reduce uncertainty in comprehension by taking advantage of these precedents. We tracked listeners' eye movements in a referential communication task and found that listeners identified referents more quickly when specific precedents existed than when there were none. Furthermore, we found that listeners expected speakers to adhere to precedents even in contexts where it would lead to referential overspecification. Finally, we provide evidence that the benefits of linguistic precedents are independent of mutual knowledge - listeners were not more likely to benefit from precedents when they were mutually known than when they were not. We conclude that listeners use precedents simply because they are available, not because they are mutually known. |
Timothy Desmet; Constantijn De Baecke; Marc Brysbaert The influence of referential discourse context on modifier attachment in Dutch Journal Article In: Memory & Cognition, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 150–157, 2002. @article{Desmet2002, In an eye-tracking experiment we investigated the influence of referential context on the attachment of a relative clause to two possible hosts (as in "Someone shot the servant of the actress who was on the balcony"). The attachment of the relative clause was disambiguated grammatically at the first word after the onset of the ambiguity in order to investigate immediate effects of discourse. The contexts had been verified in a sentence completion study to make sure that they induced a strong bias toward early or late closure. The results of the reading experiment, however, revealed no significant interaction of referential context with the attachment preference of the relative clause. The only robust and consistent effect we found was a preference for early closure, independent of the preceding context. These data favor accounts positing that referential context does not influence the initial attachment decision, but does play a role in later phases of sentence processing. |
Johanna K. Kaakinen; Jukka Hyönä; Janice M. Keenan Perspective effects on online text processing Journal Article In: Discourse Processes, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 159–173, 2002. @article{Kaakinen2002, The effect of a reading perspective on online text processing was studied by recording readers' eye movements during reading. Participants read an expository text about 4 countries with the goal of deciding whether one of the countries, designated by the experimenter as the reading perspective, would be a good new place of residence. The results showed better memory for perspective-relevant information and longer fixation times on perspective-relevant information. Individual differences in working memory were assessed with the reading span test. Results showed that the time course of the perspective effect varied with memory span: High-span readers showed a perspective relevance effect on initial reading of the target segments, whereas low-span readers showed the effect only in the later look backs. |
Bob McMurray; Michael K. Tanenhaus; Richard N. Aslin Gradient effects of within-category phonetic variation on lexical access Journal Article In: Cognition, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. B33–B42, 2002. @article{McMurray2002, In order to determine whether small within-category differences in voice onset time (VOT) affect lexical access, eye movements were monitored as participants indicated which of four pictures was named by spoken stimuli that varied along a 0-40 ms VOT continuum. Within-category differences in VOT resulted in gradient increases in fixations to cross-boundary lexical competitors as VOT approached the category boundary. Thus, fine-grained acoustic/phonetic differences are preserved in patterns of lexical activation for competing lexical candidates and could be used to maximize the efficiency of on-line word recognition. |
Jukka Hyönä; Robert F. Lorch; Johanna K. Kaakinen Individual differences in reading to summarize expository text: Evidence from eye fixation patterns. Journal Article In: Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 44–55, 2002. @article{Hyoenae2002, Eye fixation patterns were used to identify reading strategies of adults as they read multiple-topic expository texts. A clustering technique distinguished 4 strategies that differed with respect to the ways in which readers reprocessed text. The processing of fast linear readers was characterized by the absence of fixations returning to previous text. Slow linear readers made lots of forward fixations and reinspected each sentence before moving to the next. The reading of nonselective reviewers was characterized by look backs to previous sentences. The distinctive feature of topic structure processors was that they paid close attention to headings. They also had the largest working-memory capacity and wrote the most accurate text summaries. Thus, qualitatively distinct reading strategies are observable among competent, adult readers. |
Jukka Hyönä; Seppo Vainio; Matti Laine A morphological effect obtains for isolated words but not for words in sentence context Journal Article In: European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 417–433, 2002. @article{Hyoenae2002a, The effect of morphological complexity on word identification was studied in three experiments conducted in Finnish, employing the same set of target nouns. In Experiment 1, the target nouns were presented in isolation, and lexical decision times were employed as lexical access measures. In Experiments 2 and 3, the same words$backslash$nwere embedded in sentence contexts, where both the inflected and non-inflected forms were equally plausible, and eye fixation patterns (Exp. 2) and lexical decision latencies (Exp. 3) were recorded. The experiment with isolated words replicated previous lexical decision studies by showing more effortful processing for inflected than monomorphemic nouns. However, this morphological complexity effect did not generalise to the context experiments; fixation durations and response latencies were highly similar for inflected and monomorphemic words. It is suggested that, at least for the type of inflected nouns studied,$backslash$nthe morphological effect observed for isolated words may derive from the syntactic and/or semantic level and not necessarily from the lexical level, as previously assumed. |
Albrecht W. Inhoff; Cynthia M. Connine; Ralph Radach A contingent speech technique in eye movement research on reading Journal Article In: Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 471–480, 2002. @article{Inhoff2002, A novel eye-movement-contingent method is presented. It builds on and extends established eye-movement-contingent visual display change methods in that it uses movements of the eyes to control the presentation of acoustic information during sentence reading. In one implementation, an irrelevant spoken word is presented when the eyes cross a predetermined spatial boundary before they move on to a selected visual target word. The relationship between the spoken word and the visual target is manipulated, and the pattern of interference, caused by the presentation of the spoken word, is used to determine the nature and time course of activated representations. Results from three recently completed experiments in which the technique was used show that a word's phonological code remains active after it has been read and that the activated code has speech-like properties. |
2001 |
Jukka Hyönä; Seppo Vainio Reading morphologically complex clause structures in Finnish. Journal Article In: European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 451–474, 2001. @article{Hyoenae2001, The study examined how morphologically complex clause constructions were processed during reading Finnish. Readers' eye fixation patterns were recorded when they read two alternative versions of the same linguistic construction, a morphologically complex converb construction and its less complex subclause counterpart. The complexity of the converb construction is apparent in the construction being marked by less perceivable bound morphemes, which make the clause subject and predicate morphologically more complex and more dense in information. Experiment 1 showed that more complex converb constructions produced longer gaze durations than the length- and frequency-matched subclause constructions. Experiment 2 showed that the complexity effect is reversed when the more complex clause form was clearly more common in the language than its less complex counterpart. It is concluded that both structural complexity and structural frequency influence the ease with which linguistic expressions are processed during reading. |
Jean Saint-Aubin; Raymond M. Klein Influence of parafoveal processing on the missing letter effect Journal Article In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 318–334, 2001. @article{SaintAubin2001, According to the parafoveal-processing hypothesis, letters are more often missed in function words than in content words because the former are more likely to be identified in the parafovea, where letter processing is not available. Contrary to previous demonstrations, more omissions occurred in function words than in content words when parafoveal processing was not available because words were displayed in column format, text was read through a 5-letter window, or words were presented 1 at a time on a computer screen. In all experiments, impeding parafoveal processing decreased omission rates for function but not for content words. In the last experiment, direct monitoring of eye movements revealed that, for both fixated and skipped words, letters in function words are missed more often than content words. These results are best interpreted within a model including the structural precedence hypothesis and stressing the importance of visual factors. |
S. -N. Yang; George W. McConkie Eye movements during reading: A theory of saccade initiation times Journal Article In: Vision Research, vol. 41, no. 25–26, pp. 3567–3585, 2001. @article{Yang2001, As people read continuous text, on occasional single eye fixations the text was replaced by one of six alternate stimulus patterns. Frequency distributions of the durations of these fixations were used to test predictions from four types of theories of saccadic eye movement control. Contrary to current cognitive theories, cognitive influences appeared to delay saccades rather than trigger them. Two saccade disruption times were identified, suggesting the existence of three distributions of saccades, labeled early, normal and late. The Competition–inhibition theory, an enhanced version of Findlay and Walker's (1999) theory, is proposed to account for eye movement control during reading. |
Femke Meulen; Antje S. Meyer; Willem J. M. Levelt Eye movements during the production of nouns and pronouns Journal Article In: Memory & Cognition, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 512–521, 2001. @article{Meulen2001, Earlier research has established that speakers usually fixate the objects they name and that the viewing time for an object depends on the time necessary for object recognition and for the retrieval of its name. In three experiments, speakers produced pronouns and noun phrases to refer to new objects and to objects already known. Speakers looked less frequently and for shorter periods at the objects to be named when they had very recently seen or heard of these objects than when the objects were new. Looking rates were higher and viewing times longer in preparation of noun phrases than in preparation of pronouns. If it is assumed that there is a close relationship between eye gaze and visual attention, these results reveal (1) that speakers allocate less visual attention to given objects than to new ones and (2) that they allocate visual attention both less often and for shorter periods to objects they will refer to by a pronoun than to objects they will name in a full noun phrase. The experiments suggest that linguistic processing benefits, directly or indirectly, from allocation of visual attention to the referent object. |
Avital Deutsch; Shlomo Bentin Syntactic and semantic factors in processing gender agreement in Hebrew: Evidence from ERPs and eye movements Journal Article In: Journal of Memory and Language, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 200–224, 2001. @article{Deutsch2001, The interrelation between syntactic analysis of agreement and semantic processing was examined by recording eye movements and event-related potentials. Subject-predicate gender agreement was manipulated within Hebrew sentences. The subject was either animate or inanimate, with conceptual gender denoted by the subject's morphological structure. First-pass reading time was found to be longer for incongruent predicates than of congruent predicates but only if the predicate's gender was morphologically marked. Furthermore, this effect was larger in the animate than in the inanimate condition. Second-pass reading time was also prolonged by gender incongruity but this effect was not affected by either markedness or animacy. Gender incongruity enhanced the amplitude of an early negative potential (ostensibly ELAN), of a later negative potential (N400), and of a positive potential (P600). Like first-pass reading time, the congruity effect on the syntactically modulated P600 was significant only for marked predicates, but it did not interact with animacy. In contrast, the congruity effect on the semantically modulated N400 was significant only in the animate condition. The N400 was not affected by markedness. The congruity effect on the early negativity did not interact with either animacy or markedness. The interaction between semantic and syntactic processing and its time course are discussed within the framework set by interactive, constraint-based models for online sentence processing. |
Gary Feng; Kevin Miller; Hua Shu; Houcan Zhang Rowed to recovery: The use of phonological and orthographic information in reading Chinese and English Journal Article In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 1079–1100, 2001. @article{Feng2001, To examine how readers of Chinese and English take advantage of orthographic and phonological features in reading, the authors investigated the effects of spelling errors on reading text in Chinese and English using the error disruption paradigm of M. Daneman and E. Reingold (1993). Skilled readers in China and the United States read passages in their native language that contained occasional spelling errors. Results showed that under some circumstances very early phonological activation can be identified in English, but no evidence for early phonology was found in Chinese. In both languages, homophone errors showed a benefit in measures of later processing, suggesting that phonology helps readers recover from the disruptive effects of errors. These results suggest that skilled readers take advantage of the special features of particular orthographies but that these orthographic effects may be most pronounced in the early stages of lexical access. |
2000 |
Antje S. Meyer; Femke Meulen Phonological priming effects on speech onset latencies and viewing times in object naming Journal Article In: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 314–319, 2000. @article{Meyer2000, An earlier experiment (Meyer, Sleiderink, & Levelt, 1998) had shown that speakers naming object pairs usually inspected the objects in the required order of mention (left object first) and that the viewing time for the left object depended on the word frequency of its name. In the present experiment, object pairs were presented simultaneously with auditory distractor words that could be phonologically related or unrelated to the name of the object to be named first. The speech onset latencies and the viewing times for that object were shorter after related distractors than after unrelated distractors. Since this phonological priming effect, like the word frequency effect, most likely arises during word-form retrieval, we conclude that the shift of gaze from the first to the second object is initiated after the word form of the first object's name has been accessed. |
Raymond Bertram; Jukka Hyönä; Matti Laine The role of context in morphological processing: Evidence from Finnish Journal Article In: Language and Cognitive Processes, vol. 15, no. 4/5, pp. 367–388, 2000. @article{Bertram2000, This paper is concernedwith the role of context on the processing of in?ected nouns inFinnish. Identi?cation of partitive plurals with the homonymic suf?x -jA was studied by presenting the target nouns in a sentence context and by recording durations of readers' eye ?xations and self-paced reading times for these targets. A recent visual lexical decision study indicated that the same in?ected words with -jA were sensitive to surface frequency manipulations, but not to base frequency manipulations. The authors interpreted these results to suggest that these in?ectional forms are stored and processed by means of their whole-word representations. In contrast, the present context study shows both a surface frequency effect and a lagged base frequency effect. We argue that syntactic cues prior to the target word prime the in?ectional reading of the -jA suf?x, and as a consequence the base is reinstated as an effective unit in processing these nouns with a homonymic suf?x. INTRODUCTION |
Zenzi M. Griffin; Kathryn Bock What the eyes say about speaking Journal Article In: Psychological Science, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 274–279, 2000. @article{Griffin2000, To study the time course of sentence formulation, we monitored the eye movements of speakers as they described simple events. The similarity between speakers' initial eye movements and those ofobservers performing a nonverbal event-comprehension task suggested that response-relevant information was rapidly extracted from scenes, allowing speakers to select grammatical subjects based on comprehended events rather than salience. When speaking extem- poraneously, speakers began fixating pictured elements less than a second before naming them within their descriptions, a finding con- sistent with incremental lexical encoding. Eye movements anticipated the order of mention despite changes in picture orientation, in who- did-what-to-whom, and in sentence structure. The results support Wundt's theory of sentence production. From |
Avital Deutsch; Ram Frost; Alexander Pollatsek; Keith Rayner Early morphological effects in word recognition in Hebrew: Evidence from parafoveal preview benefit Journal Article In: Language and Cognitive Processes, vol. 15, no. 4-5, pp. 487–506, 2000. @article{Deutsch2000, Hebrew words are composed of two interwoven morphemes: a triconso- nantal root and a word pattern. Two experiments examined the effect of the root morpheme on word identi?cation by assessing parafoveal preview bene?t effects.Although the information of the previewwas not consciously perceived, preview of the root's letters facilitated both naming and lexical decisions of target words derived from these roots. These results converge with previous results in Hebrew using the masked priming paradigm, suggesting that morphological units mediate early stages of word identification in Hebrew. |
Alexander Pollatsek; Jukka Hyönä; Raymond Bertram The role of morphological constituents in Reading finnish compound words Journal Article In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 820–833, 2000. @article{Pollatsek2000, The processing of transparent Finnish compound words was investigated in 2 experiments in which eye movements were recorded while sentences were read silently. The frequency of the second constituent had a large influence (95 ms) on gaze duration on the target words, but its influence was relatively late in processing: A clear effect only occurred on the probability of a third fixation. The frequency of the whole compound word had a similar influence on gaze duration (82 ms) and influenced eye movements at least as rapidly as did the frequency of the second constituent. These results, together with an earlier finding that the frequency of the first constituent affected the first fixation duration, indicate that the identification of these compound words involves parallel processing of both morphological constituents and whole-word representations. |
1999 |
Avital Deutsch; Keith Rayner Initial fixation location effects in reading Hebrew words Journal Article In: Language and Cognitive Processes, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 393–421, 1999. @article{Deutsch1999, Three experiments examined initial fixation position effects for Hebrew readers. In English, the preferred viewing location (where readers' eyes initially land in a word) is to the left of the centre of words, and words presented in isolation are identified more easily when the initial fixation point is near the optimal viewing location (close to the centre of the word). In Experiment 1, we found that the preferred viewing location for Hebrew readers was to the right of the centre of words and that it was notmodulated by infectional morphological constraints. However, the results from the word identification task in Experiments 2 and 3 indicated that derivational morphological constraints do modulate the optimal viewing location. |
Gerry T. M. Altmann; Yuki Kamide Incremental interpretation at verbs: Restricting the domain of subsequent reference Journal Article In: Cognition, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 247–264, 1999. @article{Altmann1999, Participants' eye movements were recorded as they inspected a semi-realistic visual scene showing a boy, a cake, and various distractor objects. Whilst viewing this scene, they heard sentences such as 'the boy will move the cake' or 'the boy will eat the cake'. The cake was the only edible object portrayed in the scene. In each of two experiments, the onset of saccadic eye movements to the target object (the cake) was significantly later in the move condition than in the eat condition; saccades to the target were launched after the onset of the spoken word cake in the move condition, but before its onset in the eat condition. The results suggest that information at the verb can be used to restrict the domain within the context to which subsequent reference will be made by the (as yet unencountered) post-verbal grammatical object. The data support a hypothesis in which sentence processing is driven by the predictive relationships between verbs, their syntactic arguments, and the real-world contexts in which they occur. |
Kin Fai Ellick Wong; Hsuan-Chih Chen Orthographic and phonological processing in reading Chinese: Evidence from eye fixations Journal Article In: Language and Cognitive Processes, vol. 14, no. 5-6, pp. 461–480, 1999. @article{Wong1999, The use of orthographic and phonologic information in reading Chinese text was investigated using an eye-monitoring technique. The basic manipulation was to change a critical character in a short passage so that various combinations of orthographic and phonological information were altered. Patterns of disruption caused by different manipulations were compared in order to reveal the use of orthographic and phonological information from individual characters during reading for comprehension. Results showed that orthographic manipulations produced reliable and early disruption in first fixation duration at the target word position. In contrast, phonological effects were only found in the measure of a relatively late stage of processing (i.e., total reading time) at the target position, but not in early measures of processing. These results supported the position that it is orthography rather than phonology, which plays an early and dominant role in reading Chinese. |
1998 |
Antje S. Meyer; Astrid M. Sleiderink; Willem J. M. Levelt Viewing and naming objects: Eye movements during noun phrase production Antje Journal Article In: Cognition, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. B25–B33, 1998. @article{Meyer1998, Eye movements have been shown to reflect word recognition and language comprehension processes occurring during reading and auditory language comprehension. The present study examines whether the eye movements speakers make during object naming similarly reflect speech planning processes. In Experiment 1, speakers named object pairs saying, for instance, ‘scooter and hat'. The objects were presented as ordinary line drawings or with partly deleted contours and had high or low frequency names. Contour type and frequency both significantly affected the mean naming latencies and the mean time spent looking at the objects. The frequency effects disappeared in Experiment 2, in which the participants categorized the objects instead of naming them. This suggests that the frequency effects of Experiment 1 arose during lexical retrieval. We conclude that eye movements during object naming indeed reflect linguistic planning processes and that the speakers' decision to move their eyes from one object to the next is contingent upon the retrieval of the phonological form of the object names. |
Jukka Hyönä; Alexander Pollatsek Reading Finnish compound words: Eye fixations are affected by component morphemes Journal Article In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1612–1627, 1998. @article{Hyoenae1998, The role of morphemic processing in reading was investigated in 2 experiments in which participants read sentences as their eye movements were monitored. The target words were 2-morpheme Finnish compound words. In Experiment 1, the length of the component morphemes was varied and word length was held constant, and in Experiment 2, the uniqueness of the initial morpheme was varied and the rated familiarity and length of the word were held constant. The length of the initial morpheme influenced the location of the second fixation on the target word and the pattern of fixation durations (although it had a negligible influence on the gaze duration of the word). The frequency of the initial morpheme influenced the duration of the first fixation on the target word, had a substantial effect on the gaze duration, and also influenced the location of the first and second fixations on the target word. Subsidiary analyses indicated that these effects were unlikely to stem from orthographic factors such as bigram frequency. |
1997 |
Dino Chincotta; Jukka Hyönä; Geoffrey Underwood Eye fixations, speech rate and bilingual digit span: Numeral reading indexes fluency not word length Journal Article In: Acta Psychologica, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 253–275, 1997. @article{Chincotta1997, The present study examined whether the reading of language-neutral stimuli, as numerals are, at maximal speed by bilinguals indexes processes related to fluency rather than differences in articulation time between languages. We tested two groups of bilinguals that spoke the same languages (Finnish and Swedish) but whose mother tongues were different and obtained measures of Arabic numeral processing by monitoring eye movements. These measures were contrasted with articulation and numeral reading estimates of word length. The results indicated that Finnish- and Swedish-dominant bilinguals had shorter gaze durations and shorter reading times in their respective dominant languages, whereas both groups articulated digits faster in Swedish than Finnish. The Swedish-dominant group had a larger digit span in Swedish, whereas digit span was marginally greater in Finnish than Swedish for the Finnish-dominant group. The finding that numeral reading was influenced by cognitive loads independent of articulation, thus, moderated the view that bilingual digit span effects are mediated exclusively by variation in word length between languages. |